JonBenét Patricia Ramsey was a 6 year old American child beauty queen who was killed in her family's home in Boulder, Colorado. A three page handwritten ransom note was found in the house, and JonBenét's father John found her body in the basement of their house about eight hours after she had been reported missing. No one has ever been brought to justice in her case.
JonBenet needs our help. After looking at all the evidence and facts can we solve this more than two decade old case and finally give the perpetrators of this horrendous crime what they deserve?
The Victim
JonBenét Patricia Ramsey
Born JonBenét Patricia RamseyAugust 6, 1990
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Died December 25, 1996 (aged 6) Boulder, Colorado, U.S.
At the Time of Death She was 4 ft 7 in
43 lbs
Green eyes
Blonde hair
Cause of death Asphyxia by strangulation
Craniocerebral trauma
Resting place St. James Episcopal Cemetery
Marietta, Georgia, U.S.
33.95501°N 84.55637°W
Parent(s) John Ramsey
Patsy Ramsey
Who Was She?
JonBenét Patricia Ramsey was born at 1:36 a.m. on August 6, 1990, at Northside hospital in Atlanta, Georgia to Patricia and John Ramsey.
She weighed six pounds and nine ounces at the time of her birth. Patsy often would call JonBenet "Sugar". JonBenet's full name was an amalgamation of her two parents. She was beautiful, blonde haired, green eyed southern girl. Sometimes she was quiet but she was always smiling. She was outgoing and enjoyed being the center of attention. JonBenet was a bit of a tomboy, and despite having asthma, she always wanted to hike and play outside with her older brother Burke. JonBenet liked bike riding with her dad and she liked rollerblading. She wanted to be an Olympic ice skater when she grew up. She liked drawing suns and birds. Her favorite TV channels were Nickelodeon and the Discovery Channel. She loved Shirley Temple movies, sparkly things and homemade fruit rollups. She was a funny and spunky kid. JonBenet was a sweet, remarkably caring child who gave presents to Santa. She would make sure Burke got his share of attention.
She cherished her puppy, Jaques, that she received for her fourth birthday, whom she loved playing fetch with. JonBenet loved fruit, but her favorite food was macaroni and cheese. She hated tea, but loved to make lemonade with her half brother, John Andrew.
“She was just a normal, happy child,”
said her uncle, Jeff Ramsey. “Just a good kid."
When JonBenet was a year old, the family moved to Boulder, Colorado, where John Ramsey would head Access Graphics.

Besides being a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, JonBenet went to High Peaks Elementary School, where academically she flourished.
She earned high marks for identifying words, counting to 100 and recognizing patterns.
She was a year ahead in math. Socially, she was praised by her teacher for being thoughtful, courteous, respectful and diligent.
JonBenet often spent kindergarten nap time trading secret hand signals and soft giggles with a little boy on the next mat. She received an "I caught you being good award" from her principal.
“JonBenet is a pleasure to have in class,”
her teacher wrote.
“She is a confident, positive student who works hard on all assignments."
Jonbenet was also a child beauty queen. She started at age four and by age six, she had already won multiple pageant titles, thanks to her bouncy blonde hair, poised smile and glittery costumes.
The titles she held were: America's Royal Miss, Colorado State All-Star Kids Cover Girl, Little Miss Charlevoix Michigan, Little Miss Colorado, Little Miss Merry Christmas, Little Miss Sunburst, and National Tiny Miss Beauty. JonBenet's pageant costumes were always pink, probably because pink and purple were her favorite colors.
She first became excited about participating in pageants after seeing her mother on stage at a pageant reunion. JonBenet's first pageant was at Twin Peaks Mall in Denver. She sometimes gave away her prizes to pageant newcomers who hadn't won anything.
She first became excited about participating in pageants after seeing her mother on stage at a pageant reunion. JonBenet's first pageant was at Twin Peaks Mall in Denver. She sometimes gave away her prizes to pageant newcomers who hadn't won anything.
JonBenet appeared on the cover of the Babette's Talent and Gazette.
Besides bonding over the pageant scene, Patsy and JonBenet liked to do crafts together. In 1996, for Valentines day they made puffy paint sweatshirt dresses. Did you know JonBenet loved Christmas and Valentines day?JonBenet loved singing. She received a Karaoke machine in 1994. She also was in the Boulder Philharmonic Choir. Besides singing, JonBenet could tap dance. She was in the local dance group the Amerikids. She could play the violin and the piano. The last piece she learned to play was a Japanese children's folk song called "Cuckoo".
JonBenet would go to Camp Sauba, where she won the award "Camper Of The Year." She was in the Daisy Troop 2349 Girl Scouts in Boulder.
In June of 1993, Patsy was diagnosed with breast cancer. Patsy enrolled in an experimental treatment program at the National Cancer Institute. Shuttling every three weeks between Boulder and Bethesda, Md., she was given a powerful drug cocktail of cisplatin, Taxol and cyclophosphamide. She was ill for months, with Nedra looking after the children.In January of 1994, Burke hit JonBenet in the cheek with a golf club.
In October of 1994, JonBenet goes to a plastic surgeon to remove the scar for the golf club incident.
On December 3rd, 1994, Historic Homes For The Holidays Tour features the Ramsey house. 1500 to 2000 people walk through the house.
In April of 1995, JonBenet wins the Colorado All Stars Christmas Pagent.
Patsy is interviewed by Boulder Women's Magazine.
In October of 1995, JonBenet won Little Miss Colorado Sunburst.
John Ramsey won the "Entrepeneur of Distinction" Award.
John appeared in Boulder County Business Report.
In April of 1996, Woman's Magazine profiled Patsy and included a lot of information about her and her family.
Woman’s Magazine - April 1996 'Profile: Patsy Ramsey'(by Deborah Rosenberger)
"Ramsey moved to Atlanta (GA) soon after her graduation from West Virginia University. With her bachelor's degree in advertising and marketing, Ramsey began her career with McCann- Ericson Advertising Agency , where she focused on doing promotional marketing for Coca-Cola USA. Later she joined Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc., as Director of Marketing Services, and worked there for five years developing user-friendly product instruction manuals. One of the software manuals Ramsey was responsible for won first place in an international technical writing competition. Her job with Hayes also put her in charge of special events, trade shows, and in-house advertising."
"Ramsey never forgets how fortunate she is - not only to have fought the illness but also to have the opportunity to live the life she has chosen. Many of us today do not have the option to choose between a career and a family. For Ramsey, the privilege of such a choice is clearly one she revels in. "I get up early every morning to get my children ready for school," she says. "I pack their lunches and set them off - then I have from 9:00 to 3:00 to participate in my own interests."
"Ramsey has always been involved in her community and believes that volunteer work is an important contribution. Ramsey's skills and professional acumen serve her well as she writes business plans for fund raising projects and job descriptions for committee workers and meets with area professionals and corporate executives to solicit sponsorships to benefit local causes. From her efforts with the Eggleston Children's Hospital that raises over $1,000,000 annually to her work locally on such illustrious projects as the "Toast to the Artists" opening night event for the Colorado Dance Festival that will honor Mikhail Baryshnikov, Ramsey has impressed all around her."
"Though she takes much-deserved pride in these labors, most of her volunteer work is centered around her children. This spring, for example, she was chairperson of the science fair at High Peaks, a Core Knowledge School. Ramsey found the entire experience to be very rewarding, and she enjoyed encouraging the young people's talent. Ramsey has also co-chaired a successful fund-raising effort through the school known as the "Good Fairy Project," which she helped create from its inception four years ago"
In July of 1996, JonBenet won America's Royal Tiny Miss.
On August 13th, 1996, JonBenet won 2nd place Sunburst National Pageant.
In November of 1996, JonBenet saw the musical "Cats". Her favorite animal were cats.
On November 30th, 1996, was Patsy's 40th birthday celebration.
On December 13th, 1996, there was a church party at the Ramsey's home that was attended by more than 150 friends from church.
On December 17, 1996, a competition took place at the Southwest Plaza in Denver, JonBenét was crowned "Little Miss Christmas."
On December 20th, is the Access Graphics luncheon, celebrating reach $1 billion in sales.
JonBenet appeared in Rock Around The Clock performance at High Peaks Elementary School.
On December 21st, A article is published, in the Boulder Daily Camera, about Access Graphics reaching $1 billion.
The Ramsey's also sent out their Christmas letter.
The letter reads,
"Dear Friends & Family,
It's been another busy year at the Ramsey household. Can't believe it's almost over and time to start again!
Melinda (24) graduated from Medical College of Georgia and is working in Pediatric ICU at Kennestone Hospital in Atlanta. John Andrew(20) is a sophomore at the University of Colorado.
Burke is a busy fourth grader where he really shines is math and spelling. He played flag football this fall and is currently on a basketball binge! His little league team was #1. He lost just about all of his baby teeth, so i'm sure we'll be seeing the orthodontist in 1997!
JonBenet is enjoying her first year in 'real' school. Kindergarten in the Core Knowledge program is face paced and five days a week. She has already been moved ahead to first grade math. She continues to enjoy participating in talent and modeling pageants. She was named 'America's Royale Tiny Miss' last summer and is 'Colorado's Little Miss Christmas'. Her teaching says that she is so outgoing that she will never have trouble delivering an oral book report!
John is always on the go, traveling hither and yon. Access recently celebrated its one billion $$ mark in sales, so he's pretty happy! He and his crew were underway in Port Huron to Mackinac Island Yaht race in July, but had to pull over midway due to lack of wind. (Can you believe that?) But, his real love is his new 'old looking' boat, Grand Season, which he spent months designing.
I spent most of my 'free time' working in the school and doing volunteer work. The Charlevoix house was on the home tour in July and will likely appear in one of the Better Home and Gardens publications in 1997. On a recent trip to NYC, my friend and i appeared among the throng of fans on the Today Show. Al Roker and Bryant actually talked to us and we were on camera for a few fleeting moments!
We are all enjoying continued good health and look forward to seeing you in 1997! One final note... thank you all my 'friends' and my dear husband for surprising me with the biggest, most outrageous 40th birthday bash I've ever had! We'll be spending my actual birthday on the Disney Big Red Boat over the New Year!
Merry Christmas and much love,
The Ramseys"
On December 23rd, was the Ramsey's Christmas party attended by 30 guests. Former journalism professor, Bill McReynolds, played Santa Claus.This was also the night of the allegedly "mistaken" 911 call made from the Ramsey's home at 6:47 p.m. and is answered by police dispatcher Therese Hilleary. The caller hung up without saying a word, so the police called back only to get the Ramsey's answering machine. An officer goes to the home and leaves around shortly after 7 p.m. after he is assured that everything was fine.
On Christmas Eve, A article was published in the Boulder Daily Camera about the Ramsey party.
JonBenet played at her friend Megan Kostanick's house and told Megan's mother about a secret visit from Santa.
The family ate at Pasta Jay's and either before or after attended the twilight service at the St. John's Episcopal Church.
At 9 p.m., John retrieves JonBenet's silver Christmas bike from neighbor Joe Barnhill's garage and places it under the Christmas tree. Then John and Pasty get the Christmas presents they had stashed in the basement.
On Christmas day 1996, around 6 a.m. the Ramsey family went down stairs and opened presents, which took about an hour.
JonBenet gave her dad a gumball machine that dispensed jelly beans. Her grandmother gave JonBenet a real gold ring, her aunt Pam gave her a cross with gold chains and her aunt Polly gave her a jewelry making kit.
Santa Claus brought JonBenet a brand new bicycle. She and her father tried it out that afternoon before the family went to dinner at a close friend's home. Burke got a Nintendo 64 and a remote controlled car. Patsy received a new bike and a green paper ornament.
The Ramsey family then had pancakes for breakfast. The kids were playing with their toys while Patsy and John were preparing for the family to go to a second home in Michigan for vacation the day after Christmas. A bunch of kids started to show up and wanted to know what everyone got for Christmas. Burke was up in his room playing video games.
About noon, John went to the hanger to check on the plane and returns around 2 hours later.
JonBenét had been up late with her parents for a family friend's party. She fell asleep in on the car ride home. John and Patsy Ramsey maintain they last saw their daughter alive when they put her to bed on Christmas night.
The Fateful Day...December 26th
12 a.m.The family’s neighbor, Scott Gibbons, remembers seeing a light on in the Ramseys’ kitchen.
2 a.m.
Neighbor Melody Stanton allegedly hears a scream from the Ramseys’ home. Her husband then reportedly hears the sound of metal on concrete “sometime after the scream.” Years later, Melody backtracked on her statements, stating she actually heard the noise two nights prior.
5:30 a.m.
