Saturday, May 6, 2023

Lori Daybell Trial Day Five Part 1- The fake letter from Charles Vallow to Chad Daybell.

Yesterday, the defense had some questions about a PowerPoint exhibit the state wanted to admit into evidence. Today the Defense said they have no objection to the presentation, and then the jurors were brought in.

Witness Detective Nathan Duncan of the Chandler, Arizona police took the stand again with Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake doing the questioning.

Nathan confirmed that he did some investigative work in January of 2020 and that he had went through some cellular data from Charles Vallow's cellphone as well as an iCloud account associated with Charles. He was looking for information in Charles' death, the disappearance of Tylee and JJ, the death of Tammie Daybell and the attempted homicide of Brandon Bourdeaux.

The PowerPoint presentation that documented some of the information that Nathan had seen on Charles' phone was admitted into evidence and displayed for the court.

Nathan confirmed that the first slide was an email associated with He then read the email out loud.

"Hello Chad,
i hope you are doing well. This is Charles Vallow from Arizona. We really enjoyed having you stay back with us in November when you came to A Preparing a People Conference. i appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about the book i've been working on. Well, more than six months later, i still haven't made much progress on it, but i feel an urgency to get it done. As the managing partner of Right Planning Group i'm going to have the opportunity to speak at various conventions beginning in the fall, but everyone says i need to have a book available that summarized my life and shared the principles i follow.

So i will cut to the chase. I am willing to pay you well to help me get this book into shape as a ghostwriter. i really liked your autobiography and the tone you took in sharing experiences without preaching. Is there any way you could come here for a couple of days and help me get the book underway. I feel talking in person would be much more valuable than a phone call or video chat, mainly because i would like you to read through some of my journals and explain to me how the publishing industry works. I would help me know whether i truly have a book in me and whether you want to team up on it. i played minor league baseball and have had plenty of stories that my audience could relate to along with the knowledge i've gained running my own company. So, i do feel the book would contain valuable information even beyond the convention circuit.

i'm out of town until Sunday, but i would gladly fly you down here early next week before the holiday and cover your expenses. You could stay at our guest room like before or in a hotel if you prefer. i hate to take you away from your family but i know this book is vital to my speaking success. i understand if you don't want to take part in the project but i would definitely make it worth your time.

With admiration,

Nathan confirmed that the email came from email address He then testified that he had authored a search warrant to Yahoo and obtain the subscriber information for the account. The name associated to the account was a Karen Walker and the IP came back to an area in Katy, Texas. Nathan said that the phone number associated with the account came back to Lori as well as the date of birth associated with the account.

Nathan then testified that there was no indication that the email account was linked to Charles. He said that in going through Charles' phone, there was no indication that he had sent the email to or from his device, KK Walker, however Charles had forwarded the email to Lori's brother Adam as well as discuss the email with Lori through text messages. Nathan said that Charles had discovered the email on June 29th, 2019, and then sent the email to Adam. Nathan said that there was no indication that the email was sent by Charles, created by Charles or sent to Chad. Nathan said that to the best of his knowledge looking through the information Charles had no relationship with Chad at all.

Lindsey then had Nathan read the first email from Charles to Lori, which was time stamped June 29th, 2019, at 5:51 a.m.-

"Is he with whom you are having an affair? He did not stay with us in Arizona in November. Who are you lying to now? Trying to destroy another family? You're evil period. i may take JJ back to Houstin unless you have a great explanation for all of this. I will not let him be a party to your apostacy. "

Next message from Charles to Lori at 6:04 a.m.-
"Just so you know, i have Tammy's Chad's wife's email address. i will send a copy of my email you sent to KK Walker. Tammy will know what you are up to, you better explain."

Charles to Lori at 6:10 a.m.-
"i now have Tammy Daybell's cell number. i'll text her a copy of the letter and an explanation of what you are up to. You have until noon time to explain or else i am sending text via email to her."

Charles to Lori at 6:55 a.m.-
"I'm sure you are up by now. You have until 10 a.m. to respond or i send the emails and texts to Tammy."

