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Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Former Friend Of Casey Anthony Says She Is Lying About Everything.

Clint House is a former friend of Casey Anthony.
He says he is still astonished that Casey Anthony, was reportedly in good spirits while her daughter was missing.
Caylee Anthony, 2, was last seen on June 16, 2008, but was first reported missing by her grandmother on July 15. 
Casey was arrested on charges of child neglect.
She told police at that time Caylee had disappeared with a babysitter.
A utility worker working in a wooded area near the Anthony home in Orlando, Fla., found Caylee's skeletal remains on Dec. 11. Experts would testify that air samples indicated that decaying human remains had been present in Anthony’s trunk.
The government failed to establish how Caylee died, and they couldn’t find her mother’s DNA on the duct tape they said was used to suffocate her. 
After a trial of a month and a half, the jury found Casey not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.
She was convicted of four counts of lying to police and served about three years in prison while awaiting trial.
Today, she lives in the South Florida home of private detective Patrick McKenna.
He was the lead investigator on her defense team. 
She also works for him, doing online social media searches and other investigative work.
Four days after Caylee was last seen, Casey was celebrating at Fusion nightclub and participating in a “hot body contest” at a party hosted by House. 
According to House no one in Anthony’s circle knew the toddler had vanished.
House said that when Casey's friends out about the toddler being missing at the time,
"We were shocked and surprised that she could be out here doing what she had been doing that night, and meanwhile, her child is missing. 

It came as a big shock once we found out about it. But we just didn’t know.”

House says the last time he saw casey before the trial was in downtown Orlando on July 3.
House said that Casey didn’t seem like there was anything wrong. He said,
“She was like, ‘Hey, how’s it going? 
Good to see you.’ 
Then we went our separate ways. 
That’s the hardest part about this whole story, is that she was just completely so normal during the time Caylee was supposedly missing.”
House said he met Caylee a few times before she vanished.
He said that she was a very intelligent 2-year-old.
“She was going on 3 years old before she went missing, but she was probably one of the sweetest little girls. 
Very articulate for her age. 
You could understand 90 percent of the words that were coming out of her mouth when she was talking to you. 
She seemed just so full of life, and she was just a great little girl. She was very well-behaved.”
House also said that he never saw Casey be abusive and that she was an attentive mother.
I never saw her get angry at Caylee. 
I never saw her grab Caylee in any kind of abusive manner. 
I never saw her have to discipline Caylee because Caylee was such a well-behaved child… 
She just seemed like a good mom.”
During her murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse on June 30, 2011 in Orlando, Florida, Casey's defense attorneys argued that she didn't kill her two-year-old daughter Caylee, but that she accidentally drowned.
The Florida Department of Children and Families concluded that Anthony was responsible for her daughter’s death because her “actions or the lack of actions… ultimately resulted or contributed to the death of the child.” 
In 2017, former Circuit Judge Belvin Perry Jr., who presided the trial, theorized that Anthony may have killed Caylee accidentally when she was using chloroform to calm her.
House said Anthony’s actions from over the years speak for themselves.
House says that Casey is lying about everything.
“And that interview, where she says she sleeps pretty good at night, are you kidding me? 
If I was put on trial for killing my kid, and I was acquitted because I didn’t do it, as soon as I walked out those doors at the courthouse, I would be on a manhunt trying to find out who killed my kid. 
I wouldn’t sleep again until I found out who killed my kid. 
That says everything you need to know.”

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