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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Please Help Keep Lynsey Quy's Murderer Behind Bars!

Lynsey Wilson Quy
just lynsey.png

No no no no
No no no no
Now listen little child, there will come a day
When you will be able, able to say
Never mind the pain, or the aggravation
You know there's a better way for you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Fly like an angel, heaven sent to me
Goodbye my friend 
I know you're gone, you said you're gone 
But I can still feel you here 
It's not the end 
Gotta keep it strong
Before the pain turns into fear 
So glad we made it
Time will never change it, no no no
No no no no
Just a little girl, big imagination
Never letting no one take it away
Went into the world (into the world)
What a revelation
She found there's a better way
For you and me to be
Look for the rainbow in every storm
Find out for certain love's gonna be there for you

by Spice Girls

As a baby she was a shy daddy's girl, but as she got older she was outgoing and outspoken. She grew into a beautiful and radiant woman. Lynsey had a dazzling smile with a personality to match. She was described as bubbly, fun loving and liked to laugh.  
Image result for Lynsey quy's father
Lynsey was the youngest daughter of 6 children born to Linda and Peter Wilson.
Lynsey with her first child, Robin.
In June 1995, she was 17 years old when she became pregnant with her first child, Robin. Her and her boyfriend got engaged. She was wanted to keep the baby, but had second thoughts about the marriage. When Lynsey was five months pregnant, they broke up and she was on her own. 

Shortly after her break up with her boyfriend, Lynsey met 20 year old Mitchell Quy. He had a job at a casino and seemed like a charming guy. He was always showing Lynsey affection and buying her presents. They fell in love and just five weeks after meeting, they married. Lynsey's family had their reservations about Mitchell from the beginning, especially her father. On the evening of their wedding, the Lynsey and Mitchell were already arguing and Mitchell became violent.

Mitchell became very controlling and possessive of Lynsey. He wanted to isolate her from her family.

Lynsey and Mitchell acquired a house in South Port, England. Six weeks later, Robin was born. Mitchell would disappear for weeks on end, leaving Lynsey alone and with no food or money. Lynsey confided in her sister that Mitchell would often have violent outbursts. 

A year after giving birth to Robin, Lynsey became pregnant with Mitchell’s child. Afraid to bring a new baby into the unstable home, Lynsey had an abortion. This enraged Mitchell, who beat her and moved out. During their marriage, Mitchell also regularly slept with other women. 

In December of 1996, Lynsey started divorce proceedings, but after 5 months of being apart, Lynsey allowed Mitchell to move back in. She also told Mitchell she wanted to have a baby with him.

Lynsey became pregnant again and was about halfway through her pregnancy when she came home to find the house in chaos. There was broken glass everywhere, doors had been unhinged, and blood stained the walls. Mitchell even had went outside and destroyed his car.

Mitchell, Lynsey, Robin and newborn Jack in October 1997.
In October 1997, their son Jack was born. By the next year Mitchell had walked out on Lynsey and the kids 7 times. 

On April 19th, 1998, Mitchell walked out again and it seemed as though their marriage was over for good.

With the help of Sefton Women's & Children's Aid, Lynsey moved into another house with her children. Mitchell was not notified of the location of the new house. The children had everything they needed. Lynsey wrote in her journal that everything was great and that she didn't miss Mitchell at all.  

During this time, Mitchell worked at a go cart track, but the job didn't last for very long. He was fired from his job after assaulting a customer.

Some how, Mitchell found out where Lynsey was and asked to see the kids. When Lynsey refused, Mitchell threatened her life. Lynsey was so terrified of Mitchell that she carried a portable panic button. She also had an injunction to protect her from his violence.

After Mitchell persuaded her to let him see Jack on his first birthday, Lynsey and Mitchell got back together. When her friends and family found out, they were dumbfounded that Lynsey would allow this man back into her life and steered clear of Mitchell.

The last time Lynsey's sister, Paula, saw her was in October 1998. Lynsey and Paula had a drink together, and when the sister went to drop Lynsey off at home, she asked if she'd come in for some coffee. Paula refused at first, but then reluctantly went in after some persuasion. Mitchell didn't say anything to Paula and just stared at her the whole time. When Paula got back into her car to leave, Lynsey came running out and gave a note to her. When Paula got home, she read the note. The note read, "Please Help Me. Get Me Out Of Here."

On December 13th, 1998, Lynsey was excitedly preparing Christmas for her kids. She spent time with her family, and at the end of the day, her mother dropped her back off at home. Before Linda left, Lynsey hugged and kissed her mother. This was the last time Linda would see her daughter.

Lynsey was last seen alive on the 15th at the local corner shop where she was a regular.

On the 24th, Lynsey’s mother attempted to get in touch with Lynsey throughout the day, asking when she could drop off Christmas presents for the children. Mitchell stopped by to pick up the presents. Linda said that he seemed very strange and he had Lynsey's two kids with him. When Linda asked where Lysney was, Mitchell said she was getting ready to go out. That he thought she was seeing someone else. He then took the presents and left.

