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Monday, December 31, 2018

Murder or Suicide? Death Of The Gray State Family Pt.2 2014 Timeline

In early 2014, David wrote on social media,
"After two years of trying to extract the Gray State story, I think I may have finally done it."
In the first half of 2014, David began traveling to Hollywood in search of getting a deal for his movie. 
He was weary of those in Hollywood, but he also understood that making his script into a movie was going to require collaboration.
He was trying to navigate the tangles of Hollywood without compromising his artistic vision.
This is also where he begins a journal.
May 21st, 2014, David, Komel and Rani arrived in Texas to visit Komel's family.
They traveled from Minnesota in a black Toyota Corolla.
On May 22nd of 2014, Komel and David fly from Texas to Los Angeles for their sixth anniversary.
David and Komel fly back to Texas to meet back up with Rani.
Monday May 26th, the Crowleys begin their drive back home, this time Komel's father's car, an Acrua that he bought for Komel.
On June 13th, 2014, Komel cashed in her 401k.
David finally get a deal in the works, which him and Komel kept pretty much a secret.
Komel did tell friend that David "got a multimillion-dollar movie deal." 
And in late September  of 2014, David allegedly boasted to his brother Dan about how he'd soon be flying "to L.A.... for final negotiations with producers" and "he was going to be a millionaire by the end of the year."
David and Komel were looking at houses in California to move into.
David was becoming distrusting of some of those who worked with him and David told those he distrusted that there was no deal in the works.
He disbanded his Bullet Exchange company and sold some of the props.
David also sent Danny Mason forms for Danny to relinquish his rights to the Gray State, so David could move forward.
Until Danny signed the papers, which he never did, a Gray State would be at a stale mate.
They were playing a cat a mouse game for the rights of Gray State and also The Rise.
Did you know that David's Gray State script was worth 30 million dollars?
That is how much the deal he struck was worth.
In August of 2014, Rani's fifth birthday was a little awkward to say the least.
David and Komel were trying to keep the deal that David struck a secret and Danny Mason showed up to the party.
David's cousin Laura Meyer Hokenson attended the princess themed party, which was held in the family's backyard.
Hokenson said that
"They looked like a couple very much in love," 
"They were all about family and he seemed like a person who, professionally, was about to enter into a time when his life's dreams were about to come true."
Komel's mom was diagnosed with cancer earlier in 2014 and Komel disapproved of the mom using chemotherapy.
On August 23rd, David and Komel attended David's high school reunion. 
Komel also begins a journal that night.

Sometime in the last week of August, Dan Jr. did something to throw a wrench in his and David's relationship, which Dan Jr. said he sorry for.
In September 2014, David sent an updated movie script to producers.  
On September 26th, the producers get back to David and they suggest that his script would be better as a tv series.
He also told followers on Facebook he that he was excited at the prospect of "rebuilding a new, trustworthy team" to work on Gray State, and that for now he was at the helm alone, single handedly cultivating his "baby."
The Facebook post gets deleted the next year in January 2015, after the family is found dead.
On October 1st, 2014, Komel text her sister to tell her happy birthday.
On October 17th, Komel's sister Sidra, texts Komel informing her that she is coming to exchange cars.
On October 18th, a person named that was not David's dad, withdrew $50,000 from an account that only his dad had access to.
On this day, Sidra arrives from Texas.
She tries to text and call Komel, but gets no answer.
Sidra goes to the police department to ask them for advice.
The police call the Crowleys and get no answer, so Sidra goes to their house anyway.
David answered the door and turned Sidra away, but before he does he agrees to switch cars.
He tells Sidra to come back in one hour in order to give him time to clean up the car.
One our later, Sidra comes back and retrieves the other car, then heads back to Texas.
Sidra finds a photo of her, Komel and their mother in the car.
There is a note on the back from Komel reading that she will love them forever.
On October 24th, Dan Jr. posts on his Facebook page, how easy it is to watch gruesome deaths on television.
About this time, Komel began feeling and hallucinating ghosts.
Was someone messing with the family or was Komel actually have this experience?
November 7th, David's dad text David to see if he is alive.
David explains everything is great and that family life has swept them away. 
David's dad replied by asking how negotiations for the movie are going.
David lied and told his dad that he walked away from the deal.
At the end of November, David makes his last journal entry.
"i am no one, it is everybody else that is someone."
On November 24th, Komel meets a friend at a coffee shop and makes plans to meet up after the holidays.
A few days after, Komel lets her dietitian license expire, supposedly it is because she is authoring a book.
In early December on Twitter David announced
"The Rise is almost done. I'm serious," 
"She's coming out to be quite the looker; can't wait to show you all, but I have to comb her hair for a few more weeks."
He also wrote about he would be giving it away for free.
Some of David's friends and past collaborators didn't like the idea of that.
For instance, Danny Mason wanted rights to The Rise, if David gave it away for free, Danny couldn't make any money from it.
Sean Wright, a former collaborator, wanted to get The Rise available for the public to purchase.
Sean had an upcoming for his felony tax charges and allegedly was tight on funds.
He pled guilty in March of 2015.
Sean had messaged David on social media demanding David to remove discussions and other information related to his tax problems from The Rise.
On December 17th, 2014, David reached out to producer Jason Allen and asks him if he would like to join the film.
On December 19th, David and Komel go get marijuana from a friend.
It is also the last day of school for Rani for Christmas vacation.
David and Komel picked Rani up from school.
On December 20th, around 2 a.m., a neighbor, Collin Prochnow hears what he perceives as gun shots coming from the Crowley's house.
Collin does not call the police.
This day, Collin's son comes from California to say with the Prochnows.
The next day is the last day of the Crowley's last banking transaction.
David charges over $30 worth of food at SmashBurger.
December 23rd, two attempts to from Komel's phone to her sister's phone go unanswered.
On this day between two and three p.m., the news paper found after the discovery of the bodies in the Crowley's kitchen garbage is delivered.
Sometime before eight o'clock on Christmas Eve, Brent Malay, David's neighbor that lived across the street, was going to shut his blinds when he looked out to see someone staring back.
Malay assumed it was David.
Neither gave a wave and the person disappeared from sight by the time Malay was closing the shades.
Sometime that night, a playlist of 53 songs starts on a loop on David's computer.
December 26th is when the police estimate the family died.
On the 28th of December, David's brother, Dan Jr., supposedly dropped of Christmas presents and a sizable check from their father.
He didn't want to bother David or his family, so he put the check in the mail box and the presents on the porch....
Murder or Suicide? Death Of The Gray State Family Pt. 3 The Discovery


