Monday, September 2, 2019

Where is Heather Elvis? Did an Affair With A Married Man Lead To A Pregnancy That Got Her Killed? UPDATED

Heather Rachelle Elvis
Image result for heather elvis
She was so pretty

"They mistook my kindness for weakness

I f****d up, I know that, but Jesus

Can't a girl just do the best she can?

Catch a wave and take in the sweetness

Think about it, the darkness, the deepness 

All the things that make me who I am"

Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex

She was born on June 24th, 1993 in Horry county, South Carolina. 
Image result for sidney moorer facebook post heather was not a relationship
She was the middle child of Debbie and Terry Elvis. Heather enjoyed being in front of and behind the camera and often took selfies. She was very artistic. Heather loved bonfires and s’mores. She was a quiet, responsible young woman and loved children and volunteered at a church day care center.  
Her family says this picture says it all about Heather.

Heather also loved animals and helping those less fortunate. She traveled to Costa Rica for a missionary trip where she read to the children at a orphanage and help build a new roof.

Heather was a graduate of St. James High School. She was studying cosmetology  and had two jobs as a waitress. One of those jobs was at the Myrtle Beach House of Blues and the other at the Tilted Kilt Pub and Eatery. Heather also had recently been hired as a makeup artist at Artistik Design.

In June 2013, 20-year-old Heather took notice of Sidney Moorer, a 38-year-old married maintenance worker who repaired the kitchen equipment at the Tilted Kilt. She pointed him out to her roommate and coworker, Bri Warrelmann. The next month Heather tweeted her infatuation with Sidney.
If she only knew what would happen, she'd have ran away from this dude.

Every time Sidney was around, they would flirt with each other. Soon it would turn into much more than harmless flirting and the two fell in love. When he wasn't working, Sidney would visit Heather at work and bring her food. He even talked to his friends about hiring her as a nanny for his three kids.
On July 28th, Heather posted that she was "In a Relationship" on her Facebook page.

Their relationship came to an end in September.
Heather was the angel, Sidney the devil and Tammy pure evil.

In October, Sidney's 40-year-old wife Tammy found out about the affair, which made her very angry.  She began texting and calling Heather all the time and harassing her online as well.  She also sent the younger woman texts and pictures of herself and Sidney having sex. She even made Sidney call Heather up while she listened and end the affair. Sidney basically told Heather that she was nothing to him.

Tammy password protected Sidney's phone so only she could use it. She handcuffed him to the couple's bed every night and accompanied him whenever he went anywhere outside the house.
Notice that gun and holster Sidney is wearing....
Tammy also made Sidney get her name tattooed on his lower stomach.

Tammy wasn't done with Heather either and sent her a text in late October that read: "someone’s about to get their a** beat down.. your b**** is about to take his last breath… You can tell me where you are right now or I will find out another way… that way wont have a great turn out for you… I am giving you one last chance to answer before we meet in person.. only one"

That wasn't the only message Tammy sent to Heather. “I’ve been having Sidney followed since Jan. 2012.. it’s best you call back and speak to me, save yourself. Hey …… you ready to meet the MRS?”**

Heather replied with, “I think you are a little obsessed with me. I’m nobody you need to worry about anymore.”

I'd say Tammy was a little more than obsessed with Heather at this point. I understand Tammy being angry, but in my opinion she was already going too far. I guess Tammy didn't have enough self-esteem to leave the cheating bastard. As for becoming obsessed with Heather, i think Tammy needed some professional help.

Tammy also tried to get Heather fired from the Tilted Kilt, calling the restaurant regularly and telling them her husband would stop repairing their equipment as long as Heather continued to work there. At one point, Sidney reportedly managed to begin texting Heather again, telling her that his wife had not objected to the affair itself. That Tammy also had a lover, but to his lying about it was the issue. Heather and Sidney both agreed that their relationship was over. Heather also wanted Tammy to stop calling the Tilted Kilt. "I lost hours today because they sent me home after she kept calling" she texted.

On November 5, when Elvis last saw Sidney, she retweeted a joke by comedian Daniel Tosh. "Hey married fellas, you can either cheat on your wife OR murder her. never both. that's when you get caught."

Sidney, Tammy and their two children, left South Carolina to drive to Disneyland for a vacation on November 19th. Tammy was obsessed with everything Disney. They returned on December 11.

