Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Lori Daybell Trial Day Four Part 2- Chad Daybell's Fake Call to The Mortuary and the Patriarchal Blessing for Alex.

For the defense, John Thomas took over the question of Melanie Gibb. He asked Melanie when it was, she last met with the prosecution. She answered that she didn't know that it was a few years ago since she met them in person. She then said that in preparation for the trial she did meet with them on Zoom at the end of March or the beginning of April. John then asked Melanie if when she went over her testimony with the prosecutors back in March or April, was she forgetful as "she has been today." Melanie replied yes.

John then asked Melanie about a 7-page outline that she had written that had talking points that she had sent to the prosecution back in 2020. She said that she hasn't looked at it since 2020 and that the prosecution never supplied her with a copy of it. John then asked the court to strike the witness because he says the prosecutor did not furnish statements from Melanie to the defense. Lindsey countered and said that the defense is applying a different interpretation than is intended by the rule. She said that all statements have been turned over and asked for the motion to strike be denied. After reviewing the case law, Judge Steven Boyce ruled the objection as unfounded and the motion to strike the testimony was denied.

John the ask Melanie to confirm when and where she had met Lori. Melanie said she met Lori in October of 2018 at and LDS church building while she was teaching a class. Lori was in a different ward and had brought her niece Melanie P. who was also in another ward. Melanie G also confirmed that she met Chad two years prior.

Melanie G then confirmed that her and Lori had become fast friends and within a week or two of their first encounter, Melanie G met Tylee and JJ. Melanie G and Lori were really close until October of 2019. They would meet almost daily at places like the LDS temple, or they would go eat lunch.

Melanie G then confirmed that JJ would seem frustrated and that that was typical for a 7-year-old with autism. John then asked Melanie how familiar she was with autism and people who are autistic. She said she was quite familiar and knew that JJ had some kind of bedtime routine but wasn't around often, so she didn't know how often it was. She then testified that she knew that JJ went to a private school, and she thought it had a section for autistic kids. She couldn't recall if JJ had any routines he had to do before school.

John then asked Melanie G if she ever went with Lori to take JJ to school. Melanie said that it was possible, but she didn't recall. He then asked her if JJ had a routine where he would go to Burger King before school with his mom and order chicken fries. She said that she couldn't recall that either.

Melanie then was asked and confirmed that Lori believed Melanie had been on earth 4-5 times and at times, Melanie bought into the idea a few times. She said she wasn’t sure, but Lori was very convincing and tried to encourage her to believe it.

John then asked Melanie to clarify when Lori had met Chad. She said that they had met in October of 2018. John then asked about the meeting that had happened at Lori's house a couple of weeks later. Melanie confirmed that Chad stayed there as well as Melanie herself along with 5 or six other people who'd be speaking at a conference. She said that she knew there was some attraction between Lori and Chad, and it was possible that they were hooking up.

Melanie then confirmed that Lori believed that she had been through 4 or 5 different creations and that she claimed to have met with Chad in the temple and had met Moroni and Jesus Christ. She also testified that she thought the claim that Lori had been that she had been married to Chad in the temple with Moroni and Jesus there was unusual. Melanie said that she went to the temple often with Lori, but never asked to be shown the room where Lori married Chad.

John then had Melanie confirm that Lori said that her mission was to be the head of the 144,000 and that Lori and Chad tried to convince her she was part of it. Melanie said she never felt that was her calling.

Melanie then confirmed that she had been involved in castings. She then denied John's suggestion that the castings had a witch crafty connotation. She confirmed that the castings were more like what Jesus did, which was casting out of the devil and evil spirits by using prayer. She said that it felt very unusual to her, but very innocent. She confirmed that it was like being in a prayer circle.

Melanie then testified about light and dark and confirmed that Chad and Lori had indicated to her that someone could switch between the two. Melanie said that she had wondered if it was true that that could happen, but she wasn't sure. She also confirmed that she took part in the castings as well as said that she didn't think Lori or Chad believed about the light and the dark scale at first.

Melanie said that the castings were done in people's homes and that it was just people standing up in a circle together while Lori would say some works. She said that it was more like energy work. John asked Melanie if she had any experience with energy work. She answered that she had because she had some done to her by a friend. She said that come practitioners would have their own language and were able to communicate with spirits on the other side of the veil.