John gets up first, takes a shower and gets dressed.
Then Patsy gets and puts on the same outfit she had the night before and reapplies her makeup. She then stops off at the 2nd floor to wash JonBenet's jumpsuit. Patsy then goes to the kitchen to make coffee.
This is when she says she found a two-page note on the back spiral staircase stating that JonBenét had been kidnapped. The note was addressed to "Mr. Ramsey" and claimed to be from “a small foreign faction” demanding a ransom of $118,000 in cash. While this was happening, John was shaving.
Patsy screams and heads to JonBenet's room. Hearing the screams, John meets Patsy on the stairs.
Patsy went up to JonBenet's room to find it empty.
Together John and Patsy check on Burke, who appeared to be in his room asleep.
5:45 a.m.
Shortly after finding the note, Patsy calls family friends Fleet and Priscilla White and John and Barbara Fernie from her bedroom while John goes down stairs to look at the ransom note.
5:52 a.m.
Patsy finally calls the police, detailing the supposed kidnapping and the demands on the ransom note.
Some people including the the 911 operator that took the call, Kim Archuleta, think that Patsy forgot to hang up when she thought she had and the fuzzy audio and the end of recording was Patsy having a conversation with two additional people in her home.
Kim has stated that she felt like the call was rehearsed. She believes that Patsy thought she hung up the phone, but didn't and that Patsy's tone changed from panicked to calm and collected.
After JonBenet was found murdered, Kim was told not to talk about the with anyone until they went to court. Kim was never asked by the Grand Jury or anyone for that matter to give a statement or an opinion.
The 9-1-1 call has been examined by many people and organizations, all with differing opinions. Even though the FBI and the secret service did an analysis coming to the conclusion that no further conversation is audible, it is a highly debated subject. Some audio engineers and investigators think that this is what is at the end of the call.
John: "We are not speaking to you."
Patsy: "What did you do?
Help me Jesus."
Help me Jesus."
Burke: "What did you find?"
5:59 a.m.
Officer French arrives on the scene.
When Patsy greeted the officer, she was wearing the same clothes that she had wore the night before.
6-8 a.m.
Four more officers arrive at the Ramsey residence: policemen Veitch, Weiss, and Barcklow, and their supervisor, Reichenbach. JonBenét’s parents have friends come to help search the home, including the aforementioned Whites, Fernies, and Reverend Hoverstock. Victim advocates and crime scene investigators are also present in the house.
A cursory search of the house is conducted but did not find any forced entry. Officer French went to the basement and came to a wooden door that was secured by a wooden latch. He paused for a moment in front of the door, then walked away without opening it.
Was that really what was at the end of the 9-1-1 call? Did the Ramsey's lie and Burke was really awake? Was he really asleep and there was someone else in the house? And why didn't Patsy ever mention JonBenet's name during the call?
5:59 a.m.
Officer French arrives on the scene.
When Patsy greeted the officer, she was wearing the same clothes that she had wore the night before.
Four more officers arrive at the Ramsey residence: policemen Veitch, Weiss, and Barcklow, and their supervisor, Reichenbach. JonBenét’s parents have friends come to help search the home, including the aforementioned Whites, Fernies, and Reverend Hoverstock. Victim advocates and crime scene investigators are also present in the house.
A cursory search of the house is conducted but did not find any forced entry. Officer French went to the basement and came to a wooden door that was secured by a wooden latch. He paused for a moment in front of the door, then walked away without opening it.
The Ransom Note
According to statements that Patsy gave to authorities that day, she realized that JonBenet was missing after she found a two-and-a-half page note on the kitchen staircase. The Note demanded $118,000 for her safe return. No fingerprints were found on the note. The note and a practice draft were written with a pen and paper from the Ramsey's home belonging to Patsy.
The pen that was used to write the ransom note was neatly put back in it's place by the phone.
Supposedly the ransom note's time element indicates that it was composed around midnight. Take the line "i advise you to be rested." from the ransom note. According to experts, a kidnapper would not normally give such advice to his victims. Why would the kidnappers tell the victims to get rest when they were already supposedly sleeping? And why would the kidnappers care?
The note never referred to JonBenet by name. Was it too emotionally difficult for the authors of the note to write JonBenet's name?
Investigators surmised that it would have taken 21 minutes just to write the note, plus time to compose and to write the draft version.
The amount of money asked for in the ransom note was kind of small when you consider that John was a CEO for a billion dollar company. The amount of money asked for was the same as the previous bonus that John received from work.
The note is the longest ransom note in history.
Detectives found handwriting samples in the Ramsey home from Patsy, that were similar to the style on the ransom note.
The note's immediate misspellings and grammatical errors made it seem like the kidnapper was uneducated. Later in the note, the author then slid into a more natural use of terms that showed a better education.
Detectives believe that the note was written by a woman and dictated by someone else. It couldn't be proven that Patsy did or did not write the note.
A Forensics team was dispatched to the house.
JonBenet's bedroom was the only room in the house that was cordoned off to prevent contamination of evidence. No process was taken to prevent contamination of evidence in the rest of the house.
i know that it wasn't considered a murder yet, but i would have secured pretty much the whole house. The authorities had no concrete idea how the perpetrators got in and out of the house, there could have been evidence pretty much anywhere.
Meanwhile, friends and the family minister arrived at the home. Victim advocates also arrived at the scene. Visitors picked up and cleaned surfaces in the kitchen, destroying any possible evidence.
Boulder detective Linda Ardnt arrives about 8 a.m. MST, with the goal of awaiting the kidnapper's instructions, but there was never any attempt to claim the money.
10:30 a.m.
Arndt calls for backup at least twice while left in the house alone with the Ramsey family and friends (seven in total), she is told that all officers are in a Boulder Police Department meeting and they received her message. No one was sent because they were short-staffed.
John goes missing for at least an hour Some say he left the house to supposedly "pick up the mail." Later it's determined that this could not be true, given the family's mail was delivered through a slot in the front door. Whatever happened, he allegedly was unaccounted for for 90 minutes.
Sometime before 1 p.m., Fleet White allegedly was in the windowless wine cellar looking around. He told police he never turned on the light and he never saw anything.
1 p.m.
Ardnt asked John and family friend, Fleet White, to search the house TOP TO BOTTOM to see if "anything seemed a miss." John and White started the search in the basement. John opened the latched door, the one that investigators failed to open earlier, and found JonBenet's body. Her mouth was covered with duct tape, a nylon cord was found around her wrists and neck, and her torso was covered by a white blanket. John immediately picked up JonBenet's body and ripped the duct tape off her mouth. He then carried her up the stairs to the living room.
He set her on the living room floor next to the Christmas tree.
Some accounts say that John places another blanket on JonBenet before he carried her up the stairs and some say after. Either way, the evidence on the body was now contaminated.
The sticky side of the duct tape had a perfect imprint of JonBenet's lips, but no indication of a protruding tongue or any effort to dislodge the tape. This suggest that the tape was used as a prop in staging a scene like it was place after death.
The cord was tied, far too loosely to restrain a living or conscious child.
The route to the wine cellar would be very difficult to navigate by a stranger, especially at night, especially carrying a child.
The staircase light switch was not in an expected location on the wall, but behind someone entering the stairs, so they probably would have done all this in the dark.
1:30 p.m.
Boulder policemen, Ron Walker and Larry Mason arrive and search the basement and wine cellar for further clues in JonBenet's death. They also finally secure the home, preventing any further arrivals.
1:40 p.m.
John Ramsey calls his pilot and is allegedly heard asking him to prepare a plane to Atlanta. Law enforcement instructs the family not to leave town.
1:45 p.m.
Heeding the officer's warning, the Ramseys leave their house with plans to stay the night at the Fernie's home.
2:30 p.m.
John and Patsy participated in a preliminary interview for more than two hours, and Burke was also interviewed within the first couple of weeks.
Search Warrant
The Window
One of the basement windows was broken, but it had a dusty sill and an unbroken spiderweb in the corner. The window was previously broken by John when he was locked out of the house. A suit case was found on the floor almost directly underneath the window. The suitcase belonged to John Andrew, John Ramsey's eldest son from a previous marriage.
There was a Swiss army knife found next to where JonBenet's body was discovered. The Swiss army knife belonged to Burke.
There was an unidentifiable palm print found on the inside of the cellar door.
Fibers found on JonBenet's sheets were consistent with the cord used to tie her wrists and strangle her.
Allegedly, there was a book found in John and Patsy's bedroom written by author and FBI criminal profiler, John Douglas, called "Mind Hunter." It reads in part like the JonBenet case in the use of duct tape, ligatures and similar phrases in the ransom note.
There it was a heavy flashlight sitting on the kitchen counter. Some theorize that this is what JonBenet was struck with.
JonBenet's Room
JonBenet's bedroom was on the second floor. It had a porch overlooking the south yard and patio and was closet to the spiral staircase.
The police had removed a small piece of carpet in front of the night table between the matching single beds. To the left of the bed the police had removed two additional pieces of carpet. All of JonBenet's sheets, pillowcases, and bed covers were taken into custody by the police. Fingerprint powder was everywhere.
April 30th, 1997, John and Patsy gave their official interview to police.
Burke's January 1997 Interview
He heard the house creaking during the night, he said, and when he awoke, his mother was turning on the lights and in a rush, saying,
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," then his father turned the lights on and off again. Burke stayed in bed wondering if something had happened. He heard his father trying to calm his mother, then telling her to call the police.
and that he was disappointed the family would not be going to Charlevoix as planned.
Patsy and John's Local Interview
John and Patsy on Larry King Live On March 27th, 2000.
Paula Woodward Interview With The Ramseys
JonBenet had been killed by strangulation and a skull fracture. The official cause of death was "asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerabal trauma." The strangulation came 45 minutes to two hours after the head strike, based on the swelling of the brain. The blow knocked her into a deep unconsciousness, which could have led someone to believe that JonBenet was already dead. While the head wound would have eventually killed her, the strangulation actually did kill her.
Investigators believe that JonBenet was killed close to 10 p.m. Remember JonBenet was struck in the head forty-five minutes to two hours before she was strangled. The Ramsey said that they put JonBenet to bed at 10 p.m.
There was no evidence of conventional rape, although sexual assault could not be ruled out.
A black light helped reveal that her body had been wiped clean, but a residue of blood was left on her thighs. Some people think that Patsy did this with a wipe to JonBenet after a bed wetting accident.
The blanket that the killer had wrapped around JonBenet had a pubic hair on it that could not be linked to any family member.
Unidentifiable DNA material, "composite from multiple people" was found on her underwear and beneath her fingernails. Her long johns along with her underwear, contained a stain with male DNA, which could not be linked to any family member. Some experts say that the DNA on the long johns and underwear might also be a composite of multiple people jumbled into one profile. If this is true, we are looking for a DNA profile that will never match.
The autopsy revealed a "vegetable or fruit material, which may represent pineapple," which JonBenet had eaten a few hours before death.
Photographs of the home taken on the day JonBenet's body was found show a bowl of pineapple on the kitchen table with a spoon in it. John and Patsy both said that they did not remember putting the bowl on the table or feeding pineapple to JonBenet. Police reported that they found Burke's fingerprints on the bowl.
There was a mark on JonBenet's neck and back that looked it it came from a stun gun or Burke's toy train. Burke's train room was in the basement, next to the wine cellar where JonBenet's body was found.
Fibers found on the duct tape were from the sweater that Patsy had been wearing.
Questionable Things
In photos of JonBenet's room, there was a red-and-white stuffed bear in a Santa suit lying on an adjacent twin bed that has seemed to have gone missing.
JonBenet's aunt Pam Paugh was allowed to go back to the house under police supervision and get a few things the Ramsey family needed. She was allowed to stand at the door of a room and point at the items. Then the police carefully cataloged these possessions and delivered them to her. That is weird she was allowed to do that since the house was still an active crime scene. She spent an hour on her first trip through the crime scene and emerged with a big cardboard box filled to the brim, which she put into the trunk of the police car.
One of the things that John was allegedly adamant about Pam retrieving was his golf bag that was located outside the wine cellar door.
One of the things that John was allegedly adamant about Pam retrieving was his golf bag that was located outside the wine cellar door.
There was no forensic specialist called to the scene.
The FBI and the company that John worked for, never sent anyone to the scene either.
Once JonBenet's body was found, the FBI offered to help, but the police declined. The police did call the FBI in the next day, but alot of crucial evidence was lost.
Neighbors weren't questioned and houses weren't searched in the first 24 hours. Key witnesses weren't interviewed.
Did you know the police considered holding JonBenet's body until the Ramsey's gave interviews. This is what started the Ramsey's war with the police. This is when they lawyer-ed up and decided to do that now infamous television interview with CNN.
