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Friday, November 23, 2018

Why isn't Marsha Brantley's Husband in Jail?

Marsha Brantley went missing in 2009 when she was 50 years old.
Her husband, Donald Brantley, was indited for her murder twice.
The charges against him were dismissed both times before the case could go to trial.
There was a Wal-Mart receipt that shows that Donald bought a poly sheet, gorilla tape and a drop cloth.
He also rented a pressure washer from Bradly Reynolds.
Donnie contacted a singles' dating line with the new phone he bought for Marsha Brantley, despite having told police she had taken it with her. 
Donnie and his ex-girlfriend Stephanie Richardson allegedly shared a kiss before Marsha went missing, but Donnie says that is as far as it went.
He also had an account on a dating website for several months.
Donnie was having troubles with his business.
Money was tight.
The house was in Marsha's name, and if Donnie was going to have an affair or divorce Marsha, he would be homeless.
With her out of the picture he could sell the house.
Within about a week of Marsha's disappearance, Donnie allegedly hand-delivered a card to Richardson. 
It read: "Things are better for me now."
The two continued to see each other, but only for a short time before going their separate ways.
Authorities also found a landfill ticket that showed Donnie had dumped some questionable items.
Donnie allegedly kept changing his story about what happened to Marsha and, according to investigators, lied about where he kept the couple's camper.
If there is all this evidence why didn't the case go to trial?
Are they waiting for something more concrete?

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