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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Who Killed Ketie Jones?

Katherine (Ketie) Memory Jones
She was born on December 19th, 1989 to Jevona Livingston in Asheville. Ketie's father died when when she was a child. She loved everything French, she also had taught herself to speak French. She loved binary code and had a tattoo of it on her wrist. She love of acting, singing, drawing and crafting..She was a remarkable woman and one of the smartest person's you could meet. Ketie was everybody's best friend. She was such a gentle heart who never hurt anybody. She was the type of girl who would take in stray cats and look after them. She also had two dogs. Ketie was always taking in animals. She was a kind young woman who took care of her mother after Jevona's mother died of cancer in 2011.

"Ketie was always the one that held me together. My mom passed in 2011 from cancer and I wouldn't have made it through if it wasn't for Ketie. I literally laid in my bed for three weeks and I don't normally drink, but I drank half a gallon of tequila because I found a bucket of it there" said Jevona.

Ketie studied briefly at New York's Marymount Manhattan College, but was unable to continue her drama course because of a lack of funds. 
It was October 18th 2016 and 26 year old Ketie was a waitress at Midwood Smokehouse, in Plaza Midwood, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Which is a critically acclaimed restaurant frequented by Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama's picture adorns the walls.
It was just after 2 a.m. and Ketie was walking home from Midwood Country Club in Charlotte where she had gone with friends after finishing work. One of her friends had offered her a ride home. She turned them down because Ketie claimed that it was the last warm night of the year and wanted to walk.  Ketie was wearing a green sweater, layered over a long-sleeved blue shirt, and black, laced boots. She was dancing and singing all the way down the road while texting and sending pictures to her friends. 
Surveillance footage shows Ketie after leaving the country club and walking up Central Avenue towards her home near Hawthorne, which was just a mile away.

Almost halfway home at 2:33 a.m., in a group chat on the Facebook Messenger app, Kétie sent the last photos of her life and typed out her last,  message to her friends: “Enjoy these Andrew-esque pictures on my lonely walk home.”
It was about 2:45 a.m. and after Ketie disappears into the darkness, headlights can be seen in the video over where Ketie was walking. This is where Ketie was assaulted and shot. The beige sedan then drives quickly down the road past the surveillance camera.
A neighbor walking their dog heard Ketie get shot, but thinks it is fireworks. They walk behind the Berry Hill Reality building and they tripped over what they thought was a crack in the sidewalk. When they looked down they saw Ketie, face down in the driveway, bruised with a single gunshot to her stomach. The neighbor calls 9-1-1 and emergency services arrive on the scene less then 10 minutes later. It's too late for Ketie, she has passed away at the scene.

Ketie still had her phone, money and purse with her pepper spray  still inside it when her body was found. Robbery has not been ruled out though, police think there might have been a chanced the the perpetrators got scared off by the next building's burglar alarm.

There is also thoughts that she might have been killed as a part of a gang initiation.

Ketie's case is far from cold, but police and Ketie's family need your help. Anyone with information about the shooting or those involved are asked to call 704-432-TIPS or Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600.

To donate to the scholarship fund go to the Ketie Memory Jones Arts Award.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Was Annalycia Kidnapped From A Store In Oregon? Or Did A Fishing Trip Have A Tragic Outcome?

Annalycia Maria Cruz
Annalycia was born on December 19th, 1993 to Alice R. Fowler. She was 7 months old on July 9th, 1994 when she was last seen at Clyde's Market in her hometown of Chiloquin, Oregon at 5:30 p.m. Her mother's live-in boyfriend, William Russell Spear, took her with him when he went on a fishing trip that day. Annalycia did not have a car seat and traveled in an open backpack. After he finished fishing, Spear drove with Annalycia to Clyde's Market and left her in the car for a few minutes while he stepped inside to buy an apple. When he came out, she was gone.

Spear drove home to Sprague River, Oregon and asked Annalycia's mother, if she had picked up the baby. They went back to Clyde's Market, looked around for Annalycia and asked people if they had seen her.They reported her missing to police at 6:19 p.m.

Investigators retraced Spear's steps, but found little evidence as to Annalycia's whereabouts. Spear did stop at a Sprague River gas station before his fishing trip and the attendant remembered hearing an infant crying in the car. This is the last time anyone besides Spear claimed to hear or see Annalycia. The gas station attendant died only a couple of days after the baby's disappearance. And i can't find out how the attendant died.

In 1995, Fowler sued Spear for $4 million in damages claiming his negligent babysitting caused the infant to vanish. The lawsuit was later dismissed for lack of evidence.

Spear is considered a person of interest in Annalycia's case, but investigators can find no evidence of any crime. She is believed to be missing under suspicious circumstances. Police believe foul play was involved in her disappearance, and stated their investigation had taken them out of state. 

At the time of her disappearance Annalycia was 2'3" tall and weighed 14 pounds. She had light brown hair and blue eyes. She had a quarter-sized, red-colored birthmark on the nape of her neck. Annalycia was wearing a white jumpsuit with pink animal designs and pink and white socks or blue bib overalls, a light blue short-sleeved shirt, a blue and yellow shirt and white socks. No shoes.

Annalycia's case remains unsolved.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What Would Happen If You Were To Get Sucked Into Space?

When i envisioned being an astronaut and being sucked into space accidentally and without any gear on, i thought that my body would instantly pop due to the lack of oxygen. Through research i discovered that what really happens to be far more scary and gnarly.

In the shade in space it is around -250 degrees and in the sun it is 250 degrees. Yikes! For some reason i just thought the entirety of space was exceptionally cold and only when you got close to a sun would it be hot. I guess your blood would start to boil and your lungs would be sucked flat instantaneously.  You will also freeze at the same time you burn. Yay....

It would take 15 seconds to 2 minutes for you to die... I thought it would take even less than 15 seconds. Can you imagine 2 whole minutes??