Interestingly, the Ramsey's were close to the District attorney. The city's mayor Leslie L Durgin said he was extremely concerned about the relationship between the district attorney's office and the Ramsey attorneys. Allegedly there were weekly breakfast meetings between a Ramsey defense lawyer and Peter Hofstrom, the prosecutor's liaison to the Ramsey family.
The Ramsey's were allowed to review there very first interview for discrepancies before they were brought into the station to give their official interview.
Did you know that in order to get to the basement, the person carrying JonBenet would have walked right past a glass door leading to the yard?
The blanket that JonBenet was found in was her favorite blanket.
There were windows and doors left unlocked during the night of JonBenet's murder and the security alarm was never activated.
On December 27th, 1996, Patsy was exhausted and lying down when she told friend Pam Griffin, "We didn't mean for this to happen."Griffin got the definite feeling that Patsy had revealed that she knew who the killer was.
The Ramsey's refused to allow the police to interview John Andrew.
Did you know that John and Patsy made a photo op during JonBenet's funeral?
The authorities didn't get Jonbenet's parent's clothes until several months later.
When the police went to interview John's ex-wife Lucinda, John and Patsy were present for the interview.
Before JonBenet’s death, Burke had a tendency to smear feces everywhere he could. Some of it were found in JonBenet’s bedroom.
JonBenet also had a problem with regularly wetting the bed. This can be a sign of sexual abuse.
Patsy told police that she once found in JonBenet’s bed “fecal matter the size of a grapefruit on the sheets.” That might mean that JonBenet’s problem was worse than it seemed, or that her brother’s was.
Authorities never talked to any pageant mothers, photographers or any of the sort in JonBenet's case.
Fleet White reported that when he and John went to the basement, that John went to the wine cellar, opened the door and yelled that he had found JonBenet BEFORE he turned on the light....
After JonBenet's murder, Patsy was overheard saying that she would never stay at that "Hell hole", when referring to Fleet's house.
Access employees were told that anyone who spoke with the press or the police without permission would be fired.
The Whites were the first of what the police have come to call “the throwaway friends.” Anyone suspected of the vaguest disloyalty to the Ramseys, the Ramseys would panic and those people soon showed up on a list they gave to the police. Judith Miller and even Barbra Fernie made the list.
After JonBenet's murder, Patsy was overheard saying that she would never stay at that "Hell hole", when referring to Fleet's house.
Access employees were told that anyone who spoke with the press or the police without permission would be fired.
Allegedly, at Pasta Jay’s, a restaurant run by the Ramseys’ close friend Jay Elowsky, JonBenet was all dressed up with makeup and a gown. She got cold and went up to her mother and said, "Mommy, I’d like to wear my jacket. I’m cold." And Patsy said firmly, "Not now, honey, you’re still on display.”
“My first thought was if there was anything that I knew that could help with the investigation, I’m not going to be silent," Judith Miller said. "I opened my doors to reporters and talked to police twice. They cut me off as a friend because they thought I betrayed them."
Jane Stobie was not surprised that Ramsey had gone from defending himself to accusing his friends.“I knew those people were bad, bad news. We called it ‘the evil empire’—for a reason.”The Ramsey's close friends claim that they didn't even know about wine cellar, so how could a complete stranger know about it?
Not every murder case is the same but usually a kidnapper doesn't write the ransom note, molest the victim, kill the victim, and leave the victim behind in the house. A kidnapper doesn't forget to call to arrange to get the ransom money and doesn't break in on Christmas risking family stay overs.
Allegedly the police lost palm prints and a lot of evidence from interviews.
There were allegations that John Ramsey gave his pilot, Mike Archuleta, JonBenet's deathbed sheets, girl's nightie and stuffed animals that he had hid in box that he had spirited out of the house.
JonBenet's Underwear
The underwear that JonBenet was wearing were too large for her. Patsy claimed that she had never seen the underwear, that JonBenet, was wearing before. Detectives had later found out that Patsy had recently purchased that pair of underwear at Bloomingdale's in New York for her 12-year-old niece, but JonBenet wanted them so Patsy kept them for her.
Possible Suspects
John Bennett Ramsey
He was born on December 7th, 1943 in Lincoln, Nebraska to Mary Jane Bennett and a decorated WW2 pilot, James Dudley "Jay" Ramsey. John attended Okemos High school in Michigan. He graduated from Michigan State University in 1966, with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. He earned a master's degree in business administration in 1971. John joined the Navy in 1966 and served as a Civil Engineer Corps officer in Philippines for 3 years, and then in an Atlanta reserve unit for 8 more years.
In 1966, John married Lucinda Pasch and together had three children. They divorced in 1978 after John had an affair with a co-worker. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was killed in a car crash at age 22 in 1992.
John married his second wife, Patricia Paugh, in 1980 and had two children together, Burke and JonBenet.
In 1989, John formed Advanced Product Group, which was one of three groups to merge to become Access Graphics. Access Graphics was a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation.
He was named entrepreneur of the year in 1996, when Access Graphics grossed over $1 billion. In May of 1996, John's net work was $6.4 million.
In 2004, Ramsey campaigned for a seat in Michigan's House of Representatives for the 105th district. He finished in second place.
After his Patsy's death, Ramsey met Beth Holloway, mother of missing Natalee Holloway. It was reported that the two began dating.
Ramsey married his third wife, Jan Rousseaux, in 2011. They reside in Michigan.
He was asked to search the house top to bottom, not bottom to top.He went right to the basement where he found JonBenet's body.
He contaminated the crime scene by removing the duct tape and carrying JonBenet's body upstairs.
His previous bonus from work was the same as the amount asked for in the ransom note.
He was in the house when JonBenet died.
The paper and the pen from the ransom note came from his house. There was pratice notes found in the Ramsey's trash.
John was unaccounted for for sometime on the day JonBenet's body was found before it was found.
Detective Linda Ardnt has suspect John for a long time. She said that the look in his eyes that day scared her. She remembers his demeanor when he initially greeted her as not distraught or upset but cordial. Ardnt says that John and Patsy did not spend the morning in each other's company. She also said that at 10 a.m., when the deadline from the ransom note passed, that the Ramsey's did not remark whatsoever regarding the fact that the kidnappers did not call. She also asked everyone to examine the ransom note for clues and almost everyone had ideas except for Mr. Ramsey. Ardnt said that she was confused about why the Ramseys wouldn't speak to her, give her a formal interview or take a polygraph.
In 1968 and 1969, while in the U.S. Navy, John was Stationed at the S.B.T.C. (Subic Bay Training Center) in the Philippines.
Mike Glynn was a former divinity student when met John in 1991. Mike was the recruiting coordinator for the University of Colorado’s football team. Glynn said,“But John could get really angry. I saw this on a few occasions involving business. Shouting and threatening. His eyes bulging like you cannot believe. It seemed like Jekyll and Hyde.” John also was previously in the military and the knot used to tied the garrote seemed military style, like an expert did it.
Patricia Ramsey
Patricia Ann Paugh was born December 29th, 1956 in Gilbert, West Virginia to Nedra Ellen Ann Rymer and to an engineer and manager of Union Carbide, Donald Ray Paugh. She graduated from Parkersburg High school in 1975. She was part of Alpha Xi Delta at West Virginia University. where she graduated with a B.A. in journalism in 1978.Patsy won Miss West Virginia in 1977.
She was 23 years old when she married John Ramsey on August 5th, 1980. They had two children together, Burke and JonBenet.
She was a southern belle, a socialite and threw lavish parties in her home. She was always dressed up really nice, and always had her hair and makeup done. Her and her house always looked immaculate. She was well known in society and had a lot of friends. She would send out Christmas videos as well as Christmas cards.
Patsy Ramsey died from ovarian cancer at age 49 on June 24, 2006. She died at her father's house with her husband by her side. Ramsey is buried at St. James Episcopal Cemetery in Marietta, Georgia, next to JonBenét.
Patsy was originally diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 1993, aged 37. She had been in remission for nine years until a recurrence in 2002.
The ransom note came from her notepad.
The ransom note was probably written by a woman. There was indications that Patsy wrote the ransom note, but they could not definitively prove it.
She was in the house when JonBenet died.
Former housekeeper Linda Hoffman-Pugh, thought Patsy had killed JonBenet. The housekeeper says that only Patsy could have out the Swiss army knife by JonBenet's body.
The ransom note was probably written by a woman. There was indications that Patsy wrote the ransom note, but they could not definitively prove it.
She was in the house when JonBenet died.
Former housekeeper Linda Hoffman-Pugh, thought Patsy had killed JonBenet. The housekeeper says that only Patsy could have out the Swiss army knife by JonBenet's body.
" Only Patsy could have put the knife there. I took it away from Burke and hid it in a linen closet near JonBenet's bedroom.
An intruder never would have found it.
Patsy would have found it getting out the clean sheets."
An intruder never would have found it.
Patsy would have found it getting out the clean sheets."
According to Hoffman-Pugh, the blanket wrapped around JonBenet had been left in the dryer. There was still a Barbie doll nightgown clinging to the blanket, so it had to have come out of the dryer.
"An intruder would never have found the door to the basement room where JonBenet's body was discovered. It was to difficult to see unless someone knew it was there,
Hoffman-Pugh said.
She also claims that Patsy has bad mood swings, that it's like she has multiple personalities.
The duct tape from JonBenet's mouth had fibers from the sweater that Patsy was wearing.
Burke Ramsey
Burke Hamilton Ramsey was born on January 27th, 1987. As a child he always was a highly motivated and intelligent. He figured out at 5 months in his walker, how to unscrew every doorknob in his kitchen. His former nanny in Atlanta called him "Super Kid." He loved being read to and adored JonBenet.
He was in the house when JonBenet died.
He reportedly hit JonBenet on the cheek with a golf club in 1994. Pineapple was found in JonBenet's stomach and Burke's fingerprints were found on a bowl of pineapple in the kitchen of the Ramsey home.
Neighbor, Judith Miller, said that Burke had a temper problem.
The mark on JonBenet's neck could have came from a stun gun or his toy train.
His train room was right by the wine cellar.
John Andrew Ramsey
He is John Ramsey's eldest son from his first marriage. He is a former University of Colorado student and lived in Virginia. John Andrew also had the guest bedroom in the Ramsey's home. He allegedly was in Atlanta when JonBenet was killed.
The police wanted to question him about his semen being found at the crime scene. The semen was found on a duvet belonging to him, inside a suitcase, which also belonged to John Andrew Ramsey, along with a Dr Seuss book. Joe Barnill said he saw John Andrew at the Ramsey house on the evening of December 25th, 1996.
Bill McReynolds
He was born in Donna, Texas, in 1930, and received his degree in journalism from the University of Texas. After a stint in the Army, McReynolds returned to his Alma mater and taught for five years before moving to Minneapolis to attend the University of Minnesota. He earned his doctorate in American Studies and was hired by CU's journalism department in 1968. The couple spent the next 30 years in Boulder, raising three children. After his retirement from CU in 1992, the couple moved to Rollinsville. That is when McReynolds' fascination with Santa Claus began, said his wife.
He played Santa Clause at several Ramsey parties.
"He really took the role as his life goal,"
Janet McReynolds said.
"He loved being Santa, he loved little children, and then the Ramsey case destroyed that career and just devastated him.
He loved that little girl.
It was a very sad thing in his life because he genuinely loved children, and it was the happiest part of his life."
JonBenet's nickname for Bill McReynolds was "Old Sam".
Since he played Santa at several Ramsey parties, he knew the family well. Two nights before JonBenet was killed, McReynolds was at the Ramsey house dressed as Santa.
He reportedly gave JonBenet a card that said,"You will receive a very special gift after Christmas."
He said JonBenet was his special friend. Supposedly, another friend of McReynolds was murdered 7 years before JonBenet.
The McReynolds' 9-year-old daughter was reportedly abducted on Dec. 26, the same day JonBenét was found dead, only years prior in the 1970's.
The McReynolds were neighbors of the Ramseys.
Janet McReynolds
Janet McReynolds is Bill's wife. She is a playwright.
She wrote a play called "Hey Rube" 20 years prior before JonBenet's death. The play is about a child was abused and tortured in a basement.
The McReynolds' 9-year-old daughter was reportedly abducted on Dec. 26, the same day JonBenét was found dead, only years prior in the 1970's.
She is supposedly a film buff. The ransom note is made up primarily of movie quotes. She supposedly was a movie critic.
Bill and Janet were alibis for each other, but Bill took sedatives to help him sleep.
