In the mid-1970's, near the end of his tenure as the MAC director, a group of wealthy Michigan pedophiles led by philanthropist Francis Shelden constructed an airstrip on North Fox Island to enable them to fly impoverish children to the island and use them as sex slaves.
Shelden was an Ann Arbor native and heir to the Detroit Edison fortune. He was an investor, a pilot, a Yale graduate, and a geologist. He was on the board of directors at Cranbrook Boarding School, and volunteered regularly at Big Brothers of America. And then in 1960 he bought an 840 acre patch of dense forest in the northern waters of Lake Michigan. Shelden claimed he intended to turn the island into a resort.
Shelden was an Ann Arbor native and heir to the Detroit Edison fortune. He was an investor, a pilot, a Yale graduate, and a geologist. He was on the board of directors at Cranbrook Boarding School, and volunteered regularly at Big Brothers of America. And then in 1960 he bought an 840 acre patch of dense forest in the northern waters of Lake Michigan. Shelden claimed he intended to turn the island into a resort.
He razed the forest to put in an airstrip, and built a sleek glass and timber home atop a dune. He paved roadways and sectioned off the land into individual parcels. But the resort never opened.
In June of 1975, Shelden incorporated an organization called Brother Paul’s Children’s Mission. Allegedly the organization was a nature and rehabilitation program for troubled youth, the organization was geared toward boys from ages 12-15, mostly from poor neighborhoods near Detroit. Shelden used government subsidies and donations from the public to fly juvenile delinquent teenage boys from southern Michigan to his private island up north for a week of rest, relaxation, and rehabilitation.
In reality, North Fox Island was being used as a base for an international child pornography ring. Shelden would take young boys from poor communities to his secluded island where his millionaire friends would fly in to help him manufacture, observe, and take part in the production of child pornography.
In June of 1975, Shelden incorporated an organization called Brother Paul’s Children’s Mission. Allegedly the organization was a nature and rehabilitation program for troubled youth, the organization was geared toward boys from ages 12-15, mostly from poor neighborhoods near Detroit. Shelden used government subsidies and donations from the public to fly juvenile delinquent teenage boys from southern Michigan to his private island up north for a week of rest, relaxation, and rehabilitation.
In July of 1976, Gerald Richards, a gym teacher at St. Joseph’s Catholic Elementary School in Dexter, was arrested for crimes against children. He was found in possession of material produced on North Fox Island, and pointed the finger at Shelden as the ringleader.
Richards was a father of two young kids at the time, and was also a child counselor, licensed hypnotist, massage therapist and a magician. In fact, he had a “clinic,” which a few child victims described in great detail in police reports.
The Church of Revelation ran an ad offering to help set up child-care organizations and camps. The Church of New Revelation was really a referral agency that distributed child porn around the country.
Child-care sites/camps for boys were then set up under the auspices of the Church and the Foundation. These "camps" were guaranteed state and federal income tax exemptions and some state welfare departments were duped into making payments. In many cases these guys were actually getting paid by the government to rape kids and film child pornography.

North Fox Island is now owned by the state, and is advertised as a nature preserve. The infamous airstrip through the center of the island is still intact. Francis Shelden is believed to have died in the Netherlands after many years in hiding.
The commission that Jay worked for oversaw the building of the airstrip, but it is unknown that Jay or the commission had any knowledge that it was being used for nefarious reasons. However, with how fiercely he did his job, one would think that Jay had at least a inkling of what was going on.
The island is close to Charlevoix MI, where John Ramsey would purchase a vacation home in the early 1990's and then relocate to following JonBenet's murder. Shelden and his associates also had some connections to Colorado
The North Fox Island pedophile ring was linked to the 1976-77 Oakland County Child Killer (OCCK) murders.
Starting in February of 1976, four kids between the ages of 10 and 12 years old vanished. They were held from 4 to 19 days and then their bodies were found, tossed by the sides of public roads in Oakland County, Michigan. The children were all either strangled or shot, with the two boys having been sexually abused. There are questions whether some of the deaths were perpetrated on North Fox Island.
