Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Was Roxanne Sold Into A Sex Trafficking Ring? Or Did She Fight Back And Was Murdered?

👗Roxanne Elizabeth Paltauf👗
👗She was born on January 3rd, 1988 to Elizabeth Harris. Roxanne was  a responsible teenager who was devoted to her four younger siblings. She kept in daily contact with her mother, whom she was close to. She had dropped out of McCallum High School in her junior year, enrolled in job training and was studying for her GED. She had passed all the sections of the GED exam except mathematics. Roxanne worked at a flower shop and had taken a second job at a census bureau. She was very artistic and dreamed of becoming a fashion designer.

👗It was an extremely hot summer in 2006 in Austin, Texas. Elizabeth's oldest daughter, 18 year old Roxanne or "Roxy" as she was called, decided to spend the 4th of July holiday with her boyfriend, Louis Walls.  
👗Roxy met Walls when she was 16. He told the family that he was 18 years old. Elizabeth didn't approve of the relationship, which was a volatile one, but Roxy kept dating him anyway. Walls also had two young kids that Roxy loved to take care of. 

👗Normally, Roxy would spend the 4th of July holiday with her mother and sisters, but it was Roxy and Walls two year anniversary, so Roxy spend it with him instead. This was not only a surprise to Roxy's family, but to her friends as well. One of Roxy's friends had called her the last weekend in June and caught her crying. "Was there trouble with Walls, she asked? " Roxy said that she couldn't talk about it then. The friend told Roxanne to get dressed, and she would pick her up. Roxy agreed, but when the friend called back to say that she was ready to come pick her up, Roxy never answered. The friend also claims that she similar conversation on the 4th of July. Roxy and Walls were arguing and she was trying to leave him alone, but he wasn't letting her. So the friend told her to just leave and not to talk to him anymore.

👗Roxy made plans to go shopping with her family for after her romantic getaway with Walls, but those plans never made it to fruition.

👗Elizabeth had talked to Roxy via phone on July 7th to let her know what time they were going to leave for their shopping trip that day. After the phone call, several hours and the deadline that Elizabeth had given Roxy passed. Roxy should have been home already, where was she? Then Roxy called saying that she was going to spend one more night with Walls and she'd be home the next morning. That was the last time Elizabeth would hear her daughter's voice.

👗The next morning came and Roxy hadn't made it home yet. Her family decided to give her space and went on their shopping trip without her. When the family returned back home around 4 p.m. Elizabeth receives a phone call from Roxy's cellphone, but it was Walls on the line instead of Roxy. Walls wanted to know if she's seen Roxy because that had gotten into a fight the night before and she stormed out. He said that he tried to go after her, but she was too mad and that she had left the hotel without taking her cellphone or anything else with her.

👗Roxy's family think that this is very uncharacteristic of her and it sends them into a panic. 
Elizabeth and her other daughters decide to go to the motel where Roxy and Walls were staying. When they arrived Roxy's family noticed that the motel was in a bad neighborhood and that the motel room showed signs of an extensive disturbance. Elizabeth called the police and she also asks Walls to call police as well. Roxy was 18 that didn't investigate for a couple of days.

👗Oh, and when Walls called Roxy's mom, he had already had checked out of the motel, taking both his and Roxy's belongings with him, and was already home. Also, Elizabeth found out that Walls had lied about his age and that he wasn't really 18 when he met Roxy, he was 28. He has a long criminal record as well.

👗Three days after Roxy went missing police arrived at the motel. This gave ample time for the motel room to be cleaned and different people to have stayed there. Also, the motel didn't keep very good records of their tenants, so it was unclear which room Roxy and Walls stayed in.

👗Walls didn't give Roxy's belongings back to the family or to the police until five days after Roxy had went missing. The items included Roxy's cellphone, her purse, the jewelry she usually wore and a bag of her clothes. When the family goes through Roxy's clothes, they find out that they are not hers.

👗When the police get the phone records for Roxy's cellphone, they discovered there was over 300 calls made after she went missing to sex hotlines and Wall's ex girlfriend in New Mexico. Police also talk to the motel clerk and she said that she did see Roxy leave the night she went missing followed by Walls, who apparently pleaded with her to come back before she ultimately walked away. The clerk also said that after she got off of work, she spent the night with Wall in the motel room. At this point in the investigation, Walls refused to talk to police because he said they were to frame him.

👗So far, Wall's behavior has made him not only suspicious to police, but to Roxy's family as well. This makes Roxy's sisters think back to a few months before she went missing. They had seen her at a bus stop wearing sunglasses, so they pulled over to give her a ride. Roxy got in the car with her sisters and when she took off her sunglasses, they realized that Roxy had been beaten up and had a broken nose that was so bad she ended up having surgery. When they get home, Roxy tells her family that she got caught in a fight been Walls and some other men. 

👗After thought about Roxy's broken nose, and her being missing, the sisters decided to talk to Roxy's friends. The friends tell them that it was Walls who beat Roxy and gave her that broken nose.