Her own statements to police put her near the spiral staircase two days before JonBenet died, this the location where Patsy last saw her notebook.
Bill and Janet were alibis for each other, but Bill took sedatives to help him sleep.
Her own statements to police put her near the spiral staircase two days before JonBenet died, this the location where Patsy last saw her notebook.
The McReynolds were neighbors of the Ramseys.
Jesse McReynolds
One of Bill and Janet's sons.
The McReynolds were neighbors of the Ramseys.
He had a prior conviction for kidnapping.
Supposedly he had no alibi for JonBenet's murder.
He was living with them at the time JonBenet died. The McReynolds were neighbors of the Ramseys.
He had a prior conviction for kidnapping.
Supposedly he had no alibi for JonBenet's murder.
Susan Stine
She was a neighbor if the Ramseys and a friend. From 1994 until 1998, she served with Tom Koby as President and Vice President of the Family Care Center in Boulder. Susan served as President of that foundation until they moved to Atlanta. The Stines moved along with the Ramseys to Atlanta after JonBenet's murder.
Allegedly had a key to the Ramsey house.
In 2003, she was discovered to have been emailing numerous people, including Ramsey case journalist Charlie Brennan, pretending to be Chief Beckner.
In 2003, she was discovered to have been emailing numerous people, including Ramsey case journalist Charlie Brennan, pretending to be Chief Beckner.
John Mark Karr AKA Alexis Reich
Was a 41 year old elementary school teacher. In 2010 she went through a hormone-replacement surgery and she currently lives as a woman named Alexis Reich.
He was arrested in Bangkok, Thailand, on August 15, 2006 when he falsely confessed to murdering JonBenét. He claimed that he had drugged, sexually assaulted, and accidentally killed her. Authorities also said they did not find any evidence linking him to the crime scene. He had been arrested multiple times for child pornography.
He supposedly was near the Ramsey house when JonBenet died.
In a bizarre interview that aired on the 2016 US TV show Investigation Discovery’s series JonBenet: An American Murder Mystery, John Karr aka Alexis Reich, then 51 stated that, "Nobody wanted that little girl to die that night, nobody. Her death was an accident. I was with her when she died. But I was not the person who caused it."He explained a panic had ensued after her death.
"How she was found, that’s not how she died. Where she was found in that basement is not where she died."
"Something happened to her and I had to take care of it.
I have always been able to fix things. Nobody came in there and did a paedoerotic thing to that little girl, but it was made to look as though it was done that way."
Linda Hoffman-Pugh
Linda lived in Fort Lupton at the time, with her husband, Mervin Pugh, and their then-13-year old daughter, Ariana. They shared a combined family from previous marriages. Linda had five grown children, Mervin four. She was the Ramsey's housekeeper. Since JonBenet's murder, the family’s life has been a mess.
Linda had no job after the murder, and her daughter had lost a friend, JonBenet, because the two girls played together much of the time. The family’s income came mainly from delivering the Greeley Tribune in Fort Lupton.
After a best-selling book, “Perfect Murder, Perfect Town,” by Lawrence Schiller was released in 1998, Hoffman-Pugh discovered she was named as a suspect in the case.
The family moved to Evans, Mervin lost his job, Linda was in a traffic accident and has been adjudged 65 percent disabled for the rest of her life.
She said that because of other children’s taunts about the Ramsey case, Ariana couldn’t continue in school. For a couple of years, Ariana was home schooled, but hasn’t been able to finish school.The family still delivers the newspaper and struggles with the thought that Hoffman-Pugh was named a murder suspect.
Linda still believes Patsy Ramsey murdered JonBenet.
She said that because of other children’s taunts about the Ramsey case, Ariana couldn’t continue in school. For a couple of years, Ariana was home schooled, but hasn’t been able to finish school.The family still delivers the newspaper and struggles with the thought that Hoffman-Pugh was named a murder suspect.
Linda still believes Patsy Ramsey murdered JonBenet.
“JonBenet’s case still haunts my family,” Linda said.
“I still look back over my shoulder when we’re out at night.”
Patsy claimed to investigators that Linda's family was struggling for money and had asked her for a loan of several thousand dollars, which Patsy declined.
She had no alibi.
She was asleep in bed while her husband allegedly slept on the couch.
She had duct tape and white nylon cording.
Linda had recently been in the windowless room where JonBenet's body was found.
She knew of the broken window.
She had a key to the Ramsey house. She had access to John's payroll stubs.
She knew where the Swiss army knife was hidden.
She knew where Patsy kept her paint tote.
Linda gave differing stories about the cellar.
She claimed she didn't know it was there, even thought she got the Christmas trees from there.
She had no alibi.
She was asleep in bed while her husband allegedly slept on the couch.
She had duct tape and white nylon cording.
Linda had recently been in the windowless room where JonBenet's body was found.
She knew of the broken window.
She had a key to the Ramsey house. She had access to John's payroll stubs.
She knew where the Swiss army knife was hidden.
She knew where Patsy kept her paint tote.
Linda gave differing stories about the cellar.
She claimed she didn't know it was there, even thought she got the Christmas trees from there.
Melvin Pugh
Linda's husband. He was the Ramsey's handyman.
He had duct tape with nylon cording.
He had recently been in the windowless room where JonBenet's body was found.
He knew about the broken window.
He had a key to the Ramsey house.
He had access to John's payroll stubs.
He had recently been in the windowless room where JonBenet's body was found.
He knew about the broken window.
He had a key to the Ramsey house.
He had access to John's payroll stubs.
Gary Howard Olivia
He is a registered sex offender.
He lived right down the street from the Ramsey home.
He supposedly used the same knots that were found to tie the garrote as the same he used on a telephone cord in attempts to strangle his mother.
When he was arrested for trespassing and other charges in 2000, officers found him in possession of a stun gun, a photo of JonBenet, and a poem about her titled "Ode to JonBenet."
In 2016, he was charged with sexual exploitation of a child. He is accused of uploading 20 images of child pornography to his email account.
He allegedly confessed to "accidentally" killing JonBenet in a series of letters sent to a former high school classmate, Michael Vail.
Olivia is currently serving a 1-year sentence in Colorado for possession of child pornography. He is up for parole in 2020.
He supposedly used the same knots that were found to tie the garrote as the same he used on a telephone cord in attempts to strangle his mother.
When he was arrested for trespassing and other charges in 2000, officers found him in possession of a stun gun, a photo of JonBenet, and a poem about her titled "Ode to JonBenet."
In 2016, he was charged with sexual exploitation of a child. He is accused of uploading 20 images of child pornography to his email account.
He allegedly confessed to "accidentally" killing JonBenet in a series of letters sent to a former high school classmate, Michael Vail.
Olivia is currently serving a 1-year sentence in Colorado for possession of child pornography. He is up for parole in 2020.
In some of his letters Olivia said,
"I never loved anyone like i did JonBenet and yet i let her slip and her head bashed in half and i watched her die. It was an accident. Believe me. She was not like other kids. JonBenet completely changed me and removed all evil from me. Just one look at her beautiful face, her glowing beautiful skin, and her divine God-body, i realized i was wrong to kill other kids.Yet by accident she died and it was all my fault."
Vail said, "My suspicions began when Gary called me late at night on December 26th, 1996. He was sobbing and said, 'I hurt a little girl.'I tried to get more information out of him. The only other thing he told me was that he was in Boulder, Colorado area. On December 27th i read on the front page of my local newspaper, 'Girl, 6, Slain in Boulder, Colorado.'...I immediately called the Boulder Police Department and told them what i knew about Gary and what he had told me just days earlier. They didn't get back to me. Three months later i called the police again to find out what was going on in it's investigation of Gary, but instead i was sent to the police answering machine set up for tips on the JonBenet Case. I left a message on the recorded line and again i never heard back from investigators."
Despite receiving several tips from Vail, Boulder police didn't consider him a suspect until 2000.
In 2002, Lou Smit, a retired homicide detective hired by the Boulder District Attorney, told 45 hours that he still considered Olivia a suspect.
Vail thinks that Boulder police have placed "too much emphasis on DNA matches" when it is well known that the "crime scene and evidence in the was compromised."
Vail has maintained contact with Olivia for years in hopes of coaxing a confession out of him.
Michael Helgoth
Michael Landon Helgoth was born on July 9th, 1970 inKimball, Kimball County, Nebraska to Russell G Helgoth and Coni R. Nye Helgoth. He worked for Valmont Auto Parts for 11 years, where he was a mechanic and performed other duties. Helgoth graduated from Boulder High School in 1989 and joined the U.S. Army, serving 13 months. He belonged to Nova Club, received several awards for drafting and enjoyed anything associated with automobiles and the automotive industry.
At the time of JonBenet's murder he was a 26 year old electrician who lived 2 miles away.
The private investigator hired by John and Patsy to find out who killed their daughter claims it was him.
Michael Helgoth knew the Ramseys from a property dispute and this may have provided some motivation for the crime.
Michael Helgoth knew the Ramseys from a property dispute and this may have provided some motivation for the crime.
Helgoth owned two wolf dog puppies whose fur allegedly "exactly matched" the 2 different colors of animal hairs found on JBR's body.
He had a hat with the initials S.B.T.C., the same initials were on the ransom note.
His family owned a junkyard on the outskirts of town and he confessed to the killing on a recording claims one of his former co-workers. The former employee claims to ave heard details about the confession and says someone close to Helgoth has the tape.
Helgoth committed suicide less than two months after JonBenet's murder, but according to the Ramsey's investigator, Ollie Gray, Helgoth was killed. His death was on Valentines day if 1997, one day after Bolder District Attorney Alex Hunter announced they were narrowing the search for JonBenet Ramsey's killer.
He had a hat with the initials S.B.T.C., the same initials were on the ransom note.
His family owned a junkyard on the outskirts of town and he confessed to the killing on a recording claims one of his former co-workers. The former employee claims to ave heard details about the confession and says someone close to Helgoth has the tape.
Helgoth committed suicide less than two months after JonBenet's murder, but according to the Ramsey's investigator, Ollie Gray, Helgoth was killed. His death was on Valentines day if 1997, one day after Bolder District Attorney Alex Hunter announced they were narrowing the search for JonBenet Ramsey's killer.
Helgoth was right-handed, but the trajectory of the fatal bullet went from left to right.
A stun gun was found near Helgoth's body, as well as "HI-TEC" boots. Evidence in the case suggests that JonBenet's killer used a stun gun on her. Unidentified shoe prints from HI-TEC boots also were found in the Ramsey's basement.
Helgoth's DNA was never tested against the DNA found at JonBenet's murder scene.
A stun gun was found near Helgoth's body, as well as "HI-TEC" boots. Evidence in the case suggests that JonBenet's killer used a stun gun on her. Unidentified shoe prints from HI-TEC boots also were found in the Ramsey's basement.
Helgoth's DNA was never tested against the DNA found at JonBenet's murder scene.
John Steven Gigax
Gigax had been convicted of sexually assaulting a barely underaged girl and had a history of violence. He was imprisoned in the 1980's for a sexual assault on a child. Gigax lived in a trailer park very close to Helgoth and had worked in the Ramsey house. Some say he was an accomplice of Helgoth. Supposedly he was not in Boulder when JonBenet was murdered.
John Kenady
In 2000, he was charged with burglary and theft of a Boulder County home told sheriff's deputies he was investigating the unsolved 1996 JonBenét Ramsey homicide. That year he had also handed over a pair of Hi-Tec boots to private investigators working for John and Patsy Ramsey. The boots Kenady gave investigators belonged to a former resident of the house he allegedly broke into.
The resident in question was Helgoth.
Kenady was friends with Helgoth and said he suspected him of having some involvement in the killing, but did not say why, according to police reports.
The documents stolen from the home were found in Kenady's possession. The drawings belonged to the deceased man.
Officers at the Boulder Police Department and the Boulder County Sheriff's Office said Kenady may be mentally impaired from a car accident. Kenady's attorney, Karin Dostal, said her client is mentally competent.
She said she would not comment on the case other than to say, "There are certain things that will come out later."
Kenady was friends with Helgoth and said he suspected him of having some involvement in the killing, but did not say why, according to police reports.
The documents stolen from the home were found in Kenady's possession. The drawings belonged to the deceased man.
Officers at the Boulder Police Department and the Boulder County Sheriff's Office said Kenady may be mentally impaired from a car accident. Kenady's attorney, Karin Dostal, said her client is mentally competent.
She said she would not comment on the case other than to say, "There are certain things that will come out later."
Some people theorize Kenady was an accomplice to Helgoth.
