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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Sarah hasn't been seen since 1993.

Sarah Ann Norfleet
She was 18 at the time of her disappearance from Bountiful, Utah on June 20, 1993.
She was last seen when friends dropped her off at her Bountiful, Utah residence.
She went missing without taking any clothing or personal effects.
Sarah was not reported missing until September 3, 1993.
Richard L. Sattler is the only suspect in her disappearance.
He had worked as a church janitor in Bountiful, but quit the job around the time she disappeared.

In October 1993, when he was in jail in Nevada for unrelated charges of kidnapping and robbery, he was interviewed by investigators.
He said he knew nothing about Sarah's disappearance.
Her family believes there is foul play involved.
She had previously fractured her upper and lower jaw on both sides and she has surgical plates with pins.
She was born with a cleft palate and had it surgically repaired. Sarah has a scar on the center of her throat.
At the time of her disappearance she was 5'04" tall, 145 lbs, with brown hair and brown eyes.

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