Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Was MH370 Downed to Prevent Repeat of 9/11?

It's been almost five years since Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared over the South China Sea with 239 people on board. Two massive search operations yielded no results.

Noel O'Gara, an Irish writer who has spent years hunting MH370, claims that the plane's disappearance has to do with the Malaysian military panicking about the pilot's potential suicide plan.  O'Gara alleges that the military was scared by the Boeing veering off course in what could be an attempt to fly back to Kuala Lumpur and target the Petronas Towers.

Allegedly the then Prime Minister, Najib Razak, was made aware of the change of course and a military fighter jet was scrambled to intercept MH370 and fired a warning shot at the plane. Instead of alerting the airliner, the military aircraft is thought to have accidentally shot it down.

The initial search was conducted in a relatively small area. A week after the plane's disappearance Razak ordered the search to include a much larger area, quoting a credible source as saying that the plane made a turn back. O'Gara believes the delay helped authorities cover up the military's accidental downing of the plane.

The plane ascended to 45,000 feet, which is well above cruising altitude. O'Gara claims that this is evidence of a violent struggle for control of the plane by hijackers.

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