Charles to Lori at 12:23 p.m.-
"Just so you and Chad know, i am going to talk to Tammy in person if i have to. i already emailed her and texted her. Your game is up."

Charles to Lori at 5:04 p.m.-
"Please stop spending money on the credit cards, i appreciate it."

Nathan then testified that when he looked through Charles' phone that he had sent two emails to Tammy, one to her personal email, one to her work email. Nathan then read the emails to the court.

The first email was from Charles to Tammy at her work email which was on June 29th, 2019, at 9:16-

my name is Charles Vallow. I have some vital and disturbing information regarding your husband your husband and my wife Lori. This is your work email, so i will wait to send you the evidence that is very disturbing. You may call or email me from the address where you can receive the information. I apologize to be the one sending this but something has to be done. i feel that it is best i shed some light on this issue.
Charles Vallow."

Nathan then said that Charles included his number which was 714-853-5005.

The second email from his Charles and Wright Planning Group email address to on June 30th, 2019, at 10:16 a.m. Nathan said that the subject line read "Your husband and my wife."

"Are having an affair. Her name is Lori Vallow. i have got definitive proof if you care to see it. Contact me and i'll share it with you. It is devastating, i know but the truth needs to be shared.
Charles Vallow."

Nathan testified that he had contacted the Sugar-Salem School District, and officials told him there was no indication the emails were ever read, but they do show on Charles' part that they were sent.

Nathan then read an email from Charles to Chad on June 29th, 2019, at 9:32 a.m. at

i'm Lori's husband but i gathered you already knew this. She sent an email yesterday, supposedly written by me to KK Walker, inviting you to Arizona next week and to ghost write a book i'm supposedly working on. It's preposterous. I happen to run across it as she left her computer at our Houston home. I am not paying anybody for anything and am not writing a book. Either you or Lori needs to tell me what's going on or this will be exposed for all to see.

Charles Vallow."

Nathan said that Charles left his phone number again in the email. He said then it went on to read "And does your wife know you have several of Lori's dance videos? Explain how that is any way appropriate? She sent them to you at your request in January,

Nathan testified that there was no indication that Chad responded to Charles' email.

Nathan went on to read messages from Charles to Lori on June 30th, 2019, at 8:42 a.m.-

i know you don't care how i feel but just imagine this, how could my actions or breaking your heart result in what you've done. You have accused me of infidelity, but it is you who have been having an affair. It just keeps killing me, maybe that is your goal. How can you live with destroying our life, Mel and Brandon's, probably Mel and Brandon too. Now add Chad Daybell family and you've got a home run. The fact you will continue to go to the temple after all you've done shocks me. There really is something wrong with you. i really don't want to do what i have to do but you have to be exposed for what you really are. You won't even deny it or talk to me as to your reasons, that's what amazing to me. You could ally some of what's about to happen but i don't think you will. Lying has become second nature to you. You have been impressive in blaming me for all that's happened to you. You have destroyed me. i have never been lower in my life. It's you that has done it. Please tell me why, please. I will slow or minimize about what's about to happen. It is you who has caused it. We have a on to raise, but that's all we have in common. I will work with you in his best interest and will be there Monday evening. You owe me an apology for all the false accusations you've made. You know i've been entirely faithful to you since the first day we met. I deserve an apology from you, please respect that much."

Lindsey then asked Nathan if in reviewing of Charles' phone, did it appear that Charles was trying to work on his relationship with Lori. Nathan said that there was a lot of frustration and anger that he would start with but then he'd come back to a loving, gentle side and wanting to work things out and be more reasonable.

Nathan testified that Lori did not always respond to Charles' text.

Nathan then read from July 1st, 2019, at 10:31 a.m. from Charles to Lori-
"i am going to Idaho first to meet with Tammy Daybell."

Lori to Charles-
"She won't see you; she is my friend. She won't listen, go ahead. You are ridiculous. Are you coming to JJ for the for the fourth or not?"

Charles to Lori on July 1st, 2019, at 10:37 a.m.-
"Then you tell me why you used my name and fictious email to send a BS email about a book i am having him ghostwrite for me. It's fraud and a lie. There is no reason for it other than to get him in Arizona and have an excuse for his wife."

