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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Jenny Was Playing In The Sand When She Went Missing.

Jennifer Lee Klein "Jenny"
She was three years old when she went missing from Moab, Utah on May 25th, 1974.
She was last seen with her family when they were camped at a campground approximately ten miles north of Moab.
The campground was full because it was Memorial Day weekend.
She was playing in the sand by the river.
The campground was in the trees and there was a path through the woods that led to the river.
Jennifer’s father, Howard had gone back to the camper for something, when a dog fight broke out.
Everyone was watching the dogs.
Jennifer’s mother and five year old brother turned back around she was gone.
Jennifer has never been heard from again. 
Her parents cannot recall anyone at the campground being interviewed about her disappearance. 
Many of the guests were transients who could not be found later.
There was an old car parked between Jennifer's camper and the river at the time she disappeared.
At the time of her disappearance she was 3'2" tall, 35 lbs with brown hair and blue eyes.
Jennifer has a cowlick on the right side of her forehead and a birthmark somewhere on her body, possibly on the left side of her abdomen. 
She has a mole in front of her right ear, and her navel protrudes.

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