Thursday, August 8, 2019

Is Nancy's 40 Year Old Murder About To Be Solved?

🚲Nancy Lynn Radbil🚲
🚲She was born on October 5th, 1960 in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin to David and Helene Radbil. 

🚲On July 6th, 1979, Nancy was 18 years old when she disappeared. She had went bike riding along a bike path(now named Oak Leaf Trail) of Menomonee River Parkway just off of Hwy 100 and silver drive. She was last seen sitting in the grass along side the path sitting by her blue bike and talking to a man who was standing next to a small red Honda motorcycle. 

🚲In the days that followed, an extensive search left authorities, friends, and family searching for any trace of the soon-to-be college sophomore. Someone from that search party discovered a sewer cap that wasn’t quite right and when they started looking into the sewer, they saw the clothing and shoes Nancy was last seen wearing. 
They soon discovered bike not long after. Then, Nancy's body was found by her brother, in the wooded area next to where she was last seen. She was naked with her throat slit. 
🚲A sketch was released of a possible suspect, and authorities combed through records to try and locate an owner of the red Honda motorcycle.

🚲Swabs were taken from Nancy's body, some of which hadn't been sent to the crime lab until recently. Technology started to catch up in 1999 and DNA testing has became more commonplace. A DNA sample was located that foreign to her and a new search began. Police began working backwards, gathering DNA from any of the previous suspects to see if it came up as a match. Forty years later, no one has matched the DNA found on Nancy’s body.

🚲Helen is heartbroken over her daughter’s death, is grateful for anyone who is looking into the case, and her “greatest fear has always been that it would be forgotten.”

I Promise, Nancy Will Not Be Forgotten!
🚲Anyone who knows something about Nancy’s case are asked to reach out.

Detectives can be reached at 414-935-7360.


  1. To this day this haunts me. I saw her go past me that day. I heard a cycle but never saw it. That could have been me.

  2. Wow. Me too. I was 7 yrs old at the time. I will never forget it though. I spent a lot of time on that trail, even when I was that young. Lived right near there and my parents wouldn’t let us go on the trail for some time. I have a sister the same age. Could’ve been her. I see the other post was just yesterday. Let’s get this rolling, put some pressure on the police cold case unit to try familial DNA! Hopefully they have the resources. It has closed some huge cold cases across the country. They do have a DNA profile.

  3. That is a great idea known. There are many of us out there trying to get justice for many victims of grave injustices and crimes like this. Voices for Justice Podcast and The Voices for Justice Facebook group is one of the many places where you can go filled with people that are trying and willing to help.

  4. I was a child 7 years old and lived three doors down from the Menomonee River Parkway. The police combed our neighborhood during the days this young angel was missing. The police came to our house and asked to look throughout the home. Having the police looking in your house for evidence from a murder on a bike trial where all us children played was horriffic. The neighborhood was forever changed and we were not allowed back on the trails for years. I hope this piece of scum is found and brought to justice before he passes. Lord, please give this family peace and protect our children.
