It was the summer of 1985 and 11- year-old Jesse Morgan lived in a trailer park in the small community of Allenstown where the population was a little less that 5,000. Like most kids in the area, Jessie hung out around Bear Brook State Park with his friends. They'd play hide and seek, but with the seeker driving around on a four wheeler. One day in particular Jesse was the seeker and riding around on his four wheeler when his friend Keith yelled at Jesse to come look at a big blue barrel he had found.
The barrel’s lid was slightly ajar and a plastic bag was poking through the top. Keith pulled the top off the barrel, and the group were immediately hit with a thick, sour smell. They kicked over the barrel, but didn't look inside. Assuming it was just rotten milk in the barrel, they left.

There was only one patrolman on duty and it was officer Ron Montplaisir and he was the one that received the call and met the hunter at the edge of the park. The hunter looked pale and he told Ron to go look inside the barrel. The hunter stayed with the patrol car as Ron ventured his way into the woods alone.
The barrel was on the ground and a bag was inside. When Ron opened up the bag a decomposed face was starting back at him. A young girl's body had been discarded in this makeshift metal coffin along with a body of an adult female. Both the bodies had been dismembered. Ron secured the scene and then radioed for backup.
The police force was so small that citizens like Jessie's father, Kevin, were deputized. Kevin was charged with keeping the press from compromising the crime scene.
New Hampshire did not have its own Medical Examiner's office, so the bodies were flown to Maine to be examined. Autopsies determined both females had died of blunt trauma and had been lying there for at least five years. 
In February, as Evans, Rasmussen arrested in Manchester for Issuing a bad check on 12/21/1979. "Elizabeth Evans" is listed as his wife on the arrest report.
From March 1984 to May 1985, Rasmussen was hired under name Curtis Kimball by electrical company in Los Alamitos, CA. Also in May Rasmussen arrested in Cypress as Curtis Kimball for a DUI.
In March of 1989, Rasmussen took a plea deal and charged with child abandonment and sentenced to 3 years in prison. All other charges were dropped.

Sketches were released in the media hoping to identify what was assumed to be a mother and daughter. Unfortunately, it seemed no one seemed to recognize the pair.

At a press conference in January of 2017, it was announced that police may have found the killer of woman and three little girls as well as a connection to Denise Beaudin, who had been missing since 1981.

Terrence "Terry" Peder Rasmussen was odd and aloof. He was a skilled electrician and mechanic, but became violent under the influence of alcohol. He was born on December 23rd, 1943 in Denver, Colorado. He grew up in Arizona. 1954-1958 Rasmussen attended Whittier Elementary School in Phoenix. He then attended North High School in Phoenix, Arizona. 

In January of 1980, "Elizabeth Evans" -- who has never been located or identified -- signed a certified letter in Manchester, New Hampshire. Rasmussen is associated with the same address.

Later the two were buried together in a steel casket in an Allenstown cemetery with a tombstone that read:

This discovery led to the exhumation of the 1985 victims in order to have DNA comparisons done. The tests proved the adult female was the mother of the little girl found in that drum with her along with the youngest girl in the second barrel. The other girl was believed to be part of the extended family.
"Here lies the mortal remains known only to God of a woman aged 23-33 and a girl child aged 8-10. Their slain bodies were found on November 10th, 1985, in Bear Brook State Park. May their souls find peace in God’s loving care."

On May 9th, 2000, New Hampshire did not yet have a cold case unit so they assigned State Police Sgt John Cody to the case. Cody was looking for more clues when he saw a metal 55-gallon drum on it's side in some brush just 300 feet from where the previous bodies were found. It was getting dark and as Cody shinned his flashlight on the barrel he noticed that there was plastic sticking out. Cody ripped open the plastic and inside were the remains of two young girls. The cause of death for these children was also blunt force trauma.
One of the girls had a gap between her front teeth and died at an age between 2 and 4. She had brown hair and was about 3 ft 8 in tall. She had an overbite. She also may have suffered from anemia.
The other girl, was estimated to be 1 to 3 years old, had long blond or light brown hair, was between 2 ft 1 in and 2 ft 6 in tall, and also had a gap between her front teeth.
The other girl, was estimated to be 1 to 3 years old, had long blond or light brown hair, was between 2 ft 1 in and 2 ft 6 in tall, and also had a gap between her front teeth.

Chemical compound testing was also done on all four bodies that indicated that all four females were living in the area for at least three months before they were killed. It was theorized that perhaps they lived in the nearby trailer park.