On February 5th, 1999, 53 days after anyone had last seen her, Lynsey was reported missing by a social worker that had lost contact with her. Mitchell claimed that Lynsey had run away with another man on Christmas day. He also claimed several times that he had seen Lynsey, walking around town or driving a Mercedes. Those who knew Lynsey weren't buying the web of lies that he was spinning and knew in their hearts they knew that she was dead. Lynsey would never leave her children, she'd taken them everywhere she had went.

A missing person's investigation was launched and forensic psychologist, Dr. Julian Boone was brought in. He said that Mitchell was a psycho path and very convincing when telling lies. The police surmised that Mitchell was lying as well.

In the 18 months that Lynsey was missing, Mitchell invited journalists into his home, aiming to generate public sympathy for himself. When asked if he had killed Lynsey, Mitchell would reply, "I’m not going to answer that question, because I don’t need to. You make up your own mind, because eventually everyone will find out."

Mitchell sent the lead detective on the case, Geoff Sloan, a Christmas card and a bottle of hair dye, claiming it would “cover up his greys and give him extra confidence”

Whenever Mitchell appeared on TV, he appealed for Lynsey to come home, all the while with a smirk on his face.

Lynsey’s family would regularly go out searching in and around Southport for signs of Lynsey’s body.

On February 7th, 1999, police arrested Mitchell on suspicion of murder, grievous bodily harm and fraud. Mitchell admitted to forging Lynsey's signature, but the other charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.

In January 2000, Lynsey's case went cold. Her father however, refused to give up and kept searching.

On June 7th, police came to conclusions that Lynsey had died on or shortly after December 15th, 1998. They went to Mitchell’s home and brought him in for questioning. A day and a half later, Mitchell finally confessed to killing Lynsey.

In his confession, Mitchell said that On December 16th 1998, Lynsey didn’t plan to, but ended up telling Mitchell that she had arranged an appointment with a lawyer because she wanted a divorce. Mitchell flew into a rage and he strangled Lynsey and then hid her body in their bedroom. With the help of his brother, Elliott, he later dismembered her body in the bathtub, wrapped them in cloth and bags and then taped them up. He then took the remains outside with his kids and disposed of the body parts in various locations.

The next day, Mitchell agreed to show the police the areas he had hidden Lynsey’s body. He  knew the media were there and the attention what seemed what was most important to him. Mitchell continued to smile and laugh as he led police where he had hidden Lynsey's torso and legs. Her head and hands were never recovered, Mitchell said that he had threw them in the trash and they were taken to the dump.

Mitchell was convicted of 1st degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. His brother was sentenced to 7 years for his role in assisting the disposal of Lynsey's body. 

Mitchell was branded with the name the "Smiling Killer" due to the smile he wore throughout the search for Lynsey.

Last year, after serving his minimum sentence of 17 years, Mitchell became eligible for parole. He applied and was denied, but will be able to apply again this year. Petitions have been made to keep Mitchell behind bars. Lynsey’s father says that every time he hears of a prisoner committing suicide, he hopes it’s Mitchell. 

Please help by signing the petition to keep this vile creature behind bars where he belongs.

Sadly, in April 2001, Lynsey's brother 24 year old brother, Peter, committed suicide. He never got over the trauma of losing his sister. He left behind a pregnant fiancee and his unborn child.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Was It A Government Exercise Gone Wrong, Or Did One Of The Skiers Go Nuts?

🎿The Dyatlov Pass Incident🎿
The Mystery of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
🎿On January 25th, 1959, a ski instructor, 3 engineers and 7 students from the former Soviet Union's Ural Polytechnical Institute, set out on a journey that would bring their lives to a disturbing and tragic end. The group was formed for a skiing expedition across the northern Urals in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Soviet Union. 
Igor Dyatlov
The leader of the trip was 23 year old radio engineering student Igor Dyatlov. All of the members of the group were highly experienced skiers and and upon their return, would have gotten the highest certification in the Soviet Union.
Dubinina, Krivonischenko, Thibeaux-Brignolles, and Slobodin
🎿The group arrived by train at the town of Ivdel, then took a truck to Vizhai, where they purchased loaves of bread to add to their supplies. This would be the last inhabited settlement before their trek up the mountain.
🎿On January 28th, one of the members, Yuri Yudin, who suffered from several health ailments turned back due to knee and joint pain that made him unable to continue the hike. The remaining 9 people marched on.

🎿The group made it to the edge of a highland area on January 31st. This is were they began to prepare for climbing. They they then stored their extra supplies and in a wooded valley that were to be used for their trip back.

🎿On February 1st,  they began to move through the pass that would come to be called the Dyatlov Pass. The group hoped to make camp that night on the opposite side of the pass. That day however,  snowstorms and decreasing visibility caused them to lose their direction and they deviated west, up towards the top of Kholat Syakhl. 
Photo from Dyatlov's camera showing the last camp
When they realized their mistake, rather than trek down to the forested area, they camped on the slope of the mountain. Temperatures that night were -13 - -22 degrees F.

🎿The group was suppose to send a telegram their sports club when they returned from their trip. A week after the telegram didn't arrive, Yudin alerted the authorities. 

