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Monday, June 17, 2024

Is Hell's Gate Bridge in Alabama a Passageway to The Fiery Depths of Hell?

Built in the 1930's, Hell’s Gate Bridge is hidden within the woods in Oxford, Alabama. Legend has it that this small broken-down bridge, that creeks underfoot, is haunted by the spirits of those who met tragic ends there. This bridge has earned its name from when in the 1950s, a young couple tragically drove off the bridge and plunged into the water below. This event left an indelible mark on the bridge’s history. Some say that if you stop your car on Hell’s Gate Bridge, turn off your lights, and glance over your shoulder, the road behind you resembles the fiery gates of Hell. Others say that if you leave your car and come back, you may find the seat wet from a ghost that emerged from the creek. Locals have reported various spine-chilling phenomenon over the years. 

Due to safety reasons, local officials have blocked off vehicle access to the bridge using cement blocks. However, visitors can still explore it on foot, although walking across the aging structure isn’t recommended.

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