Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Verdict Is In For The Retrial Of Sidney Moorer On the Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Image result for heather elvis
A jury found Sidney Moorer guilty on Wednesday in an Horry County courtroom for the 2013 disappearance of Heather Elvis. Sidney was sentenced to 30 years for kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. The sentences will run concurrently.

Prosecution Closing Argument 09/18/19
Crime & Law Network
If you get a chance you should listen to prosecutor Nancy Livesay, she sums up her case well and drives her point through. I wanted to applaud her and felt so much for Heather after listening to this.

Nancy compares Sidney to a villain in a Jane Austen novel. 
"They were kinda romance novels. And what i liked about em was there was always the good guy and there was always the villain. And the woman in the book is trying to figure out which one is the good guy and which one is the villain. And it never fails, the villain is always the one that was silver tongued and had the right thing to say. Always smooth'n everybody over. That was the villain. At first glance you got to scratch the surface to figure out. That was the book. That is what it was all about, figuring out who's who.

When i first listened to that interview from the police, when they went out there and you see the video and you hear Sidney talk, he doesn't sound like a villain. It's not until you scratch the surface and you see that he is lying. You see that in the middle of the night, he's doing all these things. He's taken out an SD card, he's using a payphone, he's hiding from the police, he's lying. Once you scratch the surface and you get into the details you figure out indeed he is the villain. And that's kinda like this case. When you first hear him talk to police you don't know he's the villain. The police didn't know he was the villain.

I don't know if you remember, but when they talked to him they're out there, Casey, Canterbury, the uniform guys, they got in their car and left. They didn't know he was the villain. When he goes to the police department and the police first start talking to him, when you listen to him, you don't know he's the villain. It's not until these things start unfolding and the lies start unraveling that you figure out, just like in the book, this, this is the villain." 

Defense Closing Argument 09/18/19
Law & Crime Network

Prosecution Rebuttal Closing Argument 09/18/19
Law & Crime Network

Jury Question 09/18/19
Law & Crime Network

Verdict 09/18/19

Law & Crime Network

Sidney Moorer is Sentenced 09/18/19
Heather's family deliver heartfelt impact statements. Heather's dad, Terry says that he doesn't think Sidney will disclose where Heather is located, but he says that if he were too, that he would just let him go. He is not seeking punishment, he just wants the location of his daughter.

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