Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What Really Is Groom Lake?

Groom Lake is a salt flat in Nevada and is a part of Area 51. It is used for runways of the Nellis Bombing Range Test Site airport and is the most protected base on the planet.

U2 pilot training in the 1950's happened here. The SR-71 was developed here. And it is where the US government is test-flying highly secret Black Project air crafts.

A black project is a term used for a highly classified military or defense project publicly unacknowledged by government, military personnel, and contractors.

Every weekday morning hundreds of people arrive at the guarded terminal owned by EG&G on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here they board one of a small fleet of unmarked Boeing 737-200s. Using three digit numbers prefixed by the word "Janet" as their call signs, the 737's fly off North every half hour to Groom Lake.

EG&G is formally known as Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc., and is a United States national defense contractor and provider of management and technical services. And is now it is apart of the URS corporation.

Some people claim that Groom Lake houses UFOs, like Bob Lazar.

In May 1989, Lazar appeared on a Las Vegas television station KLAS, under the pseudonym "Dennis" and with his face hidden he claimed that he had been employed at Area 51 for the purpose of "reverse engineering" alien flying saucers. Lazar said that the UFOs use gravity wave propulsion and are powered by the (then unsynthesized) Moscovium. He also claims that he was given briefing documents describing the historical involvement with Earth for the past 10,000 years by extraterrestrial beings, Grey aliens, from a planet that orbited the twin binary star system Zeta Reticuli.

Lazar's claims resulted in bringing the existence of Area 51 site to public attention.

Lazar also says that his academic records were erased by the government in attempt to discredit him.

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