Mark Douglas Stebbins was born on September 13th, 1963. In 1976, he was just under five feet tall, with a head of soft, red-blond hair and blue eyes. He was a likable 12 year old and a seventh grader at Lincoln Junior High School. He was a good student and a bit of a loner. He liked to read and watch television. He had lived with his mother Ruth Stebbins after his parents had split up when he was 5. Mark wanted to be a Marine when he got older.
He was last seen on February 15th, 1976 at around 12:25 in the afternoon. Mark was with his mom and her co-workers at the American Legion Hall on 9 mile and Livernois in Ferndale. There was also a pool tournament going on. Mark asked Ruth for money to go to the local hobby shop, to which she said "no" because he had already been given his allowance. Mark just simply said "okay", and that he had wanted to go home to watch a movie on tv. So Ruth said goodbye to her son and Mark then set out for the three block walk home.
Later in the day at around 7:15 p.m. Ruth called home to check on Mark, but there had been no answer. When Ruth arrived at the house a little before 9:00 p.m. Mark still wasn't there. 10 hours after she had last seen Mark, Ruth finally called the police.
Police began searching abandoned buildings and around every conceivable location. Ruth stayed up all night laying awake. As she lay in her bed, she kept hearing noises thinking it was Mark. For the next few days she set three places at the table in the hope that he'd come home.
At 11:40 a.m., four days after Mark had last been seen, Mark Boedigheimer was working at the Fairfax Plaza office building at 15660 West in Oak Park when he came across the child's dead body in the parking lot. He was wearing the same clothes he had been last seen in. He was curled up in a snow bank against a four-foot red brick wall that separated the parking lot from a lot belonging to the Orleans shopping center at Ten Mile and Greenfield.
He had been dead between 12 and 36 hours. He had been strangled and sexually abused with a foreign object, and had two lacerations to the left rear of his head. Rope marks were evident on both his wrists and ankles, indicating he had been bound during his captivity. Mark had been washed clean by his killer, and nails manicured, so no evidence would be left under the fingernails. His clothes were washed, dried, pressed. Then he was redressed, his shoes put back on, his coat zipped back up, and even his hood pulled up over his head on his jacket.
Southfield police moved Mark's body before the county medical examiner had even had the chance to arrive at the scene. Mark's body had been taken to the Southfield Police Department, rather than directly to the morgue. Police then removed Mark's clothing before he was sent to the morgue. The police with the help of local psychiatrist Bruce Danto, quickly went back to the dump site, and placed a child-sized manikin dressed as Mark was at the drop-off site in an attempt to lure the killer back to the scene. No real evidence could be recovered in this crime.
After Mark's funeral, at the exact spot where Mark had been placed, the police found a funeral card from Mark's service.
Mark's 17 year old brother, Michael, stopped studying, and started using drugs and alcohol, and had a run in with the law. Ruth was too distraught to work, and soon found herself depending on welfare, and taking Valium from time to time.
Mark appeared to have been selected at random. No clues, no witnesses, no suspects.
In December of 1976, 12-year-old Jill Robinson lived at 1313 Mayfield road in Royal Oak with her mother, Karol, and two sisters.
Jill was 5 feet tall and 100 pounds with brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She was also haunted by an inexplicable fear.
Jill was 5 feet tall and 100 pounds with brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She was also haunted by an inexplicable fear.
“I know it’s crazy,” she told her mother, Karol, “but it feels like someone’s going to shoot me.” She was taken to a child psychologist, but the anxiety persisted. One night Karol found Jill on the verge of tears. “I hugged her and held on to her and we both cried,” recalled her mother.
On Wednesday, December 22nd, Karol had just gotten home from Christmas shopping and was preparing dinner and trying to get ready for church services when Jill began arguing with her over who was going to make biscuits for dinner.
Wednesdays were normally the day that girls' father would have them for visitation, but he was unable to pick them up that day. Karol thought that this was part of the reason that Jill was so upset.
Jill had refused to help out with anything and Karol became upset. She told her daughter that if she didn't like it "here" to go stand outside. Jill said something about having trouble finding her boots. Karol then said, "Jill, what i really want from you is communication."
Karol just wanted Jill to go outside and cool off, but Jill had other plans. She grabbed her blue and green plaid blanket, her "Little House On The Prairie" book and her "Nancy Drew Mystery" book and put them in her blue denim knapsack. She put on her wool cap and parka to keep warm and then took off on her purple bicycle with chrome fenders and white banana seat.