Denise was born on January 7th, 1958. She was the only daughter of Armand and Georgette Beaudin. She graduated Goffstown High School in 1976. After graduating, Denise moved around before ultimately settling in Manchester. Her work history included employment at General Cable at 345 McGregor Street in Manchester, and The Demers Nursing Home at 191 Hackett Hill Road in Manchester. In 1981 she had a daughter named Dawn.
The last time Denise and Dawn were seen alive by their family was in 1981 at her parents home in Goffstown, New Hampshire. Denise brought her boyfriend, Bob Evans along to Thanksgiving Dinner. During the dinner Denise announced that she and Bob owed some people some money so they were going to leave town and take 6-month-old Dawn with them.

On December 1st, Denise's family went to visit her at her home in the 900 block of Hayward Street in Manchester, New Hampshire. No one was home when her parents stopped by, and Denise's family never heard from her again. Because the couple had been having financial problems, Denise's family initially assumed they'd left on their own.
Fast forward 35 years later. In December of 2016 Police revealed Denise Beaudin is considered missing.
I hate to put his picture on here... he just creeps me out.

Then in January of 2017, authorities announced that they believe a man named Terry Rasmussen was responsible for the deaths of at least 6 people, including Denise Beaudin, the woman and three children -- including his biological daughter -- found inside barrels in Allenstown, and his girlfriend in California. Police also feared he killed the biological mother of the children found in one of the barrels. Her identity and whereabouts are not known.

He stopped attending after his sophomore year to join the United States Navy. In July of 1967 he was discharged from the Navy. He then moved to Hawaii to work in his parents shoe shop.
In 1968 Rasmussen married Fleta Blance Deese. They ended up having four children together, Deborah and Diane (twins), Eric and Andrea. In 1969 they moved to Phoenix and worked for a man named "Otto." In 1970 the family moved to Redwood City, California and worked as a repairman at McLoughlin’s Shoe Shop. In 1971 Rasmussen moved his family and worked as an electrician in Palo Alto. In October of 1972, Rasmussen and Fleta separated temporarily.