👗Six days after Roxy went missing, police received a 9-1-1 call from the motel next to the one where she was last seen. A man had a local companion pinned and was choking her while she struggled to get away. A security guard walking passed the window saw this happening and called the police. By the time the police arrived, the man had fled accidentally leaving his wallet and hearing aide behind. Eventually, the man came back and was questioned by police.

👗The man's name was Geoffrey Moore and he frequently acquired companions for the evening. Moore would take them to hotel rooms and be quite rough with them. There was no charges filed against him because the companion decided she didn't want to have anything to do with the situation any longer. However, police have other questions for Moore pertaining to Roxy's ID that was found in his wallet. At first, Moore claimed that Roxy was a friend and they had went out and he was holding her. Later, he changed his story and said had met Roxy and Walls at a bar and they had asked him for a ride back to their motel. He said that when he gave them the ride, that her ID had fallen out and he'd put it in his wallet until he could give it back. When they searched Moore's SUV they find a blood stain and sent the sample out for testing. When the results came back, the blood wasn't Roxy's.

👗Roxy's family and friends spent days handing out filers and questioned people around the area she went missing from. There was a companion working the streets named Loretta. Loretta walked up to Elizabeth and asked if Roxy had been found yet. Elizabeth informed Loretta that there still is no clue to where Roxy is. Loretta then takes Elizabeth's hand and vows that she will help to find Roxy.

👗Two weeks later, Elizabeth received a call from the police informing her that a body had been found under a bridge in the area where Roxy had gone missing from. When the coroner identified the body, it's not Roxy's body, but that of Loretta with paper towels stuck down her throat.

👗Was Loretta killed trying to help find out what happened to Roxy?

👗A month after Roxy went missing, Walls had a new, young girlfriend. Elizabeth met the new girlfriend and showed her pictures of Roxy. The girlfriend seemed afraid, but not of Elizabeth, she was afraid of Walls. She told Elizabeth that Walls had told her that she better do what he tells her or the same thing will happen to her that happened to Roxy. 

👗This is were i get conflicting information. In some articles it says that the girlfriend didn't cooperate with police and some it says she did. In articles that claim the girlfriend did talk to police, they state that in March 2008, Walls was charged with making a terroristic threat against her. She told police she'd met Walls to make arrangements for him to see the son he'd conceived with her but that he wanted instead to talk about her getting "back with him." When she said no he whispered in her ear, "I don't want to kill you like I did that girl Roxanne," and, "I really did kill her; I know how to do something with bodies." Allegedly, Walls pleaded no contest to the charge, was found guilty, and sentenced to 140 days in jail.
Those articles also said that Walls had tried to pimp the girlfriend out. 

👗In 2014, the FBI search a field close to where Roxy disappeared from. They spend all day searching, but do not find any sign of Roxy.

👗Fast forward to 2019, and Austin police detectives reviewed Roxy's case. They realized historical data was never requested from her cell phone provider, so they filed a search warrant for all data and records for Roxy's phone before, during and after she was reported missing. They believe that the data might lead to Roxy's wear-a-bouts. 

👗One of the things that detectives found was that Walls had made a call to his ex-girlfriend the night before Roxy's disappearance, saying that he "F-d up."

👗Roxy's family and the authorities believe that foul play was involved in her case. One of the detectives theorizes that Walls wanted to pimp Roxy out for money and that when she refused something happened to her. The detective also believes that both Walls and Moore had something to do with Roxy's disappearance and possible death. Moore moved to Houston, but it is said that Walls still lives in Austin.

👗Roxy was last seen at approximately 8:30 p.m. on July 7, 2006 at a Budget Inn hotel in the vicinity of Interstate 35 and Rundberg in Austin, Texas. She had checked into the hotel with her boyfriend, Louis Walls. At the time of her disappearance Roxy was 18 years old, 5'4" tall, 115 lbs with light brown hair and green eyes. She was last ween wearing a pink or peach-colored tank top, light blue shorts and flip-flops.  Roxy's navel was pierced and her ears were double-pierced. She had a mole on the right side of her neck and a quarter-sized scar on her left knee. She had previously fractured her nose and one of her upper front teeth was false. Her nickname is Roxy. She would now be 31 years old.
Any information, no matter how small would be appreciated. 
Every year, on the anniversary of Roxy's disappearance, her family passes out flyers and talks to those who will listen about Roxy.


  1. I seen this story on Crime Watch Daily a few weeks ago and haven't been able to let it go and I dunno why this has become so personal and I think about her and her family everyday and pray for her and them and that they get closure. I dunno why out of all the crime shows I watch bc I've seen so many but for some reason this Beautiful woman Roxanne is still on my mind and my heart hurts for her and how I wish she was brought home to her family alive but regardless she deserves to be at peace and I hope the person who is responsible for her disappearance is found bc it makes me sick to think about them doing this to other women and getting away with it.

  2. So true unknown. Unfortunately, this happens far too often. :-( If you haven't, you should listen to the "Voices For Justice Podcast". Also, you should check out the group on Facebook. It is about Sarah Turney's sister Alissa. There you will be able to get links to other pages fighting for justice for missing people and victims of horrible crimes.
