Sunday, July 21, 2024

Feds Arrest 3-year-old Da'Shawn McCormick's Father and Stepmother, But He Is No Where to Be Found!

“Dashawn, if I could see you today, I would wrap my arms around you and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ … Dashawn, I want you to know that I love you very, very much and I will never give up hope until you come home. Your brothers, sister, and I pray every night that you are safe and holding strong. We love you and miss, you Dashawn.” ~Jasmine McCormick

Da'Shawn was described as being like no other. He was the happiest kid you could ever know and could brighten up the whole room with that gorgeous smile of his. Even on his bad days he never once showed how bad he was feeling and always kept a smile on that face. He was always laughing and playing with his siblings and his mom. He also loved to play with his Nana and went everywhere with her. At night, he would entwine his fingers in her hair, ensuring that if she went anywhere, she wouldn't go without him. He was the most loving and caring child you could ever know. If you were feeling down, he would go out of his way to bring a smile to your face and lift your spirits. He was understanding and very loving. He loved going to the park and he loved to play in the snow.

Da’Shawn Leon McCormick was born on August 17th, 2007, to Floyd LeRoy Lee Jr and Jasmine McCormick.

Da'Shawn was 4 when Jasmine last saw him in Anchorage in March of 2012.That was the moment she departed from Lee, taking her three other children with her but leaving Da'Shawn behind due to Lee having full custody at that time. Jasmine characterized Lee as abusive and stated that she departed due to fear for her life. 

Jasmine is quoted as saying “I had to make the choice to stay and die or lose a child and leave and get the other children out of there. I wanted to take Da'Shawn with me, but I would’ve been put in prison."

Jasimine said that she last spoke to Da’Shawn in June 2012. Judy Holmes, Da'Shawn’s step-grandmother said that the last time she saw him was on July 4th, 2012. After that, whenever her grandchildren came to visit her, Da’Shawn wasn’t among them. 

Mary Transki
On April 1st, 2013, FBI agents arrived at the residence shared by Lee and Da'Shawn's stepmother, Mary Elizabeth Transki, and arrested them for securities fraud and mail fraud. Both were convicted; Lee received a 37-month sentence, and Transki was sentenced to 21 months in prison. They served their sentences and were subsequently released. At the time of Lee and Transki's arrest, Da'Shawn was nowhere to be found.

After the arrest of Lee and Transki, a witness came forward alleging that Transki had admitted to murdering Da'Shawn and burying the body on her property. Nonetheless, when interrogated by the authorities, Transki refuted the occurrence of such an event. Meanwhile, Lee has remained silent regarding the whereabouts of Da'Shawn.

Jasmine petitioned a Palmer court to gain custody of Da'Shawn, which was granted in December 2013. She lives in Alabama and is awaiting his return. She hopes that he was given to another family before Lee and Transki's arrests.

“Continue to pray for my son. If you know anything, please come forward. I know there are people who have information about this case but won't come forward for their safety. I just want to know what happened to him.” ~Jasimine McCormick

Da’Shawn may be in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough area. The circumstances of his disappearance are unclear, and his case remains unsolved.

At the time if his disappearance Da'Shawn was 4 years old biracial (African American/Caucasian) male. He was 3ft 6in tall, 45 lbs. with blonde hair and brown eyes.
He had a U-shaped scar in the center of his forehead and a burn scar on his left thigh.
As of this post Da'Shawn would be 16 years old and may resemble this composite.

If you have any information regarding Da'Shawn's whereabouts, no matter how small, please contact the Anchorage Police Department at 907-786-8500 or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 800-843-5678.

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