John then said, "Let's talk about zombies" and then had Melanie confirm whether she had heard Lori talk about Zombies before. She said that yes, she had heard Lori talk about zombies before, but Melanie didn't really believe they were going to die. She thought the whole thing was a bizarre and that Lori thought it was bizarre the way that Chad would explain it. Melanie said that she had been told by Lori that Chad alleged that Tylee became a zombie when she was 12-13 years old, but they only knew this when she was 16.

John asked Melanie if she could confirm that she had testified that Brandon Bourdeaux was a dark spirit. Melanie said that according to Chad and Lori he was. She also confirmed that he had moved to a higher level of darkness and had been a part of Hitler's group. She also said that she had met Brandon before Charles' death.

Melanie then confirmed that sometime between February and June of 2019 Lori had told Tylee that she had went dark. She also said that in September of 2019 JJ she was told that JJ was possessed. And she said that she never prayed for Tylee and JJ. Melanie said that when Chad and Lori told her JJ was possessed, she took it to mean he was possessed by an evil spirit.

John went on to question Melanie about when Charles Vallow was killed on 11th 2019. He asked her if Lori had told her if she had witnessed the shooting. Melanie said she couldn't recall, but that she knew that an altercation between had happened between Alex and Charles. She couldn't recall if Lori had said she had been involved in the altercation physically, but she was involved verbally.

Then Melanie was asked about when she stayed at Lori's house in mid-September of 2019. She confirmed that she didn't see Tylee while she was there. She was then asked how her relationship was with Tylee. Melanie said that she tried to be kind to Tylee even though from the beginning it seemed like Tylee didn't like her.

Melanie had confirmed that Lori had told her the day before Charle's died that if Charles were to die that all the money would go to Kay. John asked Melanie that if Lori already knew before Charles' death that the money would go to Kay did Lori really have financial incentive. Melanie answered that she didn't know.

John went on to ask Melanie to confirm her statement that she had made to the prosecution stating that Chad couldn't get a divorce from Tammy because she was told by Lori that Chad would lose his exaltations. Melanie confirmed that Lori was the one who told her, and that Lori and Chad claimed that they were waiting for Tammy to die naturally.

Then Melanie confirmed her testimony that police in Idaho called her twice when they were trying to find JJ. She also confirmed that she had told police that she had JJ at one point but then didn't have him anymore, which wasn't the truth.

Melanie was then asked if she and David Warwick ever got married. She replied that yes, they did.

Melanie then confirmed that after she had made that call, she had recorded to Chad and Lori, she contacted Detective Ryan Pillar with Gilbert Police and said she would send it to them. She confirmed to the court that it was her idea to record the phone call and the police didn't know about it until after. She also confirmed that part of the reason why she recorded that call is so she had proof that she didn't know where JJ was.

John talked about the mention of dark portals in the phone call that Melanie had recorded between her, Lori and Chad. He asked Melanie to explain a little bit about the dark portals. Melanie said that "they" would often spoke about creating portals. She said that Chad explained to Lori how to make a portal and that Lori’s was in her closet and Chad’s was on his bed or in his room somewhere. They could communicate through their portal, but you couldn’t physically see anything, but it was a spiritual realm that they made up in their minds. When asked if she had a portal of her own, she answered no.

John said that Melanie had mentioned Korihor in that phone call and he asked her who that was. Melanie said that he’s an anti-Christ found in the Book of Mormon who was struck dumb by the prophet Alma. Melanie confirmed that in the phone call she had called Lori an anti-Christ.

Melanie then confirmed that at the time of Tammy Daybell's death, Lori had told her that she was in Hawaii. John asked Melanie if she had any reason to believe that Lori wasn't in Hawaii when she claimed to be. She answered no.

John then asked Melanie to tell him a little bit more about vibrations. Melanie said that the idea of having vibrations high enough to be translated was a new idea. She said that vibrations are often used in what she called alternative or energy work, but the realm in which they discussed it was on a different level, so it had a new meaning to it that she had never heard before.

John said that he wanted to ask her a little about Alex Cox. Melanie the confirmed that she had indicated that Alex had bought into the zombie concept 100 percent. She also confirmed that when she asked Alex if she wanted to know what happened to JJ, Alex said that “You don’t. You don’t want to know.” She said that he also talked about when the police came to his apartment, they took guns and that they were evil people. He had told her that they also went to Melanie Pawlowski house and took her money. Alex had also talked about his upcoming marriage to Zulema Pastenes and how he was touched by the and felt honored by the patriarchal blessing Chad had given him.