🎿The head of the Ural Polytechnical Institute assembled a rescue team comprised of students and teachers.
Tent cut from the inside
 On February 26, 1959, the rescue team came across a disturbing site when they discovered Dyatlov's group tent having been cut in half from the inside. Inside the tent were the group's belongings including their shoes. Outside the tent were nine sets of footprints made by people who were wearing only socks, a single shoe, or were barefoot. The team then followed some of the tracks and found the remains of a campfire 1,500 feet away along with two shoe-less bodies from Dyatlov's group. 

It was Krivonischenko and Doroshenko and they were dressed only in their underwear. Above the bodies, branches on the pine tree were broken, indicating that the men had tried to climb up in a frantic attempted and left behind traces of skin the the bark. Their hands were just pulpy fresh.Bodies of Dyatlov, Kolomogorova and Slobodin
Between the tree and the camp there were three more bodies, Dyatlov, Kolomogorova and Slobodin. They each lay several hundred meters apart from one another. Dyatlov was found on his back with one hand clinging onto a small tree branch while the other was in a defensive position by his head.

🎿On May 4th, the rest of the bodies were finally found further into the woods from the pine tree, in a ravine. Three of the four bodies had been wearing more clothes than the others, and there were signs that as each died, their clothes were appropriated by those still alive. Dubinina’s foot was wrapped in a piece of Krivonischenko’s wool pants, while Zolotaryov was found wearing Dubinina’s coat and hat. 

🎿When the autopsies were preformed, the results showed that 6 out of the 9 people in Dyatlov's group had died of hypothermia while the other 3 died of some kind of weird trauma. 
Bodies of Kolevatov, Zolotaryov and Thibeaux-Brignoles
Thibeaux-Brignolles was found, face down with several fractures to his skull. Lyudmila Dubinina and Semyon Zolotaryov had major chest fractures, but none of the bodies showed signs of external injury. The force needed to cause the fractures as being comparable to that of a car crash. Semyon Zolotaryov was missing his eyes and so were Dubinina's. 
Body of Dubinina
Dubinina was the farthest away of all the bodies. She was the only one that showed external injuries. When she was found her head was tilted back and her mouth stretched as if she was trying to scream. Besides her missing her eyes, she was also missing her tongue, which was pulled out by the roots, and part of her lips, part of her face, and a fragment of skull bone. The skin on her hands were macerated.

🎿All expedition members died between 6 and 8 hours after eating their last meal. Three separate articles of clothing found on two of the bodies were radioactive.

🎿As for who did this or what happened to Dyatlov's group, there were no signs of anyone else being up there with the group. Only the hikers' footprints were visible in the snow, and none of the bodies showed signs of a struggle. The area showed no signs of an avalanche having taken place, and the bodies that were found within ten days of the event were covered with only a very shallow layer of snow. 

🎿There were journals and rolls of film discovered at the scene.

🎿The results of the investigation remained classified until the 1970's. The official conclusions that the hikers' deaths were as a result of "a compelling natural force."

🎿Another group of hikers reported that they saw strange orange spheres in the sky to the north on the night of the incident. Similar spheres were observed in Ivdel and adjacent areas continually during the period from February to March 1959, by various independent witnesses These sightings were not noted in the initial investigation and these various independent witnesses only came forward years later.

🎿At the hikers' funerals,  some friends and family members recalled that all the hikers' skin had a "deep brown tan" color or an orange color. The victims also appeared to have a little hair loss and what hair remained had turned dark grey.

🎿The area where all of the hikers died was closed for 3 years after.

🎿The lone survivor, Yuri, the one who became ill and had to turn back, was asked to identify some of the group's clothing found at the scene. He allegedly identified a torn piece of military clothing among the personal effects along with glasses and a pair of skis that didn't belong to the group. Yuri also claimed that he saw documents that showed an official investigation into the site started two-weeks before it's initial discovery. He a stated that there were boxes of the groups organs that had been sent out for examination as well.

🎿On April 12th, 2018, the remains of Zolotarev were exhumed and contradictory results were obtained. One of the experts stated that the character of the injuries resembled a person knocked down by a car, and the DNA analysis did not reveal any similarity to the DNA of living relatives. In addition, it turned out that the name Semyon Zolotarev is not on the list of buried at the Ivanovskoye cemetery. Nevertheless, the reconstruction of the face from the exhumed skull agrees with the post-war photographs of Semyon.

🎿The investigation was reopened in February of this year.
Monument to the students
🎿Tomb of the deceased at Mikhailovskoe Cemetery in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

🎿What Had The Experience Hikers So Frightened That They Ran Away Without Their Shoes?

Who Killed Super Grandmother Greta Putnam And Where Is Her Great Grandson Dominic Potts?

Greta Jayne Putnam
Image result for greta putnam
You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she’ll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she’s left.
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her and only that she’s gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she’d want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.

She Is Gone By David Harkins

Image result for greta putnam
She was born on February 4th, 1932. Greta was a beautiful, wonderful and selfless woman who loved to give. She always spoke her mind and was the life of the party. Greta loved golf, crafting, sewing, cooking and camping. She was always dressed with class. Greta was well-liked in her senior living community.
In her youth Greta was a super model. She was also a supermom that raised five children on her own after her husband died. She also had previously been a real estate agent and she even became her own broker.