In 1975 Fleta left him and took the children after Rasmussen was arrested for aggravated assault. They last saw Rasmussen around December 1975 or 1976, when he showed up with an unidentified woman, who police are still hoping to track down. The woman wore glasses and was slim with bouncy brown hair with highlights.
Rasmussen told his family he was living at the Casa Del Rey Apartments in Ingleside, Texas. On September 30th, 1977 Rasmussen’s Father passed away in Hawaii.
At some point during 1978, Rasmussen contacted a friend in Arizona, asking for money. He said he was working in Texas on an oil rig. In June, Rasmussen was working for the "Brown & Root" Company in Houston, Texas. Records there indicate Rasmussen quit the job to work elsewhere. Fleta and Rasmussen divorced in September.
From 1978 to 1979 Rasmussen was hired as an electrician working at the Waubec Mill and who later helped with refrigeration issues at Bear Brook Store. Around this time he went by the name Bob Evans.
In February, as Evans, Rasmussen arrested in Manchester for Issuing a bad check on 12/21/1979. "Elizabeth Evans" is listed as his wife on the arrest report.
In May he was also arrested for theft of services. On this report "Elizabeth Evans" was listed once more as his spouse.
In October he was arrested yet again, this time for diverting electrical current.
In 1981 disappearances of Denise and Dawn Beaudin.
Then in November of 1985 the first barrel was found.
In January of 1986, Rasmussen began living and working at the Holiday Host RV Park in Scotts Valley under the name Gordon Jenson.
The Holiday Host RV Park sits on the site of what once was a Christmas-themed amusement park called "Santa's Village." The main rides were a bobsled, a spinning Christmas tree and Santa's Express train. The Santa's Village Corporation filed for bankruptcy, and in 1979 the park closed for good. As of 2017, the freeway exit signs still read "Santa's Village Road".
Rasmussen had a five-year-old girl with him he claimed was his daughter. He called her "Lisa."
Richard and Catherine Decker were also staying at the RV park. The couple was from San Bernardino, California. Richard had a temporary job wit the state, so the couple's stay at the park was just temporary. They also had a grand son staying there with them.
Richard and Catherine befriended Rasmussen and Lisa. Rasmussen told the couple that Lisa's mother had died of cancer. He also said that he was finding it difficult to raise Lisa on his own.
Richard and Catherine would often babysit Lisa and she would play with their grandson. To the couple, it didn't seem like Rasmussen wasn't taking very good care of Lisa. She seemed malnourished and it didn't appear that she had any toys of her own. So they told Rasmussen about their daughter that can't conceive children and would like a daughter of her own. Rasmussen told the couple that they could take Lisa for a trial adoption for three weeks. So the couple took Lisa to meet their daughter.
Once away from Rasmussen, Lisa talked about the things that Rasmussen would do to her. It became clear to the Decker family that Lisa had been severely molested and tortured by the man that was claiming to be her father.
It was June, and when Richard and Catherine brought Lisa back to the RV park for Rasmussen to sign the divorce papers, he was gone. The couple didn't know what to do, so eventually they took Lisa to the police department. While questioning Lisa, she told the police that she had siblings, but they had died after eating "grass mushrooms" while they were out camping. Police took Lisa into protective custody and sadly, the Decker family had to tell Lisa goodbye for she was not legally theirs.
Police issued a warrant for Rasmussen's arrest for child molestation and child abandonment. They were having a hard time tracking him down. All the information he had given to his employers at the RV park were fake. When they dusted for Rasmussen's prints, on the camper he left behind, they were surprised when they came back to a man named "Curtis Kimball."
Even though Curtis Kimball had an arrested record, they were unable to track him down, until November of 1988. He was pulled over in San Luis Obispo, California, under the name Gerry Mockerman. He was driving a vehicle stolen from Preston, Idaho. After running his prints it was now evident that Kimball and Rasmussen were undoubtedly one and the same.
In March of 1989, Rasmussen took a plea deal and charged with child abandonment and sentenced to 3 years in prison. All other charges were dropped.
In October of 1990 and only halfway through his sentence, Rasmussen was paroled. He fled almost immediately.
In June of 1998, Rasmussen was pulled over in California under the name Lawrence William Vanner and is cited for not having insurance or a driver's license.
By 2000 Rasmussen, who was going by Larry Vanner, had met a free spirited biochemist named Eunsoon Pamela Jun.
Eunsoon was born on July 31st, 1957 in South Korea to Kyo Yea Jun. She lived in Monterey County for about five years, attended Pacific Grove High School and graduated from Monterey Peninsula College.
She graduated from the University of California at Davis and earned her master's degree from UC-San Francisco. She worked for Bio Rad, Syntex and GenTech pharmaceutical companies. She worked for City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles, researching bone marrow transplants. She was an active member of the Richmond Art Center, and enjoyed creating pottery and helping those less fortunate than herself.
Eunsoon was eating at a restaurant and talking to the owner about how she needed to find someone to fix her room. That is when the owner referred her to a local handyman named Larry Vanner, aka Rasmussen.
As Rasmussen worked on Ensoon's roof the two got to talking and soon Ensoon fell in love.
"I opened the door to him and it was the first time in my life the hairs on the back of my hand raised up. A chill came over me,” said Elaine.
New Years Eve of 2000, Eunsoon introduced Rasmussen who now was going by the name Larry Vanner, to her cousin Elaine Ramos. Rasmussen immediately creeped Elaine out.
Ensoon's family and friends weren't very fond of Rasmussen and they soon saw holes in the tales of his past he had fabricated. Ensoon's family tried to tell her their concerns, but she wouldn't listen.

While Rasmussen's fingerprints were being run through the data base, to see if he had a criminal record, Rasmussen seemed to be enjoying talking to detectives. However, when they started asking him where he was from, Rasmussen would snap at the detectives. Detectives then asked about Ensoon and Rasmussen would refer to her in past tense as he was attempting to dodge their questions.
In 2001, Eunsoon and Rasmussen were married in an unofficial ceremony. The theme was Star Trek and it was held in a friend's backyard.
Renee Rose last spoke with her friend, Ensoon, on May 21st, 2002. The pair were planning a trip to Mendocino. Something didn't seem right with Ensoon during this phone call. Ensoon was always calm and collected when she spoke, but this time she seemed to be in a hurry to end the call. Renee chalked it up to Ensoon maybe having an argument with Rasmussen and let it go.
After days of Renee not hearing from Ensoon, she finally got a hold of Rasmussen. He told Renee that Ensoon's mother was sick and that she had flown to Virginia to be with her family. Renee then asked for the number for her mother's house. Rasmussen told Renee that Ensoon was staying at a hotel and he didn't have the number for it. As Renee pressed further as to Ensoon's whereabouts, Rasmussen started lashing out at her. Renee decided to end the conversation and let him cool down for a for awhile. A few days later Renee called back, this time Rasmussen said that Ensoon had came back but then had quickly left for Oregon to work on their cabin. He then went on to tell her that he was headed out to the cabin to visit Ensoon who was frail and fragile and didn't wish to speak with anyone. Renee just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong and so by August she called the police.