Depending on if you are closer to the sun or farther in the shadows, your body will either be mummified or frozen quickly. Then your lifeless body could potentially sail through the cosmos for millions of years before encountering another object. I wonder if this were to happen close to Earth, if the body could be seen through a telescope. That would be freaky.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sinister Songs

"Every Breath You Take" The Police

It's a 1983 hit song and is considered by many to be one of the greatest love songs of that time. Oh boy, were they mistaken. It's not a song about a guy deeply in love with a woman, it's not that he is infatuated by her and wants to be her lover. The lady in the song is the singer's ex and he is stalking her.

"Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take...

I'll be watching you"

The singer, Sting, wrote it after he left his wife for her best friend. Sting has never denied this fact either.

"I woke up in the middle of the night with that line in my head, sat down at the piano and had written it in half an hour. The tune itself is generic, an aggregate of hundreds of others, but the words are interesting. It sounds like a comforting love song. I didn't realize at the time how sinister it is. I think I was thinking of Big Brother, surveillance and control." said Sting.

Sting claims that he is flabbergasted by the fact that there are people out there that still think that it is a tender love song.

Sting said "One couple told me 'Oh we love that song; it was the main song played at our wedding!' I thought, 'Well, good luck.'

"Imagine" John Lennon

Written and released in 1971, it's the best selling song of the former Beatles solo career. It also has become a anthem for world peace.

The song is really about world peace, but the lyrics are virtually the Communist Manifesto. Lennon even stated this fact was true.

"'Imagine', which says: 'Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics,' is virtually the Communist Manifesto, even though I'm not particularly a Communist and I do not belong to any movement," Lennon said.

Lennon stated that he was always more a socialist than a communist.

Lennon was under FBI surveillance and had been for sometime, so when he was murdered by a crazed fan in New York City, some people thought it was a government hit for his controversial views.

"Hit Me Baby, One More Time" Brittany Spears

It was Brittany Spears first hit single when it came out in 1998. She was 17 at the time of the song's release. In the music video, Spears is dressed as a student from a Catholic high school,

When played in reverse, it sounds like Brittany is saying "Sleep with me, i'm not too young," in the chorus.

"Hotel California" The Eagles
Some people think that this 1977 song is about devil worship. The band's guitarist, Glenn Frey, wrote the lyrics and he originally said that "We decided to create something strange, just to see if we could do it." Supposedly the song was meant to mimic the imagery of the 1965 novel The Magus by John Fowles, about a man in an unfamiliar rural setting who is unsure about what he is experiencing.

When played backwards some people say that it sounds like the lead singer, Don Henley calling to Satan. I don't really hear it but i could be wrong.

"Gonna Raise" Hell Cheap Trick

Originally released on Cheap Trick's 1979 album Dream Police, the subject of the has been disputed. Some people have believed that the song was about the Jonestown Massacre, but it was written before that event took place. Others think that the song is about not being able to change the world so you might as well do what you want. The composer of the song, Rick Nielsen, claims that the song is about "religious, political and nuclear fanatics."

When played backwards some claim that the message "You know Satan holds the key to the lock".....

"Better By You, Better Than Me" Judas Priest

The song was released 1969 by Spooky Tooth. In 1978 it was covered by heavy metal band Judas Priest. Seven years later, the song became the center of controversy when the band was the subject of a civil lawsuit alleging their recording was responsible for the suicide attempts of two of their loyal fans in Sparks, Nevada. It was alleged that the song had subliminal messages and when played backwards it urged the listeners to "Do it, do it, do it."

The Bermuda Triangle

Like me, you have probably heard of the Bermuda Triangle before, but did you know it is located among the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships frequently crossing through it for ports in the Americas, Europe and the Caribbean islands? It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and falls between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida. i thought it was farther out to sea or something. This kind of disappointed me.

There have been a lot of "mysterious" events that happened in the Bermuda Triangle.

The Ellen Austin
Manufactured in 1854 in Maine, the Ellen Austin was a large multi-masted American ship weighing over 1800 tons and 210 feet long. The ship used to travel between London and New York over the Bermuda Triangle zone in the Atlantic ocean. In December 1880 during one it's trips, the Ellen Austin met with another ship on the way to New York. The other ship was moving at good a speed.

The captain of the Ellen Austin sent some of his crew on board this ship. When the crew boarded the ship, there was not a single soul on board. The captain of Ellen Austin ordered the crew to guide the ship so that they could all sail together to New York. After two days, the two ships got separated by a huge sea storm. And when the storm subsided, the unnamed ship was gone and never seen again.

The Ellen Austin finally reached New York on February 11, 1881. It was an unusually long journey and indicates that a lot of time was spent in searching for the unnamed ship.

The mystery is not yet solved to date.

Joshua Slocum
After gaining widespread fame as the first person to sail solo around the globe, Joshua Slocum disappeared on a 1909 voyage from Martha’s Vineyard to South America. Many experts believe that the Bermuda Triangle is linked to his disapearance.

The USS Cyclops
On March 4, 1918, the USS Cyclops, a 542-foot-long Navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard, went missing without a trace after departing the island of Barbados. The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite being equipped to do so, and an extensive search found no wreckage. In 1941 two of the Cyclops’ sister ships, Proteus and Nereus, were transporting heavy loads of metallic ore similar to that which was loaded on Cyclops during her fatal voyage. They similarly vanished without a trace along nearly the same route.

Carroll A. Deering
Built in 1919, Carroll A. Deering was one of the last large commercial sailing vessels. The ship was designed to carry cargo and had been in service for a year when it began its final voyage.

On August 26th, 1920, the Deering was bound for Rio, but the captain fell seriously ill and the Deering turned to drop off him and his first mate, who was also his son, off. The Deering Company recruited Captain Willis B. Wormell, a retired 66-year-old veteran sea captain and Charles B. McLellan to replace Merrit and his son.