During Sidney and Tammy's absence, Heather's life thrived. She seemed like her old self and started hanging out with family and friends more. This is when Heather got the job as a makeup artist. She also began dating again. Everything in Heather's life seemed to be going great, however, she had put on weight. Coworkers at the Tilted Kilt noted that her uniforms had gone up three bra sizes. Heather was concerned she had become pregnant, possibly by Sidney. Her manager at the Tilted Kilt said she had taken one pregnancy test, which came back as "error".

Heather did post this tweet back in July.
Me thinks she really was prego.

On December 4th or December 5th, 2013 Heather moved in with Brianna @ 541 Whiteriver Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC (@ River Oaks Golf Plantation).

In December, Brianna went to visit family in Florida for the holidays, leaving Heather alone in the apartment that they shared. 

On December 13th, was Heather's last Facebook post.
On December 15th, would be the last day Heather worked a shift at The Tilted Kilt.

On December 16th, 2013, was the last time that Terry saw Heather in person.
On December 17th, Heather picked up mail at her parents house. 

Heather text Brianna and told her that she was going out on a date with a new man she had met named Steven Schiraldi. 

At 4:18 p.m, Heather made a purchase at the Kangaroo gas station on Mr Joe White Avenue.

At 4:34 p.m., Heather made a purchase at McDonalds off International Drive.

Around 7 p.m. Steven picked up Heather and took her to dinner at the Bandito's restaurant and cantina. Afterwards, the two drove through neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights. Then they went to Inlet Square Mall  parking lot, where Steven taught her how to drive stick shift. 
Image result for just learned to drive stick i'm a pro heather elvis
 i think that she looks glowing with pregnancy in the photo.

At 10:43 p.m., Heather sent her father a picture of her operating a stick-shift vehicle with the caption “Just learned to drive stick. I’m a pro.” When Heather's dad looked at the picture it made him smile. He had tried and tried to teach Heather how to drive a stick shift, but she was terrible at it and this always made her and her father laugh. Sadly, that was the last photo ever taken of Heather.

At 1:19 a.m., Sidney was seen on surveillance video at a local Walmart buying a pregnancy test. 

Steven dropped Heather off at her apartment around 1:30 and 1:35 a.m. 

Between 1:53- 2:09 a.m., 10 posts are made to Heather’s Tumblr account.

Twenty minutes later, a call was placed from a pay phone to her cell phone, lasting five minutes. It had been Sidney that called Heather and during that five minute call he said that he was planning to leave his wife. He also asked Heather to meet him. There is video of Sidney making the call, but at first he denied making the call. Later, Sidney claimed that the call was just to tell Heather to leave him alone.

Afterwards a hysterical Heather called Brianna.  Brianna advised Heather not to go. After two minutes, the call was ended.

At 2:29 AM, Heather’s phone attempted to call the pay phone that Sidney had used, but there is no answer.

Between 2:42 a.m.-2:56 a.m., Heather’s phone pings at Longbeard’s Bar and Restaurant in Carolina Forest.

At 2:57 a.m., her phone heads to Augusta Plantation Drive, but then turns around.

At 3:01 a.m., her phone returns to Longbeard’s in Carolina Forest.

Between 3:02-3:15 a.m., Heather’s phone remains at Longbeard’s.

At 3:16 a.m., Heather’s cell phone attempts to call Sidney’s cell phone as it is leaving Longbeard’s, but there is no answer.

Between 3:16-3:19 a.m., Heather’s phone heads back to her apartment.

Between 3:19-3:24 a.m., Heather’s phone remains at her residence.

Between 3:17-3:21 a.m., Heather's phone again attempts to call Sidney’s cell phone and this time it is answered. The call duration is 4 minutes and 15 seconds. Heather’s phone is still at her home at this point, and Sidney’s phone is at the Moorer residence. 
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Peachtree Boat Landing

Between 3:25-3:37 a.m., Heather’s phone moves from her residence to this secluded, wooded area at Myrtle Beach called Peachtree Boat Landing.

At 3:36 a.m., a private video surveillance camera captures a dark colored Ford F-150 coming from the direction of the Moorer home and heading towards the boat landing. Later, the F.B.I. confirmed that this was Sidney's vehicle.

At 3:38 a.m., Heather’s phone attempts to call Sidney’s phone but there is no answer. Heather’s phone is now at the boat landing. 

At 3:39 and 3:39:46. a.m., Calls are attempted from Heather’s phone to Sidney’s phone again.

Also at 3:39 a.m., a business video surveillance captures the same vehicle still proceeding in the direction of the boat landing.

