He’s from Tempe, Arizona.
He was born in 2009.
Gabriel was last seen when he was seven months old.
If he is alive, he would be nine years old.
At the time of his disappearance, Gabriel was 2’0 in size and weighed 20 pounds.
He had light brown hair and blue eyes.
There’s no known information about what Gabriel was last seen wearing.
He was abducted by his mother, Elizabeth Joanne Johnson.
She drove her grandmother’s white 1995 Oldsmobile Delta 88 to San Antonio, Texas from Tempe, Arizona.
They arrived on December 22, staying in two motels in the area. Gabriel Was last seen with his mother on December 27, 2009.
She left San Antonio by Greyhound bus that same day, without Gabriel.
Elizabeth left her car behind in San Antonio.
She never showed up.
An arrest warrant for custodial interference was issued for her.
She was arrested at youth hostel in Miami Beach, Florida on December 30, 2009.
Later, Elizabeth was indicted for custodial interference, kidnapping, and child abuse.
December 27, 2009, Gabriel’s father, Logan Scott McQueary, got a series of disturbing text messages from Elizabeth.
In them she claimed that he would never see his son again.
She said that she had killed Gabriel threw him in a trash bin.
Then she called Logan repeated her claim that she had killed Gabriel.
Later, Elizabeth said those claims were false, and that she only made them up to upset McQueary.
Elizabeth claimed that she had given Gabriel to a man and a childless woman.
She had met them in San Antonio Park.
She stated that she spent three days with the adoptive couple which she gave the baby to.
She stated, she deliberately tried not to remember their last names. She also sought to not remember what the couple’s car looked like. Elizabeth stated that she did this so she wouldn’t be able to take Gabriel back if she changed her mind.
Elizabeth claimed that the woman’s first name was Cheryl.
She didn’t remember the man’s name.
At the time of his disappearance, Gabriel was being considered for adoption by Tammi Peters and Jack Smith.
They lived near his home.
They spent weeks with him in December and bonded with him. McQueary is Elizabeth’s ex-boyfriend.
He was refusing to give up his parental rights.
McQueary stated that he believed that they were trying to coerce him into agreeing with the adoption.
Tammi and Jack are considered persons of interest in Gabriel’s disappearance.
They were the last persons who saw him before he left Tempe, Arizona.
The Smiths supported Elizabeth and they claimed that that believed he was safe.
February 2016, Tammi was arrested and charged with forgery and custodial interference.
She was also charged with conspiracy to commit custodial interference in Gabriel’s disappearance.
In May 2012, Tammi was convicted of all charges.
Please, if you think you have seen or having any information pertaining to Gabriel please come forward.
His father, half siblings and grandparents want to know if he is alive or dead.
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