One of the officers that paid Rasmussen a visit was homicide detective Roxane Gruenheid. Rasmussen ended up agreeing to go to the police station to talk with them. He also willingly gave them his fingerprints.
When Rasmussen's fingerprints came back matching to his Kimball identity, between the warrant out for the parole violation and the charge of child abandonment, there was enough to arrest Rasmussen and get a search warrant for the house he shared with Ensoon in Richmond.
Roxane had a weird feeling about Rasmussen and his relation to Lisa, so in August she had a paternity test done. When the results came back, it proved that Rasmussen was not related to Lisa in any way. Roxane then decided to go visit Rasmussen in the Pleasant Valley State prison. When she questioned Rasmussen, he denied even knowing Lisa. And without Rasmussen talking, path to find Lisa's true identity went nowhere.
On December 28th, 2010, Rasmussen died in prison from a combination of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia.
In 2013, detective Peter Headley took over Lisa's case. He looked at Lisa's file and saw her comment about once having siblings that died while camping. This led Headley to believe that maybe Rasmussen had other victims out there.
Headley decided to look through missing person reports to try to find any that might be about Lisa. He found a handful that seemed to match the time frame and Lisa's description. He reached out to those families and asked for DNA samples. Eventually, Headly ruled them all out.
With his search for Lisa's family a bust, Headley started trying to find a shred of truth in the web of lies Rasmussen had spewed. Maybe if he could find out who Rasmussen really was and where he was from, just maybe he could find who Rasmussen had taken Lisa from.
While Rasmussen was staying at the Holiday Host RV Park as Kimball, Rasmussen had made a phone call to an abandoned RV park in Texas. Headley contacted the former owner of the park who had kept all of the records of all the people that had ever stayed there. The owner then referred Headley to the company that bought the Rv park. When Headley contacted the company, they told him that they had thrown away all the records.
In 2014, Lisa contacted DNAADOPTION.COM and genetic genealogist Barbara Rae-Venter was now attempting to help Lisa and Headley discover Lisa's true identity.
Barbara Rae-Venter is best known for her work helping police and investigators identify a suspect in the Golden State Killer case. In a sick way, Rasmussen's case helped catch the Golden State Killer.
Distant cousins were discovered, but they had no idea who Lisa was or what family member of theirs she came from. Regardless, Headley and Venter kept working the family tree.
In 2016, Venter finally discovered that Lisa's real name was Dawn and that her mother was Denise Beaudin. Dawn happily connected with her grandfather, Denise's father.
This brings us to 2017 and the first press conference about the Bear Brook murders and how they are connected to Denise and Dawn's Beaudin's disappearance. Police told of how Rasmussen as his different aliases had worked at the Bear Brook dump site where the bodies and the barrels were found. How Rasmussen had used that site in the past to dump trash. And how he had worked as an electrician and that there was electrical wiring found in the barrels with the bodies.

Lisa/Dawn didn't attend the press conference, however a statement from her was read aloud.
As a victim in this incredulous story, I would like to ask that the media respects my privacy.
Currently I have three beautiful children and a loving husband, and would like our presently happy and secure life to remain intact and protected through the release of this story. Please turn your focus toward the un-identified victims, and other potentially unknown victims in this case, and hopefully their families will also be offered some closure as this investigation continues.
Thank you, Lisa"
Lisa/Dawn also said how grateful she was to be reunited with her grandfather.
Also in January, authorities searched the home that Denise shared with Rasmussen so long ago. i have yet to find out if there was anything of importance found in that search. All i know is that they didn't find Denise's body. And that police believe that Rasmussen killed her somewhere between New Hampshire and California.
When New Hampshire State Police arrived at the 911 center where Diane Kloepfer worked as a dispatcher in a suburb of Illinois, her heart broke into little pieces. You see, Diane was one of the twins that had been born to Rasmussen and Fleta. She would daydream about her father coming back to rescue them because her mother was abusive and neglectful, leaving her four children to fend for themselves and padlocking the refrigerator. And now the police were telling her that Rasmussen was believed to be a serial killer who died in prison. They asked for a DNA sample, which she readily provided. It definitively linked Rasmussen to the murders, and identified him as Diane’s father. They also told her that the middle child found in the second barrel was her half sister.
Fast forward to 2019. Citizen sleuth, Becky Heath and genetic genealogist, Barbara Rae-Venter each discovered the identities of three of the four bodies in the barrels. They did this independently within just a few weeks of each other.