At 3:41 a.m., Heather attempts to call Sidney yet again.

At 3:42 a.m., no more cell activity comes from Heather's phone.

At 3:45 a.m., the same business video surveillance camera captures the truck coming from the direction of the boat landing and heading back towards the Moorer residence. 

At 3:46 a.m., the private residence video surveillance captures the vehicle headed from the boat landing towards the Moorer residence.

Tammy and Sidney claimed that they had sexual relations in their vehicle in different areas of Myrtle Beach during the early hours of the morning Heather disappeared

Tammy and Sidney made a withdrawal of $5,000 from the account.

Terry did not hear from Heather at all on December 18th and in the evening on the next day police came door. Terry the officer asked him if he was missing any of his vehicles.
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I think this is a picture of the inside of Heather's car, but i'm not completely sure.

The officer and Terry went down to Peachtree Landing to find Heather's green 2001 Dodge Intrepid parked sideways and abandoned. Terry had an extra set of keys to the car and the police let him open the door. When they looked inside they saw it was a terrible mess. Terry said that that was not out of ordinary for it to be messy. Heather's phone and keys were missing, but her driver's license was there. When the officer suggested that they open the trunk Terry was relieved that Heather's body wasn't inside. Without  bagging evidence, the officer let Terry drive Heather's car back to his house.

Well, there goes some evidence right there...

At 7:00 p.m., Terry repeatedly tried to call Heather, but her phone went directly to voice mail. Heather was also not at her apartment.

At 8:39 p.m., The abandoned vehicle call officially became a missing persons case.

At 11:10 p.m., Terry filed a missing person report
On December 20th, a search of the area around the boat landing turned up nothing.

At 4:00 p.m., Heather didn't show up for work at the Tilted Kilt.
Horry County police began a missing person investigation.
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Steven was quickly cleared and also took and passed a polygraph test. He was very cooperative at first. Sometime later in the investigation, however, he completely shut down to police. Police also found a little discrepancy in some of the places that Steve said he had taken Heather the night of her disappearance. He also refused to let them have access to his phone records. Steve had changed the seats in his car as well.
There was proof that he took her back to her place. There was no proof that he saw Heather after he dropped her off and not proof that she was with him after that. i think he is innocent and was just freaked out by everything.

There were searches of the riverbed down to Winyah Bay by a team of rescue divers from Coastal Carolina University, but there was still no sign of Heather. A set of bones discovered in another area nearby around New Year's Day were later found to belong to a male.

Sidney and Tammy were questioned, besides him saying that he never called Heather and then changing his story, he claimed he didn't know why the records from his phone showed him answering when Heather called him on the night of her disappearance.

On Jan 25th, 2014, Tammy sent text messages saying Belize sounded good, and that she was packing her camper and running to Canada.

On January 28th, Sidney texted his sister-in-law for advice on what to do "with her acting the way she is". The sister-in-law responded that "she needs to get sober."

On February 2nd, Sidney texted Tammy that he "made a horrible choice" in his affair with Heather, but thought he could change their future together for the better

On February 4th, Terry reported that two men in a black Jeep drove by his place of business and yelled at him saying "Heather was first, her sister is next.

Also in February, Sidney filed numerous police reports claiming he was being harassed by random people. He said that people shot at him, his family and his vehicle and this family pets were mutilated and killed. However, there was no proof of anything happening to the family.

Tammy also claimed that she and her family were being harassed. On her Facebook page she wrote about how the police are corrupt. In this post, Tammy admits to having a boyfriend herself and  says that Heather's father, Terry, was threatening her family. 
i think she was the one stalking Heather.

On February 21st, police closed off the section of South Carolina Highway 814 next to the Moorer house to execute a search warrant for the property.
That is the Moorer's house on the right.

According to police reports, while searching the home, "Three firearms were out in the open at the time. Two long guns were leaning against the wall while a compact pistol rested on the night stand beside the bed Overall, the home was in disarray and unsanitary."
"The kitchen had some sort of meat lying atop the kitchen island that had aged for some time. Cooked potatoes were left on the counter top, which had begun to mold. Trash was left about the counter tops and floors. The backyard area was covered in animal feces."
Well, i hope the animals are pooing outside.