Glenn Meyer
His son was murdered in Boston. He lived in the Barnhill's basement at the time of JonBenet's murder. When interviewed by detectives, Meyer said that he had been at home on Christmas night and had watched television in the den with the Barnhills until 9:00 P.M. He then went downstairs to his basement room and spent the rest of the evening nursing a stomach flu. Meyer was also at the Ramseys' Christmas party, but he said he hadn't been introduced to Patsy or JonBenet. He took a polygraph test, most of the questions were about the Ramseys, and the examiner told him he had answered the questions truthfully.
His widow and ex-wife, Charlotte, came forward claiming that Glenn killed JonBenet. She said that he was obsessed with JonBenet.
She claims,
"When i asked him if he murdered her, he would just smile at me.
He wouldn't deny it."
At the time of the murder, he was secretly living in the basement of a home access the street from the Ramsey's home.
Later he built a shrine to her using pictures and newspaper clippings.
Supposedly, his handwriting matched the ransom note found in the Ramsey home.
Cops considered him a suspect.
John said that Meyer turned up in his house uninvited when the family hosted a party on December 23rd, 1996.
A new witness made a deathbed confession. She said that she saw Meyer on the Ramsey property on the night of JonBenet's murder. Meyer battled mental illness.
Meyer was arrested for a 1991 assault in a domestic violence case and was ordered to attend anger counseling courses.
In August 1995, he was sued for owing more than $24,000.
Later he built a shrine to her using pictures and newspaper clippings.
Supposedly, his handwriting matched the ransom note found in the Ramsey home.
Cops considered him a suspect.
John said that Meyer turned up in his house uninvited when the family hosted a party on December 23rd, 1996.
A new witness made a deathbed confession. She said that she saw Meyer on the Ramsey property on the night of JonBenet's murder. Meyer battled mental illness.
Meyer was arrested for a 1991 assault in a domestic violence case and was ordered to attend anger counseling courses.
In August 1995, he was sued for owing more than $24,000.
"He was violent with my little girl. She was in fourth grade and he gave her a horrible spanking. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't. A lot of times he was cruel to my kids. They were afraid of him. I was scared of him," Charlotte recalled.
Somehow he ends up living in the basement of JonBenet's elderly babysitters, Joe and Betty Barnhill.
Investigators want to exhume Meyers body to see if they can solve this cold case once and for all.
Investigators want to exhume Meyers body to see if they can solve this cold case once and for all.
David Russell Williams
David Russell Williams is an English-born Canadian serial killer and former Colonel in the Canadian Forces. From July 2009 until his arrest in February 2010, Williams commanded CFB Trenton, Canada's largest military airbase and a hub for the country's foreign and domestic air transport operations. He was also a decorated military pilot who had flown Canadian Forces VIP aircraft for dignitaries such as Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, and the Governor General and Prime Minister of Canada.He would crush the skull of his victims the way that JonBenet's skull was crushed, using some sort of blunt object, usually a flashlight.
And much like the way Jonbenet was killed, David would garrote and suffocate his victims with duct tape over their mouths.
He also would stake out the house and enter through a basement window.
David also had pedophilia tendencies and would steal young girl's underwear.
The knot used on the Garrote to kill Jonbenet was a military type knot.
Some say that maybe he flew in a rented aircraft, with a team, as a part of the NORAD centers program and fly to Boulder Colorado.
Ed Edwards AKA Charles Murphy
He grew up primarily as an orphan in Akron, Ohio after witnessing the suicide of his mother. He joined the Marines to get out of Juvenile detention, but went AWOL and was dishonorably discharged. He worked as a ship docker, vacuum retailer and handyman.
He was a convicted American serial killer. He escaped from jail in Akron, Ohio in 1955 when he pushed past a guard and fled across the country, holding up gas stations for money. In 1961, he landed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He eventually was captured and arrested in Atlanta, Georgia on January 20, 1962. He was paroled in 1967 and between 1977 and 1996 he murdered at least five people. He is suspected of several additional killings. Several theories have connected Edwards to a variety of crimes including the Atlanta murders of 1979–81.Some investigators have noted that Edwards lived in northern California during each of the Zodiac Killer's murders in the late 1960's and would have, at the time, closely matched the Zodiac's description. According to Edwards' daughter, there are many hints that would imply Edwards was the Zodiac Killer, such as his obsession with the well known serial killer. She has said that he would make his children watch news reports on the Zodiac Killer, and would exclaim "That's not how it happened!" during some of the reports.
Former cold case detective John A. Cameron believes that Edwards should be considered in this murder. He believes that the note that was left at the scene of the Ramsey murder can be connected to that of the Zodiac Killer, who he believes is Edwards
Bob Enyard
He is an American talk radio host and pastor of Denver Bible Church from Paterson, New Jersey. He is best known for buying nearly $16,000 worth of O. J. Simpson memorabilia at an auction benefiting the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in 1999. He then led a group that set fire to the items on the steps of the Los Angeles courthouse where Simpson was acquitted in protest of the verdict in the O. J. Simpson murder case.
Enyart is also known for his views on homosexuality and abortion. He pickets the homes of doctors performing abortions. Enyart also angered families of AIDS victims when he read the men's obituaries on his television show calling the deceased "sodomite[s]". Enyart has also led residential protests against executives of a company which provided construction services for Planned Parenthood offices. Enyart has criticized presidential candidates who do not share his view on abortion.
He says that children's "hearts are lifted" by spanking. He was convicted of misdemeanor child abuse in 1994 after beating his girlfriend's child with a belt so hard that the beating broke the skin.
In June 2009, Bob Enyart was convicted of criminal trespass following a protest at Focus on the Family.
Enyart promotes the idea that homosexuals should be put to death.
He thinks that the John and Patsy are probably have something to do with JonBenet's murder.
Danielle Kekoa says that Enyart is a head of a cult. She claims that that the "cult" had been in was a domestic terrorist group that is involved in child abductions and murders.
Danielle thinks that Enyart is responsible for JonBenet's murder. She says that Enyart and his "cult" were in Boulder on Christmas 1996. She says that children in Boulder started to go missing.
According to Patsy's other fellow pageant mothers, JonBenet's primary photographer had just freaked out after JonBenet's death and behaved in a way they had never seen him act before. Allegedly, he started calling them up in the middle of the night, screaming and crying as he said that he did not kill JonBenet.
Danielle thinks that Enyart is responsible for JonBenet's murder. She says that Enyart and his "cult" were in Boulder on Christmas 1996. She says that children in Boulder started to go missing.
Randy Simons
In October 1998 he was being held in the Lincoln County Jail pending a psychiatric evaluation. Simons was living in an undisclosed location about 120 miles east of Denver after he sold a portfolio of JonBenét glamour pictures to Sygma Photo Agency for $7,500 in January 1997. He said at the time he hoped the worldwide exposure would lead to the capture of JonBenét's killer, but acknowledged that controversy over the pictures could jeopardize his career. The pictures were taken during a June 1996 photo shoot. They showed the 6-year-old beauty queen in makeup and curls and generated criticism of children's pageants.
Fleet Russell White Jr.
It was at Fleet's house where the Christmas party was held on Christmas day, where JonBenet had her last picture taken.
Fleet White allegedly was in the windowless wine cellar looking around. He told police he never turned on the light and he never saw anything.
Pam Griffin claims that Fleet was acting strange on the day JonBenet was found murdered. She said that they were all at the Fernies house and Fleet kept coming in the bedroom where Patsy was and bothering her. They had to tell him to leave several times. Patsy even had to go in the bathroom at one point to get away from all that.
Fleet kept trying to make Patsy and the family leave the Fernie's and go to his house, at one point John had to step in and tell him to leave Patsy alone.
After the murder some of the families, including the Whites, went with the Ramseys to Atlanta. Allegedly, Fleet and John had a falling out when they were down there. Neither one will talk about what their fight was about.
John told his lawyers and the D.A. that Fleet should be considered a murder suspect.
Pam also stated that “This man has a dark side.” But she doesn't think that Fleet murdered JonBenet with his own hands. She thinks that he knows something.
Nedra didn't like Fleet, she said that he was “a wild man and a lunatic.”
Supposedly Fleet and his wife Priscilla were ruled out as suspects, but were allegedly key witnesses. Witnesses to what??
This is an excerpt taken from Fleet and Priscilla's really lengthy letter published in the Denver Post.
"The people of Colorado are entitled to be frustrated and angry with those public offlcials and other persons who have brought this case to its current status. We must be mindful, however, of the first cause of the investigation's failure - the refusal of John and Patsy Ramsey to cooperate fully and genuinely with those offlcially charged with the responsibilty of investigating the death of their daughter, JonBenet.
- Fleet Russell White, Jr. and Priscilla Brown White August 17, 1998
Boulder, CO"
John told his lawyers and the D.A. that Fleet should be considered a murder suspect.
Pam also stated that “This man has a dark side.” But she doesn't think that Fleet murdered JonBenet with his own hands. She thinks that he knows something.
Nedra didn't like Fleet, she said that he was “a wild man and a lunatic.”
Supposedly Fleet and his wife Priscilla were ruled out as suspects, but were allegedly key witnesses. Witnesses to what??
This is an excerpt taken from Fleet and Priscilla's really lengthy letter published in the Denver Post.
"The people of Colorado are entitled to be frustrated and angry with those public offlcials and other persons who have brought this case to its current status. We must be mindful, however, of the first cause of the investigation's failure - the refusal of John and Patsy Ramsey to cooperate fully and genuinely with those offlcially charged with the responsibilty of investigating the death of their daughter, JonBenet.
- Fleet Russell White, Jr. and Priscilla Brown White August 17, 1998
Boulder, CO"
If you would like to read the letter in it's entirety, it is here
Brian Scott
He was the Ramsey's gardener and started working for them in June 1995. He had graduated from the University of Colorado the year before JonBenet was murdered. He didn't know he was a suspect until Linda Arndt ask for handwriting, blood, saliva, and hair.
The last time he was at the house was December 10. The family used large wooden candy canes to decorate the yard during the holidays, and he noticed that they hadn’t been arranged properly. They needed deeper holes, which he dug before pounding them into the ground. While Scott adjusted the candy canes along the front walk, he saw a blue Chevy Suburban pull up. JonBenet came out of the house. She was wearing a pair of blue overalls and was being bratty about something.
“I think she might have been giving orders,” Scott said, “like, “you get in the back, you do this.” Something like that.”
A moment later the car was gone. That was the last time he saw JonBenet.
Scott said he was only been in the basement to fix the sprinkler clock. He didn’t know there was a wine cellar. He did recall a broken window at the front of the house. He said he didn't remember a broken window by the grate.
On December 25, Scott went to the apartment of his girlfriend, Ann Preston, at around 10:30 p.m. and stayed until just after midnight then went home alone. There was nobody to confirm his alibi for the rest of the night.
It could have been in September-October, when Ramsey said he entered the house by that broken window, or as late as December, when JonBenet was murdered.
After JonBenet died, police took an unusual interest in what had happened to Elizabeth. Police reviewed the autopsy report. They said that they were following up “on any and all leads in the Ramsey investigation.” The autopsy review, though, suggests just how much the police may have considered the Ramseys as suspects.
After JonBenet's murder, he had never been contacted by the family and didn't know why. The only one that contacted him was one of their investigators telling him to "be quiet- and never talk about what he saw the morning of the murder". He said "they told me I was mistaken"....I found that to be very odd. Never once was he contacted when his wife was deathly ill and ultimately died very near the time that Nedra died. He kept JonBenet's dog the dog passed away.
Joe said that teenage kids and others right on the street weren't tested for DNA. He said the guy that lived right next door, single at the time, wasn't even checked.
She issued a formal apology in 2008 to the Ramsey family stating that the DNA evidence taken from JonBenet's clothing didn't match the family.
Lou Smit, an experienced detective who had investigated more than 200 homicides, said that had he been the first detective on the scene, he would have brought a dog in. This would have found JonBenet's body in minutes. He also said that he would have separated the Ramseys, asked them to come down to the station to give hair samples and blood samples. He would have also taken their clothes and conducted initial interviews. Smit said that had they refused they would have been arrested. He thinks that all of this would have cleared the Ramsey's of involvement.
Norm Early who had been the district attorney of Denver and was the vice-president of Lockheed Martin Security at the time of the murder of JonBenet stated that their had been not one word of JonBenet's alleged kidnapping.
He was the pastor of the St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, which was the church the Ramsey family attended prior to JonBenet's death. He is the same pastor that Patsy called over to her house after JonBenet went missing. Hoverstock went to the family's home to "counsel to his parishioners." While there, he led everyone in the Lord's Prayer. And that's about all that is known about Hoverstock's actions that day, thanks to "pastor-penitent privilege."