Melanie said that since Alex wouldn't tell her where JJ was, she asked Zulema. Zulema didn't know what happened to JJ either. Melanie G said that Zulema told her that she had asked Alex and he said that JJ couldn't be found.

John said that he had no further questions and the judge redirected to the prosecution.

Lindsey Blake had Melanie G confirm that Tylee didn't like her. Lindsey then asked Melanie G if she had ever been around teenagers before. She replied that she had. Lindsey then asked her if she had seen any other teenagers have an attitude and Melanie replied yes to that question as well. Melanie was then asked if there was anything out of the ordinary in Tylee's behavior for a teenager. She replied, “If you have teenagers who are ornery and disrespectful, she would fit in that category.” Lindsey asked Melanie about Tylee's behavior towards Lori. She said that Lori was usually pretty calm with Tylee and didn't react to her. She tried to be friends with her most of the time.

Melanie was then asked about her trip that she had made at the end of February 2019 to visit Lori in Hawaii. Melanie confirmed that Lori was in daily contact with Chad Daybell. She said that Lori would often sit on the balcony and chat with Chad for a while. The couple would also go to the beach and Lori would receive phone call from Chad during breakfast or lunch. Melanie confirmed that Tammy and Charles were both alive at this time.

Melanie confirmed that she used to do a podcast with Lori once a week and then in changed to once a month.

Lindsey asked Melanie if JJ had a service dog. Melanie said that yes he did. Lindsey then asked her if Lori had ever told her if they had taken the dog to Idaho. Melanie said she didn't believe so.

Lindsey asked Melanie if Lori told her that she had been on earth before. Melanie said yes. She also answered yes when asked if the temple was related to the LDs faith. Lindsey then asked Melanie if sealings usually took place in the temple. Melanie replied yes to that question too. She also asked Melanie if marriages were common in the temple in the LDS faith.

Melanie was asked if she wanted to believe Lori. Melanie said that Lori could be very convincing.

Melanie confirmed that Chad had told Lori that Tylee had become a zombie at the age of 12 or 13. Lori also told her that Tylee became dark in April or May of 2019. She then confirmed that if Lori and Chad called someone a zombie, they were already dark. She also confirmed that all of this was an example of Chad and Lori's inconsistent and ever-changing teachings.

Linsdey asked Melanie if she could have learned about the switch in Charles' insurance policy after his death. Melanie said no, however she did say that she was contacted by Lori four days after Charles died.

Melanie then testified about the phone call she had had with Chad and Lori that she had recorded. She said that she recorded the phone call that she thought that Lori and Chad were trying to falsely accuse her of something. She said that she also wanted to find out where JJ was. Melanie confirmed that she turned that recording over to police. Melanie said that at the time she recorded that call, she no longer believed Lori's teachings and the things Lori taught were for her own personal gain.

Lindsey asked if some of the teachings were linked or based on terms that were more mainstream. Melanie said that they could have originated through energy workers to different things they had heard through the alternative field. She confirmed that that made it easier to believe them.

Melanie then testified that she never before heard the term zombie used the way that Lori used it. She confirmed that the way that Lori and Chad used the word zombie before was that when the person was a zombie, the person's spirit would be pushed out of the person's body and the body would still be alive. She then confirmed that of Lori wanted someone gone she would say that they were dark. She confirmed that she would start to see a pattern once someone was deemed a zombie. She said that when someone started questioning her or thought something suspicious was going on, that all of the sudden that person became dark or a zombie. Most of the people that Lori deemed as zombies were gone. Lori had deemed Charles, Tammie, Tylee and JJ as zombies.

Melanie testified that Alex believed everything that Lori had told him about zombies. She said that Alex and Lori's relationship was very close, that they joked around with each other and seemed to be there for each other. Melanie said that Alex alleged purpose on earth was that of Lori's protector. She also said that Alex would do what Lori told him to do, like stay the night at her house, the night before Charles died.

Melanie then testified that she did what the prosecutors had asked her to do when they met with her previously which was to tell the truth. After her testimony to this fact, the prosecution had no further questions and Melanie was released from the stand.

