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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Were These South American Tunnels Used For Human Experimentation?

Chavín de Huantar
It is an archaeological site in Peru and was the religious center of the Chavin people and the capital of the Chavin culture. The Chavin culture dates back more than 3,000 years.

In 2018, researchers used small robots to travel underneath the largest existing temple of the site. These robots made their way through cracks in the stone work and, to the amazement of the researchers, found a large network of tunnels. Inside these 30 interlocking tunnels human remains and other artifacts were found.  

Researches aren't exactly sure what the tunnels were used for or if there is more of them yet to be discovered. Some theorize that they were used to trap people and use them for secret rituals involving hallucinogenic plants and sacrifice.

The site was described as “the birthplace of South American culture."

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