On November 8th, 2018, vibrate Greta was 86 years old when she was found murdered at her home in Cottonwood Estates mobile home park in Oroville, California. The front door to her home had been left open and when a caregiver went inside, they found Greta with her throat slit in her bed. The killer covered her back up with a sheet after the murder. Her purse was untouched and there was no signs of forced entry. The community Greta lived in did have surveillance cameras, but none of them were working at the time. There were other businesses close by, but no idea if any footage was recovered from them.

The investigation into Greta's horrific end was hindered by the "Camp Fire", that started the same day. 

Besides her life coming to a tragic end, Greta also had many other heart wrenching events happen to her in her life. Greta’s father was murdered, her husband and son both died in a car accident, her daughter passed away from cancer and her granddaughter had rolled her vehicle and now remains in a wheelchair. Through it all, Greta endured with resilient strength, grace and radiated her kindness to everyone she'd meet.
The days before Greta's murder, her great grandson, Dominic Potts went missing. Rumor has it that he might have pissed off a biker gang. Dominic’s wallet and cell phone were found in his truck, and Dominic had previously told the family that people were after him.
A church down the street from Greta's home had homeless people congregating there frequently. 

A few months ago, a homeless man named, Brian Scott Madding, was arrested for Greta's murder. He is being held on a $1 million bond.

With no sign of forced entry and Greta being murdered in bed, the killer had to have been someone who knew her that she had let in the previous night. Or it could have been someone that had a key. There is also a possibility she accidentally left something open. The crime committed against Greta was so brutal, it seems like whoever it was was very angry with her. It also seems like they cared about her at some point due to the fact that she was covered with the sheet after.

Greta and Dominic's family are desperately seeking answers.

Information about Dominic Potts:

Plumas County Sheriff’s Office (530) 283–6300

Information about Greta Jayne Putnam:

City of Oroville Police Department (530) 538–2448

Did The Ancient Egyptians Have Wireless Technology?

The Great Pyramid Of Giza
It is the largest of all the Egyptian pyramids and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Constructed about 3500 B.C.E, this makes it well more than five thousand years old. It is located 5 miles to the west of the Nile River near the city of Cairo, Egypt. The pyramid is made up of 2 million stone blocks that weigh from 3 to 50 tons. It is twice as long as a football field with the base covering 592,000 square feet, with each of the sides around 218,000 square feet. It is theorized that it took 20,000 workers over 20 years to build the pyramid.

Historians have changed their minds in what they believe the Pyramid of Giza's purpose is. It is now believed that the pyramid was to serve as a giant power plant of sorts. 

The pyramid doesn’t contain any of the things other Egyptian tombs would. There is no extravagant artifacts. ornate wall art, sealed entrances, elaborate coffins, and no mummies.

It also contains things that other pyramids don't. There are angled tunnels that lead not only into the pyramid, but deep underground, into areas as yet unexplored. 

Also, centuries ago, there were enormous swivel doors that weighed no less than 20 tons. And they were so well engineered they could be opened by the push of a hand. 

The outer layer of the pyramid once contained 144,000 polished casing stones or white polished limestone that were 8'ft thick and weigh at least 15 tons. This would have made the pyramid perfectly insulated and reflect the sun's rays. A large earthquake in 1303 shattered many casing stones, and the remainder were removed to use on other structures.

On the inner surfaces of the pyramid, dolomite was used. Dolomite  increases electrical conductivity using pressure. The more pressure the more electrical current. 

Granite lines the passageways which is slightly radioactive. Granite contains high amounts of quartz crystal with metal, and it’s a well-known electrical conductor.

The pyramid  is part of a larger complex called the Giza Necropolis that includes two other major pyramids, the Pyramid of Khafre and the Pyramid of Menkaure. It also includes the Great Sphinx and several cemeteries. 

Just northwest of the Pyramid of Giza, in one of the cemeteries, is 20 sarcophagi, or huge granite boxes, each weighing 100 tons. None of the boxes could possibly fit through the existing tunnels and entrances and were way too big for humans.

In 1993, a mysterious and previously inaccessible room was discovered after remaining hidden for thousands of years underneath the Pyramid of Giza. This room, dubbed the Queen's Chambers, seemed to be deliberately hidden. In 2011, the room was explored with a remote camera and discovered the chamber contained carefully crafted copper wire and what seemed like instructions. There was also wiring diagrams drawn on the floor.

The Nile once passed through the area where the Great Pyramid of Giza stands and scientists theorize this perhaps is the power source. That maybe through capillary action, defied the laws of gravity and flowed upwards to the top of the pyramid. The movement of the water could have caused vibrations strong enough for the quartz to cause electromagnetic electricity and send it up to the top of the pyramid. At the top of the pyramid, there use to be a gold cap stone. This would end up sending millions of volts of electricity into the atmosphere, just like a Tesla Tower.
Egyptians created 28 obelisks which could have been used like lightening rods. They were made of granite and were huge and weighed 110 to 323 tons. There are 8 that remain standing in Egypt today. There are however, Egyptian obelisks still standing in Istanbul, Rome, London, Paris, and New York. This leads researches to believe that rather than them being stolen, that the Egyptians were setting up a global power distribution network that was never completed or was destroyed.
In some ancient Egyptian carvings is what looks like images of light bulbs and wireless antennas.

