Friday, September 13, 2019

Day Two of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

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Day two of South Carolina man Sidney Moorer retrial in Myrtle Beach in the disappearance of mistress Heather Elvis. Sidney told police officers in the days after Heather Elvis went missing that he spoke to her from a payphone, pleading with her to stop calling him. There were records of Heather calling Sidney's phone after they in the month leading up to her disappearance.

Retrial Day 2 

Witnesses Sgt Danny Furr & Lcpl Casey Canterbury

Law & Crime Network
Sgt. Danny Furr has worked for the Hory County police department for 20 years. He assisted in the investigation of Heather's abandoned car and talked to Sidney after it's discovery. Sidney claimed that he hadn't spoken to Heather in six weeks. Then Sidney changed his story and stated that he had talked to Heather and had told her to stop calling him.

Lcpl Casey Canterbury was called to investigate a suspicious vehicle, that turned out to be Heather's, at Peach Tree Landing. He states that nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for the car parked skiwampus. He stated that after that he went to Heather's parents house to ask them who had been driving the vehicle. Casey and Heather's dad, Terry, drove down to Peach Tree Landing. Terry opened the car and they both looked through it and as they did they wore gloves. The car was messy and the only seat that could be sat in was the driver's. After searching the car, Casey and Terry went back to the house with Terry driving Heather's car. After they got back, Terry pulled up Heather's phone records. Casey talked to Bri and Stefano. He then went to Sidney's house. Audio was played in court of Casey's interview with Sidney. Casey said that Sidney changed his story of his contact with Heather.

Retrial Day 2

Witness Jonathan Martin

Law & Crime Network
A witness from the pay phone company testified.

Jonathan Lee Martin worked for the Hory County police department at the time of Heather's disappearance as the violent crimes detective. He assisted in the investigation into Heather's disappearance. He confirmed that Sidney changed his story about calling Heather on the payphone. Sidney also had told Jonathan he was having a hard time remember where he went on the night of Heather's disappearance, just two days prior. Audio of his interview with Sidney is played in court.

Retrial Day 2 

Witnesses Investigator Michelle Love, Detective Brian Wilson & Michael Melson

Law & Crime Network

Investigator Michelle Love has 30 years of experience working for the South Carolina highway patrol. She also worked for SLED, which assisted in the investigation into Heather's disappearance. She acquired the footage of Sidney buying a pregnancy test at Walmart.

Detective Brian Wilson has worked for the Hory county police for 14 years. He acquired the payphone video footage. He also participated in the search of the Moorer house.

Michael Melson is CEO of a company that analyzes phone records. He analyzed Heather, Sidney and Tammy's cell phone records. Using the company's software, they can determine a cell phone's location. According to Michael, after Sidney and Tammy returned from the Disneyland trip, they drove past Heather's apartment.

Retrial Day 2 
Witness Michael Melson Part 2

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