The Deering set sail for Rio on September 8th, 1920. When the Deering arrived, Wormell gave his crew leave and met with Captain Goodwin, an old friend. Wormell complained about hsi crew, but said he did trust the engineer, Herbert Bates. The Deering left Rio on December 2nd, 1920, stopping for supplies in Barbados. First Mate McLellan got drunk and complained to Captain Hugh Norton about Wormell and that he had to do all the navigation due to Wormell's poor eyesight. Later Captain Norton, his first mate and another captain heard McLellan say, "I'll get the captain before we get to Norfolk, I will." McLellan was arrested, but on January 9th Wormell forgave him, bailed him out of jail, and set sail for Hampton Roads.

On January 28th, 1921, the Deerling hailed the Cape Lookout lightship off North Carolina. The lightship's keeper, Captain Jacobson, reported that a tall thin man with reddish hair and a foreign accent speaking through a megaphone told him the vessel had lost its anchors in a storm off Cape Fear and asked that the ship's owners be notified. The radio was out so Jacobson was unable to report it. Also the crew seemed to be "milling around" on the quarterdeck of the ship, which was usually not allowed. The following afternoon, the crew of another vessel spotted the Deering sailing a course that would take it directly onto the Diamond Shoals. No one was to be seen on the ship.

On January 31st, 1921, the Deering was sighted at Cape Hatteras. The vessel was hard aground with all sails set on the outer edge of Diamond Shoals. These shoals that extend offshore from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina are known as the"Graveyard of the Atlantic" and have been notorious as a common site of shipwrecks for centuries. Rescue ships were unable to approach the vessel due to the bad weatheruntil February 4th. The Deering had been battered by the surf for several days and had been completely abandoned. Her the wheel was shattered, the binnacle box stove in, and the rudder disengaged from its stock. The ship's log and navigation equipment were gone, along with the crew's personal effects and the ship's two lifeboats. In the vessel's galley it appeared that food was being prepared for the next day's meal at the time of the abandonment. The Deering was unsavagable and declared a hazard. It was destroyed using dynamite explosives on March 4th.

A portion of the ship's bow later drifted ashore on Ocracoke island. Wooden timbers from the wreck also washed ashore on Hatteras Island.

The U.S. government launched an extensive investigation into the disappearance of the crew. Herbert Hoover, then Secretary of Commerce, was intrigued by the fact that several other vessels of various nationalities had also disappeared in roughly the same area.

On April 11, 1921, a local fisherman named Christopher Columbus Gray claimed to have found a message in a bottle floating off Buxton Beach, North Carolina, but later admitted to forging the letter.

This along with rumors and more at the time indicated Deering was a victim of piracy, possibly connected with the illegal rum-running trade during Prohibition, and possibly involving another ship, Hewitt, which disappeared at roughly the same time. Just hours later, an unknown steamer sailed near the lightship along the track of Deering, and ignored all signals from the lightship. It is speculated that Hewitt may have been this mystery ship, and possibly involved in Deering's crew disappearance.

Even though Mutiny was accepted as the explanation for the Deering incident, the investigation was closed in late 1922 without an official finding.

Flight 19
At 2:10 p.m. on December 5th, 1945, five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, took off from a Naval Air Station in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as part of a routine training flight. These planes were known as Flight 19. The compasses apparently malfunctioned, the leader of the mission got severely lost. All five planes flew aimlessly until they ran low on fuel and were forced to ditch at sea. That same day, a rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared. After a massive weeks-long search failed to turn up any evidence, the official Navy report declared that it was “as if they had flown to Mars.” No definitive signs of the aircrafts or their crewmen have ever been found.

Star Tiger and Star Ariel
Star Tiger disappeared on January 30, 1948, on a flight from the Azores to Bermuda; Star Ariel disappeared on January 17, 1949, on a flight from Bermuda to Kingston, Jamaica. Both were Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft operated by British South American Airways. Neither aircraft gave out a distress call; in fact, their last messages were routine.

Don Bennett, who had been fired by BSAA in 1948 when he objected to a judicial investigation into the loss of the Star Tiger, later claimed that both the Star Tiger and Star Ariel had been sabotaged. He also said that "a known war-registered saboteur" had been seen near the Star Tiger shortly before its last takeoff. He also claimed that Prime Minister Clement Attlee had ordered all inquiries into the incidents to be abandoned.

Douglas DC-3
The Douglas DC-3 has been probably the most reliable aircraft ever designed and built. There were more than 10,000 DC-3 planes manufactured, and still hundreds remain in use. These are propeller driven aircraft and not jet planes. It is widely used as private charter planes by many airlines and also for spraying pest controls from the air, particularly mosquito killers.

On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 aircraft took off at 10:03 a.m. on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami. With just 20 minutes to go, the aircraft sent the last message to indicate its position 50 miles south of Florida. The flight was never seen or heard of again. No trace of the aircraft, or the 32 people on board, was ever found. A Civil Aeronautics Board investigation found there was insufficient information available on which to determine probable cause of the disappearance.

Connemara IV
Connemara IV was a pleasure yacht that was found adrift and abandoned in the Atlantic south of Bermuda on September 26, 1955.

KC-135 Stratotankers
On August 28, 1963, a pair of US Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft collided and crashed into the Atlantic 300 miles west of Bermuda.

Scientists think they have solved the reason for these events that happened.

Craters were found, which are up to half a mile wide and 150 feet deep, believed to have been caused by build-ups of methane off the coast of natural gas-rich Norway. The Methane would have leaked from deposits of natural gas that created cavities below the surface, which create explosions. These explosions are a potential risk for vessels travelling on the ocean and this is what scientists believe caused some of accidents in the Bermuda Triangle.

What happened to the missing bodies though?

Monday, July 15, 2019

Californian Camper And Her Dog Vanished Without A Trace

On July 12th, 2019, 40 year old Sheryl Powell was camping with her husband and Yorkie at Grandview Campground, near the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains east of Bishop when she went missing. The husband told authorities that Sheryl took the dog for a walk to relieve itself while he was moving their Jeep. He came back 5 minutes later and she was gone. He searched for an hour before calling law enforcement through his satellite device.