After the 2017 press conference, Heath became obsessed with the case. She researched internet forums where people search for long lost relatives and other missing loved ones. The search was made difficult by the fact that the online information is not always accurate or up-to-date.
In her journey Heath found a post that was dated back to 2000. Someone was searching for their long lost half sister. It is that the half sister was born in the 1970's and that the parents to both sisters were dead. It stated that the mother had died in a car accident.
Heath remembered that a car accident was one of the many lies that Rasmussen had told about Lisa's mother, Denise. Heath checked the death index and found no sign of the sisters' mothering dying.
There were a few replies of people looking for their family members that might be related to the mother that died in the accident.
In the thread in 2013 there were marriage records of the mother.
Heath began researching the time frame of the missing people and was able to put the pieces together. She was pretty sure that she figured out who three of the Bear Brook victims were. She contacted fellow Websleuths via Facebook, but nothing came of her theory. Not until October of 2018 when she began listening to Bear Brook Podcast. This ignited her passion for the case once again.
Heath then contacted family members who had posted in that online thread. One of the family members told Heath they remembered the mother had been with a man with the last name Rasmussen when they last saw her.
This time, Heath submitted her findings to law enforcement.
At the same Heath was on her journey of discovery, Venter was on her own mission. She had been attempting to use genetic genealogy to identify the Bear Brook victims to no avail. The DNA from the Bear Brook victims was highly degraded. Bacterial DNA had infiltrated the bones.
Venter then noticed an article where forensic scientist Richard Green had done what was pretty unbelievable. He had been able to retrieve autosomal DNA from a rootless hair. After teaming up with Green Venter a DNA sample was gathered that could be used in genetic genealogy.
The same time that Venter sent in the sample to GED Match, Heath sent in her tip.

In 1961 her parents separated. The mother took the three youngest children with her to California while Marylse and her older sister stayed with their father in Connecticut.
In January of 1976, Marlyse and Marie were believed to be living in Santa Ana. On March 30th Marie was brought to the base clinic because she has scarlet fever. In August Marie’s father noted his last contact with Marlyse and Marie was in Hawaiian Gardens.

On December 13th, 1977, Marlyse gave birth to her second daughter, Sarah Lynn McWaters.
Sometime in 1978, Marlyse and Sarah’s father separated. On August 30th Sarah’s father was awarded temporary custody of Sarah and Marlyse was awarded reasonable visitation rights.
In 1969, Marlyse was a sophomore at Stamford High School, Stamford, CT.
When she was 15 years old, Marlyse moved in with her mother in La Mirada. It was 1970, and Marlyse was a sophomore at Artesia High School, Lakewood and now using her mother’s last name of Salamon. This is when Marlyse developed a relationship with a boyfriend. The next year on June 12th Marlyse married her boyfriend in Las Vegas, NV.

On December 6th, 1971, Marlyse gave birth to her daughter, Marie E. Vaughn.

In February of 1972, Marlyse and family were living in Los Angeles. In June they moved to Stamford, CT and lived with Marlyse’s father.
In 1973, Marlyse and her family packed up and moved again, this time to Fall River, MA. Later that year, Marlyse’s husband took Marie and move to Lakewood, CA. That summer Marlyse traveled to Lakewood and took custody of Marie, when Marie’s father was not present.
In February of 1974 Marie’s father divorced Marlyse. Marlyse was awarded custody of Marie. In September, Marlyse married her second husband in Los Angeles.
In February of 1975, Marlyse and Marie were believed to be living in Downey, CA. In of that year, they were believed to be living on Camp Pendleton base in San Diego County.

