Amy Lynn Bradley was focused and a fireball.
She was born May 12th, 1974 in Petersburg, Virginia to Ron and Iva Bradley. She has a younger brother named Brad, whom she was very close to. She was a accomplished athlete in high school. She was offered many scholarships, but she chose go to the closest college to her home.
In 1998, she had her own apartment and was planning on pursuing a masters degree in sports psychology.
On March 21, 1998, Amy, her parents Ron and Iva and her brother Brad, left for a week long cruise on Rhapsody of the Seas, paid for by Ron's new employers. Amy was a little apprehensive, even though she was a swim coach, but eventually agreed to go. They set sail from Puerto Rico.
On March 23rd, the ship makes a stop at Oranjestad in Aruba. After a day of exploring, the family returns to the ship for dinner followed by a party on the ship's Calypso deck.
About 1 a.m. the ship head for Curacao, an island just off the coast of Venezuela. Ron and Iva go to their room to get some sleep while Amy and her brother head to the ship's 24 hour dance club. Blue Orchid. One of the band's members, Alister Douglas, known as Yellow, said he parted ways with Bradley at about 1 a.m. Brad went back to his their room around 4 a.m. and was sitting outside on the balcony. Around 4:30 a.m. Amy came back and joined him on the balcony. Shortly after that, Brad goes to bed, leaving Amy on the balcony alone.
It's about 5:30 a.m. and the ship is arriving in Curacao. Ron gets up and finds Amy still on the balcony. He doesn't want to disturb her and lays back down. Ron wakes back up twenty minutes later and Amy is not on the balcony or any where insight. He thinks that maybe she'd be up on deck, but she is not there either. Her family notices that all of Amy's belongings are still in her room. The family search the ship for over an hour, Amy is no where to be seen.
Ron and Iva beg the ship's crew not to let anyone off the ship. The captain agrees to search for Amy, but he will not make an announcement or keep anyone on the ship, he doesn't want to disturb the passengers. At 5 p.m. there is still no sign of Amy. The captain thinks that maybe she fell overboard. Amy's family doesn't think this is true, they say Amy was too afraid to get near the railing. Some of the crew suggest that maybe Amy committed suicide. The family doesn't believe this either. Amy seemed happy, excited about the future and had no history of being suicidal. One of the crew members suggest Amy might have gotten off the boat and be in Curacao.
4 hours later, the ship leaves while the family stays behind. A few hours later the F.B.I. calls Iva saying that they have been in contact with the ship. It turns out, the crew did not do a through search for Amy. The F.B.I. and the Bradley's meet the ship at it's next stop at St. Thomas.
On March 26th, the F.B.I. search the ship. While the F.B.I. is searching the ship, the family is approached by two young woman.
They said that they saw Amy around 5:45 a.m. on the 23rd, heading back to the all night dance club with Alister Douglas. This reminds Brad about a conversation he had with Alister. Alister confronted Brad while the intial search for his sister was underway. At that time, besides the family, only the captain and his security team knew Amy was missing. Alister told Brad he was sorry to hear about his sister. The Bradley's tell all this to the F.B.I. and the question Alister. Alister says he doesn't know what Brad is talking about and denies everything. The F.B.I. didn't have enough to detain Alister.
There is a service aboard the ship that takes photos of all it's guests and sell them to them lost all the photos of Amy.
On March 28th, the cruise is over and the Bradley's take a flight back home. The Bradley's campaign fiercely for Amy's return.
On April 21st, Brad and Ron travel to Curacao to search for Amy again. A taxi driver recognized Amy from a flyer that the family was handing out. The driver says that shortly after the ship docked, Amy frantically ran up to him and asked where a phone was.
The local authorities aide Brad and Ron in their search. Four days later, Brad hears Amy's voice calling his name from a passing vehicle. They think it's coming from a white van and follow it. When they catch up to it, there is a man riding in it by himself.
After being on the Island a week, Brad and Ron return without Amy.
In May, 1999, Canadian business man, David Carmichael, calls the Bradleys and tells them he saw Amy while he was washing off his scuba gear in Curacao, five months after Amy vanished. Amy was walking toward him on the beach, with two men behind her. Once she hear that David spoke English, she picked up her pace. She was close enough to speak to him when the two men grabbed her and pulled her into a nearby cafe. David then decides to follow them. The woman he thinks is Amy has a scar on her shin along with a Tasmanian devil tattooed on her shoulder blade, just like Amy had.
The Bradley's contact local authorities and they search the island again with no luck.
Three months later and another man comes forward named Frank Jones. He is a private investigator and he says that Amy is being held captive and that her captors specialize in human trafficking. The family hires Jones to aide in the search for Amy and over the next year Jones and his team search Curacao. They send the Bradley's surveillance photos of someone that looks a lot like Amy, but they weren't able to get any face shots.
On September 22nd, 1999, Jones tells the Bradley's that he might be able to rescue Amy, but he will need $100,000. In order to get that much money, the Bradley's accept financial assistance from Ron's employer. His employer wants to make sure the intelligence is legitimate, so he sends a security contractor, Tim Buckles to access the situation on November 1st, 2000. Tim discovers that Jones is a con artist and that the photos are fake.
In February 2002, Jones was arrested in Florida and charged with mail fraud and is sentenced to 5 years in prison.
A Navy officer stationed on Curacao calls in a tip. He said he went to a brothel and a girl approached him, told him that her name is Amy Bradley and she needed help. She said she can't get out, then someone motioned her away. The sailor wasn't suppose to be in the brothel and didn't want to get into trouble, so he waited two years to come forward with this information. Since then, that particular brothel was burnt down.
September 2005, an anonymous source sends the family photos they found online that were pulled from a Caribbean adult website. The woman in the photos looked a lot like Amy. The family contacts a police forensic specialist. The specialist examines the photos and says they are a perfect match for Amy. The police try to pinpoint the IP address of the adult website to no avail.
In December 2005, an Ohio woman named Judy Maur was on a cruise with her husband and the ship docked in Barbados. They went downtown to do some shopping. While she was using the bathroom in one of the shops, she hears people come into the bathroom and hide in a stall. She hears a man yelling saying that,
"The deal is at 11 o'clock and you better be ready to go. And i'm warning you, you better cooperate. This is my deal and you better not mess it up."
Then the men leave the bathroom. Judy emerges from the stall to find a woman, in her thirties, looking very upset. Judy asks her where she is from and the woman answers that she is from Virginia. Judy asks for her name and the woman says that her name is Amy. The men begin pounding on the bathroom door. The men swing open the door and Judy bolts out and past the four men waiting outside. Nine months later, Judy sees Amy's missing person's photos online and realizes that that was the girl from the bathroom. Judy contacts the Bradley's and they contact the F.B.I.

The F.B.I. creates sketches of Amy and her abductors. The F.B.I. also goes to the department store, but by the time they do, no one recognizes Amy or her captures.
Tim Buckles is helping search for Amy and thinks that since Alister Douglas was the last person to see Amy, he might have some insight on to what happened to her. And her family won't give up. Amy's whereabouts are still unknown.
The nudes may belong to pornstar Randee Lee, not to Amy Lynn Bradley
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Thank you webkid.
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