Sheryl was described as an experienced hiker, standing at about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighing about 120 pounds. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and was last seen wearing a purple top. The dog was described as small Yorkie Poo, weighing about 5 pounds and has a red leash.

A search and rescue team responded with a California Highway Patrol helicopter with thermal imagining technology, and have been searching the area for more than two days.

Foul play is suspected, but nothing can be ruled out at this time.

Was Sheryl abducted?

I want to know if they can get a ping on her cellphone.

Do we have proof that Sheryl did go camping? Sheryl's daughter said that "So far the criminal side of the investigation has focused on my dad and on my moms friends as suspects, both of which ideas are absurd. My parents have an extremely loving relationship and my dad (who has refused to leave the campsite) is on the verge of breakdown."

UPDATE: Sheryl was found safe. A man tried to abducted her at knife point. She was able to get away, but got lost. Eventually her and her dog made it back.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Scott Ruffalo: The Unsolved Death Of An Avengers' Brother.

Scott Ruffalo was described as charming, spirited, had a wonderful sense of humor and he was daring. He was great with women and devoured life.  He was always willing to help those in need, he was a beautiful guy.  

Scott was born on February 1st, 1969 in Wisconsin to Frank Lawrence Ruffalo and Marie Rose Hebert. Frank was a construction painter and Marie was a hair dresser and stylist. His brother is actor Mark Ruffalo.

Mark and Scott were little they dug a 20-foot koi pond, lily pads and everything in South Central L.A.

While in their late teens, Mark and Scott, moved to Los Angeles, where they lived in a $600-a-month apartment by MacArthur Park, sharing a full-size bed. Mark recalled how he and his brother got by during those times while he auditioned for roles and Scott just getting started as a hairdresser.

“He’d make a f–king giant bowl of tuna pasta, and we’d eat off that all week long,” he said. “The best of times, the worst of times.”

No matter the situation, Mark and his brother always knew had to make the best it, no matter how bad and, like with the rest of their family, still had each other’s back.

By 2008, Scott was well-known and successful hairdresser, he had worked at salons in Santa Monica and Beverly Hills, including the Giuseppe Franco Salon in Beverly Hills. He had held a license in cosmetology since 1991 and in 2001, set up his own corporation, Ruff Inc. that takes in his lucrative income as a hairstylist. Many of Scott's clients were celebrities and royalty from around the world. Besides famous clientele Scott would also give free haircuts to struggling actors and style wigs for cancer patients free of charge.

In December 1st, 2008, 39 year old Scott was married, but he lived alone in an apartment in Beverly Hills. At 1:10 a.m. a man called 911 and told them Scott had been shot in his own apartment. When the police and paramedics arrived, Scott was alone, sitting on a chair, a gun in his left hand and he was bleeding from a bullet wound in his forehead. He was still alive so he was rushed to the hospital. Scott slipped into a coma and, on December 8th, his family pulled the plug and he passed away.

When police reviewed security footage from Scott's apartment building there were two people seen leaving his apartment a few minutes before the police and paramedics arrived. 
  With further investigation they learned that the two people were the daughter of wealthy Saudi businessman named Shaha Mishaal Adham and her boyfriend Brian Scofield. The couple turned themselves in a week after the shooting. Adham was booked on suspicion of attempted murder and initially held without bail. She was released late the next day.

 Adham claimed that she and another man in the apartment found Scott on the couch bleeding from the left side of his head, the gun in his left hand. She was at Scott's apartment to pick up the keys to her Range Rover when Scott mentioned something about "Russian roulette." Then she heard a gunshot. This is when she called Scofield. Scofield called 911 as Adham and the other man left.

Later, Scott's death was ruled as a homicide until proven otherwise. Scott's head wound showed that he was shot on the back left side of his head and from above. The gun had all the bullets, expect the one that was fired, in it. And his toxicology reports came back with minimal cocaine in his system, suggesting that he was sober at the time of the shooting.

 Shaha Mishaal Adham died January 6th, 2012 after being admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after a possible overdose.
When Mark first read the script for 2010's The Kids Are All Right, he instantly connected with the character because it reminded him of Scott.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Carthage Nursing Home Massacre Was Caused By Ambien?

💊When Robert Kenneth Stewart was a young boy, his family moved to Eastwood in Moore County, South Carolina. His father was a house painter, and his mother worked at an office of a paving company in Pinebluff. Robert dropped out of high school before graduating. Robert was known as a a quiet loner with a very bad temper every now and then.

💊In 1981, Robert married, but his marriage only lasted for a few months. 
💊In 1983, Robert was 18 when he married then 17-year-old Wanda Gay Neal, but this marriage failed within three years, due his extreme possessiveness, his drinking habits and his violent temper. Robert's mother in law stated that she had never seen Robert raise a hand to his wife or daughter, but "He had a rage, it would just explode over everything. He would be good and then something would just set him off."  Wanda Neal's 14-year-old daughter Jamie said that, as far as she knew, Robert had never hit her mother. In 1986 Robert married Sue Griffin and would often compare her to Wanda Neal and complain that "Wanda doesn't do it like that."

💊He served six years in the National guard before receiving an honorable discharge.

💊In 1995 he joined the Clay Road Farm Hunt Club in Moore County, but he wasn't popular there because of his drinking problem and his temper. He was eventually thrown out of the hunting club, after threatening Larry Allred, one of its founders, stating that "he wasn't scared of no damn Allred. He'd cut Larry Allred's guts out and watch."

💊Robert worked as a house painter like his father and had his own painting business, but had filed twice for bankruptcy.

💊In 2001, Sue and Robert divorced and Robert returned to Wanda Neal. He promised her that he would stop drinking and treat her well. And in 2002, they married for a second time.

💊Robert injured his back and leg in 2007 and had to stop working. 

