Monday, March 4, 2019

First Suicides and Now Plane Crashes.

Staff Sergeant Robert Luis Harding of Oklahoma National Guard took this photo of a Ryder at the base shortly before the Oklahoma City Bombing.

He was 45 years old when he was killed on a Monday after noon in May 1995 when a small experimental aircraft he was flying hit a power line and crashed at Camp Gruber.  Autopsy and toxicology were not performed.
Harding worked at the Whitaker Education Training Center in Pryor. An employee of Mid-America Aviation in Pryor said Harding was an excellent pilot with more than 20 years flying experience and had at least 100 hours flying time in the light single-engine plane.

Woody Lemons was one of the  executives convicted in the savings and loan scandal of the 1980's. He had flown retired CIA operative Joe Harp into Oklahoma City to investigate the bombing. 

Woody died in a plane crash in his private plane along with his mother and his wife. This happened on May 16th, 1998 with his wife piloting the aircraft. The plane started to return to the airport when it plunged onto the highway, skidded and burst into flames.

Four days before the fatal crash, Joe received a phone call from William Jasper of the John Birch Society. (The John Birch Society is a radical right and far-right organization and an advocacy group supporting anti-communism and limited government.)  In the conversation Joe mentions that Woody had a copy of a laboratory report finding fulminating Mercury was used in the bombing.

Joe Harp, based on his military explosives experience, identified an alleged unexploded bomb found attached to a gas line inside the Murrah building and that were being removed, as well as two additional bombs, that were also in FEMA memo reports, as being military in nature.

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