Saturday, September 14, 2019

What Really Happened To Lauren Agee And Will Her Murderer Ever Be Brought To Justice?

💃Lauren Taylor Agee💃
Image result for lauren agee
"I know you've been hurt by someone else
I can tell by the way you carry yourself
If you let me, here's what I'll do
I'll take care of you
I've loved and I've lost" 

Take Care by Drake

💃She was born on August 19th, 1993 in Biloxi, Mississippi to Sherry Anderson Smith and Brian Agee. Lauren was a beautiful ball of fire. She was very outgoing and full of life. She liked to make people laugh and she also lived to sing, but her passion was dancing. Lauren even appeared in a music video. 
Image result for lauren agee
She was a gifted dancer and member of the award winning Hendersonville High Golden Girls dance team for 4 years and received a dance scholarship to Bethel University. She had recently transferred over to Vol State to study criminal justice. Lauren was thinking about joining the FBI.

💃In July 2015, Lauren was 21 years old and living at home while attending college. She had been invited to go camping with her friends on a cliff near Pates Ford Marina during WakeFest. WakeFest is a weekend wakeboarding tournament held at Center Hill Lake. She was going with a friend Hannah Palmer. The two had known each other since they were ten, but they weren't really close. Lauren told her mother that she would be home by 6 p.m. the next night since she had plans with her boyfriend. Lauren's mother had an awful feeling as she hugged her daughter tightly before she left on her trip. 

💃Lauren and Hannah traveled in Lauren's car to WakeFest on the 24th with Hannah driving. When they arrived they met up with Hannah's boyfriend, Aaron Lilly and his friend's Chris Stout and Bricks Gambrel. They spent the day drinking, watching the water sports and cliff diving. At night they'd canoe over to and brave the treacherous path up a cliff to their two campsites set up by Aaron and Bricks. 
Image result for Chris Yarchuck
This included a cots that teetered over the edge, with a 90 foot drop on one side and a 45 foot drop on the other. 

💃Lauren had been previously told that they would be staying in a cabin, so when she found out that that was not the case, she was less than thrilled. Initially, Lauren wasn’t going to stay there, so she began looking for familiar faces throughout the festival area to ask if she could stay with them for that night. Her old friend from High school named Cassie, who shared with Lauren her unpleasant experience camping in the area where Lauren was supposed to camp. Lauren asked Cassie If she could go back with them to their lodge and Cassie refused saying that it was full. Lauren also called one of her friends who had stayed home to see if she would pick her up, but she was told it was too late and dark.

💃Lauren didn’t appear to be prepared for camping outside in the elements. The only items she had with her was her sleeping bag, her phone, a change of clothes and the only shoes she had were flip-flops. 

💃According to a friend of Lauren's, Evan Shelton, the next night she had been drinking at a bar called Fish Lips. When leaving the bar, Lauren did not seem drunk. It was around 2 a.m. when they were seen making there way to their campsite.

💃The next morning, when Chris, Hannah and Aaron woke up, allegedly Lauren wasn’t there. And even though her flip flops and phone were left behind, they assumed she woke up earlier and headed to the festival by herself. They never reported her missing and instead went and partied it up at WakeFest. 

💃Around 4:45 pm two fisherman were out in the lake when they spotted Lauren's dead body, wearing pink shorts and floating face down. They flagged down two festival security guards who happened to be off duty police officers. The fishermen and the two officers went to Lauren’s body near a cove near the land, which was far from the camp. At that point those four people where the only people that knew that there was a body in the water. They didn't touch the body in order to preserve evidence and called the local law enforcement. 

💃While guarding the body and waiting for law enforcement to arrive, they noticed two men canoeing in the water towards them and the body. The officers told the two men to stop, and turn around and go away. One of the men responded “but that could be one of our friends of there”. The men in the canoe turned out to be Aaron Lily and Chris Stout. The officers told Aaron and Chris to come over and they were questioned. The officers described their demeanor as nervous and unsympathetic. One of the officers would later report that he believed this entire encounter was staged and the boys knew where the body was long before the police did. 

💃Then Aaron, Chris and Hannah were taken by boat to the mainland for further questioning. Aaron said Lauren never made it back to the camp with them after leaving the bar, while Hannah claimed Lauren left the campsite in the early hours of the morning with some random boys. She stated that she saw all of Lauren’s personal items under the hammock and so assumed she had gone to meet other people, but would be back to collect her things. Chris stated he believed Lauren got up in the middle of the night, but he didn’t feel her leaving the hammock the two allegedly shared. They all claim they woke up later that morning and Lauren was nowhere to be found. The officers describe the trio as being very nervous throughout, whispering to each other constantly, with Aaron repeatedly saying “don’t mention anything, I’ll do the talking."

💃Lauren’s body was removed out of the water and taken for an autopsy there were marks of bruisers on the top of her back and her shoulders, and there were also bruises on her breast in the shape of bite mark. One of the off duty officers suggested to the police that they should do a rape kit on Lauren’s body because a bite mark on the breast usually is a sign of rape. No rape kit was done on Lauren’s body and first res-ponders as well as those who discovered her body were never questioned by the police. All the 9-1-1 calls for that weekend were erased.

💃The clothes that Lauren was found in were not her according to her mom, and she didn’t look as if she had dressed herself. A blood test  was done on Lauren and it was discovered that her blood alcohol level was twice above the legal limit, but no drugs were found in her system. The medical examiner concluded that the marks on her body were a result of her fall. The crushing of her throat was believed to be the result of her fall into a rock.

💃Officials rule Lauren's death as accidental and state no foul play is suspected. They speculate that Lauren fell off the cliff while drunk, hit the side of the cliff as she fell, causing her injuries, and then suffered blunt force trauma when she entered the water, due to the force of her fall.

💃The conclusion to what happened to her daughter didn't sit well with Lauren's mother, either of the first res-ponders and some of her friends.

💃It turns out that Aaron has had a troubled and violent past. Kassie Franks reported she was disturbed by the circumstances surrounding Lauren’s death and attempted to voice her concerns to authorities. Kassie had previously dated Aaron and during their relationship he was violent towards her. Kassie had photographs to prove her injuries. Aaron was arrested on charges of domestic violence, for biting and choking her during an altercation. He also was in a motorcycle accident with a friend of his on the back. Aaron hid his bike and told Cassie to lie and say that it was the friend's fault. He also tried to bribe the friend to take the fall. 

Kassie also claimed that when she had sex with Aaron, he would get really into it and joke her almost to the point where she would black out.

💃During the second day of WakeFest, Aaron was allegedly sending Lauren flirtatious texts.

💃Bricks Gambrell is another shady guy and perhaps the person that actually caused Lauren's death. An anonymous source came forward to Sheila Wysocki, the private investigator that Lauren's family hired. The source claimed that he was Chris Stout's friend. He stated that Chris told him that Bricks is the one that killed Lauren and Hannah witnessed this happen. He then threatened Hannah. Aaron, trying to protect Hannah, helped covered up the crime.

Bricks also showed up at Lauren's house and visited with the family. He pretended to be someone who had went to school with Lauren. He was trying to find out what they knew and kept asking Lauren's brother questions.

💃Hannah, Aaron, Chris and Bricks didn't show up for Lauren's funeral.

💃Lauren's mom is trying to file a wrongful death suit against Bricks, Aaron, Hannah And Chris.

💃Will There Be Justice For Lauren?
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Please, if you know something, say something or if you have pictures from WakeFest of 2015, please share them with Sheila or authorities.
I think Lauren was killed, whether it be by accident or not. I don't think she fell into the water, i think she was put there.

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