Charles to Lori at 10:38 a.m.- 
"You did this. i had nothing to do with it and you know it. Also, he did not stay with us in November. i will find out."

Nathan testified that he responded to the shooting on July 11th, 2019. He confirmed again that Charles was deceased when he arrived at the scene.

Nathan then read out messages from Charles' phone that were from shortly before his murder on July 11th, 2019, between 7:35 a.m. and 7:37 a.m. between Charles and Adam Cox.

Charles- "Al is here."

Adam- "At Lori's?"

Adam- " Really? Wonder why i never he never called me back."

Adam- "They are planning something."

Charles- "Absolutely."

Adam- "I was supposed to spend the night at his house last night. She probably blocked that."

 Charles- "What you do is up to you."

Nathan testified that Charles never sent another message from his phone ever again nor was there any indication that he ever looked at another message.  Nathan also testified that Charles had the location services on his phone turned on and the location of his phone at the time the messages were sent was at Lori's house at 5531 South Four Peaks Place in Chandler, Arizona. Which is where he was killed.

The prosecution then admitted into evidence a document that shows data collected from Lori’s iCloud "LORIFORSTYLE" and the four phone accounts associated with it. Nathan testified that in searching LORIFORSTYLE he uncovered another account named "LOLLYTIME".  He then was asked to read the phone numbers 808-755-5452, 480-692-9562, 480-489-4652, 512-626-2714 to the court which were associated with the LORIFORSTYLE account. Nathan then read messages between Lori and Alex Cox.

Lori- "Apparently it is tied to Ned being gone, hopefully today or tomorrow."

Alex- "Love you too. Have fun and get rid of Ned already."

Alex- "Ned is still alive, just confirmed."

Lori- "It's not Ned."

Lori- "It's a new one."

Nathan testified that during the first few weeks of the investigation into Charles' death, that he possibly had murdered because of being a dark spirit, or a zombie. Nathan said that he learned that Lori referred to Charles or the spirit in him as Ned or Garret.

Nathan then read text messages between Lori and her friend Nicole Earl on 10/19/2019, the day that Tammy died.

9:18 a.m.
Nicole- "I am not sure if you heard, but Chad's wife died last night."

9:33 a.m.
Lori- "Oh my gosh. I am in Hawaii and it's 6 a.m."

9:34 a.m.
Lori- "Do you know what happened?"

9:37 a.m.
Nicole- "Yes. She awoke in the night, coughing, threw up, collapsed and passed away."

Nathan then read text messages between Lori and her friends Melanie Gibb and David Warrick on 10/19/2019.

1:16 p.m.
Melanie- "I heard what happened to Chad's wife? Oh my gosh."

Lori- "Hello, what?"

Nathan then read text messages from 11/22/2019 between Lori and her son Colby Ryan.
Lori- "I text Ty to send it but i haven't heard back yet. She will probably just do it before she tells me."

Lori- "Hope you got the Venmo, Ty said she sent it late. i'll call you when i get a break. Hope you are having a good day. I love you so much."

Nathan confirmed that the Ty they were talking about was his sister Tylee and that they were talking about her Venmo account.

Nathan then talked about the other iCloud account he found tied to Lori which was It was created on July 1st, 2019, and is linked to two cell phone numbers belonging to Lori. This account contained messages between Lori and Alex Cox on 07/09/2019.

1:49 p.m.
Lori- "So the plot thickens. Call me when you can."

9:50 p.m.
Lori- “Getting sleepy – going to need you to stay close…Lots to do. Thank you for standing by me. It’s all coming to a head this week. I will like Nephi I am told and so are you.”

Nathan confirmed that there were several messages on Lori’s phone that were not located in iCloud, which is not uncommon. The texts were between Lori and Chad and occurred right before the murder of Charles Vallow. 

Nathan also located additional messages between Lori and Chad on that iCloud account. He then reads those messages that are from July 18th, 2019. 

