He was born on June 14th, 1948 in Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia to James Russell Minor and Geraldine Haynes Minor. He was raised in Georgia and came to California in the 1970's.

McClure had worked in the aerospace industry, but was laid off. She then became a stripper and that is how she met Charles.
McClure allegedly entered Charles’ home from an unlocked door to the deck facing the beach. She went up to his bedroom where she saw him with another woman. After an exchange, McClure left the bedroom, headed back downstairs, where she hid in a closet until she could get Charles alone.
On her way back up the stairs, McClure crossed paths with the woman, who was heading down the stairs. McClure told the woman that she wanted to speak to Charles alone. Moments later, gun shots rang out.
Charles was found face down in a pool of blood wearing only paisley pajama bottoms. He was shot nine times in the head, neck and arms. When investigators arrived, McClure was gone, but her fanny pack, containing some makeup, personal items and her driver’s license, was found in the bedroom.
She was arrested soon after at her Santa Monica condominium, where police later found a .25-caliber automatic, the same gun that was used in the murder.
The former aerospace worker eventually plead guilty to second degree murder. She was sentenced to 19 years to life with the possibility of parole. From what i can gather, she is still in prison and keeps being denied parole.
The former aerospace worker eventually plead guilty to second degree murder. She was sentenced to 19 years to life with the possibility of parole. From what i can gather, she is still in prison and keeps being denied parole.
Hi there, I appreciate your blog and the work you're doing here but would you mind terribly removing this post? Some of the information is slightly inaccurate and the post is causing a bit of pain for some people I know who are related to the incident. I would greatly appreciate the gesture.
Thank you for being so polite. What was inaccurate?
Nothin inaccurate. She is a murderer.
I wasn't there there are only 3 that know the truth Suzette Charlie and God....I believe that he was a user and abuser of women he played with their emotions and sadly it cost his life . I know Suzette , she is a very sweet person that was vulnerable and got sucked into a life style of which she was not prepared for . Not making excuses for what she has done , just a bit more understanding of how she got to that point . Murder for any reason is terrible for both the victims families and the accused and I hope his family can forgive and that she is paroled one day because I know she has so much remorse for her actions ...this truly is a crime of passion
Decisions have consequences. He made a decision. She made one. The tragic ending of his life is due to decision(s) he made. She's living as a jailed individual due to decision(s) she made.
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