💊Robert didn't change and he wouldn't let Wanda go anywhere alone. It was around March 15th, 2009 and Wanda finally left Robert after he put a gun to her head and threatened to kill her. After she left him, Robert began calling Wanda's family all all hours claiming there was an emergency and he needed to see Wanda and her parents. He also tried to contact Sue Griffin, through her family, telling them that he was suffering from prostate cancer, that he was preparing to “go away” and “was planning on leaving town to visit places he hadn’t seen.” The next week, Mack Hancock ran into Robert and he seemed very depressed, saying that “everything had gone to hell."

💊March 25th, 2009, Robert told a friend his wife had left him for "the last time."
💊March 27th, Robert was deeply depressed and attempted to see a doctor. The doctor wasn't there, but Robert saw a nurse who prescribed Lexapro and Xanax. That night, he went to his aunt's house because he feared he was going to hurt someone. 

💊March 28th, Robert was feeling better but became agitated that night because of the anti-depressants he was taking. He then took an extreme amount of Ambien, a drug that he had been taking for two years.

💊Before 10 a.m. on March 29th, 2009, 45 year old Robert dressed in a red shirt and bib overalls, arrived at the parking lot of a nursing home named Pinelake Health and Rehab Center.  He found Wanda's car and proceeded to fire several shots at her empty car, shattering its windows. Michael Lee Cotten pulled into the parking lot and Robert fired at him as well, the bullet hitting him in the left shoulder. Cotten, who later stated that Robert was "very calm...very deliberate" during the shooting, ran into the building and told the people inside what had happened. 
💊"I didn't know how bad I was hit, so I just decided to go in and try to alert the people," Cotton said. "When I told them there was a man with a gun coming in, they kind of looked at me like, 'This guy's crazy.'"
💊Nurse Jerry Avant Jr. screamed frantically in the intercom, "Lockdown!"

💊Cotton hid in a bathroom and called 911 as he heard more shooting.
💊Police received the first emergency calls at 10:00 a.m. 25-year-old police Cpl. Justin Garner, was dispatched to the scene.

💊Robert left the .22 caliber rifle, that he had been shooting with, atop a Jeep Cherokee and entered the nursing home armed with a handgun and a shotgun. 

💊Darlene Harris was working at the front desk when Robert came through the front door. She ran down a hall and jumped out a window. 

💊"I went through the gate and ran through the woods. Other employees were running. I ran to a house," Darlene said "I felt it was better to go somewhere that was crowded, so I ran to the McDonald's. I remember opening the door and getting into a corner. I just stood there."

💊In the chaos she managed to call 911. An ambulance picked her up because she thought she might have suffered a minor heart attack while running for her life.

💊Darlene was terrified as she was being taken to FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital because she feared the gunman might have gone to the hospital as well.💊"I didn't want him to see me. I begged them, 'Please, cover my face!' I didn't want him to shoot me too," she said.💊As Robert went down the hall apparently searching Wanda, he started shooting everywhere. Wanda who had been reassigned to the Alzheimer unit that morning, heard the shots and hid in a bathroom. She instantly knew who the shooter was.

💊Upon realizing that his wife wasn't where she usually worked Robert headed to the area for Alzheimer's patients which was secured by pass-code protected doors. As he walked through the hallways of the nursing home, still firing his weapons, Robert killed seven residents, two of them in their wheelchairs, while the staff tried to bring the patients to safety. 

💊Wilean Fletcher, a nursing assistant, heard a commotion in the center but didn't hear the announcement clearly. A few minutes later, she said, she was in a hallway with Jerry when Robert aimed a shotgun at them. She ran to the laundry room to hide while Jerry ran towards Robert.

💊"I immediately ran behind the washing machine, and I heard a gunshot," she said. "It seemed like forever to me (as I hid)."

💊Michael Gillis and his family were inside visiting his grandmother when they heard gunfire. Gillis told his family to hide in the bathroom and his oldest son to guard the door while he went into the hallway. He saw his grandmother's nurse, Jerry,  on the floor bleeding. Gillis asked Jerry what he could do to help, to which Jerry replied, "Nothing. I'm going to die." He told Jerry "No, you're not. We're not going to let that happen". As the rampage continued, Gillis' family could hear a man shot in the room next door, "whimpering as he took his last breath."

💊Nursing assistant Denise McLeod was working in the Alzheimer's unit and helped gathered the patients into a room that she and others barricaded by jamming a chair against the door.

💊Police Cpl. Justine Garner confronted Robert in the hallway at about 10:05 a.m. After refusing several orders to drop his weapon, Robert lowered his shotgun and fired a shot at Garner, hitting him in the leg and foot. Garner returned fire and hit the Robert in the shoulder, incapacitating him. The only thing that Robert said was "Kill me, kill me."

💊After hearing the all-clear announcement, Wilean went to check on her patients and found a horrific scene.💊"I saw a resident sitting there with a bullet hole in her chest,” she said. "I went down the 200 hall, and I (saw) another dead – about two more dead residents – and I broke down.”
💊Jill DeGarmo, a nursing assistant and Jerry's fiancee, crouched beside him and prayed as he lay dying on the floor with the two dozen bullet wounds. 

💊When the shooting was over, six people were dead and five others, including Robert, were taken to a nearby hospital. Two of the wounded died the same day. One of those two people was Jerry, he died in surgery after his heart stopped the second time.

 💊In the hospital Robert told a nurse that he had taken six “nerve pills” and did not remember anything about the shooting. Robert said that he wouldn't shoot anyone in the hospital, but he wanted to shoot himself. He also never asked the condition of his victims.
💊Robert Stewart was charged with eight counts of murder.

During the Trial
💊Robert's attorney showed the results of Robert's blood test following the shooting. It showed that he had 12 times the therapeutic dose of Ambien in his system.

💊Robert admitted in open court that he killed seven patients and a nurse at the center, but he doesn't recall what happened the day of the shooting. His attorney claimed that he shouldn't be held responsible for the shooting because of the Ambien and other drugs in his system.

💊Justine Garner said Robert's speech wasn't slurred when he took him into custody.

💊Moore Regional emergency room nurse Rebecca Powell treated Robert. She testified that he was "very alert" and his speech wasn't slurred. Although Robert had a blank stare, he didn't appear to have overdosed on sedatives, she said.