Lori- “I just got a letter from the insurance company that I am not the beneficiary. It’s a spear thru my heart. Who do you think he changed it to? Brandon or possibly Kay?”

Chad- “Wow. That’s terrible. There is no way to find out?” 

Lori- "I might be able to see when i get his computer on Sunday. I could check the emails send to the insurance company. I will show changed of beneficiary. He must have done it recently."

Chad- "It seemed like you would have had to agree to the change. Maybe your name was forged? You should have a good paper trail to prove it."

Nathan confirmed that the messages were exchanged 7 days after Charles' death. He then confirmed that the messages indicated that Lori had just found out she wasn't the beneficiary.

Nathan then read additional messages from July 18th, 2019. 

Chad- "I love you. This is terrible but it is probably another step in bringing down the Gadiantons, especially Brandon."

(Gadiantons are robbers in Mormon Theological history. Their leader was Gadianton. It is also a board game where the forces of light are pitted against the forces of darkness.)

Lori- "Nope. He can change it any time he wants. He's the agent and anyone can change the beneficiary at any time with their own signature. i'm thinking it must be Kay."

Chad- "It would be interesting if he got it changed after he had two bullets in his chest."

On the same day at 12:19 p.m. Lori sent Chad one more message.

Lori- "So, i talked to the insurance company. He changed it in March, so it was probably Ned before we got rid of him. They can't tell me to who of course, but it's done. i will still get the four thousand a month from SS."

Nathan read another message from Lori's iCloud "LOLLYTIME" from Chad to Lori on July 26th, 2019, at 8:13 p.m.

"I’m a grown-up version of Harry Potter, who has to live with the Dudley's in his little space under the stairs. Every few weeks I get to escape and have amazing adventures with my Goddess lover, but then I have to return to my place under the stairs, feeling trapped. But I sense permanent freedom is coming!"

Nathan read another message from Chad to Lori on July 30th, 2019.

"I got the inspiration to go back to my original death percentages that helped us track Charles, Ned, ETC. Tammy is very close. Her percentage has fallen steadily since Hitlos left. It is encouraging."

Nathan explained that Hiplos was the first evil or dark spirit associated with Charles.

More messages were then read by Nathan. On September 3rd, 2019, at 10:02 a.m. Alex sent Lori a message.

"Network name is anti-laman. pw (password) is 2manykids."

Lori to Alex- “Funny!”

Nathan then confirmed that at the time he was looking at these accounts, he was aware of the attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux which occurred on October 2nd of 2019. Nathan located deleted searches of news stations in Arizona from Lori's accounts from the day of the attempt on Brandon's life.

Nathan confirmed that as part of the investigation he also reviewed phone data from Zulema Pastenes' phone. 

Th prosecution then admitted messages from Zulema Pastenes’ phone and Charles Vallow’s iCloud account.

Nathan then read messages from Lori to Zulema. 

May 29, 2019, at 10:32 a.m. 

Lori- “Perfect. I found out there are four. One is a level four entity. His name is Hiplos. The H is silent. The other three are level threes. Let's do this.”

June 2nd, 2019, at 11:54 a.m.

Lori- "Yes, it does. Let's put some fire energy towards Hiplos right now. He is driving now and today is the day. I can do it spiritually. Let's go to him and hover over the truck till we do it. Are you ready?"

Nathan then read more messages. 

July 2nd, 2019, at 7:52 p.m. from Zulema to Lori.
Zulema- "Also, i was given instructions today to rip, tear or burn the aura of Hiplos, to let the body energy out so he can't reenter."

Chad to Zulema on July 2nd, 2019, at 8:35 pm.
Chad- "I am very happy to find out these estates. You and Lolo have doing amazing work. Mother Earth is so grateful to you both. Thank you as well for your help with Hiplos, he is so very close."

Chad to Zulema on July 13th, 2019, at 9:57 a.m.
Chad- "Hi Zulema. Yes, i would be happy to give you a blessing, possibly this evening or tomorrow. It is crazy about Charles', but such a relief."
Nathan testified that through his investigation that he discovered that Lolo is a nickname of Lori's. He also testified that at the time of that last message, on July 13th, Charles had already passed away.