He died in October 2015 from cancer at 73 years old.
Patsy asked Miller to ask for "protection" from the mayor of Boulder after JonBenet's murder. "I went to the mayor's office and said 'Patsy wants protection' and [the mayor] said 'There’s no murderer out there.'"
John Fernie, "I drove my car into the -- up the alley and parked in the back of your house, and went around to the patio door, which was a glass door leading into the kitchen and back of the house, and didn't see anybody, but saw a piece of paper laying on the floor. Looked at that. It was facing the other direction. Read it. And after the first few lines realized something very strange was happening. And so I ran around to the front of the house and knocked on the door and was let in."
John Edward Douglas
Koby began his career with the Houston Police Department in 1969. By early 1991, he was one of Houston's five assistant chiefs. In June of that year, he became Boulder's police chief.
He is a professor of journalism at the University of Colorado. He has made three documentaries about the Ramsey case and thinks John and Patsy are innocent. He feels very close to solving the case.
In June 2008, Linda Arnt claimed that 90 percent of the case details have not been disclosed accurately.
As of September 2016, the Boulder Police Department has processed more than 1,500 pieces of evidence, including the analysis of over 200 DNA samples. The major crimes unit has received and reviewed or investigated over 20,000 tips, letters or emails. Detectives have traveled to over 18 states and interviewed or spoken with more than 1,000 individuals. The initial District Attorney, Alex Hunter, pursued an investigation of convicted pedophiles in the Boulder area.However, he said that he would not clear the Ramseys.
Reportedly, JonBenet's father, John Ramsey, gave the go a head in May of last year, to exhume JonBenet's body. John Ramsey states that he made a mistake on not letting his daughter be exhumed earlier.
Government (COG) program.
Some SAT members of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath the orchestrators of all of this. That maybe John not doing what they wanted him to do. The MHOB is under Great Master Prince Charles working with Prince Philip and Prince Andrew.
Chris Wolf
A freelance journalist and a reporter for the Colorado Daily and the Boulder County Business Report with a master's degree in journalism.
His girlfriend called the police and said he had stormed out of the house on Christmas night and come back the following morning, with muddy clothes.
He became furious when he saw news reports of JonBenet's death on TV.
The ransom note was signed 'S.B.T.C'; Wolf had a sweatshirt bearing those initials - they stood for Santa Barbara Tennis Club. He had written an article about John Ramsey's company, Access Graphics, and may have had access to information about his bonus. He was a friend of Bill McReynolds.
James Partin
James Partin was arrested in December, 1997 for selling child pornography on the Net. Police searched Partin’s home and found a newspaper clipping about the 1983 kidnap of Beth Miller,14, and a map of Idaho Springs marked with several X’s. A photo of JonBenet was found in his possession. Boulder police announced that they would contact the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to learn more about the Ramsey photo in Partin’s collection, but a local newspaper reported that they “do not believe that Partin had any involvement” in the slaying and that “It’s not a high priority.”
Other People
Elizabeth Pasch Ramsey
Elizabeth was born in the Phillipines to Lucinda Lou Pasch and John Ramsey on July 15th, 1969. Elizabeth was an airline stewardess. On January 8th, 1992, she and her boyfriend, Matthew Derrington, 22, died when his BMW collided with a bakery truck near Chicago during bad weather. The couple was on their way to the airport with Derrington in the driver's seat. Derrington sped up when going through an intersection in Illinois and lost control sliding into the truck.The other driver was not cited. Elizabeth Ramsey died of massive internal injuries.After JonBenet died, police took an unusual interest in what had happened to Elizabeth. Police reviewed the autopsy report. They said that they were following up “on any and all leads in the Ramsey investigation.” The autopsy review, though, suggests just how much the police may have considered the Ramseys as suspects.
Melinda Ramsey Young
John Ramsey's daughter from his first marriage. She adored JonBenet. She was working as a nurse in Atlanta when JonBenet was murdered.
Pam Ellen Paugh
She is Patsy Ramsey's sister and former beauty queen as well. She thinks JonBenet was killed by someone close to her, but not any of the family. Pam thinks JonBenet was killed by someone who was jealous. She said that she and Patsy have had "intimate, sister-to-sister conversations," which led her to believe Patsy had a suspect in mind of JonBenet's murder.
Nedra Ellen Ann Rymer Paugh
Patsy's mom. JonBenet called her "Neddie". She was born July 5th, 1932 in Ellenboro, Ritchie County, West Virginia. She groomed Patsy and was a "stage mother". She was married to Donald Paugh, an engineer and a manager at Union Carbide. They had three children together. Nedra died on March 2nd, 2001 in Roswell, Fulton County, Georgia.
Lucinda Lou Pasch
John Ramsey's first wife. In 1966, John married Lucinda Pasch and together had three children.They had three children and were married for 11 years. They divorced in 1978 after John had an affair with a co-worker. Their daughter, Elizabeth, was killed in a car crash at age 22 in 1992.
Joe Barnhill
He was the Ramsey's 70 year old neighbor. He was crippled badly with palsy. His wife, Betty, had Alzheimer's. JonBenet's dog lived at his house. John Ramsey had JonBenet's bike in Joe's garage until 9 p.m. on Christmas eve. Said he saw John Andrew Ramsey approach the Ramsey house on the evening of December 25th, 1996. Glenn Meyers was renting out Joe's basement.
After JonBenet's murder, he had never been contacted by the family and didn't know why. The only one that contacted him was one of their investigators telling him to "be quiet- and never talk about what he saw the morning of the murder". He said "they told me I was mistaken"....I found that to be very odd. Never once was he contacted when his wife was deathly ill and ultimately died very near the time that Nedra died. He kept JonBenet's dog the dog passed away.
Ex-District Attorney Alex Hunter
Hunter was the District Attorney for Boulder County from 1973 until 2001.He was the man responsible for refusing to indict the Ramseys during the JonBenét Ramsey murder case. He allegedly blocked the BPD from gathering evidence against the Ramsey's while simultaneously claiming lack of evidence against the Ramsey's as the reason he didn't prosecute.
Ex-District Attorney Mary Lacy
Lacy graduated with honors from the University of Iowa College of Law and served as the Boulder County DA from 2001 to 2009. Before her tenure as District Attorney, Lacy also spent 10 years as chief of the Sexual Assault Unit in the District Attorney’s Office, during which time she created both the Sex Assault Unit and the Sex Assault Review Team, units which are devoted to sex crimes.
Before she publicly exonerated the Ramseys, Lacey knew, from a report she was given, that the DNA profile was possibly from multiple people and should not be considered a single source profile.
Emails from and investigator from her office showed, that after preliminary tests showed the presence of unknown male DNA on JonBenet's long johns, that his bosses didn't see the need for additional testing.
Jim Clemente
Jim Clemente, a former FBI agent and profiler who worked on the Ramsey case, says that the family being so easy exonerated is "absurd." He also stated that in his entire 30 year law enforcement career he has never seen a case in which a DA has issued a letter exonerating somebody, especially based on one type of evidence.
Lou Smit
Lou Smit, an experienced detective who had investigated more than 200 homicides, said that had he been the first detective on the scene, he would have brought a dog in. This would have found JonBenet's body in minutes. He also said that he would have separated the Ramseys, asked them to come down to the station to give hair samples and blood samples. He would have also taken their clothes and conducted initial interviews. Smit said that had they refused they would have been arrested. He thinks that all of this would have cleared the Ramsey's of involvement.
Norm Early
Norm Early who had been the district attorney of Denver and was the vice-president of Lockheed Martin Security at the time of the murder of JonBenet stated that their had been not one word of JonBenet's alleged kidnapping.
He said that when he found out he began to call executives and lawyers among others and said,"Why wasn't my family alerted? What happened?"
And they said to him,"Well, there was no threat"
And he said,"How do you know that?"
They said,"Well, I don't know. We just knew".
And he said,"Well, think about it and I want an answer!"
In 2005, Ardnt heard Patsy's cancer and returned and contacted her.
Arndt wasn't allowed by to stay on the case. She was pulled off in April 1997, demoted and quit the force two years later.
Arndt was left by her colleagues at the Ramsey home with JonBenet's parents and family friends in the first hours of the investigation. She asked for more manpower, but most of her colleagues and the FBI were at the police station and wouldn't send anyone. She was used as a scapegoat and shouldered the blame for numerous police errors at the crime scene that day in December 1996.And he said,"How do you know that?"
They said,"Well, I don't know. We just knew".
And he said,"Well, think about it and I want an answer!"
Ron Walker
Walker was an experienced FBI profiler. He suspected as soon as he saw the ransom note, that Jonbenet was probably going to be found dead. Walker thought that the note seemed like a hoax and that the perpetrators real agenda was murder or a cover up of a murder. He knew that finding JonBenet's body in her own home meant there had probably never been a kidnapping. In the case of a homicide where the dead child is found in the parents' home, the FBI's standard procedure is to investigate the parents and the immediate family first and then move outward in circles.
Linda Ardnt
Ardnt was a 14-year veteran of the Boulder department, well-respected as a staunch victim advocate and the first detective to arrive at the crime scene in the JonBenet Ramsey kidnapping/murder.
When John came back after going missing for that time before JonBenet's body was found, Linda said that John had a very different demeanor. He was very agitated and he it seemed like he didn't want to be talked to at all. She thinks that he possibly is JonBenet's killer.
She said that Patsy was "imprisoned by secrets". They talked about the promise Ardnt made to Patsy back in 1997. On January 8th, 1997 Arndt was at the Child Advocacy Center in Niwot where JonBenet's older brother Burke was being interviewed by a child psychologist.
"Patsy and I were alone for over an hour, and she shared a lot of things in that conversation. She did, and I did," Arndt recalled.
"And one of the things she demanded of me, she looked me in the eye and grabbed my hand and said, 'Promise me, promise me you will stay on this case and you will find out who did this to JonBenet.'
And she's writing a memoir in hopes of keeping her promise to Patsy.
Pam Griffin
She was Patsy's a former registered nurse, Patsy's friend and a seamstress. She sewed some of JonBenet's Pageant gowns. Her daughter, Kristine, would sometimes babysit for the Ramsey's.
Roland Hoverstock
He went west to the University of Colorado for college and then spent time with an AmeriCorps VISTA program in Florida trying to fight poverty. Then he moved back to Colorado, got married and opened a bike shop in downtown Boulder. He became a minister while still running his shop, which was called The Spoke.He was the pastor of the St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, which was the church the Ramsey family attended prior to JonBenet's death. He is the same pastor that Patsy called over to her house after JonBenet went missing. Hoverstock went to the family's home to "counsel to his parishioners." While there, he led everyone in the Lord's Prayer. And that's about all that is known about Hoverstock's actions that day, thanks to "pastor-penitent privilege."
He died in October 2015 from cancer at 73 years old.
Judith Miller
One of Patsy's former friends from Atlanta. Judith says that at one of the Ramsey's Christmas parties.
"JonBenet came down with a beautiful dress, and bleach blonde hair. I was shocked, and I took Patsy aside and said "You’re not dying her hair, are you? And she said 'Oh no, Judith, that’s from the summer sun ...' Oh, are you kidding?"
John Fernie
He is a developer that lives at the Shanahan Ridge development on Table Mesa, below the foothills. He was a close friend of the Ramseys. He lived roughly 23 minutes away. Him and his wife, Barbra, were among the people that Patsy had called to come over the morning of JonBenet's disappearance.
John Edward Douglas
John Edward Douglas is a retired special agent and unit chief in the United States FBI. He was one of the first criminal profilers and has written books on criminal psychology. He holds several degrees: a B.S. in sociology/physical education/recreation and was in the United States Air Force.
Danielle Kekoa
An alleged FBI informant from Colorado. She was involved in the Anti-abortion extremist movement. She and her husband attended the Denver Bible Church. Bob Enyart had invited them out to protest. Danielle and her husband became involved in protests with him for 10 years. In 2011, they got out of that lifestyle. Danielle says that she didn't realize it at the time, but it was a cult they were involved in with Bob Enyart as the ringleader. She says that a few weeks after they left the cult, law enforcement came after them brought on by false claims from the "cult". She claims that she found out that the "cult" she had been in was a domestic terrorist group that is involved in child abductions and murders. Danielle thinks that Enyart is responsible for JonBenet's murder. She says that Enyart and his "cult" were in Boulder on Christmas 1996. She says that children in Boulder started to go missing.
Detective Steve Thomas
He received more than a hundred commendations and awards during his thirteen-year police career, including the Award of Excellence and the Medal for Lifesaving, for assignments ranging from recruit training and SWAT to special investigations and undercover narcotics. Prior to the JonBenet case, Thomas worked on a multi-state task force investigating racketeering and organized crime that resulted in numerous grand-jury indictments. Thomas has been a guest lecturer on criminal justice topics and instructed extensively on law-enforcement issues.
