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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Former Deputy Robin Renea Abrams Missing before going to trial against her police officer boyfriend.

Robin Renea Abrams
The last time anyone saw her was on October 4, 1990.
Abrams and her father waved to each other as they passed each other on Goodenow Road during the early evening  in her hometown of Beecher, Illinois.

Her red 1989 Dodge Daytona hatchback, turned up eleven hours later in Harvey, Illinois with the doors locked and keys still in the ignition. 
Her camera was in the car.
A witness said two men in a tow truck dropped the car off at 10:00 p.m.

At 3:00 a.m., a neighbor called the police to report someone breaking into the car. 
Three days after Abrams vanished, her purse was found in a residential area three blocks away from the car's original location. Whoever took it left her wallet, but took the credit cards from inside it.

She dated a married police officer, Anthony Marquez, beginning in 1987. 
They met while she was working at a McDonald's restaurant.
He convinced her to join the sheriff's department.
She was hired her as a deputy in January 1988.

October 1998, Marquez allegedly smashed a car that Abrams was driving with her mother was in the passenger seat. 
She ended her relationship with him and in November she filed a complaint against him.
She said he'd harassed her and slashed her vehicle's tires on four occasions. 
Marquez was charged with criminal damage to property, but the charge was dismissed for lack of evidence in April 1989.

The sheriff's department fired Abrams in December 1988.
Marquez then filed a criminal complaint against her, alleging harassment. that was dismissed.
Marquez filed additional harassment complaints against Abrams in the summer of 1989. 
She was arrested several times that year, including in May for disorderly conduct.
No charges were brought.
In August she was arrested for reckless driving, Marquez claimed she'd tried to run him off the road.
October 1989, a jury found Abrams not guilty.
In November 1989, Abrams got a restraining order against Marquez. 
She accused him of stalking her and falsely claiming she'd smashed her vehicle into his. 
The order was extended until November 27, 1990.

December 1989, she filed a federal lawsuit against Marquez and seven other members of the sheriff's department.
She alleged wrongful termination, sexual harassment and violation of her civil rights. 
She was scheduled to give a deposition in the case on October 22, 1990.

The police department fired Marquez in December 1990. 
He still lives in the area. 
Abrams's lawsuit was dismissed in January 1991.

Her family believes Marquez was involved in her disappearance. She told them if she ever went missing, he probably had something to do with it. 

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