Nathan then read messages between Lori and Zulema on June 2nd, 2019. from 11:55 a.m. to 12:42 p.m.

Zulema- "I ready."

Lori- "Let's go now."

Zulema- "That is powerful. I'm still sending fire."

Lori- "Yes, it is. I am blinding him with light."

Zulema- "Oo that is awesome."

Lori- "I'm feeling it big time. Raphael is with us."

Zulema- "i feel him."

Lori- "Did he leave?"

Zulema- "I can't see him. I felt like i was chasing him because i saw me running after someone."

Lori- "Get him."

Zulema- "Oh i'm chasing."

Lori- "You are amazing lady. I love you."

Zulema- "I'm tired now, lol."

Lori- "Me too. I'll keep the light Abs fire going till he's gone."

Zulema- "Mee too. I'm still sending it."

Nathan then confirmed that he had located additional messages from the KKWalker email account. He then read messages from that account.

Sent April 21st, 2019, at 6:20.
Dear brother Daybell,
this is Karen from A Vow. I contacted you a couple of weeks ago to see if you'd be willing to come speak to our youth here in Houston, Texas. You said you probably could if there was a way to cover your expenses. Since then, i can't shake ethe feeling that you need to come share your story, particularly about Chasing Paradise. We are near the Houston temple and this summer our stake is focusing on family history work. My reason for contacting you again is that we have a stake youth conference planned for all day on Saturday, April 27th. The focus is on the temple and i know you would energize the kids with your stories. We expect about 400 kids to attend including some parents. i know it is extremely short notice but is there any chance you could come? A high councilman is currently the main speaker but he said he would be happy to let you speak instead. My husband and i have been financially blessed and we would pay for your flight. We also have a casita attached to our house where you could stay and not be bothered. Also, my daughter mentioned the young single adults would love to put together a fireside on Sunday evening. I realize your main goal is to sell books and that wouldn't be possible at these events but i know that the interest in your novels would skyrocket here. I'm sorry it's so late. If possible, please let me know as early as possible in the morning so we can include it in the Sunday announcements. Also, we'd want to get your flights booked. If you were able to do both events, we could fly you in on Friday then depart on Monday. Please let me know if this is possible, we would love it.
Karen Walker."

Then Nathan read Chad's response to that email.

"Hello Karen.
Well, yes i will be able to come, so let the wards know. I can talk to you later about the arranging the flight.

Nathan testified that Lori was living in Houston, Texas on April 21st, 2019.

The state had no further questions and neither did the defense, so Nathan was excused from the stand and a lunch was taken.

The jury hadn't been brought back in court yet, because there was a matter that needed to be discussed without them present.

Madison County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Spencer Rammell said the next witness is Zulema Pastenes and the prosecution has recently learned of a criminal felony drug possession charge from 1998 in Arizona where the judgment was withheld. He said that since it is more 10 years old and not a conviction, that he doesn't think it is appropriate to be used in testimony in front of the jury.

The defense says it will not bring up Zulema’s prior charge. Zulema's attorney was with her in court. Thomas for the defense argued it’s not appropriate for Zulema’s attorney to be in court as he’s not licensed in Idaho. Prosecuting attorney Rachel Smith said Zulema’s attorney was three more for aide and counsel. Smith said that her attorney was there “out of an abundance of caution” Do to other legal issues she had going on in Arizona against a blogger. Rachel also said that Zulema was offered a limited-use immunity agreement signed four years ago with prosecutors.

Judge Boyce said if her attorney is here as personal counsel in regard to matters in Arizona, it should be OK to have Zulema’s attorney in the courtroom during her testimony. Her attorney is Garrett Smith, who also represented Lori's niece Melanie Pawlowski and her current husband Ian Pawlowski.

The jurors were brought back in, and Zulema Pastenes was called to the witness stand.

Zulema was Lori's friend from the LDS Church she had met in fall of 2018, before she became the wife of Alex Cox two weeks before he died. Zulema has three kids from previous marriages.

Rachel Smith does the questioning for the prosecution. 