Next witness to be called to the stand was Chandler Arizona Police Detective Nathan Duncan. He has worked for the Chandler police department since 2002. The last 8 or 9 years he has been assigned to the robbery/homicide unit.

Nathan testified that he was working on July 11th, 2019. He responded to a shooting at Lori's home at 5531 South Four Peaks Place in Chandler. Alex Cox was the one that reported the shooting around 9:30 in the morning. Alex indicated he had shot his brother-in-law Charles Vallow.

Prosecutor Lindsey Blake asked to admit CAD notes, which are digital records of the 9-1-1 call, into evidence. Nathan looked at the notes and said that the call came in at 8:36 a.m. and officers were dispatched at 8:37 a.m.

Prosecution then admitted evidence from Lori’s iCloud account.

Nathan then testified that when he responded to the shooting at Lori's house, he was assigned to assist detective Coons. He said that everyone was assigned a role and the original lead investigator was Detective Nathan Moffatt. Moffatt was then promoted in June 2020 and Detective Nathan Duncan became the lead investigator.

Lindsey asked Nathan to explain what a scene detective does at a scene. He said that they have assistance of a crime scene technician who first takes photos of the overall scene. The crime scene detective then goes through to see what is of evidentiary value that need to be collected, photographed and seized as evidence in the case. He said that the body is also considered evidence the Maricopa County Medical Examiners’ Office was called to assist and take control of the body.

Nathan testified that when he arrived on scene that there was a victim and the victim not alive. He said the victim was identified as Charles Vallow.

Lindsey asked Nathan if it was practice to investigate any unattended death. He replied that "Yes, that any unattended death they investigate, they investigate as a homicide until the evidence, or the witness statements prove otherwise."

Lindsey then asked Nathan what observations he made when he observed Charles' body when he arrived at the scene. Nathan said that there was a large living room area with wooden plank flooring. There was no furniture in the room, but there were mirrors, which he considered odd. Charles was laying on his back on the floor on the west of the living room. His shirt had been cut away from his body to expose his chest. There was equipment was on his chest that was used to confirm his death. His arms were at his side and his were stretched out. Charles had a wound consistent with gunshot wound to the lower left quadrant of his abdomen. Nathan said that that was the only wound visible at the time. He said that Charles did have some bleeding visible in the webbing of his left hand, but other than that there was not much blood present. Nathan confirmed that he had never responded to a shooting death with such little blood. He said that normally in shooting cases you will see much more blood than he observed in this case. He said that they also look for blood splatter or trails that would indicate any kind of movement of the deceased after they were shot. He said that he did not notice any at this scene.

Nathan confirmed that Alex was the one that called the shooting into 9-1-1. Nathan said that Alex told police Alex that he had shot Charles twice in self-defense while Charles was standing. Nathan said that there was only one bullet hole initially but next to Charles, there were two 45-caliber shell casings. There was also a bullet next to his left shoulder lying on the ground which Nathan said was odd.

Nathan testified that they did not touch the body until after the medical examiner arrived, because the medical examiner has jurisdiction over the body. He said that once the medical examiner arrives, they can do a brief inspection of the body. Nathan said that in the center of Charles' chest there was an AED pad that was used for defibrillation. Once that was pulled back, they observed another gunshot wound in the center of his chest. Charles' body was eventually rolled to reveal another gunshot wound to his upper left back or shoulder area.

Lindsey asked Nathan about the lack of blood at the scene and Alex's claim that he had made to 9-1-1 that he had given Charles CPR. Nathan said based on what he saw at the scene, that there would be more blood if Alex had indeed performed CPR.

Lindsey asked if Nathan had been able to make any determination if there had been a struggle or fight at the scene. Nathan said that Charles did have some abrasions to his knees. He said that with the house being so sparsely furnished, there wasn't really any furniture to knocked over, so there wasn't really any indication of two grown men fighting.

Besides the blood on Charles. body, the only other place blood was found was on a faucet in the kitchen Nathan said. He said that Alex had indicated that the blood was there because he had washed his hands in that sink.

Nathan testified that he had watched as Charles’ body was removed from the house by the medical examiner.

Nathan then testified that in the living room area, there was a projectile that was stuck in the baseboard on the east side of the room. He said that after being photographed, the projectile and the baseboard were kept as evidence.