She was last seen by a family friend at about 7:30 p.m. near Tiny Tim's Family Hobby Center at 4400 North Woodward. It is believed that Jill was on her way to see her father, Tom, at his house in Birmingham.
Wednesdays were normally the day that girls' father would have them for visitation, but he was unable to pick them up that day. Karol thought that this was part of the reason that Jill was so upset.
Jill had refused to help out with anything and Karol became upset. She told her daughter that if she didn't like it "here" to go stand outside. Jill said something about having trouble finding her boots. Karol then said, "Jill, what i really want from you is communication."
Karol just wanted Jill to go outside and cool off, but Jill had other plans. She grabbed her blue and green plaid blanket, her "Little House On The Prairie" book and her "Nancy Drew Mystery" book and put them in her blue denim knapsack. She put on her wool cap and parka to keep warm and then took off on her purple bicycle with chrome fenders and white banana seat.
She was last seen by a family friend at about 7:30 p.m. near Tiny Tim's Family Hobby Center at 4400 North Woodward. It is believed that Jill was on her way to see her father, Tom, at his house in Birmingham.
The police thought she was likely a run away, and would turn up eventually. As a result the case wasn't worked as an abduction right away. The following day, her bicycle was found behind Tiny Tim's.
Still the police thought she was likely a run away, and weren't too worried about her.
At 6 a.m. on the day after Christmas, a motorist was driving northbound on I-75 near Big Beaver in Troy, when they saw what appeared to be a body lying on the side of the road. He radioed his location on his CB. The Troy police went to investigate the scene.
Jill's body was lightly covered in snow with in view of the police station. The killer had laid her on her back and shot her in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun. A circle of red was around the wound like a crimson halo in the snow There were no signs of a struggle and she was full clothed and wearing the knapsack she had taken with her when she left home. However, the books were missing. Police determined that she had died at the scene from shock and hemorrhage due to the shotgun blast rather than the actual wound itself. Her time of death was between 3 and 6 a.m. There were no signs of sexual assault and her clothes were clean and well-kept.
Jill's father was angry at the police for their handling of the case. "They won't respond to what they consider a runaway for 48 hours, but she wasn't a runaway. She was a kid who got angry and stomped out of the house and got picked up by a creep."
Still the police thought she was likely a run away, and weren't too worried about her.
At 6 a.m. on the day after Christmas, a motorist was driving northbound on I-75 near Big Beaver in Troy, when they saw what appeared to be a body lying on the side of the road. He radioed his location on his CB. The Troy police went to investigate the scene.
Jill's body was lightly covered in snow with in view of the police station. The killer had laid her on her back and shot her in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun. A circle of red was around the wound like a crimson halo in the snow There were no signs of a struggle and she was full clothed and wearing the knapsack she had taken with her when she left home. However, the books were missing. Police determined that she had died at the scene from shock and hemorrhage due to the shotgun blast rather than the actual wound itself. Her time of death was between 3 and 6 a.m. There were no signs of sexual assault and her clothes were clean and well-kept.
Jill's father was angry at the police for their handling of the case. "They won't respond to what they consider a runaway for 48 hours, but she wasn't a runaway. She was a kid who got angry and stomped out of the house and got picked up by a creep."
At one point during the investigation an officer working the case told Jill's family that he hadn't even read Jill's case file.
"It's the small things that get to you. The hardest thing is when someone asks how many children I have and I automatically say three. I can't believe that now it's only two," said Karol.
Kristine Mihelich was born on April 25th, 1966 to Deborah Ascroft.
It was January 2nd, 1977, and 10 year old Kristine had shiny brown bangs and was a 5th grader at Pattengill Elementary in Berkley. She was bored so she asked her mother if she could go to the store to get "Teen Super Star" magazine that featured Donny and Marie Osmond on the cover. Kristen liked to cut pictures out of magazines and put them on her bedroom wall.
Her mother was reluctant to let her make the trip, because she would have to cross Twelve Mile road to get there. Kristine was persistent and Deborah gave in.
"I explained how to go, to wait for the light, and I told her to hurry. She promised she would,” Deborah recalled.