What is known for sure is there is a heightened electromagnetic measurement around the pyramid, that’s equivalent to that made in an electrical storm.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Joann LeCornu's Twin Sister Fights For Justice In Her Sister's Murder.

Joann Elizabeth “Jody” LeCornu
She was born on October 28th,1972 in Washington, District of Columbia. Jody was pretty, vivacious, outgoing and bubbly. She was born two minutes older than her identical twin sister Jenny. Jenny always looked up to Jody. They were inseparable.

As a teenager, Jody had a substance abuse problem and spent time in detox.

Jennifer moved out to California, but kept in close contact with Jody.

In 1996, Jody had also developed severe anxiety and was afraid of almost everything. She was a 23 year old college student with big dreams. She was studying geriatrics at Towson University. She also worked as a receptionist at Eastern Savings Bank in Hunt Valley. 

On March 2nd, in Baltimore, Jody's light would be extinguished and the world a little darker from then on. That morning, she broke up with her live in boyfriend, Steve Dubin, who told her not to come home. Jody went to work at the bank and instead of going home she spent the snowy night, with some friends, at a local bar called "The Mount Washington Tavern."  When the bar closed, she decided an employee at the tavern had asked her for a ride. After Jody dropped him off she went to a atm and then a liquor store on Falls Road and bought a 6 pack of beer. Then Jody decided to hang out in her white Honda Civic in the parking of what is now the Drumcastle Government Center in the 6300 block York Road and made phone calls. At 3:40 a.m. a white BMW was pulled close by. A African-American man, in his 20's or 30's, weighing about 200 or 220 pounds and wearing a green fatigue jacket, exited the vehicle and approached Jody's car. He then pulled out a weapon and shot into the back of her vehicle. The bullet went through Jody's back and severed her spine. Surprisingly, she managed to pull out of the parking lot and drive across five lanes of traffic before coming to a stop outside a 24 hour market called "Giant Food". The man followed Jody in his car, got out and as she lay dying, stole something out of her purse before driving away heading south on York Road.

To me this doesn't sound like some random act. The murder must have been someone that either knew Jody or was stalking her. Whatever was stolen from her purse must have been important enough to someone to kill for it.

Due to her anxiety issues, Jody's family said that her driving out in the snow and taking a strange person home and then sitting in her car parked in a dark parking lot was very uncharacteristic of her. And there was no traces of drugs found in Jody's system to have influenced her behavior.

Fast forward to 2016, Jennifer was contacted via Facebook by a friend of Jody's named Mike. He said that his friend Rob had told him that he knew something about her murder. Rob claimed that he overheard a conversation a group of people were having about a well known drug dealer named Randy, hanging around the tavern the night that Jody was murdered. Randy always carried a gun and was possibly trying to collect money that she owed him. Rob also said that Randy would deliver drug in a brown paper bag. Randy is also a African-American man, but his weight was not on point with the description with that of what witnesses gave.

Randy is in Maryland State prison on drug charges.

Even though, there was witnesses to her murder, fingerprints found in her car and surveillance footage of what transpired the night of her murder, Jody's case remains unsolved.

Jennifer has placed numerous billboards around Baltimore in hopes of getting the tips that is needed to solve her sister's murder.

Police ask that anyone with information about the case call the Baltimore County Police Department or submit an anonymous tip to Metro Crime Stoppers by calling 1-866-7LOCKUP.

Queen Cleopatra: The Last Egyptian Pharaoh And The Most Influential Woman In The History Of Humankind.

👁Cleopatra Philopator the 7th👁
👁She was born to King Ptolemy the 12th and Cleopatra the 6th Tryphaenia. It is rumored that Ptolemy and Cleopatra the 6th were allegedly cousins or siblings. It was common practice for ancient Egyptians to marry within their families in order to keep their bloodlines "pure."

👁Cleopatra the 7th was smart and cunning growing up. She was her father's favorite child. At age 14, she was chosen by her father to co-rule after her mother passed away due to mysterious circumstances. Cleopatra served as deputy to the king and his regent. 

👁Cleopatra's family were actually of Greek descent. She grew up speaking, reading, and writing Greek. She also learned many other languages including Egyptian and Latin. Cleopatra studied various different subjects like mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, etc.

👁When the king died, Cleopatra was 18 years old and in order for her to rule Egypt, she had to marry her 10 year old brother Ptolemy the 8th. She quickly took control as the main ruler.

👁As her brother got older, he decided he wanted more power. Ptolemy XIII's advisers pulled Cleopatra from power and banished her to Syria. Ptolemy XIII, became the sole Pharaoh of Egypt.

👁In 48 BC, when 52 year old Julius Caesar arrived in Egypt 21 year old Cleopatra snuck back in and met with him. She was able to convinced him to help her win back the throne. Caesar defeated Ptolemy's army at the Battle of the Nile and Ptolemy drowned in the Nile River while trying to escape. Cleopatra then took back power and ruled alongside another younger brother, Ptolemy XIV.

👁Julius Caesar and Cleopatra fell in love and soon had a baby named Caesarion. Cleopatra visited Rome and stayed at one of Caesar's country houses. 

