Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day Five Of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis. The Prosecution Rests.

Image result for heather elvis
On Monday the 16th, the state rested it's case against Sidney Moorer for his alleged involvement in the 2013 disappearance of Heather Elvis.

Donald DeMarino testified that Sidney had shown him a photo of Heather shortly after she went missing and that she didn't look alive or severely incapacitated. 

Sidney's sister-in-law, Ashley Caison, testified that she had bought Sidney a cleaning kit for Christmas. She stated that she made him open and use it early because the weather was warm. Ashley also testified that she was watching the Moorer children, and sent them home around 3:15 a.m. the night Elvis disappeared. She said the Sidney, Tammy and their truck were home at the time.

Retrial Day 5 
Witness Lindsey McGraw, Jeffrey Silver, Chandler Melton & Laura Garlitz
Law&Crime Network
Lindsey McGraw works as a client service engineer for a division of Smith Technologies in South Carolina. At the time of Heather's disappearance he worked as a computer forensics investigator with the South Carolina Attorney General's Office. He has spent 26 years in law enforcement and half that time he has spend in computer forensics. He helped investigate the navigation unit in Sidney Moorer's black Ford truck. Lindsey found an event log on the module of the navigation unit that showed the SD card from Sidney's truck had been removed at 12:07 a.m. on the evening that Heather disappeared.

Jeffery Silver has worked as a general manager for Sam's Club in Myrtle Beach for 8 years. Records show that at 5:45 p.m., on December 21st, 2013 Sidney bought his new surveillance system and monitor.

Chandler Melton worked for a construction company he is friends with Sidney's son Christian who he grew up with. He testified that the Moorer's bought a new truck and new surveillance system. Chandler testified that one of the cameras from the previous surveillance system pointed towards the children's playground. He also testified that the inside of the Moorer's house had been painted sometime after Christmas of 2013. He also stated that he had never seen the Moorers wash their truck. When asked about Sidney's tattoos, Chandler testified that Sidney got the "Tammy" tattoo on his waistline sometime in 2013 before Heather disappeared. He also testified that the Moorers didn't go on a hunting trip in December of 2013 like they had claimed.

Laura Garlitz she is Chandler's mom. She testified that the Saturday before Heather went missing that the Moorers showed up to her house to show her their new truck. Tammy was drunk and wanted to come in and they smoked pot. When asked if Tammy every told Laura she was trying to get pregnant, Laura said no.

Retrial Day 5 
Witness Donald DeMarino & Special Agent Jessica Adams
Crime&Law Network
Donald DeMarino Tammy Moorer's cousin and use to hang out at their house. He was over at the Moorer's house after Heather went missing. While Donald was there, Sidney showed him a picture on a phone of Heather. When asked if she looked like she was under her own free will, Donald answered no. Then he was asked that the way she looked in that photo if he thought she'd ever be returned to her family. Donald replied no to that question as well.

Special Agent Jessica Adams works for SLED. She had conducted a missing persons case for Heather Elvis on Friday. She said there was no trace of the missing woman anywhere in the United States.

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