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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Bizarre Disappearance of Pauline Picard

Pauline Picard
April 1922, two year old Pauline Picard vanished from her home in France.
A search from her town turned up nothing.
A few weeks later, police found a girl, matching her description in another town far away.
Her family recognized her immediately.
Pauline didn't seem to know who they were.
On May 27, the body of a girl was found without head, hands or feet.
Her clothes matched what Pauline was wearing at the time of her disappearance.
Soon after, a head that didn't match the torso, was found in an area that was heavily searched.

Was it Pauline's body?
If it was, who was the little girl that was found?
And whose head was that?

The case remains unsolved.

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