Oh JonBenet, will we ever be able to prove who killed you?
Everyone has their own beliefs on happens after death.
I don't know if it matters to you.
For all of us left down here on earth, there are some of us that are obsessed by you what happened to you. You captivated us with your beauty and light with your life and with your death we hunger for justice.
I hope one day that someone out there will make a deathbed confession to try to save what little soul they have left if any.
If this tragedy to have happened in your house and not yet be solved, there is someone covering up something somewhere out there.
We can not, or at least i can not, prove beyond a reasonable doubt who killed you. i like everyone else have my theories.
#1. The Famous Burke Theory
I use to believe that maybe he hurt you by accident and your parents covered up what he did, trying to protect him. Your parents probably thinking you were a goner all ready strangled you to make it look like a kidnapping.
With all their obvious loyal friends, money and influence, why would they do some of the stupid things they did?
Why not say she fell down the stairs while they were running, or something like that. Wouldn't that be a lot easier than all this elaborate kidnapping nonsense?
Wouldn't Burke have blurting something out to people by now, if he was involved. He was only a kid when it happened.
#2. The Christmas Party Theory
This one i believe more than i believe the Burke theory now.
There was fluid found on you and trauma as well, but they said it wasn't rape. That makes me confused. You got hit down there before or after death and someone got their jollies off on you? Maybe no one new about that part, except for who did it to you?
Maybe it isn't related to your death? Were you sexually assaulted at the party and threatened to tell and someone bashed you in the head? Was it a friend of your dad's. Did your dad try to help cover it up and carry you out to the car. drive you home, put your jammies on you and put you to bed without anyone that wasn't involved catching on? Then, hours later, noticing you were still alive, were you strangled and your kidnapping staged by your parents?
#3. Stranger Theory that some people(I find this ridiculous) believe.
Did some stranger break into your house, without really leaving any evidence or waking anyone up? Make there way through your dark house and get you out of bed without a struggle or drugging you? Then take you stealthily down the first flight of stairs, then down the other stairs to the basement, with it being pitch black, open the latch up top of the door with you in their arms? Then hit you in the head with something that they took with them, or hid so well they never found the evidence? Then they went upstairs and spent 4 hours writing the ransom note rough draft, throwing that in the garbage, writing the final draft of the long ransom note. Then put the ransom note on the stairs. After that they go down to the basement to get you or whatever and decide to strangle you. Then they leave as silently as they came?
I read the evidence, the interviews, all the information over and over again, and i don't think i will ever get it figured out for sure.
There is some things i think are weird.
In my other articles, i have lists of suspects and evidence.
In one of those articles, i have a supposed comment from the house keeper about you being wrapped up in a blanked that was taken from the dryer. That it was your favorite blanket and no one new it was there except for the housekeeper and your mom. Also the housekeeper says that the knife that was used to help make the thing that strangled you with, was supposedly one that the housekeeper kept hiding from Burke. And that, Burke, your mom and the housekeeper were the only ones that knew they were there.
Another thing that is not weird, but makes it hard to narrow down a suspect is, that there were so many people that had keys to your house. There were also so many people that had access to your parents bank statements that would know how much your father's bonus was, so they could put that in the ransom note.
Something that i think is weird is that 911 call. Like a lot of people, your mom sounds like she is kind of acting. She did seem upset and like she missed and loved you though.
Your dad in my opinion, seemed like he was being deceptive in his interviews. I'm not a professional of any kind though. Maybe he was in shock, but why did he move you and tamper with evidence. And why, allegedly, did he disappear for a while the day you were kidnapped, before your body was found?
Did Michael Helgoth kill you or know who killed you and then someone killed him? An accomplice or someone of some sort?
Whatever happened, it seems that Burke has had really rough life. 😟
It's too bad this couldn't have been prevented and who ever did it, hopefully they never did or will do it again.
One day maybe the world will know what happened.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Will We Ever Find Out Who Killed JonBenet?
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