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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Caylee Anthony's Mother, Casey, Thinks That Convicted Killer Scot Peterson Is Innocent And Wants To Help.

"The Most Hated Woman In America", Casey Anthony, wants to use her free time to help those who she believes have been wrongfully convicted and she is starting with her pen pal, Scott Peterson.
Peterson is currently sitting on death row for murdering his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, in 2004. Her body was found, separated from her unborn child, decapitated and without limbs.
Peterson has always maintained his innocence.
Casey was acquitted of the murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, in 2011. Caylee's skeletal remains were found six months after she disappeared. Casey's parents have claimed she is guilty of murdering her daughter.

Casey plans on visiting Peterson this summer.
She also wants to look into the murder conviction of Darlie Routier, 49, who is currently on death row for the 1996 murder of her 5-year-old son Damon.

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