Sarah was laid to rest in Connecticut, closer to her father's family.
Diane Kloepfer's half sister's identity is still unknown.Through ongoing genealogy work, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says the child is primarily Caucasian with a small amount of Asian, black and American Indian ancestry. She was 2 to 4 years old at the time of her death, placing her birth date between 1975-1977. She had slightly wavy brown hair and stood as tall as 3 feet, 9 inches. She had a slight overbite.
Authorities believe that mother of the child may be a victim of Rasmussen's as well.
Denise Beaudin is still missing and presumed murdered by Rasmussen. At the time of her disappearance she was 23 years old, 5'4 - 5'6, 120 - 140 pounds. She had brown hair, brown eyes and an overbite.
If you have any information about her disappearance please call the
Manchester Police Department at 603-668-8711 or 603-792-5505.Rasmussen has been dubbed “The Chameleon Killer” for assuming so many different identities as he infiltrated families and destroyed lives in New Hampshire and California.
For any tips concerning Terry Rasmussen and any unknown victims, please contact please contact Deputy Peter Headley with San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department at or the New Hampshire State Police Cold Case Unit (603)223-3648,
There are other murders and disappearances that Rasmussen could have possibly committed.

Authorities believe that Rasmussen is probably responsible for the murder of the San Joaquin County Jane Doe aka "Lady in the Fridge".
On March 29th, 1995, the unidentified woman's body was discovered by scavengers. The woman was found in Holt, San Joaquin County, California inside of a refrigerator bound with rope, in an irrigation ditch along Bacon Island Road, in the Delta area west of Stockton. When the individuals cut through the rope they opened the fridge and then dug through a patched faux fur waterbed quilt and a Hillary brand sleeping bag, that's when they found her remains.
She had been murdered by a blow to the head with a blunt object around a year before she was found.
She was twenty-nine to forty-one years old and was five feet five to five feet seven inches at a weight of 110 to 130 pounds. She was white with strawberry-blond hair and had manicured nails. Her teeth were virtually perfect with only a few fillings. A one-third carat wedding ring was found on her right hand and authorities believe that she may have been estranged, separated, or divorced from her husband. Also a leather band found that detectives believe was a part of a charm necklace. The ornaments that would have been laced on the necklace were found in the victim's pocket. Investigators believe that she quite possibly had her necklace broken in the scuffle and collected the ornaments and placed them into her pocket before she was murdered. She wore a blue sweatshirt, Levi shorts a size 30-32, Victoria Secret brand bra (size 34B), Fruit of the Loom T-shirt, trendy multicolored knee-high socks with toes, and Gorilla brand hiking boots worth approximately $120.00 in 1996.
Detectives say that the items found inside of the refrigerator lead them to believe that the fridge had resided in the East Bay. They came to this conclusion because the items that they found all had ties to that area. Some of the cities associated were; Richmond, Antioch, Pittsburgh, Oakley, and Brentwood. The electrician's tape used to tie up the victim had been purchased at the military surplus store in Oakley. There was an unopened bag of Ice from the Glacier Ice Co. which is produced in Freemont and shipped only to the East Bay. There were miniature milk cartons in the icebox that are used mainly in hospitals, schools, or institutions.
Based on the contents, police say the refrigerator was likely to have originated between the Highways 680, 580, 4, and Interstate 5.
The refrigerator's serial number revealed it had been manufactured in Pennsylvania and sold in Oakland, California.
If you have any information on Turquoise Doe, please contact the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office at 925-335-1500.

Laureen loved singing and dancing and she dreamed of becoming an actress. She lived with her mother in a third-floor apartment on Merrimack Street. She was 14 years old. She was a student at Parkside Junior High School where she made good grades. It was spring break and her mother was out of town. Judith's then boyfriend was a professional tennis player and she was out of town attending one of his tournaments. Laureen usually went with them, but her mother agreed to let her stay home.
On October 1st, 1980, three months after Laureen disappeared, Judith found she had been charged for three phone calls placed in California.
In 1986, an investigator visited California on Judith's behalf. He located the two motels involved in the October 1980 phone calls. Authorities said that one of the establishments may have been used by a child pornographer named "Dr. Z." Investigators were unable to link "Dr. Z" to the teen hotline and it is not known if pornography was involved in Laureen's disappearance.
The same year, a childhood friend of Laureen's named Roger Maurais received a phone call from a woman who claimed to be "Laurie" or Laureen. Maurais's mother answered the phone call and stated that the woman claimed to have been her son's former girlfriend.
Judith believes she is still alive and some of Laureen's acquaintances may know more about her disappearance than they disclosed in 1980. Investigators continue to suspect that foul play was involved in her case, which remains unsolved.
Denise Daneault lived two blocks from the Rahn residence. She went missing from a bar in June 1980. Denise had been living on the same street as Rasmussen.

