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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Alexis is missing, and possibly murdered.

Alexis Tiara Murphy 

She was born on June 5th, 1996, in Virginia to  Laura Murphy and Troy Brown.

Alexis left her home in Shipman, Virginia at 7 p.m. on August 3, 2013. She was going to Lynchburg, Virginia to buy hair extensions for a hair appointment scheduled the following week. Later that night she was last scene on surveillance video at a gas station in Liberty, Virginia, which was on the route to Lynchburg. She never returned home and has never been heard from again.

Her vehicle was a white 2003 Nissan Maxima with the Virginia license plate number WYN3706. It was found three days later in a Carmike movie theater parking lot, less than a mile from the secondhand store where she worked.

On August 11, Randy Allen Taylor was charged with abduction by force or intimidation in Alexis's disappearance.He has a criminal record stretching back to the early 1990's.

In January 2014, Taylor was additionally charged with Alexis's murder and with abduction with intent to defile. He was convicted in May and sentenced to two terms of life in prison.

A clerk at the gas station said she saw Alexis leaving the station the night of her disappearance, driving her Nissan and following Taylor's truck. Later  authorities found some of her hair, one of her earrings, her hair and eyelash extensions and a human fingernail at Taylor's trailer in Lovingston, Virginia.They also found one of Taylor's t-shirts, stained with Alexis's blood under his couch.
Her cellular phone was in a brush pile less than 100 feet from Taylor's trailer. Investigators believe a "violent encounter"
took place at the trailer that resulted in Alexis's death.

Taylor initially denied having seen Alexis that night.
Later he admitted he met her by chance at the Liberty gas station and she went with him to his trailer with another man, identified as Dameon Bradley. The two men smoked marijuana and drank beer.
Taylor said she was alive and well the last time he saw her. Bradley was located and questioned in late September and ruled out as a suspect in Alexis's disappearance.

Taylor is also a possible suspect in the 2010 disappearance of Samantha Clarke.  He hasn't been charged in Clarke's case.
It's unclear whether he was involved, but they knew each other and spoke on the phone at least five times the day she vanished.

Taylor maintains his innocence in Clarke's disappearance and Alexis's presumed murder. He says he was harassed by the police and they planted evidence against him.

Alexis was a senior at Nelson County High School in 2013.
She planned to attend college after graduation. 
She played volleyball.

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