The truck was searched as well.
That is the Moorer's truck being taken away, obviously.
After an 11 hour search, both Sidney and Tammy were arrested at home and charged with murder, kidnapping, obstruction of justice and two counts each of indecent exposure. 
This picture creeps me out.
The indecent exposure charge stemmed from sexually explicit images found on their phones that they were determined to have taken of themselves in public places. The obstruction charges against Sidney were resulting from his early denial of his use of the payphone, a claim he reportedly retracted only when confronted with the security camera footage from the gas station showing him making the call. 

On February 24th, a press conference was held and the authorities stated that, "We were able to secure enough to get a search warrant for the property of the Moorer's. And after conducting that search warrant we were able to secure enough evidence to allow for probable cause for a kidnapping charge as well as the charge for murder."
Their bail was set at $20,000 those two charges, but later waived the bond on the kidnapping charges in favor of the murder charges. This meant that they were held without bond.

After their arrests, Sidney and Tammy had a lot of support. Many people thought that Heather was just a crazy stalker, since that is how Tammy and Sidney portrayed her with their online comments.
A month after the arrests the court imposed a gag order on all participants in the case. Investigators also announced that they would later be making additional charges that involved "financial discrepancies filed with the State of South Carolina on behalf of the occupants of the residence". In June these charges were formally filed as related to Medicaid fraud.

In early 2015, the couple were released from jail, after a judge accepted Tammy's mother's house as collateral sufficient to guarantee the $100,000 bond on the murder charges. This made Heather's family angry and  they  argued against the release, claiming they had received threats from the Moorer family and their supporters. The court required Sidney and Tammy to agree to GPS monitoring of their whereabouts, to stay 5 miles away from the Elvis family home at all times and to avoid interacting with any of them on Facebook or other social media.

In September, the court allowed the Moorers to move to Florida, where Sidney had found a job, while the case was still pending. They were required to continue to meet their bail conditions and waive extradition from Florida should they violate them.

Two years went by.. and in March 2016, prosecutors dropped the murder charges against both Sidney and Tammy, but they could be reinstated later should the state decide to. All the other charges were dropped as well, except for the charges related to the alleged Medicaid fraud. Heather's family understood but they were crushed.

On June 20th, 2016, Sidney's trial of kidnapping Heather began. Over the next four days the state presented its case. Heather's coworkers testified that she had had an affair with Sidney and she became pregnant. Heather's supervisors stated that Tammy would come in or call the restaurant and demand her to be fired. Phone and video records that prosecutors argued connected Sidney to Heather the morning she disappeared. 
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When Sidney was asked about the pregnancy test he was seen buying, he said that it was for his wife. The jurors were also taken to see both Peachtree Landing and the Moorers' house.

The last day of the trial the jury heard Brianna's testimony. She described the affair between her roommate and Sidney in great detail. When she talked about her last conversation with Heather, she became visibly shaken. On cross-examination, the defense asked her Heather's previous abusive relationship with a boyfriend and sometimes her not getting along with her family. Sidney's attorney rested his case, making his closing argument saying that the case against his client was entirely circumstantial.

After deliberating for 11 hours, the jury was hung, 10-2, with ten of them wanted to convict, but two did not. Allegedly, one of the juror members was friends with Sidney's lawyer. The judge declared a mistrial.

After the trial, the judge found Sidney in contempt of court for having previous violating the gag order and served two months in jail.

Sidney rambled on Facebook saying that Heather was not anything significant to him, and basically she was a prostitue. He also suggested that Heather's dad had something to do with her death and that the police were corrupt.
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Freaking Nutball

There is no proof that Terry abused Heather in anyway or anyone else for that matter. The only suspect thing that Terry did came two months before Heather's disappearance. On his own Facebook page Terry posted about how when hiding a body, not to use concrete, use topsoil and sand and then cover it with leaves. He said concrete was a dead give away.
Maybe Terry is a TrueCrimer?

In July 2017, a hearing was held to determine whether Tammy had violated the gag order and should be charged with contempt of court. Sidney was tried on the obstruction charge shortly afterwards.

The prosecution attempted to prove to the jury that Sidney's initial denial that he had made the payphone call to Heather, only to admit to it when confronted by the video evidence, hindered the progress of the investigation. A cousin of Tammy's also testified that after the disappearance Sidney had shown him something on his phone which indicated that he had known more about it than he had told police at that point.

Sidney was convicted and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, the maximum for the offense.

In April 2018, a grand jury indicted Sidney and Tammy on a single count of conspiracy to kidnap. 

