Thursday, September 12, 2019

Day One of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Image result for heather elvis
Day one of testimony began on Tuesday, September 10th, in Sidney Moorer's retrial for the disappearance of Heather Elvis. Opening statements were given from both parties and eight witnesses also testified. 

Retrial Day 1
Prosecution Opening Statements
Law & Crime Network
In the prosecution's opening statements, he talked about using common sense and logic to come to a reasonable conclusion. He stated that he is going to show that the defendants accounts of what happened were a fish tale using the circumstances surrounding the case. The prosecution said that he is going to prove that Sidney and Tammy Moorer conspired and executed a plan to kidnap Heather Elvis on December 18th, 2013. 

"It's been 2,093 since Heather Elvis could wrap her arms around her father Terry, could kiss her mother Debbie and tell her little sister Morgan that she loves her," stated the prosecutor.

Retrial Day 1
Defense Opening Statements
Law & Crime Network
In his opening statements, the defense talks about being born innocent until proven guilty and asked the jury to have an open mind. He basically tries to say that Sidney is a family man and Heather was living a life of promiscuity. The defense also claimed that there was no motive of a crime.

Retrial  Day 1
Witness: Jessica Cooke - Former Manager, Tilted Kilt

Law & Crime Network
Jessica Cooke talks about Heather and Sidney's relationship that transformed from friends to a sexual relationship. She testified that Heather and Sidney broke up in late October of 2013 and that Heather was terrified of Sidney's wife Tammy. Jessica also testified about having to order new bras for Heather on the account of her growing up two sizes. She also needed a larger kilt. Jessica said that to her knowledge, Sidney was the only one Heather had been seeing at the time. She also said that Heather took a pregnancy test while at work and that she saw for herself that it said error. According to Jessica, Heather always had to have her phone with her.

Retrial Day 

Witness: J Davenport - Worked at Tilted Kilt

Law & Crime Network
She testified that Sidney and Heather had a relationship that came to an end in October of 2013. J said that Sidney would bring Heather food and visit her when he wasn't working. She also testified that to her knowledge Sidney was Heather's was the only person she was seeing at that time. J said that after Sidney and Heather's relationship ended, she was distraught and receiving threatening text messages from Sidney's wife Tammy. J also testified that Heather was putting on weight and saw the pregnancy test that Heather took which said error. She revealed that sometime after Tammy found out about Sidney and Heather's affair, that Heather came in to work with a black eye.

Retrial Day 1

Witnesses: Dennis Hart, Ronald Whitt & Stefano Schiraldi

Law & Crime Network
Dennis is the kitchen manager of the Tilted Kilt. He confirmed Heather and Sidney's relationship and that they had sex on the back patio after hours. 

Ronald works for T-Mobile. He talks about Heather's phone records and the last time her phone was used was at 3:17 a.m. on December 18th, 2013. He testified the last number she called was Sidney's cell phone number. 

Stefano was a line cook at a place called Wicked Tuna. Stefano and Heather went to high school together and were acquaintances. Stefano took her out for dinner on December 17th, 2013. He said that Heather seemed happy when he took her home and they made plans to hang out the next day.

Retrial Day 1

Witnesses: Ms. Schiraldi & Brianna Warrelmann

Law & Crime Network
Ms. Schiraldi is Stefano's mother and a Walmart customer service manager. She testified that Stefano had brought Heather by the house and the two watched a movie before taking her home. 

Brianna was Heather's room and was away visiting family members when Heather disappeared. She also worked at the Tilted Kilt with Heather. Bri confirms that Sidney and Heather had an affair and that he was the only one she was seeing at that time. She stated that after Sidney and Heather's break up, it took a while, but Heather was getting her life back on track and was happy. Bri also confirmed that Heather put on some weight and had to buy new bras. According to Bri, Heather always had to have her phone with her, even when she slept. Bri also testified that she received a phone call from Heather at 1:44 a.m. on December 18th, 2013. Heather called Bri in hysterics after her date with Stefano telling her that Sidney had called and wanted to get back together and wanted to meet. Bri suggested to Heather that she not go and just go to sleep and they would talk about it in the morning. Bri also said that Heather was terrified of Sidney's wife Tammy.

Retrial Day 1 
Witness: Casey Guskiewicz
Law & Crime Network
Casey worked at the Moorer County police department. It was 4 a.m. on December 18th, 2013 and he was out on patrol when he discovered Heather's car parked skiwampus at Peach Tree Landing. He said that Peach Tree Landing is deserted that time of night and not well lit. Casey also stated that there is no gas stations or stores on that road. The only thing on that road is Sidney's house. He also testified that there was surveillance cameras between Peach Tree Landing and Sidney Moorer's house.

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