Denise's ex-husband, Paul Daneault, moved into her apartment after she went missing. Sometime later, he and and another man were arrested for selling 46 bags of heroine to undercover agents.
Melanie said that Danny had sexually abused her as a little girl. And Eric was exacting revenge.
Melanie Paquette Cooper received 15 months for hindering an investigation. Eric Windhurst pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15–60 years in prison. He is eligible for parole starting sometime this year.

Laureen Rahn was born on April 3rd, 1966 to Judith Rahn. Rasmussen lived a mile and a half away from Laureen when she disappeared from Manchester, New Hampshire on April 26th, 1980.
Laureen invited two of a female friend and a male friend over. They drank wine and beer for awhile. Then the male friend claimed that he heard a noise coming from the front door. He thought that it was Laureen's mother and didn't want to get in trouble so he darted out the back door. He claimed that he heard Laureen lock the door behind him.
Sometime after midnight, Judith arrived home, and noticed that the light bulbs on all three of the apartment building's floors had been unscrewed, leaving the hallways completely dark. When she arrived at her apartment's front door, she found it unlocked. She peeked in Laureen's room and thought that she saw her in bed.
When Judith awakened just a few hours later, she realized that it was Laureen's female friend in her bed. The friend claimed that she had last seen Laureen asleep on the couch in the living room. When Judith looked around the apartment, she found articles of Laureen's clothing and her brand new sneakers in the living room along with a pillow and blanket on the couch. The back door open was also allegedly open. Judith called the police at 3:45 a.m. to report Laureen missing.
For a few weeks authorities treated Laureen as a runaway. From the beginning Laureen's mother knew better. Besides her clothes, Laureen left her purse behind. Investigators soon reconsidered their theory. They then stated it appeared as if Laureen had left the apartment willingly and intended to return within a short time.
In 1980, calls could be charged to your own number by calling the phone company and entering a pin code. Judith was confused because neither her or Laureen had ties to the area what-so-ever.
One of Laureen's family members reported seeing a girl matching her description in a Boston, Massachusetts bus terminal in 1981
Throughout 1981 and for a few years after, Judith claimed to have received numerous mysterious phone calls, which she always received at approximately 3:45 a.m. This was oddly the same time of day that Judith had initially had called the police to report Laureen missing. During these calls, Judith claimed the caller never spoke. The phone calls increased in frequency during the Christmas holiday. The calls eventually stopped after Judith moved to Florida and changed her phone number several years later.
Laureen's male friend committed suicide in 1985. Authorities never considered him a suspect in this case.
Two of the calls were placed from a motel in Santa Monica. The third call was from a motel in Santa Ana made to a teen sexual assistance hotline. Detectives spoke with the physician who maintained the hotline, and he initially denied having known anything of the call. Five years later, the physician claimed that numerous young women and runaways occasionally visited his wife at their home, and that one of the girls may have been Laureen. He also stated that Annie Sprinkle, a sex educator and former pornographic actress who allegedly knew his wife, might have had information regarding Laureen's disappearance. However, law enforcement was unable to find any evidence linking Sprinkle to Laureen's disappearance.
In 1988 there was another unconfirmed sighting of Laureen when a witness claimed to have seen a prostitute in Anchorage, Alaska, who matched Laureen's description. Authorities do not believe that this woman was in fact Laureen.
At the time of her disappearance Laureen was 5'4" tall, 90 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. She had a prominent scar on her upper leg, resulting from a fall onto broken glass. She was thought to be wearing a white V-neck sweater, a blue plaid blouse, jeans, brown shoes, a heart-shaped gold ring and a silver/blue necklace.
If you have any information about Laureen's disappearance, please call the Manchester Police Department at 603-668-8711.

Denise Daneault was born Denise Ann Lavoie on June 14th,1954 in Dillon, Montant.
On June 8th, 1980, 25-year-old Denise was a mother of two sons that she loved very much. She was divorced and going through child custody issues and she was allegedly in debt.

She was living at 343 Hayward Street with a roommate named Tamara Leiby. According to Leiby, Denise was last seen at 1:30 a.m. at the Merrrimack Club.
While Leiby was conducting her own investigation into Denise's disappearance, she claimed that she spoke with two men that told her they talked to Denise as she was leaving the club the night she disappeared.
Denise had allegedly told the men that she was going to a party on Kimball Street. There are rumors floating around that Denise overdosed at the party.
Leiby also checked with several friends, but there has been no known sightings of Denise since she left the club. Denise also missed an appointment she had for later that day. According to Leiby it is uncharacteristic of Denise to leave without warning and she had no reason to leave.
At the time of her disappearance Denise was about 5'5" - 5'6" tall, 135 pounds with blonde/brown hair, brown/green eyes. She was wearing a brown print skirt.
If you have any information regarding her disappearance please call the Manchester Police Department at 603-668-8711.
At the time of his arrest, Paul was in possession of 109 bags of heroin that had a "Batman" insignia stamped on them. Another 11 bags of heroin were also confiscated.
Police are not sure if Denise is connected to Laureen's disappearance or if Rasmussen was the perpetrator.