In October 2018,Tammy went on trial for the charges. The prosecution introduced the threatening text messages she had sent Heather. The state theorized that Tammy's motive had been jealous over the chance that Heather was pregnant. Sidney's mother testified that a few days after learning of the affair Tammy beat her husband severely. Sexually explicit texts she had sent to her lover were also introduced.

The detective who interviewed Tammy recalled that she showed Tammy a hotel room key found in Heather's car, as well as a receipt indicating Sidney had paid for the room, suggesting that their relationship had been somewhat serious. After prosecutors brought this up on cross-examination, as well as eliciting from Tammy an admission that she and Sidney were now legally separated, due to her disappointment over him not having taken the stand in his own defense during either of his trials.

Tammy's defense had her children, mother, and another who had not been identified ready to testify. They were accused of violating the sequestration order forbidding them from watching live coverage of the trial. A deputy sheriff testified in a hearing that he had seen them watching it on a laptop while waiting to testify. The judge barred the defense from presenting them.

Tammy's sister, Ashley Caison was allowed to testify. She said that Sidney had gotten his tattoo in January 2012 and that she could prove this with texts between herself and the tattooist's wife. She also said that Tammy did handcuff Sidney to the bed, by only for sexual role playing. On cross-examination, the prosecution confronted her with her police interview, where she had said otherwise.

Caison also stated that while she had been watching the Moorer children until 3 a.m., she said this was not an unusual occurrence since the children were homeschooled and often stayed up late. Tammy had texted her at 3:10 a.m. that she and Sidney were home, whereupon the children walked back there.

Sydney Moffitt was a former roommate of Heather's and testified she had a abusive relationship with a previous boyfriend. One day in 2012 Heather had returned from work with bruises on her neck. She also said that she had not had much contact with Heather since that year. 

On the stand, Tammy said that they slept in a sleigh bed and there was no way that anyone in it could be handcuffed to it. The night of Heather's disappearance, she said, she and Sidney had gone out to have sex in his truck and buy the pregnancy test and the test came back negative. After returning to the house at 3:10 a.m, she did not go right to bed since she still had work to do around the house after returning from a long vacation. However, she said that shortly afterwards it had been Sidney who took the call from Heather on his phone, but stayed home after that.

The prosecutor said in his closing argument,"When you mix jealousy, deceit and just an absolute crazed woman so worried about [Heather] stealing her husband, that is when unnatural things happen."  Tammy's lawyer suggested that there was no way the Moorers could have made Heather disappear without a trace in the 55 minutes between the end of her cell phone activity and Tammy's text to her husband about the pot stickers.

After the 11-day trial, the jury convicted Tammy of both charges following four hours of deliberations. She was sentenced to 30 years for each, to run concurrently, with credit for time served.

I found this on my travels around the internet.
Image result for sidney moorer facebook post heather was not a relationship
i wonder if she was brought up on charges if that is true.

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At the time of her disappearance, Heather was 5'0 - 5'1" tall, 110 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. She has the following tattoos: a six-inch compass rose on the inside of her left forearm, a six-inch stylized sea turtle on the left side of her torso, an infinity symbol on the right side of her torso, a small ocean wave on the outside of her wrist, and a sugar skull on her thigh. 

If you have any information in Heather's disappearance please call the Horry County Police Department at 843-915-5350.

What do you think happened to Heather?

In my opinion, there is a small chance she is alive, but i think she maybe was killed by the Sidney and Tammy. I think that they kidnapped her, maybe or maybe not by gun point. I think they had her take the pregnancy test, and it came back positive. I think that Tammy flew into a rage and killed her, but not at the boating dock and not at their house. I think it happened somewhere else, some remote place, or someone else's house. To me they had the strongest motive and one of them lured her to where her car was found.

Heather's family desperately needs closure, if you know what happened to her, please come forward.

Sidney's retrial for the kidnapping and possible murder of Heather starts September 9th, 2019. If he is convicted, will Sidney finally spill the beans on what happened to Heather?

Retrial Of Sidney Moorer For The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis Starts This Week.

Day One of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.

Day Two of Sidney Moorer's Retrial Of The Disappearance Of Heather Elvis.


  1. I think Heathers dad was the killer

  2. Anonymous, did you read my article and watch all the trial footage?

  3. I just watched the retrial of the husband, and I am now watching the trial of Tammy Moorer. How much land did the Moorers own, and was it searched? It just seems they picked her up in the truck and disposed of her somewhere. From the aerial maps, it seems there are bodies of water besides the river. I'd be interested to know anything else you know. Thank you!