After spending 20 months investigating JonBenét’s murder, Thomas resigned in August 1998. In April 2000, he published “JonBenét: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation,” in which he blamed Patsy Ramsey for her daughter’s death. He theorized that after the girl wet the bed and her mother accidentally killed her during “some sort of explosive encounter in the child’s bathroom.” He believed that Patsy Ramsey fabricated the kidnapping, wrote the ransom note and staged the whole event. He also dismissed as absurd the Ramseys’ argument that Boulder police failed to look at other suspects.
Detective Steve Thomas Deposition Part 1
September 21st, 2001
Deposition Part 2
Tom Koby
He was the Boulder Police chief at the time of JonBenet's murder.
Koby's reluctance to admit his officers made mistakes in the first days of the Ramsey case, combined with his perceived arrogance at press briefings, made the chief a national scapegoat for the beleaguered murder investigation. Koby began his career with the Houston Police Department in 1969. By early 1991, he was one of Houston's five assistant chiefs. In June of that year, he became Boulder's police chief.
Tom Koby faced intense criticism of how his department handled the investigation into JonBenét Ramsey’s death. Koby became Boulder’s police chief in 1991. When Koby announced his retirement plans on Nov. 19, 1997, he said he would delay his departure for 13 months because he wanted to give himself enough time to decide whether the murder could be solved. In May 1998, he moved to the city manager’s office where he continued working until he officially retired at the end of the year.
Michael Tracey
He is a professor of journalism at the University of Colorado. He has made three documentaries about the Ramsey case and thinks John and Patsy are innocent. He feels very close to solving the case.
The Grand Jury
In 1999, Grand Jurors, even without hearing from lead detectives and without summoning John and Patsy, voted to indict them with multiple felonies including child abuse resulting in death. Allegedly, the Denver Post quoted the previous district attorney as saying,
"The grand jurors have done their work extraordinarily well...
We do note have sufficient evidence to warrant the filing of charges against anyone who has been investigated."
The housekeeper told the grand jury that Patsy had become very moody right before Christmas 1996.
"I think she had multiple personalities. She'd be in a good mood and then she'd be cranky. She got into arguments with JonBenet about wearing a dress or about a friend coming over. I had never seen Patsy so upset."
In 2001, grand jury specialist and the man who led the 13 month grand jury probe, Michael Kane, gave an interview about the secrets remaining in JonBenet's murder case. He said,
"There remains dozens of secrets, absolutely dozens. And alot of what the public thinks is fact, is simply not fact."
Burke's 2016 Interview
Also last year, newly appointed district attorney in Colorado's Boulder County formed a special task force to investigate 34 unsolved missing persons and murder cases.
One of the cases the task force is supposedly investigating is that of the killing of JonBenet.
Side Notes
When a family member is involved in a murder, they are likely to cover their child's body in a protective manner, covering all but their head. Just JonBenet's torso was covered, which did not denote the kind of act a parent would generally perform.
When a family member is involved in a murder, they are likely to cover their child's body in a protective manner, covering all but their head. Just JonBenet's torso was covered, which did not denote the kind of act a parent would generally perform.
It was determined that there had been more than 100 burglaries in the Ramseys' neighborhood in the months before JonBenét's murder. There were 38 registered sex offenders living within a two-mile radius of the Ramsey's home.
Boulder is located in Northern Colorado, at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Boulder is known for its association with American frontier history and for being the home of the main campus of the University of Colorado, the state's largest university.
Craniocerebral Trauma is also known as a traumatic brain injury. It usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. Serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain. These injuries can result in long-term complications or death.
Boulder is located in Northern Colorado, at the base of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Boulder is known for its association with American frontier history and for being the home of the main campus of the University of Colorado, the state's largest university.
Craniocerebral Trauma is also known as a traumatic brain injury. It usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. Serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain. These injuries can result in long-term complications or death.
Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries
Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries can include any of the signs and symptoms of mild injury, as well as these symptoms that may appear within the first hours to days after a head injury:
Physical symptoms
Loss of consciousness from several minutes to hoursPersistent headache or headache that worsensRepeated vomiting or nausea Convulsions or seizures
Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes
Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
Inability to awaken from sleep
Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes
Loss of coordination
Cognitive or mental symptoms
Profound confusion
Agitation, combativeness or other unusual behavior
Slurred speech
Coma and other disorders of consciousness
Loss of consciousness from several minutes to hoursPersistent headache or headache that worsensRepeated vomiting or nausea Convulsions or seizures
Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes
Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
Inability to awaken from sleep
Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes
Loss of coordination
Cognitive or mental symptoms
Profound confusion
Agitation, combativeness or other unusual behavior
Slurred speech
Coma and other disorders of consciousness
Children's symptoms
Infants and young children with brain injuries might not be able to communicate headaches, sensory problems, confusion and similar symptoms. In a child with traumatic brain injury, you may observe:
Change in eating or nursing habits
Unusual or easy irritability
Persistent crying and inability to be consoled
Change in ability to pay attention
Change in sleep habits
Sad or depressed mood
Loss of interest in favorite toys or activities
Altered consciousness
Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can result in prolonged or permanent changes in a person's state of consciousness, awareness or responsiveness. Different states of consciousness include:
Coma- A person in a coma is unconscious, unaware of anything and unable to respond to any stimulus. This results from widespread damage to all parts of the brain. After a few days to a few weeks, a person may emerge from a coma or enter a vegetative state.
Vegetative state-Widespread damage to the brain can result in a vegetative state. Although the person is unaware of surroundings, he or she may open his or her eyes, make sounds, respond to reflexes, or move.
It's possible that a vegetative state can become permanent.
Minimally conscious state. A minimally conscious state is a condition of severely altered consciousness but with some signs of self-awareness or awareness of one's environment.
Brain death- When there is no measurable activity in the brain and the brain stem, this is called brain death. Brain death is considered irreversible.
Infants and young children with brain injuries might not be able to communicate headaches, sensory problems, confusion and similar symptoms. In a child with traumatic brain injury, you may observe:
Change in eating or nursing habits
Unusual or easy irritability
Persistent crying and inability to be consoled
Change in ability to pay attention
Change in sleep habits
Sad or depressed mood
Loss of interest in favorite toys or activities
Altered consciousness
Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can result in prolonged or permanent changes in a person's state of consciousness, awareness or responsiveness. Different states of consciousness include:
Coma- A person in a coma is unconscious, unaware of anything and unable to respond to any stimulus. This results from widespread damage to all parts of the brain. After a few days to a few weeks, a person may emerge from a coma or enter a vegetative state.
Vegetative state-Widespread damage to the brain can result in a vegetative state. Although the person is unaware of surroundings, he or she may open his or her eyes, make sounds, respond to reflexes, or move.
It's possible that a vegetative state can become permanent.
Minimally conscious state. A minimally conscious state is a condition of severely altered consciousness but with some signs of self-awareness or awareness of one's environment.
Brain death- When there is no measurable activity in the brain and the brain stem, this is called brain death. Brain death is considered irreversible.
You shed 40,000 skin cells per hour. Wherever you go you are leaving a little part of yourself everywhere. The DNA profile found on JonBenet really inconclusive. It is a very small sample. There is testing suggesting that it is probably a mixture of more than one person. The profile is extremely complex. And there might never be a match, because if it is from multiple people all meshed into one, than the person doesn't exist.
There supposedly is going to be new DNA tests.
MindHunter by John Douglas
THE BESTSELLING TRUE STORY THAT INSPIRED THE MAJOR NETFLIX SERIES. FBI Special Agent and expert in criminal profiling and behavioral science, John Douglas, is a man who has looked evil in the eye and made a vocation of understanding it.
Lockheed Martin
Is an American global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies company with world wide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta in March 1995. It is the world's largest defense contractor. Lockheed Martin had special security measures in the event that any directors or members of the family are taken hostage or attacked in some way in order to ransom the company. It is called SOP, which stands for Security Operations Procedures. They also had an established protocol with the FBI to respond to any threat to an executive in the company or a member of the family, especially if there is an indication of foreign terrorism.
NORAD, or the North American Aerospace Defense Command, is a combined organization of the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for Northern America.
The Tiaa Cerf also known as the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America-College Retirement Equities Fund, had major holdings in Boeing at the time of JonBenet's demise.
John Ramsey had control over the U.S. Navy Command Center based in the Pentagon. The same area of the Pentagon that was fitted out by Amec PLC who controlled the film studio (CUNY) used by the Naudet Brothers (French DGSE) to film the plane hitting the WTC. John had access control to the network time
protocols management of the servers used for the Continuity Of Government (COG) program.
Popular Theories
1. Burke Ramsey Theory
Alleged theory with then 9-year-old Burke who, along with his parents, killed then 6-year-old JonBenet by accident in a fit of rage, perhaps over a toy or her eating his food or that he was jealous over the attention that JonBenet was getting.
Neighbor Judy Miller thinks that this might be possible.
Agent Jim Clemente listened to the 911 call and states that he thinks he hears three distinctive voices, one of those voices belonging to a child.
Burke was known to have a bit of a temper and he had previously hit JonBenet in the cheek with a golf club.
Being so young at the time, if he did do it, i don't think he could have kept it a secret. When the police arrived Burke was shuffled off to the White's house, which was chalk full of their family. If Burke did commit the crime, i don't think his parents would have let him go there unsupervised. i think he would have spill what he knew.
2. Bed Wetting Theory
Alleged theory with Patsy Ramsey as the killer. Covering up a tragic accident and staging the murder scene. Patsy struck JonBenét in a fit of rage after a bed-wetting episode, and then strangled her to cover up what had happened after mistakenly thinking she was already dead. Supposedly, investigators found that JonBenet had plastic sheets on her bed along with a pee stain and the pull up diaper package hanging out of her cabinet. There was also the turtle neck shirt that JonBenet had been wearing that night, balled up in her bathroom. The vaginal trauma is theorize as some sort of punishment, maybe violent wiping. The theory is that Patsy and JonBenet had some kind of argument in the bathroom and Patsy thought she killed JonBenet when her head somehow was struck on the edge of the bathtub or sink. All this supposedly happened while John and Burke slept. With this theory, all of this happened just before 1 a.m. At this point this is supposedly when Patsy takes JonBenet downstairs and stages the abduction. She writes the note and then goes downstairs and strangles JonBenet, ties the girls wrists in front loosely and with a lot of slack. Patsy then wrapped her in her favorite blanket and left her with her favorite nightgown. Then she placed the ransom note on the stairs and put the pen and notepad back. She found tape and went back downstairs and put it over JonBenet's mouth. She it theorized that she then disposes of the tape and cord by putting them in the garbage with the Christmas wrapping outside or tosses them into a storm drain or a neighbor's trash can. Back inside John is waking up and Patsy, wearing what she was the night before, lets out a scream and John comes running. This wakes up Burke and he comes down stairs to see what was happening as Patsy is on the phone with the 911 operator and he is sent back to bed. John supposedly was growing suspicious of Patsy and when he disappeared for over an hour that day, he had found the body and that is why he went straight to the basement when asked to search from top to bottom. He loved Patsy and he had already lost two children and what happened was an accident, so he he decided to protect Patsy. He didn't want to lose Patsy too.
Perfect Murder, Perfect Town
Is a book that thoroughly recreates every aspect of the complex case of the death of JonBenét Ramsey. It was also made into a TV miniseries.
This quote from the Ramsey's housekeeper Linda and is from the book.
"In the summer of '96, JonBenet started wearing those diaper-type panties--Pull-Ups. She even wore them to bed. There was always a wet one in the trash. By the end of the summer, Patsy was trying to get her to do without them. Then JonBenet started wetting the bed again. Almost every day I was there, there was a wet bed. Patsy said she wasn't going to use Pull-Ups again. She just put a plastic cover on the bed. No big deal to her. By the time I'd come in the morning, Patsy would have all the sheets off the bed and in the laundry. JonBenet's white blanket would already be in the dryer--a stackable unit in a closet just outside JonBenet's room."
3. Intruder Theory
Alleged theory was that someone broke into the Ramseys' home through the broken basement window. The intruder subdued JonBenét using a stun gun and took her down to the basement. JonBenét was killed and a ransom note was left.
4. Sex Ring
Back in February of 2000, Mary Bienkowski, a licensed marriage, family and child counselor, said she stands behind her client who claims to have crucial information that could help investigators in the death of JonBenét Ramsey.
