Lynsey Wilson Quy

No no no no
No no no no
Now listen little child, there will come a day
When you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, or the aggravation
You know there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Fly like an angel, heaven sent to me
Goodbye my friend
I know you're gone, you said you're gone
But I can still feel you here
It's not the end
Gotta keep it strong
Before the pain turns into fear
So glad we made it
Time will never change it, no no no
No no no no
Just a little girl, big imagination
Never letting no one take it away
Went into the world (into the world)
What a revelation
She found there's a better way
For you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Find out for certain love's gonna be there for you
by Spice Girls

Lynsey was the youngest daughter of 6 children born to Linda and Peter Wilson.
In June 1995, she was 17 years old when she became pregnant with her first child, Robin. Her and her boyfriend got engaged. She was wanted to keep the baby, but had second thoughts about the marriage. When Lynsey was five months pregnant, they broke up and she was on her own. 
Shortly after her break up with her boyfriend, Lynsey met 20 year old Mitchell Quy. He had a job at a casino and seemed like a charming guy. He was always showing Lynsey affection and buying her presents. They fell in love and just five weeks after meeting, they married. Lynsey's family had their reservations about Mitchell from the beginning, especially her father. On the evening of their wedding, the Lynsey and Mitchell were already arguing and Mitchell became violent.
Mitchell became very controlling and possessive of Lynsey. He wanted to isolate her from her family.
Lynsey and Mitchell acquired a house in South Port, England. Six weeks later, Robin was born. Mitchell would disappear for weeks on end, leaving Lynsey alone and with no food or money. Lynsey confided in her sister that Mitchell would often have violent outbursts.
A year after giving birth to Robin, Lynsey became pregnant with Mitchell’s child. Afraid to bring a new baby into the unstable home, Lynsey had an abortion. This enraged Mitchell, who beat her and moved out. During their marriage, Mitchell also regularly slept with other women.
In December of 1996, Lynsey started divorce proceedings, but after 5 months of being apart, Lynsey allowed Mitchell to move back in. She also told Mitchell she wanted to have a baby with him.
Lynsey became pregnant again and was about halfway through her pregnancy when she came home to find the house in chaos. There was broken glass everywhere, doors had been unhinged, and blood stained the walls. Mitchell even had went outside and destroyed his car.

In October 1997, their son Jack was born. By the next year Mitchell had walked out on Lynsey and the kids 7 times.
On April 19th, 1998, Mitchell walked out again and it seemed as though their marriage was over for good.
During this time, Mitchell worked at a go cart track, but the job didn't last for very long. He was fired from his job after assaulting a customer.
Some how, Mitchell found out where Lynsey was and asked to see the kids. When Lynsey refused, Mitchell threatened her life. Lynsey was so terrified of Mitchell that she carried a portable panic button. She also had an injunction to protect her from his violence.
After Mitchell persuaded her to let him see Jack on his first birthday, Lynsey and Mitchell got back together. When her friends and family found out, they were dumbfounded that Lynsey would allow this man back into her life and steered clear of Mitchell.
The last time Lynsey's sister, Paula, saw her was in October 1998. Lynsey and Paula had a drink together, and when the sister went to drop Lynsey off at home, she asked if she'd come in for some coffee. Paula refused at first, but then reluctantly went in after some persuasion. Mitchell didn't say anything to Paula and just stared at her the whole time. When Paula got back into her car to leave, Lynsey came running out and gave a note to her. When Paula got home, she read the note. The note read, "Please Help Me. Get Me Out Of Here."
On December 13th, 1998, Lynsey was excitedly preparing Christmas for her kids. She spent time with her family, and at the end of the day, her mother dropped her back off at home. Before Linda left, Lynsey hugged and kissed her mother. This was the last time Linda would see her daughter.
Lynsey was last seen alive on the 15th at the local corner shop where she was a regular.
A missing person's investigation was launched and forensic psychologist, Dr. Julian Boone was brought in. He said that Mitchell was a psycho path and very convincing when telling lies. The police surmised that Mitchell was lying as well.
On February 7th, 1999, police arrested Mitchell on suspicion of murder, grievous bodily harm and fraud. Mitchell admitted to forging Lynsey's signature, but the other charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
In January 2000, Lynsey's case went cold. Her father however, refused to give up and kept searching.
On June 7th, police came to conclusions that Lynsey had died on or shortly after December 15th, 1998. They went to Mitchell’s home and brought him in for questioning. A day and a half later, Mitchell finally confessed to killing Lynsey.
In his confession, Mitchell said that On December 16th 1998, Lynsey didn’t plan to, but ended up telling Mitchell that she had arranged an appointment with a lawyer because she wanted a divorce. Mitchell flew into a rage and he strangled Lynsey and then hid her body in their bedroom. With the help of his brother, Elliott, he later dismembered her body in the bathtub, wrapped them in cloth and bags and then taped them up. He then took the remains outside with his kids and disposed of the body parts in various locations.
The next day, Mitchell agreed to show the police the areas he had hidden Lynsey’s body. He knew the media were there and the attention what seemed what was most important to him. Mitchell continued to smile and laugh as he led police where he had hidden Lynsey's torso and legs. Her head and hands were never recovered, Mitchell said that he had threw them in the trash and they were taken to the dump.
In his confession, Mitchell said that On December 16th 1998, Lynsey didn’t plan to, but ended up telling Mitchell that she had arranged an appointment with a lawyer because she wanted a divorce. Mitchell flew into a rage and he strangled Lynsey and then hid her body in their bedroom. With the help of his brother, Elliott, he later dismembered her body in the bathtub, wrapped them in cloth and bags and then taped them up. He then took the remains outside with his kids and disposed of the body parts in various locations.
The next day, Mitchell agreed to show the police the areas he had hidden Lynsey’s body. He knew the media were there and the attention what seemed what was most important to him. Mitchell continued to smile and laugh as he led police where he had hidden Lynsey's torso and legs. Her head and hands were never recovered, Mitchell said that he had threw them in the trash and they were taken to the dump.
Mitchell was branded with the name the "Smiling Killer" due to the smile he wore throughout the search for Lynsey.
Last year, after serving his minimum sentence of 17 years, Mitchell became eligible for parole. He applied and was denied, but will be able to apply again this year. Petitions have been made to keep Mitchell behind bars. Lynsey’s father says that every time he hears of a prisoner committing suicide, he hopes it’s Mitchell.
Please help by signing the petition to keep this vile creature behind bars where he belongs.
Sadly, in April 2001, Lynsey's brother 24 year old brother, Peter, committed suicide. He never got over the trauma of losing his sister. He left behind a pregnant fiancee and his unborn child.
Sadly, in April 2001, Lynsey's brother 24 year old brother, Peter, committed suicide. He never got over the trauma of losing his sister. He left behind a pregnant fiancee and his unborn child.
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