A'Lexas Perez-Patino was a fighter from the day she was born, which was seven weeks early. She had a wonderful smile and was described as full of life, love, and laughter. She was smart, bright and ambitious. When A'Lexas loved, she loved with all her heart. She was very close with her family.
“She did not know how to fail,”
said her mother, Monica Perez.
“Everything she would set her mind to, she would do it.”
While at Tahquitz High, A'Lexas was a varsity cheerleader for four years before graduating in 2013. She worked at a Starbucks in San Jacinto and was headed to nursing school. She recently graduated from Mt. San Jacinto College, where she earned two associate’s degrees.
Two weeks before her death, she just started working at an elementary school as an after school coordinator, along with her Starbucks job.
A'Lexas also had a boyfriend that she had met from a mutual friend of just over a year. They had a tremulous relationship. Allegedly he was jealous and a bit controlling. They were living together and she grew a distant from her family and friends. Her friends didn't want to be around the boyfriend. A'Lexas's mother claims that she started seeing bruises on A'Lexas and the boyfriend seemed aggressive. One of A'Lexas' friends said that she asked to stay with her one night and that she had a bump on her head.
The day before A'Lexas passed away, she showed up to her mom's house and A'Lexas sister Mariah did her makeup and they all just enjoyed spending time together. A'Lexas was having problems with her boyfriend that day and they were playing phone tag. She decided to go meet up with him to watch a football game. She told her mom not to worry and that she would hang out with her the next day, because she didn't work all day.
That evening, on November 9th, 2017, A'Lexas and her boyfriend were at a restaurant called the Tilted Kilt. One of her friends worked there as a waitress. There were unconfirmed reports that A'Lexas and her boyfriend argued that night at the restaurant and he left.
Over an hour later, A'Lexas left and went back to her apartment and made calls to some of her friends and her sister Mariah. When Mariah picked up the phone all she heard was the sound of someone sniffling, like they had been crying. Mariah said " Hello A'lexas, hello?" but there was no answer and the call disconnected. She tried to call A'Lexas back, but there was no answer, so Mariah decided to wait and see if A'Lexas would call back. A little bit later, A'Lexas did call back and said she just got home and asked Mariah where she was and what she was up to. Mariah asked where the boyfriend was at and A'Lexas said she didn't know. Mariah then asked her if she was ok and A'Lexas said ya she was. Mariah asked her if she was sure and A'Lexas informed her that she was sure and then proceeded to ask Mariah where she was again and kept asking repetitive questions. Mariah thought that there was something a little off about her sister, like maybe she was drunk or something. Mariah didn't worry too much because A'Lexas was home and safe, or at least that she what she thought.
A'Lexas' last call of the night was to her boyfriend at 11:15 p.m. The cellphone records suggest that they talked for about two minutes.
The boyfriend stated that he arrived at the apartment around 3 a.m. and claims that the apartment was locked and he could not get inside. He had a key, but he said that the deadbolt was activated. He knocked and knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so he called the police. When the police showed up, they knocked on the door and there was still no answer.
Supposedly, the police didn't check the door to see if it was really locked.
Since there was no answer, the boyfriend told police that he would just sleep in the car for the night. The boyfriend alleges that he slept in the car until around 6:49 a.m.. When he woke up, he claims he climbed into the kitchen window, that was three stories up, by climbing onto a railing and leaning really far in. He found A'Lexas' lifeless body laying on the floor and that she had probably killed herself.
When the police arrived at the residence at 6:57 a.m., A'Lexas was found laying on the floor with only a single stab wound to her abdomen. This is a very unusual way for someone to kill themselves.
When A'Lexas' mom woke up that morning, she noticed she had a message from the boyfriend asking when was the last time she had talked to A'Lexas. The mom had a bad feeling and called A'Lexas' home. The boyfriend answered and was really distraught, he said he found A'Lexas lying down with blood coming out of her mouth. The boyfriend informed the mom that A'Lexas wasn't breathing and he had called 911. A'Lexas' mom rushed right over. When she arrived there, there was only one sheriff vehicle and yellow police tape up. There was no ambulance or firetruck or any other emergency vehicle there. No one would let her upstairs or really inform her on what was going on. Eight hours later, detectives started arriving on scene. It turns out, the boyfriend didn't try to perform CPR or even touch A'Lexas.
At 11:20 a.m., the boyfriend was arrested on suspicion of murder with malice.
Malice is implied when "no considerable provocation appears and where all the circumstances of the killing show an abandoned and malignant heart." Which means he wasn't defending himself or he knew she was going to die if he didn't assist her and he decided he didn't want to help her because he wanted her to die.
Authorities didn't have enough evidence to hold him, so he was released the next day. The boyfriend was playing at a casino until 3 a.m., so he did have an alibi until then.
A'Lexas' family says she wasn't suicidal and she wouldn't have killed herself. After talking to her family and friends police believe that A'Lexas did not kill herself, but the coroner listed her death as undetermined, despite her autopsy showing at least nine different bruises, scrapes and abrasions. She had two lacerations to her chin and two above her eyebrow.
What really happened to A'Lexas and who is responsible?
There are ways you can help get justice for A'Lexas.
You can share her story. There also a petition you can sign in order to get her case looked into by the Riverside District Attorney's office. Change.org Petition. There is also Justice for A'Lexas Instagram so you can keep up to date on her case.
If you have any information about A'Lexas' case, no matter how small, please come forward. Her family deserves to know what really happened to A'Lexas, no matter what happened.
Kendall Rae did this wonderful video with interviews with the family, please check it out. This is where i received most of the information about the case. Also, a weird thing happened to her, even though she didn't reveal anything about the boyfriend's identity, he filed a privacy complaint against her on Youtube. Supposedly, he also went on to her channel under his own name and tried to defend himself.... I just think that is a little weird of him, but that is just me.
What i want to know is her time of death, and why there was blood coming out of her mouth. Unless A'Lexas' lungs were perforated, i'm not sure if blood would come out of her mouth. If A'Lexas did stabbed herself, is it possible she could have done it with just one motion? And wouldn't she have stabbed herself in the heart or her wrists or jugular? Was she strong enough to stab herself through the muscle? Usually people don't die until days later from sepsis.
What i want to know is her time of death, and why there was blood coming out of her mouth. Unless A'Lexas' lungs were perforated, i'm not sure if blood would come out of her mouth. If A'Lexas did stabbed herself, is it possible she could have done it with just one motion? And wouldn't she have stabbed herself in the heart or her wrists or jugular? Was she strong enough to stab herself through the muscle? Usually people don't die until days later from sepsis.
what are your theories?
i'm not sure she'd have the strength to kill herself in the way that she died.
It was obviously the boyfriend people, jezz just saying it!
I think it definitely was the boyfriend is a fine him and charge him with it I need to check the knife for fingerprints or did they
I think the boyfriend killed her who else would kill her they were fighting he was jealous of her she was gorgeous she could’ve had anybody he definitely kills her
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