💊The Moore County Assistant District Attorney said Robert entered Pinelake Health and Rehabilitation Center that day "with a specific reason"  to chase down his estranged Wanda, who worked there. She said Robert had called his Wanda's parents repeatedly prior to the shooting but got no answer. She also said that this was not a random act and when Wanda wouldn't go to him he went to Wanda. Robert brought four guns and a bag of ammunition with the intent of creating mass casualties. 

💊"He didn't stop after he shot up his wife's car. Instead, he entered the facility and reloaded after every three shots," she said.

💊Several witnesses testified that Robert was deliberate in his actions during the rampage, saying he took time to reload while walking the halls.

💊Prosecutors also argued that Robert was abusive and controlling of  Wanda, prompting her to leave him in the weeks before the massacre. He went to Pinelake, where she worked, to track her down and was so heavily armed that nothing was going to stop him, prosecutors have said.

💊Aaron Morris, who did some work on the Robert's home, testified that Robert verbally abused Neal and threatened to kill her if she left him.

💊In order for him to carry out the shootings, Robert would have had to take four guns from his home, three of them from a locked safe, as well as multiple rounds of three kinds of ammunition. He then drove 20 minutes from his home outside of Robbins to the nursing home in Carthage. Once there, he found his wife's PT Cruiser in the parking lot and fired multiple rounds into the windows and the headrest. Prosecutors said these were complex actions that could only have been carried out by a man on a mission.

💊A forensic psychiatrist hired by the defense testified that Robert was "sleepwalking" during the shootings because he was suffering the side effects of Ambien.

💊Ambien has been reported to cause strange behavior in a small number of users. Some people can do complex things in their sleep and Ambien has been known to makes things worse, especially if you already have a history of sleepwalking. People have been known to drive, eat and have conversations while asleep.

💊Jurors deliberated for two days. While they also found Robert guilty of other assorted assault charges, they found him not guilty of attempted first-degree murder for shooting Carthage police officer Justin Garner.

💊The trial moved into the sentencing phase and the Moore County Superior Court Judge James Webb heard from family members of the victims.

💊"That man killed my mom like she was a roach," said Linda Feola, whose mother, 98-year-old Louise DeKler, died in the attack

💊Judge Webb sentenced Robert to 189-236 months on each murder count for a total of 126-157 years in prison. Robert also received another 16-22 years on the other charges.

💊The defense gave notice it intended to appeal.

💊Many family members said they were upset Robert was not convicted of first-degree murder. But they said they were relieved he will likely spend the rest of his life in prison.
💊Strickland, the prosecutor, said he still believed Robert's crimes warranted the death penalty and was somewhat disappointed with the second-degree verdict.
💊If jurors had convicted Robert of first-degree murder, he could have faced the death penalty.


Jerry Yi Avant Jr.
🏵He was born on May 5th, 1969 in South Korea to Jerry W. Avant  Yon Suk Yi. He was a studious young man who graduated from Richmond Senior High School in 1988, then attended both Richmond and Sandhills community colleges. His interest was in electronic technology. Jerry served ten years in the Coast Guard and while there, he was involved in aircraft electronics at several Coast Guard bases. When he left the Coast Guard, he entered the medical field and wished he had gotten into the medical field in the beginning. He was getting his degree in nursing and was preparing to take his board exams to become a Registered Nurse. Jerry would have given you the shirt off his back and he couldn't have picked a better profession. It seemed to be his calling. He was a Licensed Practical Nurse and was about to take the exam with the Board of Nursing. Jerry was engaged to be married to another member of the staff at the facility, Jill DeGarmo. He attended Cornerstone Baptist Church. He was shot 26 times and killed while trying to shield others from gunfire during a shooting rampage. He gave his life in the protection of others, and his heroism leaves both a great sense of pride and sadness in all those who knew and loved him. 

Louise B. Vocht De Kler

🏵She was born on March 6th, 1911 in Amsterdam, Amsterdam Municipality, Noord-Holland, Netherlands to Joseph J. and Anna C. Vocht. Louise came to the United States from Holland in 1928. She moved North Carolina 4 years before her death. Louise was a homemaker and a volunteer for Meals on Wheels in Morris County and a member of Brookside Seniors. She also enjoyed bowling. She was living on her own, in a New Jersey apartment on the fifth floor. She carried her own groceries, and she always took the stairs. When she went down to the first floor to do her laundry, she'd hang out in the rec room while the washing machine ran. She had her own pool stick and a boom box. She used to go down there with her pool stick and wait for the young guys to come and play. She was a bowler, too, with an average score of 150. Then she had a stroke when she was 94. She had to leave her apartment and into Tara Plantation a nursing home. She had just begun to adapt to the limitations of this new life. She loved the bingo games at Tara and worked all the puzzles. Then just before her 98th birthday, she had a second stroke. When she came out of the hospital, she went to Pinelake Health and Rehab to recover. She only agreed to it because a boyfriend, John Goldston, 20 years her junior, was there, and the living arrangement was to be temporary. She and Goldston were in different wings, but they ate together almost every day, and high-fived one another when their wheelchairs passed in the halls. She was killed at age 98 when Robert gunman shot them both. 

Lillian Eugenia Nall Dunn
🏵She was born on December 23, 1919 in Moore County, North Carolina. She had surgery to try and repair her knees, but she refused to do the exercises her doctors and therapists recommended. Eventually, Lillian got so she couldn't get around by herself and  she decided on her own to go live at the Pinelake Health and Rehab Center. She had been living at Pinelake for about a year, where she could plant a garden and can tomatoes, she was comfortable there. Lillian had been doing especially well and her family visited her often. Her son and his wife visited and the three of them watched a Clint Eastwood movie on the big-screen TV. She had would drop in on recreational activities and especially liked to go hear singers who came to the nursing home to entertain residents. Before she retired, Lillian had worked in a textile mill. She raised five children, three of whom survive. Her hobbies included quilting, canning fruits and vegetables, and cooking meals for her family. She still longed to go back home where she had lived in the same white house, with more than a dozen flower beds of red and yellow. Lillian was killed at age 89.

