Day three of the Nichole Rice trial focused on testimony from eight witnesses, including former law enforcement officers, a forensic pathologist, a DNA expert, and Rice's former co-workers. Key moments included:
A forensic scientist testified about DNA evidence, revealing multiple profiles on the murder weapon and male DNA under the victim's fingernails.
Rice's former supervisor described her unusual behavior on the day of the murder, noting she seemed hurried and less social than usual.
A co-worker recounted Rice's comments after the murder, including her statement that "if I keep my mouth shut, I'll be okay."
The court ruled that Devin Hall, a person of interest in the case, could testify via Zoom, as the defense argued he was in the area at the time of the murder.
The prosecution plans to call more witnesses as the trial continues
Darkmatter: Anita Knutson's Murder: State vs Nicole Thomas rice day Two recap.
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