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Friday, July 27, 2018

Interesting things about the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Controlled Demolition, a company that removed the remains of the blast site rather quickly and certainly before extensive investigation of the crime scene could take place.
According to some researchers, the remains were taken to an unknown location, buried in the ground, and are still under guard. 

Many believe that the real reason for the Oklahoma City Bombing was to take the United States closer to implementing martial law.
After the Oklahoma City bombing, Bill Clinton rushed in measures to allow the US military to become involved in domestic law. 

This was normally handled by the police.

There is a theory that McVeigh was not alone that morning and instead had a second person with him in the truck-turned-bomb.
McVeigh’s “handler”, the person who gives the would-be assassin his “trigger” words to carry out a predetermined plan. 
The assassin is not aware of the plan until such a command is given.
This is supposed to explain why McVeigh stopped for directions to his well-researched target that morning. 
He had not yet received the trigger commands.
All CCTV footage of the events that morning was confiscated.
It was instantly made the property of the United States government.

McVeigh stated publicly that his reason for the Oklahoma City attack was retribution against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) for their handling of the Waco siege two years earlier. 
The truck was parked about as far away from the ATF officers as you could get.
The offices of the ATF suffered only minor damage by comparison.
We have been told that this “lone wolf” had spent two years meticulously planning the event with the sole purpose of targeting the ATF. 
The majority of ATF staff were not in the building at the time of the explosion.

Ninety minutes before the explosion that April morning in 1995, many people noticed and later reported the presence of emergency police responders in full combat attire in the vicinity of the Murrah Building.
The number of witnesses became so high that the authorities were forced to admit that they did have responders on the ground before the blast occurred.
Officials never offered an explanation for the early presence of the responders.

According to intelligence reports and information taken from the interrogation of McVeigh, the original time of the blast was planned for 11:00 AM. 
McVeigh thought that the building would be at its busiest then and so the death toll would be particularly high.
He changed his mind on the day of the bombing and opted to attack shortly after 9:00 AM instead. 

According to intelligence reports and briefings for the media, McVeigh had planned the operation for many months, even engaging in several scouting trips of the building. 
However, he stopped for directions.

McVeigh had spent time in the US military. 
His claimed of being “micro chipped” and “mind-controlled”.
Ted Gunderson already suspected that a high-level military bomb had been used rather than a crude homemade contraption.
The official story was that McVeigh had constructed a bomb from fertilizer and standard fuel. 
Former high-ranking and experienced FBI agent Ted Gunderson conducted an independent investigation.
He believed and publicly stated that there was ample evidence of “advanced bomb-making skills” in the Oklahoma City tragedy. 
All indications were of a “barometric bomb”.
Construction of such a device required advanced bomb-making knowledge and access to specific materials. 
Traces of PETN were found on McVeigh’s clothing on the day of his arrest. 
This substance is one of the primary materials for a barometric bomb.

Even how the building crumpled, suggested that at least some of the explosions had occurred inside the building. 
McVeigh appeared to be an Oswald-type figure who conveniently took the blame. 

The blast was so powerful that it damaged over 300 buildings within a 16-block radius. 
An entire third of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building simply fell away, leaving a crater that measured 30 ft in width and 8 ft in depth. 
Almost 100 cars in the immediate vicinity were incinerated beyond recognition.

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