Tessie Garner
🏵Dozens of mourners file into Smyrna Methodist Church near Robbins to remember Tessie. She was born March 27th, 1934. She was a native of Moore County and was a retired poultry farmer. Tessie was 75 years old when she died at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital after being shot by Robert.

John Walter Goldston
🏵He was born on April 7th, 1930 in Chatham County, North Carolina to Walter H. and Irene (Brower) Goldston. John "Sonny"  was retired and a member of Tyson Creek Baptist Church. After suffering several debilitating strokes he relocated to Tara Plantation and during that time, nearly five years, they became his extended family. He loved putting puzzles together and rooting for the Carolina Tarheels. In January 2009 John was transferred to Pinelake Health and Rehab. He was 78 years old when Robert shot and killed him.

Bessie Elizabeth Hedrick 
🏵Bessie was born April 15, 1930 the daughter of Roy Frank and Annie (Brooks) Hedrick. She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Siler City, where she sang in the choir. She attended UNCG and graduated with honors from Sandhills Community College with a degree in Human Services. She was a Compensatory Education Instructor for Chatham Trades, and also worked as a hairdresser and had taught cosmetology. Bessie was an active member of the Democratic Party. She loved to travel, sing and play the piano. Bessie was a loving mother. She had entered the home a few months before after breaking a hip and experiencing symptoms of dementia, but she seemed to be improving. She was a loving mother and a grandmother. She was 78 years old when she was shot and killed by Robert.

Margaret Peoples Johnson
🏵Margaret was born on September 14, 1919 the daughter of James Henry and Hannah (Paschal) Peoples. She was a native of Guilford County and a homemaker. She was a member of Sapling Ridge United Methodist Church and the Alpha and Sunshine Sunday School Class. She was married to Otto. She and her family operated a small farm in Silk Hope, a little community in Chatham County Her granddaughter, Tammy Morris, who lives in Chatham County, said that her grandmother was a "wonderful woman." Margaret was 89 years old when she was shot and killed by Robert.

Jesse Vernon Musser
🏵He was born on September 20th, 1920 in Crockett, Wythe County, Virginia to Vernon and Mabel Musser. He was retired from the Virginian Railroad after 41 years of service. Jesse was a talented and avid woodworker and gunsmith, he loved the outdoors and hunting and was a lifetime member of the NRA. He lived life in a quiet, humble manner and was a devoted father and husband. He was a lifelong member of Highland Ave. Baptist Church and for a time served as a deacon. He moved to North Carolina with his wife, Melba in 2003 to live with, Holly, one of their two daughters. For the past 2½ years, she had employed nurses and aides to help care for her father, who had gone blind. The couple were both afflicted with Alzheimer's. Jesse also suffered from Parkinson's disease, was deaf and confined to a wheelchair. The retired railroad mechanic was a quiet and humble man and a devout Christian. He was artistic, talented and during his life. Jesse loved woodworking and built himself a violin that was thirty years in the making. He was also a gunsmith in his free time. Jesse had lived at Pinelake Health and Rehab Center for only six weeks. His wife, Melba, has dementia and lives at the same facility and had been there two and a half weeks. He was 88 years old when Robert shot and killed him. Melba was unharmed. Each night, the staff at Pinelake Health took Jesse from his room to the Alzheimer's unit to visit Melba. But that night there was no visit. On the next day, the family decided it was best to tell Melba that her husband had died. But they could not bear the thought of her reliving the violent events endlessly for the rest of her days. So they told her that he had passed peacefully, in his sleep. She wept, then she slept. Melba suffers from short term memory loss. And when she awoke the next morning, she looked at her granddaughter and asked, "Where's Daddy?" And they had to tell her again. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

What Happened To Alissa Turney? Part One

What Happened To Alissa Turney? PART TWO

Parasomnias: Sleepwalking Can Be Murder.

💤It's more common for children to suffer from sleepwalking than adults. A child will usually grow out of sleepwalking by their teenage years. 30 percent of kids between ages 5 and 12 have experienced at least one sleepwalking episode. While 2 to 3 percent of adults having at least one sleepwalking episode per week.

💤Sleepwalking usually occurs one to two hours after falling asleep at night and usually in a sleep deprived individual. 
Usually all the sleepwalker does is walk, but sometimes they can do complicated movements. 

💤Often, sleepwalking is a random, harmless event. Treatment may be needed if it occurs often or causes injury. Medications and hypnosis may help.

💤Me and one of my sisters would sleep walk. She used to fill up the bathroom sink and try to drown herself and I would walk to the kitchen and take food back to bed. "Laugh" We both grew out of it, but then i started back up again for awhile in high school. I wouldn't take food to bed this time, I'd rearrange the furniture in my room or clean. Then I graduated to talking in my sleep, which I haven't done in a while. "Catburger." Oh how I wish that I still sleep cleaned. 

💤Let's talk about what happens a person's brain while they are sleeping. 
💤When a person is asleep their brain usually powers down to recharge. When a person falls asleep their body is supposed to shut down and rest, but for some people that doesn't always happen. A person's body with the sleepwalking disorder doesn't fully shut down all the time. They can move their bodies around and sometimes do extremely complicated things.

💤Some of the behaviors of sleepwalkers include; walking, sexual activities, sitting up in bed, opening the eyes and staring with a blank expression, talking, urinating in closets, shouting or screaming, even driving.

💤I forgot I used to scream and fall out of my bed onto who ever was sleeping over. "Laugh."
💤Night terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear, and flailing while still asleep, often paired with sleepwalking. 
I hate night terrors.
💤People with certain mental health conditions such as, dementia, substance abuse disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety disorders are at greater risk of sleepwalking.
💤Certain medications can increase a person's chances of sleep walking such as anti-depressants and over the counter sleep medications.
💤It's not too common, but some people have had terrible things happen to them and have done terrible things while sleep walking.

