Monday, March 4, 2019

Another "Suicide" In The Oklahoma City Bombing.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Ted Richardson was a sports hunter and was active with his sons and the boys scouts in his church. He was also the chief bombing and arson prosecutor for the Western District of Oklahoma at the time of the Oklahoma City Bombing. He was immediately transferred out of that position after the bombing. 

Ted was investigating Samir Khalil and his connection to the 1993 Word Trade Center Bombing and to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the alleged mastermind of the September 11 attacks. Khalid also was the employer of the Iraqi suspect Hussain Hashem al-HUSSAINI. The Department of Justice took Richardson off the Khalil investigation days after the Oklahoma City Bombing even though Richardson was preparing to submit evidence to a Grand Jury on Khalils HUD property scams and tax evasion schemes to raise money to finance Hamas. 

Ted also helped put the case together against McVeigh and Nichols in the Oklahoma City Bombing.

A month after Melvin Beall, a 26 year veteran of the Oklahoma City PD, who talked to and gave directions along with three other OG&E employees to McVeigh, Fortier, McVeigh’s sister and Fortier's wife,  complained to Ted that the FBI and later the County grand jury covered up and ignored his and the employees testimony, Ted was found dead. Ted was 49 years old when he was found dead in 1997, near his church and allegedly Khalil's home. He was wearing a T-shirt honoring the unknown hundreds who came to the aid of victims: "Nameless Saints," it said, "We Give Our Thanks." He had a single shotgun blast that tore a hole through that T-shirt. His death was ruled as a suicide, even though his family claims he wasn't suicidal.

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