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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Haunting of Cedarhurst Mansion.

Stephen Ewing built Cedarhurst Mansion in 1823 in Huntsville, Alabama. Tragically, on November 28th, 1837, Sally Carter, a relative of the Ewings, died of illness at the age of 15 while visiting her sister at the mansion. It was just three weeks shy of her birthday when she was buried on the property. It was said that her ghost has continued to linger, and over the years, people have reported strange occurrences related to her.

The most famous report of Sally’s ghost occurred in 1919, when a 17-year-old boy from Dothan was staying in her former bedroom. He claimed to have been visited by her during a stormy night. Sally asked him to fix her tombstone, which had been knocked over in the storm. When the boy’s family checked, they found the tombstone indeed fallen.

Other people that have stayed in Sally's room have reported doors opening and closing by themselves, covers getting snatched off the bed and light switches flipping on their own.

There also have been reports of Sally's apparition roaming the estate she adored. A former guard at Cedarhurst reported hearing Sally's footsteps upstairs during a night shift. Once her shift concluded, she discovered that she had misplaced some money while making her rounds.

Despite searching the property, experiencing the eerie sensation of footsteps trailing her, and enduring the unsettling flicker of her flashlight as though its batteries were about to expire, the guard eventually resigned herself to the loss of the money.

Upon her return to the guard shack, her flashlight suddenly flickered to life, illuminating the cash she had written off as lost. It was at that moment she decided to express her gratitude to Sally, and she claims that in response, she heard the laughter of a young woman.

There have been numerous reports of Sally’s ghost watching over children as they slept and moving furniture on its own. Sally's spirit is said to haunt the estate to this day.

Constant visits to her grave caused problems for her family. In 1982, when a new neighborhood was being developed, Sally’s family moved her casket along with others in the family plot and reburied her in Maple Hill Cemetery. Some claim that when her grave was excavated, Sally's casket was empty.

If you’re ever in Huntsville, you might want to explore the eerie history of Sally Carter’s grave!

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