Zulema testified that she met Lori in late October at Melanie Gibb's house in Gilbert Arizona, at an event that Melanie G invited her to listen to Lori speak.

She then said testified that she had met Melanie G met at church and when she moved into the same ward.

Zulema testified that she had met Lori at Melanie G's house. She said that Lori gave a testimony that she had been visited by angels, including the angel Moroni who was giving her personal instructions that she was a personal witness of Jesus Christ.

Zulema then testified that to her, when someone is getting visitations from heavenly beings, it would mean this person has a very high spiritual standing, is very righteous and is spiritually above other people. She said that when Lori said she had been a witness to Jesus that meant that Lori had seen Jesus Christ. Zulema said that in her opinion, that is the highest spiritual standing you could have.

Zulema said that Lori was also claiming that the angels were giving her names to put into the computer for her to do family work in the temple for them. Zulema testified that at that time she had believed in what Lori was saying.

Zulema testified that she had gotten Lori's cellphone number and the next time she saw Lori was when they took a trip together through text and calls to St. George to a conference. She said that her and Lori started out as acquaintances before the conference, but on the way there they sat together as they drove and started talking and developed a friendship.

Zulema then talked about the conference in St. George. The conference was for “Preparing a People”. It was to teach people how to be better prepared for anything that may happen such as a disaster. It was also to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Zulema testified that Chad Daybell was also at the conference. She said that she had met him before at a Preparing the People conference in Arizona in July of 2018 where she had purchased a couple of his books.

Zulema then testified that to the best of here knowledge that Lori didn't know Chad before the conference in St. George. She said that she was present when Lori met Chad at that conference. Zulema said that while she looked around the venue, Lori spent a lot of time at Chad's table. She said that Chad and Lori seemed to just be talking to each other in a regular fashion, but then it progressed into Lori being very flirtatious, giggly and “putting the moves” on him. Zulema said that Lori told her that she was going to stay at Chad's table until she sold all of his books for him. 

Zulema said that when the conference ended, they helped Chad pack up his table and he only had one box left of books. They helped load up his car and then Chad left, and Zulema, Lori, Melanie Gibb and two other ladies went back to the house they were staying at.

Zulema testified that on the way back from the conference that she was in the back seat with Melanie Gibb as Lori was driving. Lori asked them to look up scriptures about who James the Less was. Zulema said that James the Less was one of the Apostles when Jesus Christ was on earth. Later on Zulema found out that Chad had told Lori in a previous life, they had been married to each other and he had been James the Less and was his wife, Elaina.

Zulema said that Lori also had them look up other scriptures. Lori had them look up Doctrine and Covenants 77-11 which speaks about the angel that is going to gather the 144,000 people who will usher in the return of Jesus.

Zulema confirmed that there were pictures taken at the conference. Rachel then admitted three of those photos into evidence. Two of the photos were taken at a Preparing a People conference in St. George and one taken at a conference in Boise. The first photo showed Zulema with an author, Melanie Gibb, and a lady named Michelle at the conference. Michelle was one of the ladies that drove them to the conference. The next photo showed Chad Daybell with Zulema, Melanie Gibb, Lori and a lady possibly named Denae at the conference. Denae and her husband were presenters at the conference.

Zulema said that the next time she saw Lori after the St. George conference was at a Preparing a People conference in Mesa, Arizona. She said that Chad Daybell was there with his table. She said that Lori had been “ghosting” her, so they had not spoken in a while. Zulema said she went to chat with Chad at his table, and Lori approached “very sweet” and invited her to come to her house for a small gathering after the conference. 

Zulema said that Lori also told her that she had asked Charles to go somewhere so she could have people stay at her house after the conference.

Zulema that she stayed at Lori's house after the conference as well Audrey, Serena Sharp, Chad, and a presenter/artist from the conference were all staying there. Zulema said that she was having a really rough day and didn't want to go, but Chad said he really wanted her to go because Chad wanted to give her a blessing. Zulema then explained that a blessing was is given by someone who holds the priesthood, and they receive inspiration, words of comfort or encouragement and convey those words to the person receiving the blessing.

