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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Is She One of Ted Bundy's Victims?

Nancy Perry Baird
She was 23 years old when she went missing from East Layton, Utah on July 4, 1975.
She was last seen at the Fina gas station in the 200 block of south Highway 89.
She worked there as a service station attendant. 
A police officer on patrol saw her working alone there, and at 5:30 p.m.
Less than fifteen minutes later, she was discovered missing.
There was no evidence of robbery and no indications of a struggle. There, however was about $10 worth of gasoline from pumps had not been paid for. 
Her car was found locked and parked in the station lot, and her purse was inside the station, containing her medication and $167.
Her ex-husband and two male friends were questioned.
All of them had been out of state at the time she disappeared and passed polygraph examinations.
Baird left behind a four-year-old son. 
Witnesses saw a truck at the station just before her disappearance. It was never identified and it's unclear whether it had anything to do with her case.
Authorities believe Baird was a victim of the serial killer Ted Bundy, however Bundy never confessed to her murder.
Bundy never drove a truck, and Baird was the only presumed victim to be abducted from a gas station. 
Baird's case remains open and unsolved.

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