It was January 2nd, 1977, and 10 year old Kristine had shiny brown bangs and was a 5th grader at Pattengill Elementary in Berkley. She was bored so she asked her mother if she could go to the store to get "Teen Super Star" magazine that featured Donny and Marie Osmond on the cover. Kristen liked to cut pictures out of magazines and put them on her bedroom wall.
Her mother was reluctant to let her make the trip, because she would have to cross Twelve Mile road to get there. Kristine was persistent and Deborah gave in.
"I explained how to go, to wait for the light, and I told her to hurry. She promised she would,” Deborah recalled.
Kristine left her house with $2 in hand and stopped by Hartfield bowling lanes, where her mom had once worked. Then she headed across the street to the 7-Eleven store at Twelve Mile and Greenfield in Berkeley. The clerk at the store reported that she had seen Kristine and that she did indeed purchase a magazine. It was only a 5 minute walk back to her house, but Kristine never returned.
Neighbors raised $17,000 in hope of a ransom demand, and friends offered to mortgage their houses.
On January 21st, mail carrier Jerry Wozny was driving on Bruce Lane in Franklin, just 6 miles from where Kristine vanished, when he saw tracks leading about 6 feet off of the road. Then he spotted what he thought was a blue blanket or a pile of clothes, so he decided to stop and investigate.
"I usually look on the side of roads. And i come up, and see tracks going in, and something blue laying there. So i stopped and backed up. And i got out of the truck and went down and looked, and i saw the knees and a hand. That's when i went back to the police station and got Mr. Wilson come over and take a look," said Wozny.
Kristine was fully clothed, in the same outfit she was wearing when she disappeared, lying on her back in a ditch with her knees drawn up. When the snow was cleared away, they could see that her that her arms were folded across her chest. She had been smothered to death less than 24 hours earlier and her body lay within view of nearby homes. There were no signs of blunt force trauma or sexual assault and no evidence of puncture wounds or mutilation. She had been cleaned, fed and manicured.
Police found footprints in the snow leading to the body, and back to the roadway where it appeared a car had stopped. Impressions of the footprints and tire tracks were taken as well as photos of the two bumper impressions left in the snowbanks on both sides of the dirt road. It seemed that the car had backed up into the snow bank, and then forward, while turning around to leave.
That night Tom drove through a blizzard to the state police outpost in Pontiac. Kristine was lying on a metal table, still covered in snow. Her body was so frozen that doctors couldn't perform an autopsy until she thawed. Tom ran to the bathroom and broke down.
That night Tom drove through a blizzard to the state police outpost in Pontiac. Kristine was lying on a metal table, still covered in snow. Her body was so frozen that doctors couldn't perform an autopsy until she thawed. Tom ran to the bathroom and broke down.
Deborah resisted seeing a psychiatrist and lost most of the weight she gained. She somehow kept working.
“Kris was really a joy,” she said. “This is why whoever took her kept her so long. He was enjoying her company. At least this is what we have told ourselves, and I prefer not to think any differently.”
Authorities noticed similarities shared by her case and those of Mark Stebbins and Jill Robinson, and reports were released warning the public that a serial killer was possibly operating in the Oakland County area. The Michigan State Police led a group of 300 law‐enforcement agents from 13 communities in the formation of a task force, devoted solely to the investigation into the killings of the three children and find the killer before he struck again.
Authorities noticed similarities shared by her case and those of Mark Stebbins and Jill Robinson, and reports were released warning the public that a serial killer was possibly operating in the Oakland County area. The Michigan State Police led a group of 300 law‐enforcement agents from 13 communities in the formation of a task force, devoted solely to the investigation into the killings of the three children and find the killer before he struck again.
Timothy John King was 4 feet tall and weight 63 pounds. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He was outgoing and friendly. He liked baseball, hockey and skateboarding.
He was born on July 9th, 1965 to Barry and Marion King. He was the youngest of four children.
In 1977, 11-year-old Timothy was a 6th grader. He had discussed the subject of abduction with his family before.
"Dad, if anybody did that to me i would run."
On the evening of March 16th, 1977, his parents were dining with a client of his father’s law firm, his two brothers were busy and his sister had a special date, but was home with Timothy. He was kinda in charge of himself that night. He had never been left home alone before, but he babysat for other kids in the neighborhood so his parents decided he could take care of himself.
He was born on July 9th, 1965 to Barry and Marion King. He was the youngest of four children.