Nathan said that after Charles' body was removed, they brought Alex back into the home and had him do a walk-thru to explain to police where he was standing and what had occurred. Nathan said that he did want to give Alex any perspective to where he was standing, so they cleaned up a large amount of blood that had pooled under Charles where he had been on the floor. Nathan said that after they cleaned up the blood, he noticed an indentation in the floor where Charles' right shoulder had been that was consistent with a strike mark from a bullet.

Next Nathan talked about in his opinion where Charles' had been when the second shot was fired. He said that based on the trajectory of the shot from the lower abdomen and the wound to the upper left shoulder and the consistency with the wound, that Charles would have been laying on the ground when the second shot was fired.

Nathan testified that the shooting was considered a homicide. He said that even if a shooting is done in self-defense, police can still deem a death a homicide.

Nathan recalled that back in January of 2020, he had looked at a phone extraction from Charles' phone. The second was an iCloud account was called "Lori for style" which was linked back to Lori. He also discovered an addition iCloud account named "Lolly time." He also looked at Charles' iCloud and Gmail accounts, phone records and other electronic info.

Lindsey asked Nathan how the police came into possession of Charles' phone. He said that police learned Charles’ phone was the catalyst for an argument on July 11th between Lori and Chad. Lori took Charles’ phone with her in his rental car during that time after he was shot. That phone was later returned to the Chandler Police Department where an extraction was done.

Lindsey asked that when looking through Charles' phone, were there specific things that he was looking for. Nathan said that the weeks and months following Charles’ death, there was some information that came forward that Charles had possibly become a “dark spirit” and that he was possibly killed because he was a dark spirt or a zombie. There were also some accusations of infidelity. Nathan looked on Charles’ phone for any information that would help them with the investigation. He testified that he found and documented information that he found that drew his attention and thought was helpful to the investigation.

Prosecution asked for a PowerPoint presentation that documented some of the information that Nathan had seen on Charles' phone to be admitted into evidence. Lori's lawyer, John Thomas, objected to having it admitted because it had been put together the night before and he is not sure about the message depicted in it being accurate. Judge Steven Boyce was concerned the defense hadn't had enough time to review it. Lindsey ended up saying that the prosecution would move on to other issues and give the defense that night to look over the PowerPoint and it will be revisited tomorrow in court.

Lindsey then continued questioning Nathan. She asked him if during his investigation he was contacted about a call that had been placed to a mortuary. Nathan testified that he was contacted by a agent Wright with the FBI. Nathan contacted Valley Sun Mortuary in Chandler Arizona and requested a call that had been placed to them from a phone number linked to Chad Daybell.

Nathan confirmed that he was still investigating Charles' death going through the call records in January of 2020. He then testified that the months following Charles' death, he became aware of pending investigations that were reported to be related. He said that besides looking for information in Charles' death, he was also looking for information for the possible whereabouts of JJ and Tylee as well as information of the attempted homicide of Tammie Daybell and Brandon Bourdeaux and other crimes he had been made aware of during that time.

Lindsey admitted the call into evidence, which is then played for the jury. (The audio is very hard to hear. i did my best at trying to transcribe it.

Chad- "Um, we just had a death in the family we really don’t want anything but a cremation and then to send the cremains to family in Louisiana. Just a simple, nothing other than cremation and sending for a service in Louisiana. Is there any way to know a ballpark price,” 

Operator- "Yes. I am so sorry for your loss."

Chad- "Thank you."

Operator- "Let me try to send you over to the director that can assist you with the case. What is your name?"

Chad- "Chad Daybell."

Operator- "How do you spell the last name please?"

Chad- "D A B E L. Dabel"

Operator: "How are you related to the person who passed?"

Chad- “I’m his nephew.” 

Operator- "And this is for the Valley Sun Mortuary in Chandler, correct?"

Chad- "Yes. He lives in Chandler i live in Iowa."

Operator- "Ok, thank you. What is your uncle’s name for reference?"

Chad- “John Dabel. D A B E L.”

Operator- "Did he have middle name?"

Chad- "Myron."

Operator- "M Y R O N?"

Chad- "Yeah."
Operator- "And Chad what is your phone number in case we get disconnected."

Chad- "Yes. This number, 515... i actually don't know my own ahahaha number! Um, let me look real quick."

Operator- "Thank you."