👁Cleopatra wanted Egypt to remain independent of Rome. She built up the Egyptian economy, establishing trade with many Arab nations. She was a popular ruler among the people of Egypt both because she embraced the Egyptian culture and because the country was prosperous during her rule. Cleopatra was a great ruler who cared about her people and took her job very seriously. She believed she was the reincarnated Egyptian goddess Isis. She worked hard to be a strong leader who helped build a strong country.

👁In 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated. After he died, Cleopatra became allies with the man who took his position as leader of Rome, Marc Anthony. Cleopatra and Marc Anthony also fell in love and had 3 children together. 

👁Marc Anthony and Cleopatra also formed a military alliance against another of Rome's leaders, Octavian. Octavian was the legal heir of Julius Caesar, but Cleopatra wanted her son, Caesarion, to be Caesar's heir and to eventually become ruler of Rome. 

👁Cleopatra and Marc Antony armies fought Octavian's army at the Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian and had to retreat to Egypt.

👁Cleopatra's death is subject for debate after all these years. The most common theory is that when Marc Antony returned to the battlefield hoping to recover and defeat Octavian, hee soon realized that he was going to be captured. Upon hearing false news that Cleopatra had died, Antony killed himself. When Cleopatra heard that Antony was dead, she became very sad. She killed herself by allowing a poisonous cobra to bite her or pricked herself with a poisonous pin.

👁With Cleopatra's death, Octavian took control of Egypt and it became part of the Roman Empire. 

👁Did you know that Cleopatra was a chemist and her lead based eye makeup helped protect her from eye infections that were running rampant in Egypt at the time? She also owned a perfume factory and believed that fragrances could be used as a tool for persuasion.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Is Bethany Decker's Case A Step Closer To Being Solved?

Bethany Decker is an American missing person. She was pregnant on January 29, 2011, when she left her grandparents' home and returned to her apartment in Ashburn, Virginia. Her boyfriend, Ronald Roldan, says he saw her there later that day. She has not been seen since.

Investigators said there has been new “movement” in her case. The development came after a January search warrant of Decker’s Facebook account. Since 2011, better technology has helped investigators pinpoint the origination of suspicious online activity.

Ronald is the only person of interest in Bethany's disappearance. He is currently serving time in a North Carolina prison. He had been charged with attempted murder after a 2014 domestic violence attack on girlfriend Vickey Willoughby in her home in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

New Sandra Bland Video Released.

Sandra Bland was a 28-year-old African-American woman and activist who was found hanged in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas, on July 13, 2015, three days after being arrested during a traffic stop. Her death was ruled a suicide. Questions have surrounded her death. A new video came out from Sandra's own phone, showing what she saw when she was pulled over.

Writer and Feminist Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf

“I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.” 

She was born Adeline Virginia Stephen on January 25, 1882, in London. She was an English writer, essayist and feminist. In her works she experimented with stream-of-consciousness, the underlying psychological as well as emotional motives of characters, and the various possibilities of fractured narrative and chronology,

From a young age, Virginia enjoyed telling stories, and she would regularly tell bedtime stories to other children about her neighbors. She also wrote in a journal everyday of her life.Virginia was home schooled by her father who was an author as well. Later she came to despise the way women were treated in society and the fact that her brother's got to go to college while she kept home. Virginia's mother was a nurse who also wrote a book. As a young girl, Virginia was curious, light-hearted and playful. Sadly, Virginia wouldn't stay that way for very long. 

Virginia was sexually abused by her half-brothers George and Gerald Duckworth. In 1895, at the age of 13, her mother died suddenly from rheumatic fever, which led to Virginia's first mental breakdown. Her half-sister Stella had become the head of the household, but died two years later.  A second severe breakdown followed the death of her father in 1904. During this time, Virginia first attempted suicide and was institutionalized. In 1905, she began writing professionally as a contributor for The Times Literary Supplement. A year later, Woolf's 26-year-old brother Thoby died from typhoid fever after a family trip to Greece. All of these events mixed with her bipolar disorder, fueled her course from literary expression and personal desolation that continued throughout the rest of her life.

Virginia and her brothers and sister moved to Bloomsbury, London and there they became members of a group of the artists called Bloomsbury Group. Here Virginia met writer Leonard Woolf, whom she married in August 1912. Together, they moved to Richmond, where they opened a publishing office called Hogarth House Press.

In 1915, her first novel, "The Voyage Out", was released.  In 1919, a year after the end of World War I, the Woolfs purchased a cottage in the village of Rodmell in, and that same year Virginia published her novel Night and Day. Her third novel Jacob's Room was published in 1922 and was based on her brother Thoby. That year, she met author, poet and landscape gardener Vita Sackville-West, the wife of English diplomat Harold Nicolson. Virginia and Vita began a friendship that developed into a romantic affair. Their affair eventually ended and they remained friends for the rest of her life.

In March 1941, Virginia was 59 years old when she put rocks in her pockets and drowned herself in the River Ouse, near her house. She left a suicide note: "I feel certain that I am going mad again: I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness... I can't fight it any longer, I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work"

At the end of her life she had published nine novels and over 500 essays.