Zulema testified that besides the Chad and the ladies she had mentioned that Lori's brother Alex was also there. She said this was the first time she met Alex. 

Zulema said that at Lori's house everyone was visiting with each other and then she went outside to the backyard with Lori, Chad and talked a little while. She said that Lori was played basketball and asked Chad to play with her. Zulema said that she felt a little awkward, like a third wheel because Lori was being flirtatious with Chad. Zulema said that the situation made her feel uncomfortable, so she decided to go inside. Chad said he was going to go inside with Zulema and Lori said something like, “Why, are you scared of me?” So, Chad stayed outside a little longer with Lori.

Zulema said that after Lori and Chad came back inside, Lori took her to a separate room in the house from where everybody else was at. Chad then gave Zulema a blessing. During the blessing, Chad told Zulema that she was a very special person, she was going to do some amazing things in the future, and he was grateful to know her. The blessing was full of a lot of praise. Zulema confirmed that Lori was present for the blessing and that all of this occurred before Christmas.

Zulema testified that after the conference she would see Melanie G at church every Sunday. She said that they were good friends so they use to visit each other alot. 

Zulema testified that there was a meeting with Chad, Lori and Zulema at Melanie G's house. Chad came to record a podcast with Lori and Melanie as one of their guests. During the visit, Chad had invited them all to lunch because he had information to give Zulema. Zulema said that they went to a restaurant called Firebirds in Gilbert, Arizona. She said that Chad told her that he had information to give her about her prior lives and probations. She said that Chad was trying to give her the information, but Chad and Lori did not want Melanie to hear what he was going to tell her, so he just told her what kind of information he was going to give her. Zulema said that later Chad called her to tell her about her prior lives.  She said that during this conversation Chad told her that he had a way he rated people light or dark. He gave Zulema a light rating and told her how light she was. He then told she had other lives on the earth with the times and who she was in prior lives.

Zulema said that in a previous live Chad told her she was Lori’s daughter and that during that probation she had been killed at the very young age of 14. That she had been raped and that her body had been dismembered by the Lamanites, and she was killed at the same time Lori was killed when Lori was her mother at that time.

Zulema said that after the lunch at Firebirds, she hadn't talked to Lori for a while. She said that sometime later Lori invited her again to Firebirds for lunch. Zulema said that at that lunch Lori made a diagram explaining how different creations are created, how many worlds there are, how many probations one person has and how people are either light or dark and showed how people progress to either lightness or darkness. Zulema said that she doesn't think Lori said how she was just finding this information. Zulema said that she just assumed that it came from Chad because he was the one who had given Zulema her light/dark scale rating.

Zulema said that Melanie Gibb was also at the second lunch at Firebirds when Lori gave her a rating of 4.2 which is a very high number on the chart. She said that Lori’s number was 4.3. Also during this lunch, Zulema said that Lori claimed that Charles was possessed by a dark spirit or demon named Garrett. Lori said that Charles was acting different, more organized than he was before, he was a completely different person and he looked shorter than he was before, that is spirit had been following him for a couple of years so that it could learn everything about him and could possess him.

Zulema testified that the lunch was after Christmas, around February of 2019. She said that she kept a receipt from that lunch because that’s where Lori drew the diagram. Zulema said she eventually turned over the receipt to police.

Zulema said that this wasn't the first time Lori brought up problems with Charles. Zulema said while they were at the Preparing a People conference in St. George, Lori told her that she and Charles were having financial difficulties. Lori said she had been the beneficiary of former husband Joseph Ryan’s $60,000 life insurance policy before he died. Zulema then confirmed that Joseph Ryan was Tylee's dad.

Zulema said that at the second lunch Lori said that she didn't know at first that Charles had changed or that he was a demon or had been possessed by a demon and that she had slept with him twice not knowing that he was possessed. 