Chad- "Beep!" Chad's number is beep out of the recording that is being played.

Operator- "Thank you. Is he at a at a nursing home, hospital or residence?"

Chad- "Um, he passed away in a hospital. i don't know the details. Hee hee hee."

Operator- "It is good to know because sometimes it is different if it is a residential or hospital or nursing home."

Chad- "Um, i am thinking i have to speak to the medical examiner, i am not sure. I shoulda had more information before i called. i am sorry."

Operator- "That is ok. Cremation plus shipping... To which city?"

Chad- "New Orleans."

The operator then transferred Chad over to the funeral director. The director's name was beeped out when she introduced herself.

Director- "i understand that your uncle passed away."

Chad- "Yes. And i am, um, starting to process for the family. He didn't have many relatives. I am his nephew and i live in Iowa. It is sad to see him go. What the family basically wants is to have him cremated there in Chandler and have his cremains shipped to New Orleans and we will deal with his service later. Heh."

Director- "Ok."

Chad- "Just trying to get a ballpark price."

Director- "Ok. Um, so for cremations um we are able to do our cremations for 1,695 dollars. Now what is going to include is a transportation charge here, to and from our crematorium, our basic professional fees as wells as our crematory fee. Now, there is going to be a couple other charges for you."

Chad- "OK."

Director- "So we are going to have um death certificates. (Then the audio was muffled so i couldn't hear some of the pricing.) And we are able to do that transfer, um through the mail for you. And that is a 150-dollar fee for you."

Chad- "Ok. Is that through UPS or something i guess, heh."

Director- "OK."

Chad- "So i guess that is about 2,000 probably. Kinda a ballpark figure."

Director- "Yeah. Close to, yeah."

Chad- "OK. Well, that helps me a lot. I’m going to call one or two others if we come that direction. Thank you so much."

Director- "You are welcome. Have a nice day and if you need to ask anything again give me a call."

Chad- "OK. Thank you."

Director- "Thank you. Bubye."

Chad- "Bye."

Lindsey asked Nathan which city Charles Vallow was killed in. Nathan answered that Charles was killed in Chandler, Arizona.
He then testified that the phone number on the call had been confirmed to Chad’s phone. Lindsey then asked Nathan when was the call from Chad to the funeral home placed. He answered that it was placed the evening following Charles' death. She then asked Nathan if he had heard Chad's voice before. He answered that he had, and he recognized the voice on the call as Chad's. Lindsey then asked him where Charles' was originally from, Nathan testified that Charles was from Louisiana.

Nathan then testified that in his review of the iCloud account LORIFORSTYLE he found a blessing for Alex Cox. There was an audio recording and a Word document. Chad and Lori were also on the recording. The blessing was a patriarchal blessing. Nathan explained that patriarchal blessings are attached to the Mormon religion – the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s a blessing given to any worthy member of the church by a stake patriarch given for guidance through your life. Chad gave Alex Cox the blessing, but Chad did not hold the appropriate authority to provide that blessing.

The prosecution admitted the recording of the blessing as evidence. 

Chad- "I am Chad Daybell. It is November 24th, 2019, Sunday afternoon, 5:15 p.m. We are going to be giving Alex Lamar Cox a patriarchal blessing."

Lori- "Alexander Lamar Cox."

Chad- "Alexander Lamar Cox, on this special day, i lay my hands upon your head to give you a blessing as a member of the Church of the Firstborn, of which you have earned the privilege of being a member. i do so by the power of Melchizedek priesthood that i hold in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, who has authorized this blessing, and is grateful you are receiving it as you move forward in your life.

You are a member of the House of Israel as a part of the Twelve Tribes, and you descendant of Joseph through the tribe of Ephriam. This grants you many blessings, particularly of spreading these gospels in the latter days and protecting and preserving those who seek to learn the truth. That has been your mission on this earth, and it will now expand in ways that we will discuss in future blessings.

I want to begin by opening up portals of time, going back to your previous creations on which you lived. i see you on your third creation as a valiant warrior fighting for truth and righteousness, always seeking to do what is right. Then you were selected by the Savior himself to be part of the 4th creation. Great warriors were needed in that creation. Powerful goddesses needed to be protected, and you were selected to help protect your sister. You helped her in numerous probations as a defender. You have a special bond with her, even from the premortal world. You connected there, and as she grew in power, you were always right there beside her with a humble heart. You were both so humble. 

