Saturday, October 14, 2023

Cynthia V. Johnson was murdered while standing up for others.

 "That smile, it's just magical. I think and I'm blessed with that smile. That's why I know she's looking down. She's smiling at me right now." -Ashley Tuggle.

Cynthia V. Johnson had a great smile and radiated strength. She moved to Louisville from Richmond, Virginia to start over. In October of 2012 she had sober for a year and made it her mission to encourage other women who were fighting the same battle.

On the evening of Monday, October 9th, 2012, Cynthia along with her daughter Ashley were accompanied by a group of women and headed to church. The group just left a store and were on 39th Street and Broadway they were approached by a group of men who took one of the women's phones and then punched her in the mouth. Cynthia stood up and said that they didn't have to hit the lady. They then shot Cynthia and ran.

"Anyone you talk to about my mother will let you know that she saved them. She gave them strength to continue to keep moving forward. Please bring my mother's death to justice. I'm left alone out here."-Ashley Tuggle.

If you have any information that could help their investigation call (502) 574-LMPD.

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