Bobby Fischer: Genius Chess Master And Not a Very Good Person.

Robert James Fischer
"All I want to do, ever, is play chess." 

He was born on March 9th, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. Bobby was brought up in Brooklyn by his mom, Regina, after she moved there following her divorce in 1945. His mom was under FBI surveillance starting in 1942 due to her leftist beliefs as well as her being of Russian and German origin.

Along with his sister Joan, Bobby learned to play chess at the age of 6 using the instructions from a set bought at a candy store. At the age of 13 he became the youngest national junior chess champion in the USA and at the age of 14 he became the youngest senior US Champion. In 1958, at the age of 15, he became the youngest Grandmaster in the history of chess.

Despite having a IQ of 181,  in school Bobby was terrible student who routinely got Ds and was socially awkward. He was a loner with few friends at school and was essentially isolated. In 1960, he decided to drop out of Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn, NY.

In 1972, Bobby became the first American to win the title of World Champion in chess by defeating Boris Spassky of the USSR in Reykjavik, Iceland. 

After Becoming World Champion, Bobby became of recluse. He was stripped of the title after he refused to accede to chess officials' rules for an upcoming defense against challenger Anatoly Karpov, who was eventually awarded the title by forfeit. After this, Bobby turned down endorsements and became more publicly erratic. He was even arrested.

After 20 years, Bobby made a comeback into the chess world in 1992. A Yugoslavian business man and crony of Slobodan Milosevic put up a $5 million to sponsor a Spassky-Fischer rematch in what was left of Yugoslavia. Bobby easily defeated Spassky. He earned over $3 million and incurred the wrath of the US government. He was subsequently indicted, and a warrant was issued for his arrest in the US. Yugoslavia was heavily sanctioned by the United States and the United Nations as a result of genocidal violence related to the breakup of the country. Bobby publicly spat on the the US Treasury letter warning him of the consequences of participating in the match.

It has been alleged that Bobby kept boxes of Nazi propaganda, and on 9/11 he took this to the airwaves, via a public broadcast in the Philippines: "I say death to President Bush! I say death to the United States! Fuck the Jews! The Jews are a criminal people. They mutilate their children. They're murderous, criminal, thieving, lying bastards. They made up the Holocaust. There's not a word of truth to it... This is a wonderful day. Fuck the United States. Cry, you crybabies! Whine, you bastards! Now, your time is coming."

The US then canceled Bobby's passport after he traveled to Japan. When he attempted to leave, he was detained by Japanese officials at the request of the US government. The Icelandic parliament granted citizenship to Bobby to extricate him from a Japanese prison.

Bobby died in Iceland of kidney failure in 2008 at age 64.

Andrea Knabel, A Advocate For Missing People Vanishes Without A Trace.

37-year-old Andrea Knabel is a single mother of two and from Louisville, Kentucky. She has dedicated her time to help find missing persons. She’d recently been laid off her job and lost her car. She was last seen on August 13 about 1 a.m., leaving a relative’s home on foot. Andrea was pretty upset when she left. She was trying to get a ride from friends as she walked. Her phone pinged last between 1:30-2:00 a.m.The pings emanated from Louisville’s Audubon Park neighborhood where she last seen. Andrea tried to  Facetime someone at 2:12 a.m. but the person was sleeping and missed the call. Her phone has been shut off since then and all calls have gone directly to voicemail.

Andrea is 5'7" tall and weighs 190 pounds. She has dirty blonde/light brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a light-colored tank top and white shorts on the night of her disappearance.

There is no evidence of foul play in her disappearance, but it can't be ruled out either.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Did Cuba Have Gilberto Policarpo Lopez Help Lee Harvey Oswald Assassinate President John F. Kennedy?

It's been highly debated for many years if the Cuban government had a role in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. At the time of Kennedy's death and unbeknownst to John and Robert Kennedy, the CIA was plotting with a high-level Cuban official, code-named AMLASH, to assassinate Fidel Castro as well as Chicago mobster Johnny Roselli and Rolando Cubela. 

In 1967 President Johnson had ordered an internal CIA investigation after claims that Castro had known of the CIA's plot and had dispatched "teams" to retaliate. 

Castro gave Associated Press reporter Daniel Harker an unusual, impromptu, three-hour interview in which he warned against U.S. support of terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders.

Gilberto Policarpo Lopez was born in Cuba. He left in 1960 to avoid being drafted into the military and eventually became a US citizen. During the last week of JFK's life, Lopez
 shadowed the president in Tampa. There, he waited for an important call from Cuba, giving him the “go-ahead order” to return. When the call never came, Lopez departed that November 18th or 19th, 1963 for Texas. Just days later, JFK flew few to Texas, where he was assassinated on November 22. At midnight on the same day JFK was killed, Lopez showed up at the Mexican border made his way to Mexico City. 

The CIA flagged Lopez as a possible suspect in the assassination plot.

Just one month earlier, on October 8th, Oswald had also traveled to the Mexican capital from New Orleans. While there, Oswald visited both the Soviet and Cuban diplomatic establishments. Oswald had applied for a visa, but it was subsequently denied. 

