Sunday, September 24, 2023

Foul Play or Runaway? The disappearances of David Williams, Steven Anderson and Kenneth Schweighart.

DAVID EDWARD WILLIAMS was born on Tuesday, October 9th, 1962, in New Lisbon, New Jersey.

STEVEN EUGENE ANDERSON was born on March 25th, 1957, in Westville New Jersey.

On April 7th, 1975, 12-year-old David and 17-year-old Steven were roommates at the New Lisbon State School for Retarded Males.
New Lisbon State School for Retarded Males is now called the New Lisbon Developmental Center. It was surrounded nearly 1800 acres of woods. It was uncomfortably overcrowded and had many shades of abuse and neglect. There were roaches in food and mice droppings and lice in the cottages. There have been kids violently abused. One of the latest cases was back in 2011 when James Hollis Jr. arrived at a nearby hospital from the New Lisbon Developmental Center with a body temperature was 84 degrees. His left hip and several ribs were broken, and he was unable to stand. He ended up succumbed to his injuries and died.  His death was ruled that hypothermia, complicated by the neglected hip fracture resulted in his death.

In 2003, a federal report documented 4,400 potentially harmful incidents that went on at the facility. Which included 242 classified as major because they involved broken limbs or cuts requiring stitches. As a result, the center was monitored until about August 2009.

According to a 2001 report by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services detailed deficiencies at the center, notably understaffing. That same year, there were also two fatalities that were ruled accidental and two that were classified as homicides.

David and Steven were last spotted around 4:15 pm on April 7th, 1975, walking towards their home on campus after they played on a nearby ball field with some of the staff members. 

David was last seen wearing a dark-colored polo shirt, a small blue corduroy jacket, striped pants and a protective seizure helmet. He is mentally disabled and has epileptic seizures. He is required to take daily medications, and he did not have his medicine with him when he vanished. At the time of his disappearance, he was a black, 5ft 113pound male with black hair and brown eyes. David had previously fractured his left femur. 

This is a composite of David that was made back in 2018.

Steven was last seen wearing a blue shirt, blue pants and a blue hooded jacket. Steven is moderately mentally disabled. He has trouble communicating and isn't capable of caring for himself. At the time of his disappearance, he was a Caucasian 5ft7 to 5ft 9, 141pound male with brown hair and hazel/blue eyes. Steven's upper front tooth was chipped and has chicken pox scars on his abdomen. He fractured his right clavicle as a child. His nickname is Teeve.

This is a composite of Steven made back in 2018.

David and Steven weren't the only residents of the facility to go missing. 
Kenneth Arthur Schweighart was born on June 25th, 1935, to Charles Sr. and Anna Schweighart. He had lived at the facility for approximately four years. He was last seen campus at 11:45 a.m. on March 2, 1982. He was last seen wearing a green checkered shirt, a blue jacket and blue pants. He is nonviolent with a mildly mentally disability and has an IQ of 58. At the time of his disappearance, he was a Caucasian male with graying brown hair, blue or brown eyes and may have had a scar on his forehead.

If you have any information, please call the New Jersey Human Services Police 609-633-1935.

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