Friday, September 13, 2019

Day Three of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Image result for heather elvis
Sidney Moorer is charged in connection with the 2013 disappearance of Elvis. He previously went to trial for kidnapping in 2016, which ended with a hung jury.

Retrial Day 3 

Witness John Keep - Sprint Employee & CSI Jill Domogauer

Law&Crime Network
Ryan Keep works with Sprint and testified that Sidney first contacted Heather via phone in March 2013. According to Ryan, on the night that Heather disappeared in December 2013, Heather tried calling Sidney’s phone four times before finally getting through. He testified that one call lasted a little more than four minutes.

Jill Domogauer with the Horry County Police Department testified that she received consent from Heather’s father to search his daughter’s vehicle without the need for a search warrant. She also told the jury she also searched Heather's apartment and found an empty pregnancy test box in the trash. 

Retrial Day 3 

Witness Will Lynch

Law&Crime Network
Will has worked with the Myrtle Beach Department of Public Safety for 25 years. He pulled the information from Heather's, Sidney's and Tammy's cell phones. He went over text messages for the jury that were sent from all three phones. There were numerous messages that had been deleted from Sidney's phone that had been recovered and were read aloud for the jury. Texts from Sidney's phone the day before and the day of Heather's disappearance were erotic messages from Tammy to an under-aged boy named Caleb.

The prosecution points out that there is no cell communication between Sidney and Tammy's phone for the month of December until the 18th after Heather's last cell phone activity. 

Will also testifies that Heather's last phone call was to Sidney and the two talked for almost 5 minutes.

Retrial Day 3 

Witnesses James Perry, John Caulder, Jimmy Gunter & Joyce Aland

Law&Crime Network
James Perry he has worked for the Greenville County Sheriff's officer for over 25 years. He works in the computer crimes investigation unit. He also works for ICACT.(internet crimes against children task force) James was the one who went through Sidney's computer to recover messages that Sidney had sent from his phone. He reads recovered messages threatening Heather.

John Caulder worked for the Horry County police department for 21 years and was the senior investigator in the crime scene unit. He helped search Sidney's truck. He said he would have processed it differently if he'd known it was a new truck and not Sidney's old one. John said that he would have done swabs to see if Heather's DNA was in the truck.

Jimmy Gunter works at BeachFord, he helps people finance their vehicles. He testified that the SD card was missing in Sidney's truck. And that Sidney or someone not only removed the SD card, but also the front license plate.

Joyce Aland lived near Peach Tree Landing and a neighbor of Sidney and Tammy Moorer. Footage from her surveillance camera showed Sidney's truck going to and from Peach Tree Landing on the morning of Heather's disappearance.

Retrial Day 3
 Witness David Quandt
Law&Crime Network
David Quandt lives near Peach Tree Landing and works at DNS Site Works on Mill Pond Road, which is also close to Peach Tree Landing. Surveillance video was taken from DNS Site Works on Mill Pond Road that shows Sidney's truck driving to and from Peach Tree Landing on the morning that Heather disappeared.

Day Two of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Day One of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Retrial Of Sidney Moorer For The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis Starts This Week.

Where is Heather Elvis? Did an Affair With A Married Man Lead To A Pregnancy That Got Her Killed? UPDATED

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