In Mexico City, Lopez apparently obtained a “Cuban courtesy” visa. On November 27th, he hopped on a Cubana Airlines flight to Havana, where Lopez was the only passenger.

What Happened To Brandon Swanson on his way home?

Brandon Victor Swanson
He was born on January 30th, 1989 in Marshall Minnesota to Annette and Brian Swanson. Brandon was 17 months older than  his sister, Jamine. He was very protective of her. He has a strong sense of family. He made time to be with his grandparents and parents and  helped out his family as much as he could saying, “they’re family and that’s what you do for family."

Brandon had worked at the local Hy-Vee Food Store in Marshall for four years, the last two in the bakery. 

In May 2007, He graduated from Marshall Senior High School and in August of the same year, he began attending classes at Minnesota West Technical and Community College in Canby, MN in the Wind Energy Program. Brandon was an avid believer in natural renewable resources. He loved climbing the wind towers. Brandon made plans to attend Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, Iowa in August, 2008. He was enrolled at IWCC with intent to take general courses that would lead him to a four year university to major in a science program.

Brandon enjoys a good debate and he always won. He also enjoyed politics, history and music. He often watched CNN, the History and Discovery Channels. He was an avid reader and everything he read he could remember. Brandon also enjoyed sports and a special liking for the MN Twins.

On May 14th, 2008, Brandon was 19 years old and had finished his last day of classes at Minnesota West Community and Technical College. Just before midnight he was on his 30 mile journey back home from celebrating with friends, when he accidentally drove his vehicle into a ditch. Brandon's Chevrolet Lumina became hopelessly stuck. 

At 12:30 a.m., Brandon made a cell phone call to his parents for help. He told them he was not hurt and he asked them to come to where he was and to pick him up. His parents got in their pickup truck and drove out to where they thought he was, keeping Brandon on the phone. Brandon stayed with his car and tried to signal them by flashing his lights on and off, but they saw nothing. 

Brandon finally gave up and told them he was going to walk toward lights he could see that led him to believe he was near Lynd. He told his father to head for the parking lot of a local bar and wait for him there. Brian began driving there, talking to his son as he did.

Shortly after 2:30 a.m., Brandon suddenly said "Oh, shit!" on the phone and immediately the connection was lost. His parents continued looking for him for several hours, but there was no sign of Brandon.

At 6:30 a.m. Brandon's parents reported him missing to the Lynd police. They were told at first that it was hardly unusual for young men that age to stay out all night after the last day of college classes and that he had "the right to be missing."

Later that morning, the Lynd police searched for Brandon, but found no trace of him in the town or outside. They requested that the office of Lyon County sheriff Joel Dahl assist them. Using cellular phone records, they located Brandon's car 1-1/2 miles north on Lyon Lincoln Rd., off Hwy 68 west of Taunton and about 20 miles from Lynd. This was no where near where Brandon thought he was. Besides being stuck in the ditch, there was nothing amiss with Brandon's car, and due to the grass and gravel in the area surrounding it, there were no foot prints. 

One of the areas where Brandon's phone possibly pinged was the Yellow Medicine county. A red light atop a Taunton grain elevator could be seen from that area. It was possible that was what Brandon had seen that led him to believe Lynd was within walking distance. Ground searches and air searches were underway and search dogs were also brought in. A team of bloodhounds from nearby Codington County, South Dakota, picked up a 3-mile trail that largely followed the field roads west-northwest to an abandoned farm, then along the Yellow Medicine River to a point where it appeared to enter the stream. Since Brandon wore glasses and was legally blind in his left eye, some authorities believed that he fell into the Yellow Medicine River while he was walking in the dark. The river was up to 15 feet deep in places, and was running high and fast at that time. 

Brandon had mentioned passing fences and hearing nearby water when he was on the phone with his father. Boats from the state's Department of Natural Resources were deployed along the river, and gates were installed. Deputies also walked the river's banks, and horses and all-terrain vehicles were deployed in the surrounding area.  No sign of Brandon was found.

Sheriff Vizecky continued to walk the two miles of the Yellow Medicine in that area every day for 30 days. 

Searches resumed late that fall and dogs on those searches continued to follow scents of human remains into an area northwest of Porter that had not been searched earlier. 

By 2015, when official searches resumed, the area of interest had moved towards Mud Creek, a tributary of the Yellow Medicine north and northwest of Porter.

The Swansons leave their porch light on all night every night as a symbol of their hope that Brandon will eventually return or be found.

On March 12, 2009, Brian and Annette Swanson spoke before the House to help expand the Minnesota's Missing Children's Act so it can help missing and endangered adults.The law requires Minnesota police to begin an immediate search for missing adults under 21, as well as older adults who are missing under suspicious circumstances. On May 6, 2009, Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed the bill into law.

At the time of his disappearance, Brandon was 5'6" tall, 120 pounds
with brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt under a blue striped Polo sweatshirt, baggy blue jeans, a black hooded zip-up jacket with an emblem on the back, a white flat-billed Minnesota Twins baseball cap twisted to the side, white sneakers, a heavy sterling silver necklace and one stud earring in each ear. Brandon wears black wire-framed eyeglasses. He has pierced ears and a small scar above his left eye. He is legally blind in his left eye.