Back in February of 2000, Mary Bienkowski, a licensed marriage, family and child counselor, said she stands behind her client who claims to have crucial information that could help investigators in the death of JonBenét Ramsey.
She said her client gave Boulder police specific names of individuals who are witnesses in the killing of JonBenét as well as ongoing sexual and physical abuse of other children.
"If they do their job and investigate what needs to be investigated, the rest of the pieces will fall into place, and nobody is going to like what they find out," she said. "This person wouldn't be coming forward and risking everything if it were not because she wanted the abuse to stop and wanted to protect other children."
Bienkowski treated her client for for trauma endured as a repeated victim of sexual assault. Because her client had information that a widespread sex ring could have been behind the Dec. 26, 1996, strangulation and beating death of 6-year-old JonBenét, she encouraged the woman to take the information to authorities.
The woman said she knew the Ramseys through the Fleet White family. She said the godfather to her mother is Fleet White Sr. Fleet White Jr. of Boulder and John Ramsey were close friends until the death of JonBenét.
The therapist said one of the reasons she is reluctant to cooperate is because she said the Boulder police broke her trust. When police contacted her, she told them she would not release any information until she had a written release from the client.
Although police knew her client expressed fear of retaliation, Bienkowski said Boulder police risked her client's safety when officers told local police here about her interview in the Ramsey case after a family member reported her missing.
"They may have already compromised the evidence by leaking where she was, who she is," Bienkowski said.
Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner said police investigated the possibility of a pornographic sex ring, but found no evidence to support it.
"It's a pretty big conspiracy she is talking about, involving a lot of people," he said.
Bienkowski also criticized police for focusing on the credibility of her client, saying they should spend more time investigating the list of people her client has turned over. She said the focus should be on justice.
"I don't feel there is truly justice anymore, not for JonBenét and people like her," Bienkowski said.
Allegedly Bienkowski and her informant began being harassed with creepy phone calls.
They weren't the only ones that were harassed. Blood was splashed on Detective Linda Arndt’s front door, a mutilated carcass of a cat was left on Steve Thomas’s front lawn and Sergeant Bob Wilson was at home when four high-powered rounds were fired through his bedroom window and nearly hit him.
Bienkowki's informant claimed that JonBenet was killed in a sadistic sex game. Supposedly the claim was upheld independently by forensic specialist Dr. Cyril Wecht, who studied the autopsy file and concluded that JonBenet’s abuse occurred over a period of time.
Allegedly Bienkowski and her informant began being harassed with creepy phone calls.
They weren't the only ones that were harassed. Blood was splashed on Detective Linda Arndt’s front door, a mutilated carcass of a cat was left on Steve Thomas’s front lawn and Sergeant Bob Wilson was at home when four high-powered rounds were fired through his bedroom window and nearly hit him.
Bienkowki's informant claimed that JonBenet was killed in a sadistic sex game. Supposedly the claim was upheld independently by forensic specialist Dr. Cyril Wecht, who studied the autopsy file and concluded that JonBenet’s abuse occurred over a period of time.
I did some research and found out that one of the members of the so called sex ring is allegedly Paul Nicholas Shultz. There was claims by his son that he pimped him out to his friends and associates for drug money. That is what his ex-wife claims as well.
Supposedly Shultz was friends with a record producer named Huey Meaux. Huey Meaux, 66, was arrested and appeared in court on January 29th, 1996, on charges of possession of child pornography and cocaine. He was released after posting bonds totaling $110,000. After police went public with the allegations , two people came forward to say they were assaulted. Meaux then was charged additionally with two counts of sexually assaulting children. Police investigators seized hundreds of videotapes and more than 1,000 photographs last week from offices rented by Meaux at Houston’s Sugar Hill Recording Studio. Meaux formerly owned the studio.
Huey was charged with possession of drugs and child pornography and two counts of sexual assault on a child. Two weeks after the arrest, Shannon McDowell Brasher, filed a sexual abuse lawsuit against Meaux, alleging that he had plied her with illegal drugs as a prelude to sexual assault, “exploitation and other perverted and unnatural sex acts.” He also persuaded accomplices to assault her and videotaped the acts, according to Ms Brasher. State District Judge Mark Davidson issued a temporary restraining order sought by Brasher’s attorneys, Dick DeGuerin and Wayne Isgitt. The order prohibited the record producer or others from destroying evidence or retaliating against Brasher.
Shultz ex wife Belinda, said that Meaux participated in a child sex ring, This is substantiated by Brasher and court transcripts. Belinda’s son Nicholas, age six at the time of Meaux’s arrest, identified the accused in a televised news report. Belinda called Bill Colson, a detective with the Pearland Police Department. Colson did not investigate the sex-ring allegation, though he told her that he would contact Houston police to search for a photo of Nicholas among Meaux’s child pornography collection. Belinda contacted Detective A.D. Wright, the officer in charge of the Meaux case, after she wasn't satisfied with Colson's actions or lack there of. Wright confirmed a connection between Meaux and Paul Schultz. There supposedly is telephone records indicating that Schultz and Meaux had made “numerous” calls to one another. Houston police offered that they had a “thick file” on Schultz, linking him to several known pedophiles in Houston.
This brings us to Jerry J. Moore, who is a Houston Real Estate Developer and wealthy republican. Belinda claims that he has a connection to the MAFIA as well.
According to Paul's son, that he pimped out, Moore was on of Paul's confederates in the sex ring. Paul's son allegedly claimed that he accompanied Moore on his private plane to Colorado.
Paul's son also maintains that he was taken to Moore’s antebellum mansion, Nicholstone, not far from Dickerson, Texas, and describes the home as a distribution point for child pornography. The son also said that Meaux was a regular at Moore’s mansion.
One of Moore's "associates" was Leonard Louis Capaldi. Capaldi was convicted of bank fraud stemming from his involvement in the Saving and Loan Crisis. He was sentenced to the Federal Correctional Institute in Milan, Michigan.
Another participant in this debauchery, according to Paul's son, was Mildred “Tweet” Kimball. Tweet lived in a castle just south of Denver in a small town called Sedalia. Paul's son stated that he was taken to the castle and molested there by adults.
Tweet's ex husband was Merritt Ruddock, and the immediate deputy of the CIA’s Frank Wisner, the notorious overseer of Nazi recruitment by the agency immediately after WW II.
JonBenet In The Last Performance of her life.
What Nancy Grace Says
i believe there is more than one person involved.
Why did the killer wait in the house for 45 minutes to 2 hours after she had her head injury?
Her death is estimated to be sometime close after midnight and before 2 am on the 26th. In one in the Paula Woodward interview however, John said that JonBenet was killed on Christmas. Freudian slip?
In a interview Burke did, he stated that JonBenet was awake and had walked into the house. Was he confused or was his parents lying?
Was someone targeting the family? Is that why authorities re-examined Beth's car accident? Was she murdered as well?
I really don't think Burke had anything to do with JonBenet's murder. How could he have kept it a secret. He was only 9 years old at the time. Plus, he was taken to the White's that morning and their house was full of guests. I think he would have let something significant slip by now.
I do think the Ramsey family knows more than they are saying.
Did John and or Patsy kill JonBenet? Or were they framed and were trying to cover up evidence because whoever was framing them was doing a really good job?
And where was the Access Graphics/ Lockheed Martin security team?
Did the strangulation really come after the head trauma? Or was it part of a sexual game that got out of hand?
Did the strangulation really come after the head trauma? Or was it part of a sexual game that got out of hand?
Can You Solve The Tragic Death Of JonBenet Ramsey?
Lonnnng but very interesting read!!!!Just as I had finally decided for sure on who I thought killed JBR -I read this and now I'm open to several other possible suspects that I had never considered!! Truly a mystery for sure.. Something kinda don't set well with the housekeeper in my opinion.And the Meyers dude staying in the Barnhill basement is another one who sent chills down my spine reading the info about him!!!But damn it than there is Santa Claus, His special note to JBR,the child he befriended before JBR death that died and the fact that his own daughter had went missing in the 70s on the exact same day as JBR was reported missing later found murdered.. Eerieeeee to say the least!!!One thing briefly mentioned was the restaurant where JBR wanted her jacket bc she was cold...What about the owner?I watched a video on YouTube and read thru all the comments.There was one particular lady who comments on the Polish Owner of the restaurant but the comment is strange as if she sees his last name and it triggers some personal memorie of hers.I commented with just a question mark as in to ask what exactly she was trying to say but she said I along with my friends had been harrasing her.What she meant I had no Idea bc like I told her I don't know her.Dont have friends and just started really researching into the case hard this week..So idk what she's trying to say but definitely odd but the entire JBR case and everything surrending it is quite odd!!
Ya, the deeper you go, the more confusing things become.
The Ramseys covered something up, thats for sure. Never saw so much inconstencies...And Im nuts too mate, been on this things since Dutroux, Do the math
I beleive it was bill mcrynolds and his wife . They had an obsession with jonbenet . If you listen to their interview with larry king ,is very disterbing .
Something is going on for sure Margaini
I believe the mom did it. She was enraged that JB wet the bed. Patsy took JB to the bathroom and undressed her. She wiped her daughter down and then spanked her. The scratches on JB's vulva were probably from being whipped on her bare genitals with something like a belt or strap, possibly the buckle end. That caused the screaming the neighbor heard. Then her mom started beating her, and JB fell and fractured her skull on a sink or toilet. The rape and strangling were just staging; JB was already dead.
Many people believe that theory Anonymous.
4 people did it. Mr.S, Mr.B, Mr.T and Mr.C. they signed the damn letter, S.B.T.C. They were doing the midnight robberies. When they find this mark, John. It's possible they lived in the mobile home place, and/or worked for Michael Helgoth. I believe the T stands for Todd Fuss. He was one of the two men that "don't like you very much" but not one of the two men inside the home that actually were pulling the job. I believe it was a 4 man crew. One driver, one watcher and two burglars. The two burglars, or at least one of them were rroma, eastern European, or something to that effect. They were casing the place for a while. They made the silent 911 call to check response times. On the 23ed is when they secured a way in the home. And when they decided to kidnap the child instead. They put everything back and used the middle of the pad in order for no one to realise they had been there obviously. But the job went sideways when a more idiot one of them decided to poke the child with a brush. Leaving the injury that is not quite sexual assault as the hymen was not ripped completely but it's still weird, the other one must of disagreed with this. Child wakes up and yelps so they hit her over the head. Not knowing wether she was alive or dead they garrote her and bolt. They told John to pick up the money, leave it in a bag and rest because they never planned on leaving the home. They would take the money as the family was sleeping and leave the child behind, but know the child appeared to be sexually abused and was dead, a neighbor was awakened, they realise how stupid the plan was. Everything that you don't understand can easily be explained by rroma culture. I'm not going to go in to detail rn. Just ask me anything and I will explain. There is a profile done by a forensic psychologist in psychology today that would show you exactly what I mean and how I came to this conclusion as well. This is a perfect crime because it's stupid and simple but you people searching for criminal masterminds and pedophiles have derailed and allowed them to go free for such a long time. The only hope is getting Todd to give up the person that botched this thing and got the poor child killed. I don't think Michael was involved in the killing. But he knew the people on the job that night. And that's why he died, either because he couldn't live with the guilt or because he was killed.
That is a good Theory O.
I believe it was M.P and The P—h family. The batteries of the flashlight should be tested for fingerprints. Also, it had to have been someone who knew they layout of home. I also believe the P— were part of the burglaries that occurred in that neighborhood.
I also believe the money was key factor in the note, but not for the Ramsey’s for the P—-. I read that the Housekeeper asked Patsy for a considerable amount of money prior to the murder and Patsy said No.
I also believe there was a cover up but unintentionally. The initials in the the ransom note could of stood for the military base that John was stationed at in the 70’s or the Santa Barbara Tennis Courts. I think the footprints outside her window belonged to one of the suspects but because he had a mental disorder he could not tell what was fact and was imagined.
To me the flashlight is out of place. Stop and think where do keep your flashlight with a household with kids coming and going?
The flashlight handle is too long to be used by woman. I also think the money is key factor. I think it was meant to be a kidnapping gone horribly wrong. I also believe the P—- were jealous of the Patsy. I believe that she met her demised by someone who knew her and the family and they felt guilty afterwards.
I just noticed that John Ramsey mouthed the words, “Keep your babies close to you,” along with Patsy as she says this on TV 📺. Check it out.
It is known that if you whip a little girl on her bare vulva with her legs and labia spread apart, you can damage her hymen, cause bleeding, and leave welts. I wouldn't be surprised if the punishment for wetting the bed for these kids was a very hard and long bare naked whipping on the genitals, using a severe implement.
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