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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Feds Arrest 3-year-old Da'Shawn McCormick's Father and Stepmother, But He Is No Where to Be Found!

“Dashawn, if I could see you today, I would wrap my arms around you and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ … Dashawn, I want you to know that I love you very, very much and I will never give up hope until you come home. Your brothers, sister, and I pray every night that you are safe and holding strong. We love you and miss, you Dashawn.” ~Jasmine McCormick

Da'Shawn was described as being like no other. He was the happiest kid you could ever know and could brighten up the whole room with that gorgeous smile of his. Even on his bad days he never once showed how bad he was feeling and always kept a smile on that face. He was always laughing and playing with his siblings and his mom. He also loved to play with his Nana and went everywhere with her. At night, he would entwine his fingers in her hair, ensuring that if she went anywhere, she wouldn't go without him. He was the most loving and caring child you could ever know. If you were feeling down, he would go out of his way to bring a smile to your face and lift your spirits. He was understanding and very loving. He loved going to the park and he loved to play in the snow.

Da’Shawn Leon McCormick was born on August 17th, 2007, to Floyd LeRoy Lee Jr and Jasmine McCormick.

Da'Shawn was 4 when Jasmine last saw him in Anchorage in March of 2012.That was the moment she departed from Lee, taking her three other children with her but leaving Da'Shawn behind due to Lee having full custody at that time. Jasmine characterized Lee as abusive and stated that she departed due to fear for her life. 

Jasmine is quoted as saying “I had to make the choice to stay and die or lose a child and leave and get the other children out of there. I wanted to take Da'Shawn with me, but I would’ve been put in prison."

Jasimine said that she last spoke to Da’Shawn in June 2012. Judy Holmes, Da'Shawn’s step-grandmother said that the last time she saw him was on July 4th, 2012. After that, whenever her grandchildren came to visit her, Da’Shawn wasn’t among them. 

Mary Transki
On April 1st, 2013, FBI agents arrived at the residence shared by Lee and Da'Shawn's stepmother, Mary Elizabeth Transki, and arrested them for securities fraud and mail fraud. Both were convicted; Lee received a 37-month sentence, and Transki was sentenced to 21 months in prison. They served their sentences and were subsequently released. At the time of Lee and Transki's arrest, Da'Shawn was nowhere to be found.

After the arrest of Lee and Transki, a witness came forward alleging that Transki had admitted to murdering Da'Shawn and burying the body on her property. Nonetheless, when interrogated by the authorities, Transki refuted the occurrence of such an event. Meanwhile, Lee has remained silent regarding the whereabouts of Da'Shawn.

Jasmine petitioned a Palmer court to gain custody of Da'Shawn, which was granted in December 2013. She lives in Alabama and is awaiting his return. She hopes that he was given to another family before Lee and Transki's arrests.

“Continue to pray for my son. If you know anything, please come forward. I know there are people who have information about this case but won't come forward for their safety. I just want to know what happened to him.” ~Jasimine McCormick

Da’Shawn may be in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area. The circumstances of his disappearance are unclear, and his case remains unsolved.

At the time if his disappearance Da'Shawn was 4 years old biracial (African American/Caucasian) male. He was 3ft 6in tall, 45 lbs. with blonde hair and brown eyes.
He had a U-shaped scar in the center of his forehead and a burn scar on his left thigh.
As of this post Da'Shawn would be 16 years old and may resemble this composite.

If you have any information regarding Da'Shawn's whereabouts, no matter how small, please contact the Anchorage Police Department at 907-786-8500 or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 800-843-5678.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Underground Pyramid in Alaska?

On May 22, 1992, scientists studying shockwaves from a Chinese underground nuclear test in Lop Nur recorded a grainy, pyramid-shaped spot of interference twice as large as Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza. Researchers believe that this anomaly below Alaska's Mt. Denali is an artificial structure made of black stone. The top of this 550 feet tall "Dark Pyramid" is said to be 150 feet below ground.

The area was reportedly off-limits throughout the Cold War era possibly do to the fact that Alaska was on the front lines.

Retired U.S. Army Counterintelligence agent Doug Mutschler first attempted to bring the pyramid's existence into light on the show "Coast to Coast AM". He was also later interviewed by investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe who has spent years researching the pyramid.

Mutschler said that in the fall of 1992 he was stationed at Fort Richardson in Alaska. He was sitting in a room with some off duty soldiers when on Anchorage channel 13 broadcast a news story about then nuclear test and subsequent pyramid discovery. He said that went to the news station the next day and the manager of the station denied the story and said that he had no idea what Mutschler was talking about. On the way out a younger employee nervously ushered Mutschler over and claimed that the story was true. He said that a couple of scary guys in suites met with the station manager and confiscated everything that had to do with the story.

Mutschler was transferred the next year to Fort Meade in Maryland where there was a giant archive of top-secret government files. He found the Alaska files, but before he could read them, he was stopped by two men that said that he didn't have a need to know for that information and was told to leave.

Howe had asked from Mutschler and received his DD214, which is a certificate from the U.S. military that lists everything about the Indvidual's time in the service. Howe said that Mutschler is who he claimed to be and the timing and locations of where he was matched his record.
Another person that Howe has interviewed claimed that their father Marty B. Johnson worked for Western Electric and had been inside the pyramid. Johnson had told him that he had been taken on a bus with blacked out windows so he couldn't see what was outside.

When Johnson left the bus, he was in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness with a lonely shed as the only structure around. In the shed there was a large freight elevator.

Johnson and the others that he had traveled on the bus with now rode the elevator far down into the earth. When they stopped, they found themselves at typical military offices with concrete floors and only numbers on the doors.