In 1977, 11-year-old Timothy was a 6th grader. He had discussed the subject of abduction with his family before.
"Dad, if anybody did that to me i would run."
On the evening of March 16th, 1977, his parents were dining with a client of his father’s law firm, his two brothers were busy and his sister had a special date, but was home with Timothy. He was kinda in charge of himself that night. He had never been left home alone before, but he babysat for other kids in the neighborhood so his parents decided he could take care of himself.
At about 8:15 p.m., Timothy borrowed 30 cents from his sister, grabbed his skateboard and his football and left his home in Birmingham. He headed three blocks to the Maple-Wood Pharmacy at Maple and Woodward to buy candy. At the same time, Timothy's parents were across the street from the pharmacy at a restaurant having dinner. The clerk who sold Timothy the candy said that he left the pharmacy around 8:30 p.m. and left through the rear-end door that led to a darkened parking lot.
When Timothy's parents arrived home just before 9 p.m. he still wasn't home. Timothy's mother began calling friends and neighbors to see if she could find him.
When Timothy's parents arrived home just before 9 p.m. he still wasn't home. Timothy's mother began calling friends and neighbors to see if she could find him.
His older brother Christopher had just gotten his driver’s license the day before. And after Timothy failed to return home, armed with a baseball bat, Christopher walked the neighborhood in search of his brother.
Around midnight Timothy's parents called the police and reported him missing. A intensive search covering the entire Detroit metropolitan area was conducted and police literally stopped and searched cars on Woodward Avenue in a frantic attempt to find the missing boy.
Around midnight Timothy's parents called the police and reported him missing. A intensive search covering the entire Detroit metropolitan area was conducted and police literally stopped and searched cars on Woodward Avenue in a frantic attempt to find the missing boy.
"We love him every much, uh... wherever he is at, and whoever he is with. We want him back home.
Well i want to say hi to Tim. Uh, we love you Tim. God bless ya'. Stay tough. Uh, if you miss Little League tryouts tomorrow, Mr. Rider said you could try out next week. Say your prayers and we are with you buddy."
Timothy's mother, Marion, also stated that she would have his favorite meal, Kentucky Friend Chicken, waiting for him when he returned. She also wrote an open letter to the killer on the front page of the Detroit News.
Timothy's mother, Marion, also stated that she would have his favorite meal, Kentucky Friend Chicken, waiting for him when he returned. She also wrote an open letter to the killer on the front page of the Detroit News.
On the evening of March 22nd, a motorist found Timothy's body 11 miles from his home, in shallow ditch alongside Gill Road in Livonia. His little skateboard was nearby. He was fully clothed in the red nylon shirt, dark green corduroy Levis and white sneakers he had been wearing when he disappeared. His hands and feet were bound and he had been sexually assaulted with a foreign object and suffocated. His death occurred sometime between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. His last meal, which was fried chicken, was eaten two hours before he died.

Police hoped the killer might show up at Tim's funeral, so they camped in the balcony of the chapel and enlisted ushers to scan the pews for anyone matching the police sketch. Tim's body lay in a little white coffin adorned with his bat and ball. In the front pew sat the boys from his hockey team, all dressed in their red jackets.
Gregory Greene's picture seems to me to match the composite of the guy who was talking to Timothy before he disappeared. He was a flint native, janitor, little league coach and pedophile. The Michigan State Police reports have extensive history of his pedophile convictions in California, including one case in which Greene thought the boy was dead and dropped him off at a hospital. Fortunately, the boy lived. After he served his jail term in California he returned to his home town, Flint, Michigan.
Once back in Michigan, Greene was arrested for criminal sexual conduct with a minor. On January 27th, 1977, he told the Flint Police that he had information about who killed Mark Stebbins. Flint Police in turn contacted a member of the OCCK task force, Southfield police officer Lourn Doan. Doan then interviewed Greene who told him that he believed a man named Christopher Buch had killed Mark.
When interviewed on January 28th, Busch he admitted to being a pedophile and liking young boys. He told detectives that he and Greene had discussed and planned how they would kidnap, hold and molest young boys.
He also stated that Greene and he planned to have one of them get a day job and the other, a night job so that they could have someone present with a potential future victim.