Unknown said...

Shocking documentary. The thing that really hits me hardest is, I lived in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis at this time and vaguely remember hearing about this. Read the papers daily, watched news daily, listened to morning and afternoon drive radio shows. All I could think was, how did this get passed me ? Saw Tom Lydens indepth report in the documentary, but not sure how it was framed in the broadcast, though. Lots of strange things.......some still occurring. Plenty of instability in the home. My fear is, these soldiers are still having an awful time. They are still dying. They are lost. Their loved ones are lost. And the rest of us are lost as well. How do we help ?

DeathByBoobie said...

So true unknown. In my opinion, veterans need more help than they are getting. In today's society mental health is not talked about as much as it should be. Some people are afraid or ashamed to come forward. It is a travesty.

Ekuldom said...

I made a film while i was doing my Film school in New York.
Here is the link to the trailer.https://youtu.be/ZWIlm_1xozw

War is an industry. NO nobility or higher cause in a war. Someone has to usually plan for 20 to 30 years to achieve an End / Desired Result.
Most soldiers enrol because they are disillusioned. The Guns, Video Game, Glory, Seeking identity, Falling for what people think about them etc etc.
If you dont go then who does? Well MErcenaries who have gone through hell themselves and are willing to end others for money. An Artist cannot have blood on their hands. Thats why its art and not war. The Crowley person mentioned in this discussion is pure manic. Hear the audio he makes when he is going to the Mike Brothers (in California) to raise funds for his movie. Those producers were heart people and rightly so after years of experience. Its sad how he backstabbed them. So this case here is a web of a backstabbing environment in a small town with big ambitions and many hurting people. The Allah o Akbar on the wall is just to malign an already demonised community for the sake of war and natural resources. Its sad the vision he had was to expose the corrupt system world over. It's not only in America. Im Indigenous to INdia, The corrupt is everywhere. May the dead rest, since KArma comes to everyone. To put it more biblically "What you sow, you reap". Leave it at that. the deep state is not interested in a war vet. they are easy targets of self consumption (Self and Life). the deep state would be interested in the those who can hack for large sums of money. Rest is just theatre. And by the way the Dar BG and white text is ok for the eyes. nothing mysterious about this blog. What you should really be worried about is these agendas, 21 to 201. The Medical Mafia the real murderers in white lab courts and so trusting. What is so silly about the biblical Devil is (Bad writing by those early authors and the then ecclesiastical writed some 700 years ago. The real evil comes with a smile, deceiving and with debauchery. No horns or music. Evil is always in the light. This conspiracy on one murder who was going to expose so many things.. well if this was the case. Michael moore, and many other truth sayers would not exist. Yes snowden would be in jail and not wanted dead. Assange too would be dead and not kept alive for a reason. There is a madness to statecraft and an intelligence to it too.
So please watch the film trailer. Do not go fight other people's wars. Save your own family and home. This film was made in the know of the War Vet association.
And yes there is no higher path, this is your one chance - so Shine, and be simple and live well. Keep Karma close. Sow good seeds and deeds.