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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Comedian and Actress Roseanne Barr Says Left-Wing Feminists Are a bunch of Jew Haters.

Roseanne Barr took to the stage at the Tel Aviv International Salon Monday night to  cheering crowd of 200 people.
She relived the trauma of the past year.
She says she fell victim to the Hollywood elite’s dislike of her support for President Donald Trump and the fact she was a “proud Jew” and Zionist.

“I like to call it being BDSed by ABC,” Barr said, referring to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel. that she said she was dedicated to battling, and which she has called a “Nazi boycott.”

Despite Barr’s apologies for her tweet, which referred to former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett as “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj," which Barr attributed to taking a sleeping aid, she was ousted from her show and is currently shunned in Hollywood.

She is claiming that if she wasn't a Jew this might not have happened.

She received a standing ovation at one point after declaring, “I voted for Trump because he promised to move the embassy and recognized Jerusalem!”

Barr theorized that Trump “loves Jewish people and that’s why they hate him, I think. They hate him because he likes us.”

She also spoke out about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict saying,
“There is no occupation.
 The only occupation I see is they built a dome on top of our Temple and I’m not allowed to pray at my holiest site.”

The previous evening in Jerusalem, Barr called the first two Muslim women elected to the House of Representatives, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, "Hamas in Congress."
Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that has waged war on Israel since the group's 1987.

Barr then asserted there were no Democrats in Congress who support Israel.

She says that was a vocal Trump supporter who wanted incorporate country’s politics into her family comedy and this doomed her comeback from the start. She said ABC’s president, who fired her, Channing Dungey, “didn’t really want my show” because “she was friends with the Obama fanilly and other people in power,” and had “an attitude” toward her.

Barr said she had “tried to do some healing and  put a crimp in the hate business.”

She claims that she is not racist and wasn't meaning anything racists in her tweets.
“I apologize to people who didn’t understand my tweet.
I could add that they were too goddamn stupid to know what I was talking about, but that would be rude."
"I wasn’t saying black people look like monkeys, the work of Valerie Jarrett’s hands, the Iran deal, turned Iran into a science-fiction movie where mullahs sit at the top.”
“Planet of the Apes,” she said, had always been one of her favorite movies and she thought its message was “very Jewish.”

Bar says that she wants to cry at the thought of people thinking she is racist.
“I have African-American children in my family and African-American friends and colleagues, and I felt so bad for them.

She added she had signed over the rights to her show and ABC renamed it “The Conners”. They then killed off Barr’s character.
“They tried to kill me, they tried to end my life, and then they wrote me out of my own show with an opiod overdose which was so disrespectful,” Barr said.

Barr says she feels betrayed, especially by three people in particular. She claims that she stuck up for Sara Gilbert, Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin after “the network said they were too ugly to be on television.” Barr said, Griffin “called me a Nazi” and Gilbert “said she thinks I’m a fascist.”

Later in the evening, she said, “I’m thinking to maybe not go back” to the United States.

Barr called the leadership of the Women’s March “disgusting.”
She also said
“All my life I’ve fought for having women's voices included in the media. But now I’m like, “Bitch, shut up!” Advocating for war and division just doesn’t seem so feminist to me.”

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