When Busch was asked what they'd do when they were finished with the child, he refused to answer. But he did describe three locations where he had abducted children in the past and they corresponded in exact order with the abduction sites of Mark Stebbins, Jill Robinson and Kristine Mihelich. In the last instance he described the 7-11 and the bowling ally that Kristine was last seen at.
Greene and Busch were co-defendants in a pedophile case in Genesee County, Michigan. They both were given a $75,000 bond. Greene was later sentenced to life in prison, where he died in 1995. After Green died, a former cell mate recalled discussing the OCCK Case with Greene.
Busch's bond got reduced to $1,000 and later was sentenced to 5 years probation and $2,400 in court costs. And despite his two previous convictions, he was given no jail time.
On November 20th, 1978, police went to 3310 Morningview Terrace in Bloomfield Township to do a well fare check on Busch. Busch's parents were away in England at the time and their maid became concerned when she couldn't get into the house. She went next door and used the phone to call Busch's brother who called the police. When police entered the house, they found Busch lying on his back in his bed. He was neatly wrapped in his sheets and had a bullet in his forehead and a rifle was lying next to his body. It was later determined that he had committed suicide even though there was no gunshot residue found on him and no blood spatter whatsoever.
There were 4 shell casings found in his room along with bloodstained ligatures.
A Busch's time of death, his parents had a white welsh terrier. All of the bodies were found with white animal hair them. The color of carpet in his room was consistent with fibers found on some of the bodies.
Some people claim that Busch's suicide was staged and that he was really murdered. It also is theorized that the scene of his suicide mimics that of Michael Helgoth.
Both Busch and Helgoth were found with objects that may be a have to do with the murder cases that they were accused of and that were place right out in the open for everyone to see. Busch was found in possession of the hand drawn photo of what may be Stebbins. Helgoth was found in possession of the shirt that said SBTC.. Both were also found with objects that may have been used in the crimes. Shotgun shells in Busch's possession as well as ligatures. In Helgoth's case, a stun gun which P.I. Smit surmised may have been used in the JonBenet crime.
Some people claim that Busch's suicide was staged and that he was really murdered. It also is theorized that the scene of his suicide mimics that of Michael Helgoth.
Both Busch and Helgoth were found with objects that may be a have to do with the murder cases that they were accused of and that were place right out in the open for everyone to see. Busch was found in possession of the hand drawn photo of what may be Stebbins. Helgoth was found in possession of the shirt that said SBTC.. Both were also found with objects that may have been used in the crimes. Shotgun shells in Busch's possession as well as ligatures. In Helgoth's case, a stun gun which P.I. Smit surmised may have been used in the JonBenet crime.
A few weeks after Timothy King's death, a psychiatrist who worked with the task force received a letter dated April 4th, 1977 that had been mailed from Detroit. It was riddled with spelling errors and written by someone named "Allen." Allen claimed to be a sadomasochist slave of a man he called "Frank," the "OCCK".
He wrote that he and Frank had both served in the Vietnam War and that Frank was traumatized by having killed children, and had taken revenge on rich people for sending forces to Vietnam.
Allen and Frank had an apartment together. Frank would bring the kids in in a clothes hamper and no body would be the wiser. Allen admitted to having accompanied Frank as he sought boys to kill. He would also watch the victims while Frank was at work at his delivery job with a route in Birmingham and Oakland County. He also said that Kristine was Frank's favorite. He also stated that Frank did have a Gremlin, but he had discarded in Ohio.
Allen instructed the psychiatrist to respond by printing the code words in that Sunday's Free Press edition, before offering to provide photographic evidence in exchange for immunity from prosecution. After seeing the code words in the paper, Allen called the psychiatrist on April 10th, 1977 and arranged to meet the following evening at 9 p.m. at the "Pony Cart Bar" in Palmer Woods. But Allen never showed up and was never heard from again.
Some people believe that Allen was the author of JonBenet's ransom note. And that her murder was Frank's revenge for the Vietnam war. And well, JonBenet's father was rich and he did work for a weapons company.
James Vincent Gunnels was 15 years old at the time of the murders. He was sexually assaulted by both Greene and Busch on a regular basis. In the early 00’s, a hair from Gunnels was matched via mitochondrial DNA to a hair found on the body of Kristine Mihelich. He also failed a polygraph regarding Kristine's murder. He sat down with Timothy King's dad, Barry, and explained that he had been in Busch's car several times and that is how his hair got on Kristin'e body.
