Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Flight MH370 Found And Then Secretly Moved?

Noel O'Gara is a private investigator who has been studying the crash o Flight MH370 for four years. He claims that witnesses saw the plane go down and that Malaysian officials probably moved the plane in secret.

One of the witnesses, a Kiwi oil worker, Mike Mckay, saw a plane on fire when he was on a oil rig off Vietnam.

A second witness named Latife Daleah, says she believes she saw the plane on the surface of the water while flying home to Saudi Arabia.

A third witness, Katherine Tee, said she had seen the burning plane on the Phuket in Thailand. The Phuket is a rain-forested, mountainous island in the Andaman Sea, has some of Thailand’s most popular beaches, mainly situated along the clear waters of the western shore.

Two Malaysian fisherman also insist they saw the plane come down.

O'Gara believes that the Malaysian government shot it down because they feared it was high-jacked and they only had moments to stop a 9-11 type of attack.

He also claims that the Malaysian government covered up the shooting down of the plane.

The official investigation claims that flight MH370 must have landed somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

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