Rena Rene Ferland Paquette was born in 1910 in Marine.

A few weeks after Rena's death, the police did arrest the man they claimed killed Pamela Mason. He was a delivery driver named Edward Coolidge. Coolidge said he had called Pamela on the pretense of babysitting. When she came over to his house he had beaten and raped Pamela. Then he stabbed her four times and then shot her twice in the head. Afterwards he dumped her body in a snow bank where it was found 8 days later.
Coolidge was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in New Hampshire, which meant that he wouldn’t be eligible for parole until he served 18 years.
Also in 1991, Rena’s body was exhumed and thoroughly examined. Her cause of death was changed from suicide to undetermined.
Authorities believe that it is possible that Coolidge murdered 18-year-old Sandra Valade in 1960, but have yet to find evidence to prove it. She went missing and then her body was found in a snow bank 9 days later. She had been sexually assaulted and shot to death.
After five months, Danny was released from the psychiatric hospital. He worked hard to turn his life around.

One of the men that Denise had dated was named Victor Paquette.

Paquette's mother, Rena was a victim of and unsolved homicide from 1964.
In 1964 Rena had called a tip into police. Rena worked at a laundromat.
She said she knew who had killed 14-year-old Pamela Mason in 1964. She said that a man named Edward J. Coolidge Jr. took particular interest in Pamela's babysitting flyers.
The police never got back to Rena. Early the next morning, on February 3rd, 1964, Rena seemed to vanish. Her son Danny had come downstairs for breakfast, expecting to see his mother, but the house was empty.
Danny was very worried about his mother. It was very cold and Rena had left her winter coat in the house. Danny called his uncle, and the two of them started to search the farm. About an hour into the search they spotted smoke coming from the barn that sat over a mile away from the house. When they looked inside the barn, they found Rena's body burning.
Her death was ruled as a suicide. But, her family and friends could not believe that she would kill herself, and especially by setting herself on fire. They feel her knowledge of who killed those girls is what led to her death.

i don't think that he should have been eligible for parole.
Even thought Coolidge had admitted to killing Pamela, the way the police obtained some of the evidence presented at his trial was controversial and his first degree murder conviction was overturned. He was able to plea to second degree murder and was released from prison in 1991.
Rena's family believes that Coolidge killed her because she told the police her suspicions.
Rena's death was extremely hard on Danny. Danny eventually got married and had children. But, his marriage ended in divorce and he lost a lengthy custody battle. He then had a mental break and wound up at a mental hospital. During a hypnosis session at the hospital, Danny remembered that he had seen his mother arguing with Edward Coolidge before her death. Regardless of this new revelation, the police refused to re-open Rena's case.

Sandra and Rena's cases remain unsolved.
On the same weekend that the first barrel was found in Allentown, Danny was working on a bulldozer with a few friends in his garage. Around 11 am when Danny was out of sight of his friends. They heard a loud pop. They ran towards the sound and found Danny lying on the ground.
At first Danny's friends thought that he got electrocuted, but they soon realized that he had been shot in the back. Danny was dead and the only clue the killer left behind was his footprints as he ran away. Later, bullet that had traveled through Danny was in a telephone pole.
At first, authorities believed it was an accidental shooting, that a hunter in the nearby gravel pit had fired the fatal bullet, even though the pit was a mile a way. There were too many obstacles would have gotten in the way.
Nothing happened with Danny's case until 2004.

The tipsters said that Eric Windhurst killed Danny. When Danny was killed, Eric had been dating Danny’s daughter Melanie Paquette.
In 2005, Eric Windhurst was arrested and charged with murder. At fist Windhurst claimed that he was with Melanie at a field hockey game at the time of Danny's murder, but later Melanie came forward and said that she watched Windhurst kill her father.
Melanie Paquette Cooper received 15 months for hindering an investigation. Eric Windhurst pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15–60 years in prison. He is eligible for parole starting sometime this year.
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