Some people believe that Allen was the author of JonBenet's ransom note. And that her murder was Frank's revenge for the Vietnam war. And well, JonBenet's father was rich and he did work for a weapons company.
Lawson had given a statement to Pennsylvania cops in 1989 after being arrested on another robbery saying that he knew who did the Michigan Snow Killings aka the Oakland County Killings. The cops in Pennsylvania had no idea what Lawson was talking about, but Williams did. And now he was ready to find out what Lawson knew.
He started when he was living in Detroit in the 1970's. Lawson and his four buddies, one of whom he'd later identify for Williams as "Ted Orr," would give money to the poor kids in the neighborhood as well as food. In some cases the men even helped the mothers out, taking care of those gas bills to get families through the cold northern winters. In return, unbeknownst to the parents, these men would take the children back to their places and molest and rape them.
He started when he was living in Detroit in the 1970's. Lawson and his four buddies, one of whom he'd later identify for Williams as "Ted Orr," would give money to the poor kids in the neighborhood as well as food. In some cases the men even helped the mothers out, taking care of those gas bills to get families through the cold northern winters. In return, unbeknownst to the parents, these men would take the children back to their places and molest and rape them.
One time Ted and Lawson were at the apartment of Bob Moore, owner of a bike shop. Ted whipped out a photo album Moore kept of their victims. Ted pointed to one picture of a little boy. This was a kid from the other side of 8 Mile Road where the more well to do families lived. This kid was clean and had nice clothes. "Looks like the King boy, doesn't it?" Ted had said, winking at Lawson.
Lawson remembered that Ted Orr's real name started with "Lam." Williams dug up the old tip file from the '70's.
And there he was, retired auto worker Ted Lamborgine. Williams enlisted the help of Parma Heights cops to trail him for a few weeks. Then they did a traffic stop and asked him to come to the station. In the interrogation room, Lambourgine admitted that he had been a pedophile, but he was no killer. He even agreed to take a polygraph in Michigan.
In 2006 Ted was getting off an RTA bus downtown when Mockler and Scharschmidt pulled up and took him into custody. Ted was under arrest for raping eight children. Lamborgine pleaded guilty to 15 sex-related counts involving young boys, rather than accept a plea bargain that would have required him to take a polygraph test on the Oakland County child killings. Lamborgine also rejected an offer of a reduced sentence in exchange for a polygraph on the case. At the time police said that he was considered top suspect in the killings.
Sloan was an early suspect in the murders and rapes of Mark Stebbins and Timothy King and the murders of Kristine Mihelich and Jill Robinson, and allowed officers to search his 1966 Pontiac. They took hair samples and stored them. In 2012, forensic specialists found the DNA of the hair matched that of the hairs found on the victims, but did not match Sloan's. He had two other vehicles and investigators have suggested he might have loaned the car to a friend.
Between 1970 and the early 1980's, he was found guilty in three other sex assault cases, including charges of sodomy and corrupting the morals of a minor. He is in prison for the 1983 rape of a 10-year-old boy.
In 2013, car parts from a blue Gremlin with white stripes was recovered when farmland was being dug up in order to build homes in Grand Blanc Township, Michigan. The construction was inside the Grand Reserve neighborhood off Baldwin Road, near the residential intersection of Del Webb Boulevard and Prairie Dunes Drive.
The Oakland County child killer task force was on site looking for a VIN number to find out who owned the Gremlin. They also were trying to gather any possible DNA evidence.
i have not seen anywhere any new information about the car parts. However, Timothy's brother thinks that maybe authorities have been focused on the wrong car this whole time.
Doug Wilson worked in the automotive industry, so he paid attention to vehicles. Wilson came forward to Timothy's family and said that he was in the drugstore parking lot at Maple and Woodward on March 16, 1977. He said that he noticed a man, probably in his late 20’s, talking to Timothy King. Wilson said he also saw an older man, around 55-65 years old, with grey hair. He said the man looked to be 20-30 pounds overweight. He recalled the car that the men were driving was a 1973 Pontiac LeMans 2-door coupe that was either blue or green. Wilson also remembered a partial license plate of 222.
