Monday, February 4, 2019

Was The Missing MH370 Pilot's Brain Starved Of Oxygen?

Christine Negroni believes the pilot of Flight M370, Zaharie Ahmad Shah was on the toilet when the plan depressurized, leaving co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid.
She claims that Hamid then made a string of bizarre decisions because his brain was starved of oxygen.
She says that we only need to study the plane's route to understand why.

According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, MH370 turned west above the South China Sea before flying across the Malaysia Peninsula.
Then they say it turned left again towards the Indian Ocean west of Australia and crashed after running out of fuel and they don't know why.

Negroni believes the Boeing 777-200 was depressurized around the time it lost contact 38 minutes into the flight due to an electrical failure. The depressurization led Hamid to suffer from Hypoxia. Hypoxia is a known factor in pilots not doing what they are trained to do or doing something that does not make sense.

Negroni says that Shah not being in the cockpit is speculation, but she thinks that if Shah would have been there, that Hamid might have not got overwhelmed like she thinks he did. 

Negroni stated,

“I just sense that had two people been in the cockpit, especially the more experienced of the two, it might not have turned that way.”

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