The Man And The Alligators
💤In 1998, James Currens was a 77 year-old retired maintenance worker and had a habit of sleepwalking. He had wandered behind his home and awoke in several feet of water in a muddy pond with his legs stuck in the mud. Several alligators, some longer than 3 feet, came around and he had to use his cane to fend them off by poking at them. A neighbor heard him yelling and called police, who used lights to scare off the gators and freed Currens. Currens suffered only minor cuts on his legs and arms from the fall.

A Sleepwalker Gets High
💤In 2005, a 15 year old girl was sleepwalking when she apparently walked out of her home in London, climbed 130 feet up a crane and walked 40 feet across a narrow beam. A passer-by spotted the sleepwalker curled up on top of a concrete counterweight and called emergency services. 

💤Police and fire crews originally thought the girl was going to throw herself off the crane, but when a firefighter crawled out across the arm towards her, he discovered she was asleep. Scared to wake her in case she panicked and fell off the arm, the firefighter then called her parents from her mobile phone at the top of the crane, who then phoned to wake her up. The whole ordeal took two and a half hours and she was finally brought down on a hydraulic lift. She was taken to hospital for a check-up, but was sent home without any sign of injuries.

I See The Food That You Eat, When You're Walking In Your Sleep.
💤In 2013, 55 year old Leslie Cusack from England said that she had to put alarms on her doors in hopes that she would wake up before getting to the kitchen. She was consuming up to 2,500 calories in one night while sleep walking.

💤It just wasn't just her calorie intake that worried Leslie. She occasionally would eat non-food substances that could be potentially poisonous, including Vaseline, paint, cough syrup and soap powder.

💤Leslie was also known to cook with her gas stove while sleeping.

My Name Is Sherlock D'oh
💤Robert LeDrew was a brilliant detective of the 19th century living in France. One night he was called to solve a very strange murder. The local police were having a lot of trouble trying to figure out exactly what happened. 

💤A Paris native named Andre Monet's body was found on a local beach and he had been shot. The only clues were a bullet, which technology wasn't advanced enough for that to be any help, and the killer's footprints.

💤When LeDrew saw the footprints he was horrified. He realized that the killer was missing a big toe on his right foot. LeDrew was also missing the big toe on his right foot. This sent his mind racing to a few nights before when he awakened to wet socks. He realized that he was the killer. LeDrew turned himself into police. They didn't believe him at first and decided to hold him in a cell over night to see if he really did sleepwalk. 

💤After LeDrew fell asleep he got out of bed and started walking around. This wasn't enough proof that he could commit murder in his sleep, so they put a gun in his cell the next night. After he was asleep he got up, picked up the gun and shot at the guards. 

💤Prosecutors decided that he could not be held accountable, but he was dangerous, so they exiled him to a farm in the countryside under the care of guards and nurses.

💤Jennifer Aniston has claimed that she would sleepwalk as a child. She would carry on full conversations with her family before going back to bed. She has also stated that when she was married to Brad Pitt she had been sleepwalking got woken up by her alarm. She found herself in her backyard by the pool equipment.

💤Chris Colfer's mom use to find him asleep and eating bowls of cereal on the couch. He started taking sleeping pills in attempts to help with his disorder but that made it worse. This got him shopping online while asleep. One of the things he had sleepordered was a huge framed portrait of Marie Antoinette. Also, once Chris climbed onto his hotel balcony and woke up while he was climbing over the railing. 

The Ambien Defense
💤This is what Roseanne Barr used to explain some of her controversial tweets. The Ambien Defense is the argument that someone charged with a crime—and the crimes have ranged from DWI to child sexual abuse to murder— took Ambien (or generic zolpidem) beforehand and had no memory of the crime. It has helped several defendants get acquitted. After being sued by users in a class action suit, makers of the drug were forced to put a warning on the label.

A Rude Awakening
💤In 2013, in Oregon 29 year old Mandylee Kenney took Ambien and fell asleep. When she woke up in a jail cell barefoot and still wearing her pajamas. While under the influence of Ambien, she got up, ran a bath, took her dog for a walk and got into her car and crashed into another vehicle. Kenney used the "Ambien defense" and was acquitted of driving under the influence and reckless driving.The prosecution couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that  she wasn't sleep driving a possible side effect of Ambien.

It Ain't No Joke
💤When stand up comedian Mike Birbiglia get's anxious, he sleepwalks. He wrote a memoir about his sleepwalking adventures called "Spending The Night With Sleepwalker Mike Birbiglia", which was eventually made into a movie. In his book, Birbiglia tells about how when he was on tour in Washington when he had a nightmare. He dreamed that there was a guided missile headed towards his hotel room. As he was dreaming, Mike climbed onto the windowsill and jumped out of the window of his hotel room. He fell two stories and had to get 33 stitches for gashes in his legs, but he survived. This incident made him go to a sleep specialist for overnight observation. They found out that Mike was suffering from a dopamine deficiency.
💤Dopamine is the chemical is a chemical that your brain releases to put your body to sleep so you don't act out your dreams.

💤It is a myth that it is dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker because it may cause them a heart attack, shock, brain damage, or something else. It can be dangerous to wake them up because they might accidentally hurt themselves or the person trying to wake them up.

💤There are times where the sleepwalker or someone else might get hurt if the sleepwalker isn't woken up. If you can, the best thing to do  is to help the sleepwalker return safely their bed without waking him or her, if possible. Taking care not to touch the sleepwalker too much, gently turn them in the direction of their bed, and walk near the person until they get back into bed.

💤If returning a sleepwalker safely back to bed doesn’t work, from a safe distance use loud, sharp noises to wake up the person instead. This will most likely startle the sleepwalker, but it's better than shaking the person in close range, because that might trigger the sleepwalker to feel attacked and lash out and hurt you.

💤People who wake up from sleepwalking are often confused, disoriented, and scared, so it's nice to tell the person "You've been sleepwalking."