Zulema said that towards the end of March, Lori told her that she wanted a group of women to meet so she could show them and teach them some things. Zulema said that they met at her house at the end of March, right before General Conference for the church, which is held at the first weekend in April. She said that Nicole, Christina, Serena, Melanie Gibb, and Lori were there. Zulema said that everyone was going to be staying the night at her house except for Nicole and Christina. She said Lori said she wanted to teach them something so Zulema brought out the whiteboard. She said that Lorie drew the same diagram she had at the restaurant and taught about multiple probations and the light/dark scale. Zulema said that Lori also gave her a sticky note with her prior lives and all the other women received theirs too. Zulema said that then Lori told them women they needed to cast out the demon from Charles and asked them to do a casting on him.

Zulema testified that she had read about castings before in the scriptures and the New Testament when Jesus cast out evil spirits, but she said that in a personal way that was the first time she ever heard about castings.

Zulema said that Lori told them that in order to do a casting they had to be holding hands in a circle and each of the participants would each have a different part to say or do. Lori assigned each woman their roll. Zulema said that Lori asked her to use fire. Zulema said that each person said their part, and then Lori finished it by doing a sealing of the casting. Zulema said that to seal a casting was to make it complete or final.

Zulema testified that Lori had said the casting was to cast Garrett out, who was the evil spirit Lori had told her that Charles had been possessed by.

Zulema then went back to the lunch she had had with Lori at Firebirds. She said that Lori had told her she and Charles had been arguing and that by March they had separated. Zulema said that before that meeting Lori had been coming from Hawaii and she took away Charles’ pickup, keys and all of his stuff. When Zulema asked Lori why she told Charles' stuff, Lori said that she was instructed to do so.

Zulema said that Zulema said Melanie Gibb and the other ladies in at the casting knew Lori and Charles were separated because Lori told everyone she had been in Hawaii and not living in the house with Charles.

Zulema answered yes that she and all the women at the casting believed what they were doing had value. She said that Lori was very convincing and had a charming way of expressing things that are believing, plus how she had expressed before that she had been visited by heavenly beings. “If someone is telling the truth about that, I wouldn’t be questioning them. I would believe they are telling the truth because I would never think that someone would lie about something as sacred as that.”

The prosecution then admitted two photos into evidence that were taken the night of the castings. First photo showed Zulema with Melanie Gibb and Serena Sharp. The second photo showed Zulema with Melanie Gibb and Serena Sharp. 

Zulema then confirmed that it was the first time she had participated in a casting or anything like it. She also confirmed that the subject of casting came up again and that there was another casting done, which was held at her house once more sometime after March. 

Zulema said at the end of the casting in March, Lori called Chad to verify if it worked. Chad told Lori it worked but later Lori and Chad said even though the demon called Garret had been cast out, another more powerful and skillful demon had taken his place, whom they called Ned. Lori said that they needed to do another casting.

Zulema then testified that at this second casting at her home, Nicole, Serena, Melanie Gibb, Alex Cox and Lori were all there. She said that Lori and Chad originally said this was Alex's “first creation” or first time on earth meaning that they were less spiritual experienced, or savvy and they couldn't talk about certain things in front of him because he wouldn't understand or know them. Zulema said though that by this meeting Lori and Chad had changed the rating on Alex and said that he had been in prior creations, and he had exalted in other creations, so he had already been proven. They said that it was his first time on this Earth, but he had been other Earths multiple times. Zulema confirmed that this made Alex a very powerful being. She also confirmed that Alex believed it and that he was very excited to find out who he was.

Zulema confirmed that since Alex was now a powerful being, he participated in the second casting, the one that involved Charles and the evil entity known a Ned. She said that during this casting, everyone had a different part to do. Zulema said that she believed Alex's part was a that of a warrior, but she didn't exactly remember who he was. She said that Lori assigned everyone’s roles in the casting. Zulema said that after the casting, Lori called Chad to see if it had worked. She said that Lori was very confident that it had worked. Zulema said that Lori had told the group they needed to fast. That Lori said that in the scriptures that when the apostles could not cast out a demon or an evil spirit, that Jesus had told them that there are certain demons that can only be cast out by prayer and fasting so, she told them to fast and that they could not eat until after the casting was done.

Zulema testified that she believed that Alex was there when Lori said that the second casting worked.

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