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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Did the FBI Know Ahead of Time About The Oklahoma City Bombing?

Did you know that back in July of 2014 there was a trial over evidence and conspiracy theories from the Oklahoma City bombing?

As the trial over documents and videotape the FBI had from the 1995 bombing ended, the man suing the federal government, Jesse Trentadue claimed one of his witnesses had been told not to show up or else.

He said John Matthews, whom he claimed worked as an undercover government operative in the militia movement in the 1990s, had been contacted by an FBI agent and told that he should take a vacation and that if he did testify he should suffer from a case of the "I don't remembers."

Matthews had allegedly known convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and worked for the government in an operation targeting the patriot militia movement known as "PATCON."

Lawyers for the FBI denied the allegation and said it was Matthews who had contacted them asking how he could get out of testifying. Matthews could not be located to testify, they told the judge.

"This is a serious accusation," Judge Waddoups said.
Federal judge Judge Waddoups admonished the FBI for not properly investigating witness-tampering allegations against the agency, and suggested he will probably appoint a magistrate judge to look into the matter.

The accusation came as the trial over Oklahoma City bombing evidence wrapped up. Trentadue is suing the FBI for a videotape he claims shows a Ryder truck pulling up to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on the morning of April 19, 1995, pulling into a stall and two people walking away from it. Then three minutes later the bomb going off.

Trentadue claims that 
"It shows two people at the scene and the government says it only shows one," 
"McVeigh and I suspect that second suspect may be one of their undercover guys."

Trentadue filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the evidence and when it wasn't produced, he sued. The FBI insists the videotape does not exist. They called three retired FBI agents who worked the Oklahoma City bombing investigation to the witness stand who each insisted that there was no tape.

Trentadue introduced into evidence an FBI lead sheet that had been heavily redacted, which claims that the ATF and FBI had "prior knowledge of the bomb"
IT also claims that the agencies had attempted to set up a "sting operation and did not take the bomb threat seriously."
The case reached trial because the judge was not satisfied by the FBI’s previous explanations after the lawsuit was filed in 2008.
The trial stems from Trentadue's overall case against the government over the death of his brother, Kenneth. In 1995, he was picked up in Oklahoma on a parole violation. Jesse Trentadue alleges his brother was mistaken for an Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator and beaten to death during an interrogation.

The FBI insists Kenneth Trentadue hung himself in his prison cell.

Trentadue had 41 bruises and cuts all over his body.
Then the prison bleached and cleaned out the cell in violation of its own policies.They attempted to cremate the body, only stopping when the same guy suing the FBI basically threatened to sue them if they did not. Then the body was found with all sorts of makeup attempting to cover the bruises and cuts. Then the OKC coroner stated in media interviews that it was not a suicide, but then after having a meeting with some feds, he changed his mind and said it was a suicide. Around the time that Senator Hatch went from calling for hearings on the event to pretending it never happened after also meeting with them.

"The government spent 20 years and who knows how much money to cover up this ugly story," Jesse Trentadue. "And the ugly story is there is no doubt the FBI knew at least four months in advance the Murrah Building was going to be bombed and didn't stop it."

I cannot find the ruling in this case.

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