Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Here is a poem i wrote.

In the echoes of the past, where memories reside, lurks a shadowed figure, with secrets to hide. Once a friend, now a ghostly trace, obsessed with the past, lost in the chase.

Eyes that once sparkled with genuine light, now glint with a madness, hidden from sight. She whispers tales spun from deceit, A web of lies, tangled and neat.

Her laughter, once warm, now carries a chill, a haunting melody, a twisted thrill. She clings to the echoes of days gone by, Her heart a labyrinth of a fractured lie.

In the corners of her mind, old friendships bloom, but reality fades, consumed by gloom. She watches from afar, a silent plea, yearning for a past that can never be.

Unhinged and restless, she roams the night, a phantom of memories, lost from sight. Her obsession a prison, her lies a chain, In the shadows of the past, she remains.

The threads of deceit, once tightly spun, begin to fray, one by one. Truth emerges, stark and bare, A mirror reflecting her deepest despair.

Friends she once held in her tangled snare, now see the truth, laid out there. The trust she shattered, the bonds she broke, Rise like ghosts, in the words they spoke.

Her world, once crafted from fragile lies, falls apart before her eyes. The whispers grow louder, the shadows retreat, Leaving her alone, in her own defeat.

No longer hidden, her secrets exposed, the mask she wore, forever deposed. In the silence that follows, she stands alone, A queen dethroned, without a throne.

Yet in the ruins, a chance to mend, to seek forgiveness, to make amends. For in the light of truth, she may find, A path to heal, a peace of mind.

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