At the end of the hallway was a15 feet tall steel door wide enough to drive a car through. The door opened and inside was a giant cavern. The military officer that was their guide then announced, "Gentlemen welcome to the dark pyramid."

Johnson told his son that he didn't know if the pyramid was of extraterrestrial origin, but he did say that it was technology way beyond anything he had ever seen. He said that there were control rooms at each corner. These control rooms measured the energy immitted from the pyramid.

Johnson said that his father made a small replica of the pyramid made out of aluminum. He ran a small voltage through the pyramid and the energy was magnified and produced more than enough electricity to power their whole farm.

Another person that came forward was Bruce L. Pearson. He said that his dad Lee had joined the Navy right after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and served on torpedo boat 492 during World War II.

In the 1970's the retired Navy veteran and his family moved to Alaska where Lee and his wife became schoolteachers. Bruce said that Lee then met a U.S. Airforce piolet, and they exchanged war stories. He then asked Lee if he wanted to ride with him on a classified delivery mission near Denali. 

When Lee got on board, he was informed that it was some weird underground power generating installation. Lee asked if it was nuclear. The co-piolet said that it was nothing that "they built." It was thousands of years old and shaped like a pyramid and that they didn't know where it came from. He said that it generates enough power to power the whole state of Alaska as well as the whole country of Canada.

When they got about 5 miles from their destination Lee was told that the helicopter's instruments were going to go crazy and not to panic and that they were going to just keep the ground in site to make sure they didn't hit any obstacles. Lee said that a couple of moments later everything on board the helicopter went crazy and then went dark.

When they touched down and the ground crew began refueling them with the engine still running. Lee had told Bruce that there had been a small couple of guard houses with towers as well as two freight elevators. Boxes of equipment were piled here and there and there was electric razor wire everywhere. Overhead a C130 was flying circles. Six men in plain black uniforms unloaded three heavy cases while heavily armed men in the distance had guns as well as jeeps with a 50-caliber machine gun pointed at the plane.

In about 4 minutes Lee and the piolets were on the helicopter and headed back. Once they were back at the airport they went to a bar where Lee had asked them what he seen was all about. The piolet told him that the place was more secure than the Manhattan Project and that nobody is supposed to know that it exists. He said that it was a giant underground pyramid made of what it is thought to be black stone. It is 10's of thousands of years old and that there have been engineers working there since the 1950's.

On June 13th, 2020, Nathan Campbell had someone fly him into Denali National Park in Alaska and dropped him off near Carey Lake, which was just few miles from what was thought to be the Pyramid's location. He had told the piolet to pick him up a couple of months later in the same location he was dropped off at. He had fishing gear, a couple of totes of food, and a big backpack. He also claimed he had a Garmin InReach satellite communication in case he needed to call for help and GPS tracking device. Campbell was never seen of or heard from ever again.

A search turned up the supplies Campbell had cached at Carey Lake, and a few miles away, a collapsed tent. Inside the tent was Campbell's diary, which appeared to have been chewed on by rodents. The last entry said Campbell had left his campsite to get water. There is no other sign of him.
Do you think the Dark Pyramid is real? Do you think it was built by aliens? What happened to Nathan Campbell?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rust Shooting Recap Day Two

Day two of the involuntary manslaughter trial of actor Alec Baldwin in Santa Fe County, New Mexico had the actor walk out of the courtroom after the prosecution accused him lying about not pulling the trigger.

We also heard how live rounds were discovered mixed with dummy bullets in various locations, including a prop cart, a munition box, and gun holsters for two actors. How those live rounds got on set was never discovered, but some have theorized that there had been target practice with live rounds on the set.

Baldwin’s defense cross-examined the crime scene technician, Marissa Poppell, about the damage caused by forensic analysis of the gun. Although the firearm was broken during testing by the FBI, it could likely be fixed with replacement parts but not restored to its original condition when the tragic incident occurred.

For day three of the trial the lead detective Cpl. Alexandria Hancock to be back on the stand. Handcock didn't become the chief investigator until two weeks after the October 2021 shooting, but she conducted the first interviews of Baldwin, “Rust” armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and assistant director David Halls.

Reed's attorney said they have been informed prosecutors will try to call her to testify however, it is expected that Reed will assert her Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination if she is called because she has an appeal of her conviction pending.

If convicted Baldwin could face up to a year and a half in prison for a charge of involuntary manslaughter for his role in the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. 

Rust Shooting Recap Day One.

The Rust shooting trial involves actor Alec Baldwin who faces involuntary manslaughter charges in New Mexico for a deadly incident which occurred on October 21, 2021, during the filming of the movie Rust. Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins tragically lost her life, and the film’s director, Joel Souza, was injured.

The incident occurred when Baldwin was holding a real gun with presumed dummy rounds, which are completely inert and contain no primer, propellant, or explosive charge. Baldwin claims that he never pulled the trigger and that the gun malfunctioned. 

The prosecution in their opening statements said that several tests were done by the FBI that proved the gun was in working order. There is also video evidence that allegedly shows Baldwin not listening to direction and placing his had near and on the trigger time and time again, the last time him actually pulling it.

Alec is accused by the prosecution of playing make believe with a real gun and not following safety protocols.

If convicted Baldwin could face up to 18 months in prison.

The movie’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was also went to trial for the same charges and was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the incident.

Reed like many of the people working on set, was inexperienced and didn't check the gun properly with a live round ending up in the gun. That live round was what exited the gun and ended up killing Hutchins.

The judge’s decision to exclude Alec Baldwin’s role as a producer from the trial will most likely affect the outcome. As a producer, Baldwin is legally responsible for what happens on the set.