Between 1970 and the early 1980's, he was found guilty in three other sex assault cases, including charges of sodomy and corrupting the morals of a minor. He is in prison for the 1983 rape of a 10-year-old boy.
In 2013, car parts from a blue Gremlin with white stripes was recovered when farmland was being dug up in order to build homes in Grand Blanc Township, Michigan. The construction was inside the Grand Reserve neighborhood off Baldwin Road, near the residential intersection of Del Webb Boulevard and Prairie Dunes Drive.
The Oakland County child killer task force was on site looking for a VIN number to find out who owned the Gremlin. They also were trying to gather any possible DNA evidence.
i have not seen anywhere any new information about the car parts. However, Timothy's brother thinks that maybe authorities have been focused on the wrong car this whole time.
Doug Wilson worked in the automotive industry, so he paid attention to vehicles. Wilson came forward to Timothy's family and said that he was in the drugstore parking lot at Maple and Woodward on March 16, 1977. He said that he noticed a man, probably in his late 20’s, talking to Timothy King. Wilson said he also saw an older man, around 55-65 years old, with grey hair. He said the man looked to be 20-30 pounds overweight. He recalled the car that the men were driving was a 1973 Pontiac LeMans 2-door coupe that was either blue or green. Wilson also remembered a partial license plate of 222.

All this time has the police been after the wrong car?
The JonBenet Chronicles: Chapter Two: John Ramsey And The MindHunter Connection.
The JonBenet Chronicles: Chapter Three: John, Patsy And Her Dad's Connection To The CIA And The Freemasons.
I did not know about any of this until now wow unreal. Thank you so much for sharing this information as it should all be shared everywhere. Thanks again..
No problem :-) Thank you taking time to read and also to ignore any grammar mistakes i may have made.
I’d like to know why all this information that connects John Ramsey on so many levels has never been fully exposed…. I have done numerous searches throughout the years, and there are so many similarities and blatant connections…. I have no doubt that Ramsey and his Father were involved all along. Btw… as of this week July 2022 John Ramsey is out there once again ( in Australia) telling his bs lies once again. He still lives next door to Fox Island…. He’s always had several shady cover businesses just like that Sheldon… It’s all too sick to believe they all got away with so much evil ….. BUT …. There’s a pay day some day for John Ramsey. He can be sure of that.
My older brother introduced me to John Ramsey in 1983 in Marietta, Georgia as John being one of the perpetrators in the Atlanta Murders. It was around 4 days before my 18th birthday and later that night I was running through woods and behind peoples homes being hunted by my older brother, Ramsey and others. They all worked in the graphics industry. In July of 2001 my older brother admitted to murdering Jonbenet with 7 others whom John let into his home early hours of Christmas morning to hang out in the basement until he took Patsy and their children to Christmas events then the group of 5 hung out upstairs during Christmas Day drinking beer, wine and smoking weed like my brother and Eric Rudolph and that bunch loved to do. It took the murder of Levi Frady for me to discover my brother was a domestic terrorist because he tried to convince my dad and others tvst I was the person whom murdered Levi. Come to find out he and 23 others murdered Levi including the parents. Look at Terry Hobbs in West Memphis, Arkansa whom was involved with his stepson Stevie Branches Murder. He’s the only parent in the West Memphis Three suspected in those murders but according to my brother he was with them when they murdered those boys. I know which ones perticipated in the Oklahoma City Bombing which Cook cousins planted the explosives at Centennial Park while Rudolph partied in Murphy that night. I know whom the anonymous caller to the Centennial Park attack whom also killed Officer Robert Sanderson in Birmingham while Rudolph was trying to blow up 350 agents of the FBI in Mobile, Alabama at 9:17 am on January 29, 1998. No thst was not Rudolph driving his truck that morning wearing Pam’s brown wig. He stole. Rudolph was not caught passed out drunk in his bosses bed dressed only in his bosses girlfriends lingerie and used the wig to kill Ifficer Sanderson. That was none other than Joey Davis a cook at the Waffle King in Murphy, North Carolina. Ian Maxwell and John Ramsey’s buddy John aka JD No 2 of the Oklahoma City Bombing is turning witbess against his culprits and its to my understanding so is Rudolph.
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