After you had been exalted in the fourth creation, you could have gone on to exaltation with Holi as a resurrected being. However, you accepted the Savior's invitation to come to this mortal realm one more time in the 5th creation, to condescend as a God to help us. You have already assisted us in many ways that can never be repaid, but you will continue to do so as you move forward in this life.

You were born into a family that needed you desperately, with a set of parents who spoke of the Gospel with their mouths but did not live it. Once again you were reunited with your sister who needed you to survive such an environment, and in no way is it a reflection of either one of you that lived in that home. You were put there to help each other persevere. The lessons you learned in your youth have made you strong, powerful servants of the Lord. That would have not occurred in the traditional LDS home.

You had to go to great depths to achieve tremendous heights, and the fruits of those trials are beginning to be demonstrated. You were privileged to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and that was a strength to you. You learned about your Savior and grew close to him, and rekindled in some ways the connections you have always had with him. Throughout adulthood you have refined yourself and i want you to know that the Savior is saying to you at this time, 'Well done. Thy soul is cleansed, and all is well.'

Now you will begin your terrestrial phase of existence. You will be a powerful servant. i bless you with the knowledge that you will now move forward as a true warrior, not only through physical action but through spiritual power that will be bestowed upon you.

I bless you with the knowledge that through marriage you will be united with a partner who will match your powers and compliment your strengths. You will be known throughout the world for your good heartedness and your willingness to save souls. You will travel all over the world through portals and you will began to gather souls that come unto Christ. i see you living in New Jerusalem, but more importantly i see you as a messenger of the Lord outside New Jerusalem, where many people will gather who aren't quite right to enter into those heavenly terrestrial gates.

One of your missions will be to go among the people and testify as a Prophet that they can make it. You will share your own experiences of overcoming adversity and through your example they will rise up. You will give tremendous blessings to them and raise their vibrations and be like a brother to many of these fathers who have doubts. They will look to you as a hero, and you will bring entire families that have been sanctified to the gates of New Jerusalem, where they will be allowed into the city, based on your word. That will be one of the many wonderful experiences you will have.

i see you in other assignments across the world, always serving as a missionary. With your compassion, you will communicate with Mother Earth herself. You will know where to be before natural disasters happen, so that you can be on location to protect key church leaders and to preserve those who should survive. i see you gathering little children in your arms, saving them from flood waters. I see a collage of moments that await you in this life, rescuing the pure and innocent, and leading them to safety in dozens of instances. You will be looked upon as an angel of Earth. You will literally glow to those who are allowed to see your true self, and those mortals who are not allowed to see the glow will still know by the spirit the great power you possess.

After many years of service, as the Second Coming approaches, you will know when it is time to move to the other side of the veil. One day your spirit will leave this body that you served well, and you will be greeted by the Savior himself. You will already know him, but that reunion will take place on a greater plane. The vibration you will feel at the time will exceed all others. After a day or two, you will be raised up and resurrected, so when the Savior does return, you will be right in front of that amazing team of angels who will sweep the Earth much like described in the book 'The Renewed Earth.' It will bring you great joy to help Mother Earth transition to a terrestrial realm and burn away terrestrial refuse. 

At that time, you and Holi will still have assignments on earth temporarily, then you will move forward to higher realms. She is already preparing a world for you two, and you will be able to form an eternal family with a eternal posterity on earth. The glory will just continue for you, on and on for eternity.

I bless you at this time with strength, power and domination over the callings you will receive. You are part of a very special team of people that are moving towards translation and transfiguration, and the Lord will be with you all times. You will be a patriarch in your own home, and you will give blessings similar to this one. Your veil will essentially be gone. You will be able to see into the past and future and will share with people great knowledge and truth.

I bless you with protection throughout your mortal life. You now have nine angels assigned to you who watch you from all sides. You have a great mission to fulfill. i bless you with strong protection against Satan and his followers, including Lucifer, Caine and anyone who seeks to oppose you. You will feel a new vitality and strength, and you will use your priesthood to defend against them.

I close this patriarchal blessing assuring you that you will rise to eternal glory, that you will have eternal family, and that your exaltation is assured through your faithfulness. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

Nathan testified that the timestamp for the recording was November 24th, 2019.

Court was then adjorned for the day.

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